SEPTEMBER 27, 1993
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue McNutt, Buddy Luce, Sally Hall, Cathy Turner,
Jason Miller, Brad Bradley, Annette Skupin, Ayn Henderson. Andrew
Wambsganss (arrived at 6:45).
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by chairman, Buddy
Agenda Item #2. Approval of the Minutes/August 23, 1993
The Minutes of the August 23, 1993, Teen Court Advisory Board were
approved as presented.
Motion: Miller
Second: Henderson
Ayes: Miller, Henderson, Luce, Hall, Turner, Skupin.
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Presentation• Teen Court Coordinator- Monthly and
Ouarterly Reports.
According to Sally Hall, Secretary, the board noted that apparently
the City Council decided the Teen Court Advisor should be an
employee of the City. The Teen Court Advisory Board has not been
officially informed of this decision. A discussion was held in
regard to the Council's decision of the continuance of Mrs. McNutt
as the Teen Court Coordinator. A problem apparently exists as to
whether an employee of the school district can work as an employee
of the City of Southlake. Advisory Board members expressed concern
on the following points. 1) Mrs. McNutt is working out well as to
public relations with the High School and involvement of Teen Court
with the High School. 2) going out to rehire a new advisor would
undermine the progress that has been made. 3) Mrs. McNutt Is
district work as tennis instructor, does not appear to interfere,
according to the board.
Apparently there will be a meeting with the City Manager to address
these concerns, on September 30, 1993.
Mrs. McNutt reported that the following funds have been donated to
the Teen Court Program: $500. from the Southlake Women's Chamber;
and, $500. from tickets purchase for the Spaghetti Dinner from Tex
Mrs. Sue McNutt submitted her monthly report as follows:
- there are presently seven (7) lawyers trained.
- the fifth amendment was discussed at length by
Presiding Judge Issac Gregory.
Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting
September 27, 1993
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A discussion was held in regard to pleading guilty. Annette Skupin
felt that by pleading guilty in order to appear in Teen Court, the
defendant has waived their right to plead the 5th amendment. Judge
Bradley will explain in future Teen Court proceedings, giving his
McNutt reported the lawyers are doing a better job of preparing
witnesses for the Teen Court trial proceedings.
A Teen Court Report, dated September 13, 1993, was submitted, and
made apart of the minutes of this meeting.
Agenda Item #4, Election of Officers.
The Election of Officers was held for president, vice -president -
treasurer, secretary.
Motion was made to elect Annette Skupin as president.
Motion: Luce
Second: Hall
Ayes: Luce, Hall, Turner, Miller, Henderson, Skupin
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Motion was made to elect Ayn Henderson as Vice -President -Treasurer.
Motion: Miller
Second: Hall
Ayes: Miller, Hall, Luce, Turner, Henderson, Skupin
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Motion was made to elect Cathy Turner as Secretary.
Motion: Hall
Second: Miller
Ayes: Hall, Miller, Luce, Turner, Henderson, Skupin
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #5, Election of Student Advisory Board Representatives.
A discussion was held in regard to new teen members of the Advisory
Board. Seniors: Christel Bartlett and Jason Miller. Juniors:
Ayn Henderson and Hutch Carpenter. Alternate members: Dennis
Watkins and Dom Carlucci.
Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting
September 27, 1993
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Agenda Item #5, Continued
Motion was made to approve the membership of the teens noted as
members of the Teen Court Advisory Board.
Motion: Henderson
Second: Luce
Ayes: Henderson, Luce, Miller, Turner, Skupin, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #6, Teen Court Conference
Coordinator, Sue McNutt, reported that the annual Teen Court
Conference will be held on November 12th and 13th, in Bedford,
Texas. Cost for the registration will be $40. per person.
Motion was made to approve the funding for the conference to those
wishing to attend, including advisory board members and lawyers.
Motion was approved.
As of this time those wishing to attend
include, Annette Skupin, Ayn Henderson, Cathy
Turner, and Sue McNutt.
Agenda Item #7, Lawyer Interviews
During the discussion regarding lawyer interviews, Mrs. McNutt
noted that the lawyers will be given packets. Packets will contain
guidelines to assist them to become better lawyers. Included in
the packets will be rules of evidence; lawyer protocol and etc.
The Advisory Board expressed thanks to Buddy Luce, Jon Michael
Franks, Issac Gregory, and Brad Bradley for working with the Teen
Lawyers. Annette Skupin stated she feels we will be able to get
the Young Lawyers Association to assist our Teen Court in lawyer
training and court proceedings. Further information regarding
their involvement will be reported to the Board at a future
Advisory Board meeting.
Sue McNutt stated she has asked several students who applied for
the position of lawyers for Teen Court to appear before the
Advisory Board. This procedure is being followed so the board will
have a better idea of the quality of the applicants, and the
applicants will have a better idea of the importance of their
position, their responsibilities and the seriousness of the Teen
Court. Teens appearing before the board include: Hutch Carpenter,
Rachal Samartin, Laura Garcia Amanda Baker.
Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting
September 27, 1993
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Agenda Item #7, Continued
The Advisory Board also discussed admitting to lawyer training,
some teens that had worked hard to change their image and had
improved their behavior at school. Mrs. Skupin, Mrs. Turner, Jason
Miller and Ayn Henderson felt the "second chance program" was worth
consideration. Mrs. hall was not comfortable with the
consideration unless close scrutiny of second chance candidates
could be incorporated. Concern over jeopardizing program of Teen
Court and role model the lawyers play in early success of Teen
Court Program needs to be considered. The board decided to give a
second chance to candidates as a trial run, as the role of Teen
Court is also to work with teens towards improved behavior.
Note: Board's second chance candidate, upon
further review with Assistant High School
Principal failed to meet the criteria and has
been dropped from consideration for lawyer
Administrative Comments.
Andrew Wambsganss submitted a question from Councilmember Jerry
Farrier concerning Southlake Police Department DISP= Teen Court
documentation of two cases regarding "minor in Possession of
alcohol and minor in possession of drug paraphernalia".
The Board members discussed Teen Court guidelines established at
the beginning of the program, December 1991. The program was
developed from Teen Court models, City of Arlington, City of North
Richland Hills, and City of Fort Worth. These infractions were
included in their model. Minors in possession of a certain amount
of drugs were also included in their model which Southlake deleted
from its document, upon the advice of DARE Officer Mike Bedrick.
Further discussion with Council regarding this issue should be
followed up after the documents are presented to Councilmembers.
Mrs. Hall to retrieve documents from the City Secretary.
Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting
September 27, 1993
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Agenda Item #8, Adjournment
The next meeting of the Teen Court Advisory Board is scheduled for
November 8, 1993, to be held in the Community Building at
Bicentennial Park.
Respectfully Submitted
Sally Hall
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