1993-12-13TEEN COURT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING 300 WEST WHITE CHAPEL BLVD., SOUTHLARE, TEXAS DECEMBER 13, 1993 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Annette Skupin, Chairman; Cathy Turner, Secretary. Members: Buddy Luce, Christie Bartlett, Sally Hall, Jason Miller, and Sue McNutt, Coordinator. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ayne Henderson, Andrew Wambsganss, Brad Bradley, Hutch Carpenter, Dennis Watkins, and, Dom Carlucci. The Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Annette Skupin. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the September 27, 1993, Teen Court Advisory Board meeting were approved as presented. Motion: Luce Second: Miller Ayes: Luce, Miller, Skupin, Turner, Hall, Bartlett. Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments It was noted that the home telephone number for Jason Miller needs to be added to the Membership Roster. Agenda Item #4, Discussion: Lawyer Training. The following points were discussed during this agenda item, in regard to Lawyer Training: a) The Teen Court Coordinator has administered a test for Teen Lawyers. b) It has been decided that the Teen Lawyers are required to visit an outside teen court. c) It was decided that more Teen Lawyers are needed, so that current lawyers can be disciplined if and when needed. d) Require all new Teen Lawyers to attend a Luce/Franks training session. e) Require all lawyers to stay after court for thirty (30) minutes. f) Move Court time back to 6:00 p.m. g) Training will be on Wednesday nights. Regular Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting December 13, 1993 page two Agenda Item #5, Discussion: MIP Offenses. It was decided by those present to leave the MIP Offenses as is. Agenda Item #6, Discussion: Teen Court State Conference. This item was not discussed during this meeting. Agenda Item #7, Consider: Awards and Scholarships During this agenda item, the Teen Coordinator, Sue McNutt was asked to write the criteria on Teen Scholarships and also, to check on the exact funds available. It was decided that there will be Scholarship Pins for Seniors for their letter jackets. Agenda Item #8, Consider: Shirts. During this agenda item, it was noted that there will be Teen Court Lawyer Shirts with the same Logo as is on the brochures. Agenda Item #9, Consider: Proposal for Jim Henson to Combine Teen Court with Campus Discipline. Sally Hall will chair a committee to write the proposal to combine Teen Court with Campus Discipline. Agenda Item #10, Consider: Development of Informational Material for S.P.I.N. Buddy Luce explained S.P.I.N. for other members of the board, and will work to put together a packet to submit to S.P.I.N. Agenda Item #11, Adjournment. The Meeting was adjourned. Motion: McNutt Second: Bartlett Ayes: McNutt, Bartlett, Turner, Miller, Skupin, Luce Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Respectfully submitted, Cathy Turner, Secretary tc\meeting\minutes\12-13-93\sl