FEBRUARY 14, 1994
MEMBERS PRESENT: Annette Skupin, Chairman; Cathy Turner,
Secretary. Members: Andy Wambsganss, Hutch Carpenter, Dennis
Watkins, and Sally Hall.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Buddy Luce, Dom Carlucci, Christie Bartlett, Jason
Miller, Brad Bradley, and Sue McNutt.
The Regular Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting was called to order
at 6:18 p.m., by Chariman, Annette Skupin.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of Minutes: December 13, 1003 and January
10, 1994.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of the December 13, 1993,
and January 10, 1994, Teen Court Advisory Board meetings as
Motion: Hall
Second: Skupin
Ayes: Hall, Skupin, Turner, Wambsganss, Carpenter, Watkins
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments.
It was noted after last month's meeting, in discussion with Sue
McNutt, Judge Brad Bradley informed the board it this was not the
board's jurisdiction to increase hours when teens do not show up
for scheduled service. Adding, when offenders don't fulfill their
obligation, it is contempt of court, and it is the up to the judge
in his responsibility to determine if they are in contempt and
examine the validity of the excuse and whether they can come back
to Teen Court. This issue is a judicial decision, not a
coordinator decision. Based on this information, they board will
not add hours for not showing up to do community service.
Mrs. Hall asked Shana Rice to give the board a definitive outline
of the responsibilities of the Teen Court Advisory Board. Ms. Rice
stated she did not know. Ms. Skupin discussed this issue with
Judge Bradley and the City Manager, Curtis Hawk, who stated they
would draw up a description for the Board. It was noted this board
feels like since they represent the City, School district, and
community, officially, they should evaluate the Teen Court
Young people on the board have the ability to give good input,
having had a close relationship with the Coordinator. Annette
Regular Teen Court Advisory Board
February 14, 1994
page two
Agenda Item #3, Continued
Skupin stated she would like to interview community service
organizations as to their performance with them. Mr. Wambsganss
stated he will bring it up in work session at Council meeting.
Sally Hall stated that she had suggested in a meeting with Brad
Bradley that we might want to change the Teen Court Advisory Board
name to Southlake Youth Commission or something to have it function
as an umbrella board over joint -use youth activities. DARE, Teen
Court, Peer Mediation, etc. We all ready have young people who can
give input to these programs in regard to the feelings of their
peers about different subjects. We discussed the history of Teen
Court in Southlake with new youth members. Ms. Skupin suggested
calling other cities. Ms. Hall said other cities are different
from our set up and this is a joint -use activity with Carroll
Independent School District and the City.
Sally Hall stated, even though the Judge is ultimately responsible
for Teen Court, he can be removed from office by non -re-election,
but the board is always there.
Andy Wambsganss suggested uniting this group in the City's SPIN
Hutch Carpenter suggested that we write a constitution that states
our beliefs. Annette Skupin stated she feels we have a good
opportunity to do a grand work between the City and the School
District, but is's awkward at the beginning getting it going.
Carpenter stated he will get information about campus discipline at
Grapevine High School. Cathy Turner is to share foundational
paperwork with Ms. Skupin.
Cathy Turner suggested that because of jury member input, we need
to discuss again putting a teen lawyer on each lawyer. Ms. Skupin
stated she will talk with the judge about the legality of this.
A follow-up conversation was held in regard to Iris Thompson
helping the Teen Court Coordinator, Sue McNutt. They are waiting
on Judge Bradley for a decision of this matter.
The Board discussed the need for a Teen Hot Line in our community.
Agenda Item #4, Awards and Scholarships
Chairman, Annette Skupin stated that she would like to have a small
scholarship rather than a brief case if she were a teen lawyer.
Regular Teen Court Advisory Board Minutes
February 14, 1994
page three
Agenda Item #4, Continued
Motion was made to give a scholarship to designated senior lawyers,
subject to approval by the Board.
Motion: Carpenter
Second: Wambsganss
Ayes: Carpenter, Wambsganss, Skupin, Turner, Watkins, Hall
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
It was decided that out of each year, $1,000.
will be set aside for scholarship/gifts for
Agenda Item #5, Lawyer Trainin
Hutch Carpenter stated that he wanted more detail in regard to
Lawyer Training. The kids mentioned that more PR work should be
done at High School. The Board agreed that Sue McNutt should put
an article each year in August and again in January, in the High
School newspaper.
Agenda Item #6 and #7 were tabled
Agenda Item #8,_Adiournment
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Annette Skupin.
Respectfully Submitted
Cathy Turner, Secretary