1999-09-16CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CIAC) MEETING September 16, 1999 MINUTES CIAC Members Present: Chair Ann Creighton; Members: Dennis King, C.D. Peebles, Keith Shankland, and Mike Sandlin Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Director of Economic Development Greg Last, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Public Works Director Ron Harper, Asst. to the Public Works Director Valerie Bradley, Senior Civil Engineer Shawn Poe, City Engineer Charlie Thomas, Fiscal Planning Consultant Lewis McLain, Terry Watson, Wayne Kurfees, and David Hallion with Kimley-Horn & Associates, and Administrative Secretary Tammy Smith. Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ann Creighton at 6:40 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments. 1) A Commercial Developer's Roundtable has been scheduled for Friday, October 22, 1999 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers. CIAC members were asked to tact Greg Last, Director of Economic Development with questions. 2) The next Capital Improvements Advisory Committee meeting will be held Thursday, October 14, 1999. Agenda Item No 3, Consider: Approval of Minutes for the August 26, 1999 meeting. Dennis King made a motion to approve the August 26, 1999 CIAC minutes. Mike Sandlin seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 4, Discussion: Roadway Capital Improvement Project (CIP). Ron Harper, Director of Public Works, presented the Roadway CIP to the committee. He reported that it is a ten-year projected program. The first five years of the projected program conforms to the Five -Year Capital Improvements Plan submitted to, and approved by, the City Council as part of the annual budget process. Mr. Harper explained that the City currently has several Master Plans and a Thoroughfare Plan approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. He added that if a project is not shown on the Master Thoroughfare Plan, it is not eligible for funding with roadway impact fees. There were no questions regarding the selection of projects in the ten year plan Service areas are divided in middle of roads. CIAC Meeting September 16, 1999 "age 2 of 2 aff stated that using the lowest maximum impact fee for all service areas was established as a uniform rate for all areas in the 1996 study for ease of administration. The current maximum fees range from $795.00-$508.00. Ann Creighton inquired how impact fee funds relate to funding projects with bonds. Lewis McLain, Fiscal Planning consultant, pointed out that the impact fees are often used to make debt service payments. Mike Sandlin asked whether or not developers had to pay impact fees plus taxes. Lewis McLain explained that there is an equilibrium fee to be discussed in great detail at the committee's next meeting. Agenda Item No 5, Discussion• Equivalency Table for Roadway Impact Fee. Wayne Kurfees discussed the Equivalency Table for Roadway Impact Fee with the committee. Discussing ensued regarding the appropriate categories and service units projected for the ious types of developments that may occur in the City of Southlake. CIAC members -r..cde further refinements to the list of land uses, particularly in the retail category. Agenda Item No. 6. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Chair Ann Creighton ATTEST: Shana Yelverton Assistant City Manager