1999-06-24CIAC MEETING
JUNE 24, 1999
CIAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann Creighton, Michael Boutte, Keith Shankland,
Kenneth Horne, Dennis King and C.D. Peebles.
STAFF PRESENT: Engineering Services Administrative Secretary Tammy Smith,
Director of Engineering Services Ron Harper, Deputy Director of Engineering Services
Charlie Thomas, Capital Improvements Engineer Shawn Poe, Senior Planner Chris
Carpenter, Public Works Administrative Assistant Valerie Bradley, Water/Wastewater
Consultant Eddie Cheatham, and Financial Consultant Lewis McLain.
Orientation Item #1, Introduction
The meeting began with introductions of staff and the Capital Improvements Advisory
Committee members.
Orientation Item #2, Discussion: Overview of Chapter 395, Local Government
Lewis McLain began the orientation by explaining the law regarding impact fees. In
1987, a law was passed to establish impact fees, to be effective in 1990. The first step
in the impact fee process is to develop land use assumptions, then forecast up to ten
years, and establish an "ultimate build -out" plan. A service unit and equivalency table
then needed to be defined.
Lewis McLain reviewed the City of Southlake's land use assumptions. A debt service
component computes a legal maximum impact fee based upon these assumptions.
There is also a credit or equilibrium fee calculated. The City of Southlake currently
collects approximately two-thirds of the maximum impact fee. The process also
required public notification and a public hearing. The City Council votes to accept the
maximum impact fee, then sets the fee to adopt.
The impact fees are assessed when a plat is approved. Council may choose to collect
the impact fees at platting or at building permit. The City of Southlake currently
collects impact fees at the time of building permit.
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June 24, 1999
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Orientation Item #3, Discussion: Land Use Assumptions
Chris Carpenter presented the City of Southlake's land use assumptions. The service
areas used are the same as the 1996 impact fee update.
C.D. Peebles asked how many new single-family permits the City has issued this year.
Chris Carpenter responded that he did not have the information at that time, but said
the number may be leveling off somewhat. He will check the number of permits issued
to date.
Chris Carpenter explained that the City of Southlake must first determine base year
population, which is accomplished using NCTCOG data. From the base year data, ten-
year growth can be projected. Mr. Carpenter then explained ultimate population and
how it is calculated. -
Ann Creighton asked why the City of Southlake does not charge a drainage impact fee.
Chris Carpenter said that City Council may consider that after the update is complete.
Michael Boutte asked what the effect of guessing wrong on the assumptions would be.
Chris Carpenter replied that we are accountable and could be assessed repayment fees
for over -collecting.
There was a general discussion regarding employment estimates with Timarron
commercial tracts and Sabre. There was concern about potential growth being missed.
Agenda Item #1, Call to Order
The regular meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m.
Agenda Item #2, Administrative Comments
Lewis McLain introduced the consultants present.
Agenda Item #3, Consider: Approval of Minutes for the January 28, 1999,
February 25, 1999 and May 13, 1999 CIAC Meetings
C.D. Peebles made a motion to approve the January 28, 1999, February 25, 1999 and
May 13, 1999 CIAC minutes. Ann Creighton seconded. The motion carried with
three ayes and three abstentions.
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June 24, 1999
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Agenda Item #4, Discussion: Water/Wastewater Capital Improvements Plan
Eddie Cheatham, of Cheatham and Associates, presented the water and wastewater
Capital Improvement Plans. Mr. Cheatham described the north and south drainage
basins, and the natural gravity flow in the south versus the north having to be pumped.
He then explained the proposed lift stations.
For purposes of the 1999 update, unit costs have been updated. Mr. Cheatham then
described how lines are designed based upon the land use assumption plan. He
described the oversizing of certain lines and peak times. Mr. Cheatham stated that lines
are sized based on the ultimate build -out needs.
Eddie Cheatham then explained that existing conditions within the City, such as having
to bore trees, may increase the costs. He then summarized the costs used and all
members present agreed that the projected costs were realistic.
Mr. Cheatham explained the diversion agreement that the City currently has with
Trinity River Authority in the north until the lines are built to carry flows through the
Denton Creek Pressure System.
Mr. Cheatham then presented the water plan and discussed that the City of Southlake
purchases water from the City of Fort Worth. He then described the function of
elevated tanks and the placement around the City.
Keith Shankland asked how many gallons of water was used within the City per day.
Eddie Cheatham answered that last summer, up to twelve million gallons were used per
day. He stated that the projected ultimate peak day for the City of Southlake is twenty-
five million gallons.
Agenda Item #5, Discussion: Update on Impact Fee Legislation
All committee members were present during the orientation portion of the meeting.
This item was previously discussed, therefore it was omitted from this portion of the
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June 24, 1.999
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Agenda Item #6, Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday,
July 29, 1999.
Tammy Smit _ Administrative Secretary