1999-01-28CIAC ORIENTATION MEETING SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER 307 PARKWOOD DRIVE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS JANUARY 28, 1999 MINUTES CIAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann Creighton, F.C. LeVrier, Keith Shankland, C.D. Peebles, Mike Sandlin, and Rob Jones. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath, Director of Community Development Greg Last, Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead, Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas, Deputy Director of Public Works Ron Harper, City Attorney E. Allen Taylor, Administrative Assistant Tim Hardin, Senior Planner Chris Carpenter, and Public Works Administrative Secretary Tammy Smith. Agenda Item #1, Introductory Comments kw The meeting began at 7:20 p.m. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, made introductory comments and discussed the role of the CIAC briefly. He pointed out that the study will take as much time as needed for the CIAC to get the information needed to make comments. Staff was introduced. Agenda Item #2, Overview of Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code E. Allen Taylor, City Attorney, relayed that since the CIAC membersalso serve as P&Z Commissioners, they have familiarity with concepts which will help in their role as CIAC. He discussed the history of the law's development. Growth was the impetus for cities to look at ways to pay for infrastructure needs demanded by new development. Cities in Texas began to levy fees on new growth to help pay for growth requirements, but there was no consistency between cities. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code outlines a basic, fundamental method for determining fees. The requirements are now consistent through this law. There are three elements involved in the process, including: 1) Land Use Assumption - what growth do we expect? 2) Capital Improvements Plan - inventory and determine shortfalls, figure out what portion is necessitated by new growth 3) Fee established N CIAC Minutes January 28, 1999 Page Two Statutory requirements are rigid and notice requirements are detailed. The law mandates the formation of an advisory committee. Mr. Taylor discussed the role of CIAO, quoting relevant sections of the government code. The law provides that the CIAC makes comments on the CIP and fee. CIAC advises the City Council of their opinion of the reports, systems and proposed fees through formal comments. This is meant to protect existing taxpayers from the burden of cost of new growth, so that no group is unfairly impacted. There is no requirement to do anything regarding the Land Use Assumption Plan, but CIAC may choose to comment. CIAC has a statutory requirement to comment on the CIP and fees. City Council, as the legislative body, will approve the final ordinance. Staff is charged with bringing forward the maximum fee assessable for coris:ucf atioii by the Council. Southlake has always adopted a lower fee by policy, usually a percentage of the maximum. CIAC may comment on how much to charge. Assessment (determination of fee) is determined at the time of plat filing, and usually collected at building permit time. The ordinance determines when fee is assessed, filing determines assessment date, and the collection point is determined by ordinance. Discussed that fees are not charged when a developer funds an improvement. Fees have to be spent within ten years or refunded. Also discussed service areas for water/wastewater and how they vary for roadway impact fees. Ann Creighton asked if funds could be used to upgrade existing roads. Allen Taylor answered only if the new capacity is needed to meet the demands of new growth. C.D. Peebles asked if semi-annual reports had to be filed. Allen Taylor answered yes, the CIAC will make reports on the update they approve, but will not be required to comment on previous studies by former CIAC members. Agenda Item #3, Review of 1995-96 Study Components Chris Carpenter presented Land Use Assumption information, discussed the methodology and pointed out the relationship between growth projections and the CIP. The CIAC will be provided information about baseline data, population trending, and will focus on activity primarily since 1990. He described sources used in the LUA study, including NTCOG data. The group will be given an in-depth presentation on the •• LUA at its February meeting. CIAC Minutes January 28, 1999 Page Three C.D. Peebles asked what year we were looking at for ultimate buildout. Chris Carpenter answered that we expect a 40,000 population at buildout, and it is occurring faster than previously projected. Could occur around 2010. A date is never really specified, but the growth curve levels off. Making this determination will be a key element of the study. Mr. Carpenter summarized the process that will be followed. Bob Whitehead presented an overview of the Water/Wastewater CIP. The City of Southlake buys water from the City of Fort Worth; also looking at NETCRWS as a regional distribution system, a looped system. One water line feed is a problem because if the 30-inch line breaks, supply is cut off. Reviewed water master plan, which is used to put together the 10-year CIP. Details of the system will be provided in future meeting when the plan is presented in detail. Mike Sandlin asked what percentage of the water system is developed. Bob Whitehead answered that essentially everyone has water, but sewer is different. Discussed oversizing issues. Showed wastewater system master plan. Pointed out two major watersheds, Bear Creek and Denton Creek. Discussed credit issues related to developer's extension of improvement. In the roadway portion, the CIAC will have to be able to identify what portion of the capacity is attributable to new growth. Discussed service areas being no more than three miles. Southlake has eight areas, divided along major roadways. Service areas should not change from last study to provide consistency for fee collection. Went through the methodology and discussed the sources that will be used. CIP is based on Master Thoroughfare Plan, and MTP projects are the only projects eligible for fees, but can be substituted over time. Showed summary of CIP. The City Council previously determined that it would charge a uniform fee for each service area. Any fees collected can only be spent within its own service area. Ann Creighton asked how improvements are paid for at a State Highway intersection. Bob Whitehead stated that the State pays for improvements in its right-of-way. Lou Ann Heath presented financial information, giving a recap of service areas and how population drives the growth plan. Mike Sandlin asked if all the funds collected have been used since the city began collecting. Lou Ann Heath stated that the City began collecting impact fees in 1990 and have used water and wastewater funds as leverage for bonds, however no roadway fees have been spent yet. CIAC Minutes January 28, 1999 Page Four Discussion continued regarding standard service units. The standard unit for water and sewer is a 1-inch meter, with larger meters accounted for in equivalency table. The roadway standard unit is different and she explained the units, which are vehicle miles. Lou Ann explained that in accounting for these funds, the records are kept by service area. She also explained that the money can be used for improvements in the plan or debt payment. Agenda Item #4, 1999 Project Schedule Shana Yelverton summarized the projected schedule for the Committee. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 25, 1999. Attest: a, ' t• -wt� Tammy S , Administrative Secretary C. Chair