2010-06-16oB -NFL 1L1 VRE CEN T BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING LOCATION: SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL DATE AND TIME: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 2010 - 7:00 PM An executive session may be held at the end of the agenda or anytime during a meeting that a need arises. AGENDA ITEMS CALL TO ORDER I. City Report 2. Executive Director Report 3. Items for Approval A. Approval of Minutes B. Treasurer's Report 4. Items for Consideration A. Bee Hives on Preserve B. Website Design Bids C. Attendance at Governance Workshop D. Youth Award Project Guidelines E. Support of Gulf Coast Environmental Disaster S. Items for Discussion A. Green Revolution Debriefing B. Stars & Stripes Booth C. Naturally Sweet Event D. Bird on the Run E. Animal Care Update F. Feral Hog Conference G. Committee Updates I. Membership 2. Education 3. Nominating / Annual Meeting 6. Executive Session 7. Adjournment UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday, July 3, 7:00pm to 10:30pm — Stars and Stripes — Town Square Sunday, July 11, 12:30pm — Naturally Sweet Committee Meeting