2007-10-08 (2)SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY MONTHLY MEETING Monday, October 81h, 2007, 7:00 PM Community Center Conference Room 400 N. White Chapel Blvd, Southlake, TX AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes from September 2007 meeting 3. Treasurer's report — Treasurer Lou Ann Heath 4. Membership — Anita Robeson 5. Log cabin update — Anita Robeson 6. Programs — Connie Cooley • Underwriting/Sponsorships ■ Upcoming Programs 1. November 5, 2007 Bobby Jones at the Southlake Hilton 2. Winter 2009 — Log Cabin Restorer 3. Spring 2008 — Antiques Appraisal and Market 7. Publicity — Connie Cooley ■ Southlake Journal ■ Society Life magazine 8. Old or New Business — Anita Robeson 9. Open discussion of historical topics SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY PO Box 92825, Southlake, TX 76092 ♦ Telephone (817) 223-9606 Website: www.southlakehistory.org ♦ Email: board member(asouthlakehistory.com Meets on the second Monday of each month