2008-08-11SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY MONTHLY MEETING Monday, August 11 th, 2008, 7:00 PM Community Center Conference Room 400 N. White Chapel Blvd, Southlake, TX AGENDA 1. Call to Order — Anita Robeson 2. Approval of July Meeting Minutes 3. Treasurer's report — Treasurer Lou Ann Heath 4. Log house update — Anita a. Necklace raffle —Connie Cooley, 1 sc VP b. Furnishings fund-raiser — Anita and Connie 5. Website Report — Connie and Anita 6. Membership and member events — Anita 7. Historical Survey — Jim Aenchbacher 8. Old Business 9. New Business a. 1911 Piano b. Items stored with City 10. Discussion of Southlake historical topics NEXT MEETING WILL BE ON SEPTEMBER 8T", 2008 SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY PO Box 92825, Southlake, TX 76092 ♦ Telephone (817) 223-9606 Website: www.southlakehistory.org ♦ Email: board member(a-)-southlakehistory.com Meets on the second Monday of each month