2009-01-19SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY MONTHLY MEETING Monday, January 19, 2009, 7:00 PM Community Center— 400 N. White Chapel Blvd. AGENDA 1. Call to Order — Anita Robeson 2. Treasurer's report — Treasurer Lou Ann Heath 3. Membership and member events — Anita 4. Log house update — Anita a. Necklace raffle — Connie Cooley b. Donations 5. Historical Survey 6. Old Business a. Website report 7. New Business a. Carroll School b. Oral histories 8. Discussion of Southlake historical topics SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY PO Box 92825, Southlake, TX 76092 ♦ Telephone (817) 223-9606 Website: www.southlakehistory.org ♦ Email: board member(aD-southlakehistory.com Meets on the third Monday of each month