2009-05-18SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY MONTHLY MEETING Monday, May 18, 2009, 7:00 PM Southlake Community Center Conference Room 400 N. White Chapel Blvd, Southlake, TX AGENDA 1. Call to Order — Anita Robeson 2. No April Minutes due to Civil War Program 3. Treasurer's report — Lou Ann Heath 4. Log House update — Anita and Connie Cooley ■ Furnishings strategy ■ SPDC matching funds 5. Carroll School update —Anita 6. Heritage Commission update— Anita and Connie Cooley 7. Membership —Anita 8. SHS Secretary Position discussion and nominees - Connie 9. Southlake book update - Connie 10. Storage for SHS items, piano - Anita 11. Southlake Tourism Director and future historic tour ideas - Connie 12.Old Business 13. New Business 14. Discussion of Southlake historical topics NEXT MEETING WILL BE 7 p.m. on Monday, June 22, 2009 Southlake Community Center Conference Room, 400 N. White Chapel Blvd., Southlake, TX 76092