A-29 (Gibson) (2) /~- , ,- TI~! c; ('OMPANY I: !ALi~MU "I'-OI3Id~_-43-k O,',,',F'FICIAL RECORD \1:' is\.{fJI¿,-..--- -- CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , ',/ PERMENANT WATER LINE EASEMENT TH E STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § § § That - , Richard Gibson and wife, Jo Anne Gibson , GRANTOR herein, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, home rule municipal corporation of the County of Tarrant, State of Texas, GRANTEE herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do hereby grant, sell and convey unto the said GRANTEE a permanent and perpetual easement for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating, rebuilding, removing, and operating water facilities in, into, upon, over, across, under and through all that land in Tarrant County, Texas described in: Exhibit "A" and "B"attached hereto and incorporated herein. together with the right of ingress and egress as necessary for such purposes. GRANTOR covenants and agrees that GRANTOR and GRANTOR's heirs, representatives, successors and assigns shall at no time erect, place or construct, or cause to be erected, placed or constructed in, into, upon, over, across or under any easements granted herein any temporary or permanent structures, and it is further agreed that GRANTEE shall have the right to excavate and fill upon said permanent easement and to remove from said permanent easement, any fences, buildings or other obstructions as may now be found upon said permanent easement. It is further intended that the Permanent Water Line Easement herein granted to the GRANTEE shall run with the land and forever be a right in and to the land belonging to GRANTOR, and GRANTOR'S successors and assigns, and said grant is expressly excepted from any right of reversion of said premises under any prior deeds in GRANTOR's chain of title. The Permanent Water Line Easement, rights and privileges granted therein are exclusive, and GRANTOR covenants that it will not convey any other easement or conflicting rights within the area covered by the grant to any other person. })2!J4011/¡31 p.! IN WITNESS ~~~F, this instrument is executed this ~~', . sd- day of /~ /~~ 0 Anne Gibson , ACKNOWLEDGEM ENT STATE OF TEXAS § § § COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, th~~ty in and for said ~ounty, Texas, on this day personally appeared a.. ~~known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was executed for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. ~ UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL iF OFFICE, this the (J.)-eÁ-- , cJ. V 0 . /...J., J day of / I \ Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My Commission Expires: Typed or Printed Name of Notary CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE 2 D2 DLJDfl8~31 p. Z This is to certify that the interest and real property conveyed by this dedication instrument dated th~ ,:i-?;"J. day of (VL" rei--... , 2004, from 12 CÅaftf &, 'l?s~ ~ I Jv AI4 ¥.¿ b-rioSt£A to the City of Southlake, has been duly accepted subject to all terms and conditions contained therein, and the City Council has consented to recordation of such dedication instrument by its duly authorized officer. Dated: 3--)-3 .~cj '> 7 : 'JJt~ t {'~ / Mayor, City of Southlake -"""""":""" ,-- ~\\"\LAI(~- ", ATIEST: "..' 0 ,.......'.' .>-.'r~~ .:: CQ ..' ..0 ~ ';. ::4.' .'-1---- ::0: ~ '~Y:' , ' - . .(fJ- <-Í., .) --tc¡~ t t ! ff i~ U( . -1 -::. ù'" ...:: ";0, e.. ..°':: City Secretary ""'" ....~.~ Jf.- ,-,,-:~ ""'Ii;""""" AFTER FILING, PLEASE RETURN TO: RETURN TO: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETAR'l'a 1400 MAIN STREET, SUITE 2701400 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 Sout 3 V20l/DQ:3I.P,gJ p..3 EXHIBIT "All PARCEL 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PERMANENT WATERLINE EASEMENT 2002-UW-10Q- TC BEING a 25 foot wide strip of land located in the R. F. ALLEN SURVEY, Abstract No. 29, Keller, Tarrant County, Texas, and crossing the Tract of land conveyed to Richard J. Gibson by the deed recorded in Volume 6080, Page 45 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas. Said 25 foot wide strip of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds, as follows: ' BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found, in the East right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 377, lying at the Northwest corner of said Richard J. Gibson Tract; THENCE along the North boundary line of said Richard J. Gibson Tract, as follows: 1. N 89° 34 I 07" E 1166.62 feet, to a point at the Southwest corner of Lot 6, Valley Ridge, an addition to the City of Keller, Tarrant County, Texas according to the'plat recorded in Volume 388-42, Page 41 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; 2. S 84° 57' 5611 E 587.15 feet, to a point at the Southeast corner of Lot 3, of said Valley Ridge Addition, lying at the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Block I, Oakridge Estates, an addition to the City of Keller, Tarrant CountYi Texas according to the plat recorded in VÖlume 388-'141, Page 45 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; 3. N 87° 32' 11" E 663.94 feet, to a 1/2" iron rod found, at the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 3 of said Oakridge Estates Addition, being the Northeast corner of said Richard J. Gibson Tract; THENCE S 00° 05' 32" W 62.,4'1 feet, along the East boundary line of said Gibson Tract, to a point; , THENCE N 07° 31' 42" W 37.49 feet, to a point; THENCE along a line 25 feet South of and parallel boundary line of said Gibson Tract, as follows: to the North 1. S 87° 32' 11" W 659.49 feet, to a point; 2. N 84° 57' 56" W 587.60 feet, to a point; S 89° 34' 07" W 1163,44 feet, to a point in the West boundary line of said Gibson Tract, being the East right-of-way line of aforesaid U.S. Highway No. 377; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 25.08 feet, along the East r~ght -of -~ay line of said U.S, Highway No. 377, with a curve to the rlght havlng a radius of 3,759.83 feet, a central angle of 00° 22' 56", and a chord bearing N 04° 58' 58" W 25.08 feet, to THE~PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1.389 acre (60,509 square feet) or land. 3. D2!JI (f/3/;31 p. 'I EXHIP~ "B" PERMANENT W ATE RLINE BAS E ME NT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PAGE 1 OF 4 ~ cJ ~ ti ci (Q '..-¡ ..-¡ HUlON M 50.0' I(J .., I(J <i Cl. ~.ëo ~G; ~ ~~ ~ Wco ~ ZN o"i t: 5~ ~ ò :)~: ~ ~cn? 0 Zw"ort III 00:: ~ 0 Ou ° CO >-< (7) '-.., e;,..... C() - (f) ~~ (f ~ ~ ~ ~N ~ u "ort::::E W < r<1~ ~ ~ w ..- ~ ..... ,..... ...i 0 > cJ z w g : ::::E I r--- w ~ ~ ~ w en ~ 00 1i z¡:!~ ~ ~ 3 ~ z ~ ~ ~ 0:: C() W a.. (f ìCJ N It) ~ It) W t"I z 0 ¡::::: 0 ;:¡ c::: ~ II) z 0 0 0 ( J ~ L-6 ~ r--- 0 "ort ti") 50.0 . ~ C() (f I CITY OF KELLER I VOL 14641. PG, 183 \- A-- POINT OF BEGINNINGJ PERMANENT WATERUNE EASEMENT 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND U.S. HIGHWAY No. 377 SCALE 1"= 100' '~ BRITTAIN & CRAWFORD I m LAND SURVEYING &. l@ TOPO<;RAPHIC ~APPING (SI7I8O!ð-œ1l - Io€TRO -<.t'>--:>llt p. a. BOX 1137~ . 3~ SCIJì}i FRf:E'I'^1 FOn1Ol:RTH. TEx.o... 76110 ~-\ -.\ \J~ '; ,~ ~ \.. ~v ~. ~. RICHARD J. GIBSON VOL 6080, PG. 45 D,R,T.C.T., l-4= N Oo054'02"W 32.21' L-5= S 89°38'26"W 51.43' L-6= S 01°02'25"E 32,28' ONE STORY BRICK HOUSE I)..Cj o. ~ (j~ ~~ ';~ ~<ò N 05°34'40'W 28.40' ------- - -- POINT OF BEGINNING TIJ,CPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TEXAS DEPARTMENï OF TRANSPORTAT10N MONUMENT FOUND 9 CURVE DATA CV-t, l::.= 00°22'56", R= 3,759.83, L= 25.08', LC.= H 0-4°58'58"W 2.5.08' CV-2, l:::.= 00°19'56", R= 3,759.83, L= 21.80', LC.= H 05°20'2.c."W 2.1.80' PAGE 1 OF 4 (DOC) \SU\FN- KEL42\KELSLA.KE\ESMNTS -; \ D2/JI(J{3/,3J., p.,. EXHIBf"J.. "B" PERMANENT "A TERLINE EASE MENT TEMP 0 RAR Y CON STR U CTI 0 N EASEMENT PAGE 2 OF 4 - -- -- ~. .KITTAIN & CRAWFORD LAND SURVEì'lt-iG a: TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING (817) 925-œ11 - \ETRO 4;19-5112 P. o. BOX 11374 . 3Qoa SOOTH FREEWAY FORT'ill'œTI-i. TEXAS 75110 VALLEY R\DGE DR. --- ~ Il) \.-{ ~ \)~ .,? a CD ,..... co It) - en "'<t co co I() ,..... co It) \.~ \. ' ~\. LOT 6 W ~ VAlLEY RIDGE CD ~ VOL 388-42. PG. 41 It) CD P,R.T,C.T. ,..... It) CD I() ,..... !f> 0 Il) '" "'t 0 I() co "'t 0 (I) co "'t Z co Z Hl~OI'i SCALE 1"= 100' ~. ç.., RICHARD J. GIBSON YOLo 6080, PG. 45 D.R.T.C.T. ¡-: u t-; a:: r.: t: ~ 50.0' m a It1 6 Ñ Ii) ~ ~ Ñ ~"~ 2J ' Lf) CD 0:: -..t 'Ð ~ poi) u:> ~ ,r)wg W (7 CDz >- /"" IX) ~ a Ii) ~ /........ P') ........ ~~ : . () - ¡-... ( ~r-- a ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ¡-... w r-.. z-"""" ~ ~ i::5 QoVJ (j) -..t ~ . Uw co I'<') -..t a::: ° ~ U1 en W (j CXJ z CXJ :J ~ z lli U1 ~Ñ \ <: II- ~ ~ IL-1 ~i W 'I ~ ' :::IE 0:: W a. Js ~[)~ 1 r¡.'1 O' ~ c'" ~~ '?'" ~~ U') 1"1 U') c5 Cl. CD 1"1 1"1 ~ ~ 0 > u ~ z 0 ¡::::: U ::J a:: r- V1 Z 0 U U c:J r- L-1 = N 02°10'21 "W 19.76' L-2= S 88°09'12"W 90.10' L-3=S 02°10'22"E 17.53' ONE $TORY METAL BARN .....--S 89°34'07"W 392.88' PAGE 2 OF 4 ( DOC ) \ SU\ FN - K EL 42\ KEJ..SL.AKE\ ES).UITS - 2\ MATCH b2lYJ otfat,Ó J p. ~ 10 ,- -- ' ---- -" EXHIBIT ' 'E" P ERMANENT If A TERIJNE BAS E MENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PAGE 3 OF 4 LOT 6, BLOCK 3 OAK RIDGE EST. VOL 388-141, PG. 45 D.R.T.C.T --- OAK DR. - -- LOT 7, BLOCK 1 OAK RIDGE EST. VOL 388-141, PG. 4-5 D.R.T.C.T - -- LOT :3 VAlLEY RIDGE VOL 388-42. PG. 41 D.R.T,C.T. HUlON' M \T ~H L NE ~ 0'1 t<) to to - 0'1 ..q- . (JJ \l) to - t ? ci ~ . tf)- ~ ...- \D ..... Wa""'~"'- - UJN~N ::- (7) ~ ~ t<') ...- 0 r--- ..;- C I[) r--- C"-IooJ,co ~ <D (/) UJ r---' W V) 0::: CO UJ ~ Z ~ ~ (7) co r") ..- ~ 3 ð - ð æ In ~ ò2: ën ~ (00 "It r---. kJ . f= ...... cozr---.u ...... In ::J co => co (fj In~' In :<C 2: L..1 ~ $8 ~ :;: 3 fo~ ~ "'~~~~ It) :::e r---. 0 ,..... C Q::' It) a. It) "ltlL.1c:::eo co a.. "V ~ "It - co co V) I[) - N Z ~ Z ...- (7) !D ~ SCALE 1"= 1 00' M, T( H U~E - -- V ALLÐ' R\DGE DR. 11 - ...- \l) , \l) to to ~BRITTAlN & CRAWFORD LAN D S U RVE'!1 He!: TOPOGRAPHIC ,lAPPING (°'1) a1!O-œ11 -1Æ:1RO 42o-ðll~ P.O. sox 11374 . 3908 SOJT1-i FREE"rA~ ,CRT -..eRn<. TEXÅS 7õ 110 ~-{ -.\ YJ<?- ? ~~ \,.. ~\,. ~. l{-' RICHARD J. GIBSON VOL. 6080, PG. 45 D.R.T.C.T. 'l-q O' ~ c'\ l{-~ ;'\ ~<è PAGE 3 OF 4 (DOC) \SU\FN-KEL42\KElSt..AKE\ESMNTS-3\ D2()1/rfl3/,31 p. 1 II .!jRITTAIN & CR.t\WFORD I ~ LAND SURVEYING ð: PERMANENT If A 'l.&,;jRLINE EASEMENT ~ TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASP'l~NT (SI1) 9'Z5-OZ11 -IE:TRO -I-Z1r'J112 JJ~ P.O. BOX 11314 ~ 3goe SO1Jni FR¡E1r~Y FORT YOITH. rEUS 15110 PAGE 40F 4 .KA.tllÞ 1 T .. Jj .. ~-\ --1 \¡\!- C:i, ~~ \. \'-V ~ . ~' P£R MAN Em WATER U N E EAS EM ENT 1.389 ACRES / 60,509 SQ.FT, ~ /2" IRON RODS FOUND ---- ---- - - S OooO5'32"W 62.41 ' 1 S OooO5'32"W 12,67' S 87°32' 11 "W 665.51" 50' TEMPORARY CONSTRU 2.691 ACRES / 117. '1-<1 o. ~ G" ~~ ~" ~ ?- ' RICHARD J. GIBSON VOL, 6080, PC. 45 D.R.T.C.T. MAILING ADDRESS: 1100 N. MAIN ST. KELLER. TEXAS, 76248 :I: ~ e:: 0 Z \ ~ , SCALE 1"= 100' NOVEMBER 22, 2002 \PAGE 4 OF 4 (DOC) \SU FN-KEL42\KE1..SlAKE\ESM~-+\ 12 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE 1400 MAIN ST # 270 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 .,' ':"-'~~'\-'" ,'~\ I -, ,. I),',. . . . . -:~ ..;c.' , - "" '. j ,;; -h : : "- :;.: . ~. , :. i ... ,,: , " ,. ," ". - * . _.' -......", Submitter: ALAMO (TRIN-WESTERN) TITLE CO. - 001 ZALAM --- -- ---- -- - -------- - .-- SUZANNE HENDERSON TARRANT COUNTY CLERK TARRANT COUNTY COURTHOUSE 100 WEST WEATHERFORD FORT WORTH, TX 76196-0401 DO NOT DESTROY WARNING - THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD, Flied For Registration: Document No.: 03/301200403:40 PM D204093631 WD 9 PGS $28.00 La By: - ----- __,._m___- - ----------~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0204093631 ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.