2018-05-08 SAC MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE Senior Advisory Commission Meeting: May 8, 2018 LOCATION: Senior Activity Center The Marq Southlake Traditions III 285 Shady Oaks Drive Southlake, Texas Members Present: Chair Beverly Blake, Vice Chair MaryLee Alford, Secretary Marge Kyle and SAC members Ed Grondahl, Barbara Pappy, Natasha Siebach, Kathryn Orler (Alt #1) and David Barnes (Alt #2) Commission Members Absent: Secretary Marge Kyle and Esther Spickler Staff Members Present: Deputy Director of Community Services Candice Edmondson, Assistant to City Manager Lauren LaNeave, Economic Development & Tourism Deputy Director Daniel Cortez, Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker, Hospitality & Sales Manager Tiffany Irwin, and Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Mashat-Phelps Guests: Brighton Greene, CARS Chairman; and former Senior Advisory Commission members Nancy Sporn and Lou Braun 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Beverly Blake called the meeting of the Senior Advisory Commission to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. PUBLIC FORUM — Chair Beverly Blake opened Public Forum at 1:00 p.m. Lou Braun, former Senior Advisory Commission member, 106 Starling Court, Southlake, spoke about potential membership fees and fees for classes at the Senior Center in consideration of the cost recovery policy. Chair Blake acknowledged the comments during Public Forum and advised the topic is addressed in agenda item 6A. There was no further direction to staff based on the comments. There being no one else to address the Commission, Public Forum was closed. 3. REPORTS City of Southlake Values.- Integrity alues:Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the May 8, 2018 Page 2 of 5 3A. METROPORT MEALS ON WHEELS There was no MMOW report at this meeting. A copy of the March 2018 MMOW report and the 2018 cumulative report were included in the meeting packet. The Commission questioned the difference between the "Total Meal Cost" and "$ Collected for Food Served" shown on the Cumulative Monthly Report (Page 3A-2). They also are interested in what surrounding cities pay MMOW for their respective congregate meals program. 313. CALL A RIDE SOUTHLAKE CARS Chairman Brighton Greene summarized the CARS report and responded to questions from the Commission. A copy of the March 2018 CARS report was included in the meeting packet. CARS provided 310 total trips during the quarter. The statistics represent a decrease of 161 rides over last year for the same period. The decrease is due to many riders being out of town, illnesses, and bad weather resulting in ride cancellations. Rides for handicapped seniors is consistent with the previous year's same quarter. During the quarter, the highest ride volume was for trips to the Southlake Senior Center and to other senior centers. CARS continues to seek opportunities to advertise CARS services and to recruit volunteer drivers. The CARS Driver Appreciation dinner was held May 5, 2018. 3C. SOUTHLAKE SENIOR FUNDING, INC. Southlake Senior Funding, Inc. representative Nancy Sporn presented the report and was available to answer questions regarding SSFI activities. Senior Center members were encouraged to attend the 2nd Annual Senior Art Show on June 14. SSFI continues to sponsor many activities including the recent "Arabian Nights" event and tickets for the Lion King performance. SSFI also participated in providing matching funds to purchase the bus that is used for many senior field trips and the City's therapeutic recreation program activities. 3D. CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Assistant to City Manager Lauren LaNeave presented information on property taxes, eligible exemptions, the protest process and answered questions. Information on property taxes is available on the City's website at www.cityofsouthlake.com/propertytax. City of Southlake Values. Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the May 8, 2018 Page 3 of 5 3E. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Development & Tourism Deputy Director Daniel Cortez updated the Commission on development projects within the City and responded to questions. A quarterly report of Southlake construction, economic activities and residential indicators was distributed. 3F. COMMUNITY SERVICES Hospitality & Sales Manager Tiffany Irwin presented an overview of the March Senior Center Dashboard Report. A copy of the report was included in the packet. Future monthly reports will include attendance for Bridge classes. The Senior Advisory Commission 2"d Quarter Dashboard Report (Agenda Item 5A) was presented at this time. The motion and vote is recorded in Item 5A.) 3G. SENIOR SERVICES Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Mashat-Phelps reported about Senior Center activities, events and responded to questions. Members were encouraged to sign up to attend the "Walk Like An Egyptian ... An Arabian Night" event May 18, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at The Marq Southlake. APEX, Southlake Arts Council, SSFI and senior staff members are working to host this year's annual Senior Art Show to be held June 14, 2018 at The Marq. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Commission and are enacted with one motion. 4A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 10, 2018 REGULAR SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING. There were no corrections or changes presented for the April 10, 2018 meeting minutes. APPROVED A motion was made to accept the minutes of the April 10, 2018 meeting as presented. Motion: Siebach Second: Alford Ayes: Alford, Blake, Grondahl, Pappy, Siebach, Orler (Alt #1), Barnes (Alt#2) Nays: None Abstention None City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the May 8, 2018 Page 4 of 5 Vote: 7-0 Motion passed. 5. CONSIDER 5A. APPROVE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION 2ND QUARTER DASHBOARD REPORT Hospitality & Sales Manager Tiffany Irwin presented the SAC 2nd Quarter Dashboard Report during Agenda Item 3F. The approved SAC 2nd Quarter Dashboard Report will be included in the June 19, 2018 City Council meeting packet. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the Senior Advisory Commission 2nd Quarter Dashboard Report as presented Motion: Alford Second: Pappy Ayes: Alford, Blake, Grondahl, Pappy, Siebach, Orler (Alt #1), Barnes (Alt#2) Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 7-0 Motion passed. 5B. CONSIDER CANCELLATION OF THE JULY SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING Chair Blake presented Item 5B to allow the Senior Advisory Commission an opportunity to discuss and consider cancelling and/or rescheduling the July 10 regular meeting. SAC has cancelled previous July meetings, following the lead of City Council and other Boards and Commissions. APPROVED A motion was made to approve cancellation of the July 10 regular SAC meeting. Motion: Alford Second: Siebach Ayes: Alford, Blake, Grondahl, Pappy, Siebach, Orler (Alt #1), Barnes (Alt #2) Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 7-0 Motion passed. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the May 8, 2018 Page 5 of 5 6. DISCUSSION A. COST RECOVERY POLICY UPDATE Deputy Director of Community Services Candice Edmondson presented the new model of the department's Cost Recovery Policy and responded to questions from the Commission. The final policy will be presented for Commission recommendation at the June or August meeting. During the presentation, SAC discussion evolved into a conversation on membership and program fees for resident and non-resident Senior Center members. The Commission requested staff investigate other cities' resident and non-resident membership and program fees and present the information at the June SAC meeting. 7. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:56 p.m. Motion: Grondahl Second: Pappy Ayes: Alford, Blake, Grondahl, Pappy, Siebach, Orler (Alt #1), Barnes (Alt #2) Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 7-0 Motion passed. � %4everlyy Blake, ChaW Community Services Department A digital recording of this meeting is available by request in the Office of the City Secretary. City of Southlake Values.- Integrity alues.Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork 19 CITY C)F SOUTHLAKE Senior Advisory Commission Sign -in Sheet May 8, 2018 @ ipm Senior Activity Center — The Marq Southlake 285 Shady Oaks Dr. - Southlake, TX Ed Grondahl (Place 1) MaryLee Alford (Place 2), Vice Chair Natasha Siebach (Place 3) Barbara Pappy (Place 4) Esther Spickler (Place 5) Beverly Blake (Place 6), Chairman Margie Kyle (Place 7), Secretary Kathryn Orler (Alt 1) David Barnes (Alt 2) STAFF Chris Tribble Candice Edmondson Tiffany Irwin Soheila Phelps Kate Meacham GUESTS (PLEASE PRINT) Brighton Greene (CARS) Erik Phelps (CARS) Mary King (MMOW) Lauren LaNeave Daniel Cortez Bernie McCauley (SSFI) M�a Iff-M 4 mor I� J SOUTHLAKE v J PUBLIC COMMENT CARD Please give completed card to City Staff. PLE jS�O NOT COMPLETE A FORM FOR SOMEONE NOT IN ATTENDANCE. Name: ✓ C Lam- — . /J' - Date: Address: _ �'� t�.�'� � i ` �� t' �.� G t -�� , Phone (optionai): Email (optional): P Agenda Item # (MUST BE COMPLETE®) r rY 1 will speak in SUPPORT of this item I will speak in OPPOSITION of this item 1 do not wish to speak, but please record my: SUPPORT OPPOSITON I wish to speak during PUBLIC FORUM on an item not on the Agenda Topic: Note: To allow everyone an opportunity to be heart!, please limit your comments to 3 minutes.