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Item 7A TIA Vol 1 - 20180430Volume 1 – Traffic Impact Analysis Carillon Parc Southlake, Texas Original Submission: April 6, 2018 Revised Submission: April 30, 2018 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Dallas, Texas Project #064514101 Registered Firm F-928 ZA18-0006 Traffic Impact Analysis Carillon Parc Mixed-Use Development NEC White Chapel Boulevard and SH 114 Southlake, Texas Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Tower, Suite 700 Dallas, Texas 75240 Registered Firm F-928 Contact: Scot Johnson, P.E., PTOE Jake Halter, EIT 972-770-1300 Original Submission: April 6, 2018 Revised Submission: April 30, 2018 Page i 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... ii I.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1 A.PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................ 1 B.METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 1 II.EXISTING AND FUTURE AREA CONDITIONS .................................................................... 4 A.ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................... 4 B.EXISTING STUDY AREA ......................................................................................................... 5 C.PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS ........................................................................................... 5 D.EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES ................................................................................................. 6 III.PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................... 9 A.SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC ................................................................................................... 9 B.TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT .................................................................................. 10 C.OTHER DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC MODELLING ......................................................................... 10 D.DEVELOPMENT OF 2021 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC ................................................................... 10 E.DEVELOPMENT OF 2021 TOTAL TRAFFIC .............................................................................. 11 F.DEVELOPMENT OF 2026 BACKGROUND AND TOTAL TRAFFIC .................................................. 11 IV.TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS................................................................................... 18 A.ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 18 B.ANALYSIS RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 19 C.2018 EXISTING TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ................................................................................. 22 D.2021 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC OPERATIONS .......................................................................... 22 E.2021 BACKGROUND PLUS SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ........................................ 22 F.2026 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC OPERATIONS .......................................................................... 23 G.2026 BACKGROUND PLUS SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ........................................ 24 H.LINK VOLUME ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 25 I.RIGHT-TURN LANE ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 28 V.MITIGATION ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 29 A.WHITE CHAPEL BOULEVARD AT THE SH 114 FRONTAGE ROADS ............................................. 29 B.WHITE CHAPEL BOULEVARD AT KIRKWOOD BOULEVARD AND AT DRIVE 3 ................................. 30 VI.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 33 LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1:VICINITY MAP ................................................................................................................... 2 EXHIBIT 2:CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ................................................................................................... 3 EXHIBIT 3:LANE ASSIGNMENTS AND INTERSECTION CONTROL .............................................................. 7 EXHIBIT 4:2018 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES ..................................................................................... 8 EXHIBIT 5:TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT .................................................................. 12 EXHIBIT 6:SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES ............................................................................... 13 EXHIBIT 7:2021 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES ............................................................................ 14 EXHIBIT 8:2021 BACKGROUND PLUS-SITE GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUME ........................................... 15 EXHIBIT 9:2026 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES ............................................................................ 16 EXHIBIT 10:2026 BACKGROUND PLUS-SITE GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUME ......................................... 17 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 –TRIP GENERATION ............................................................................................................ 9 TABLE 2 –LEVEL OF SERVICE DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................... 18 TABLE 3 –TRAFFIC OPERATIONAL RESULTS –W EEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR ........................................... 20 TABLE 4 –TRAFFIC OPERATIONAL RESULTS –W EEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR ........................................... 21 TABLE 5 –DAILY LINK OPERATIONAL RESULTS .................................................................................. 26 TABLE 6 –PEAK HOUR LINK OPERATIONAL RESULTS ......................................................................... 27 TABLE 7 –RIGHT-TURN LANE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 28 TABLE 8 –MITIGATION ANALYSIS RESULTS –W HITE CHAPEL BLVD. AT SH 114 .................................... 29 TABLE 9 –MITIGATION ANALYSIS RESULTS –ADDING SOUTHBOUND THROUGH LANE ............................ 30 TABLE 10 –MITIGATION ANALYSIS RESULTS –SIGNALIZATION ............................................................ 31 Page ii 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Carillon Parc development is located at the northeast corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 westbound frontage road in Southlake, Texas. This study is intended to identify traffic generation characteristics, identify potential traffic related impacts on the local street system, and to develop mitigation measures required for identified impacts. The following existing intersections were selected to be part of this study: § White Chapel Boulevard at SH 114 eastbound frontage road; § White Chapel Boulevard at SH 114 westbound frontage road; § White Chapel Boulevard at Kirkwood Boulevard; § White Chapel Boulevard at Dove Road (Roundabout); § Kirkwood Boulevard at St. Tropez Drive; and § Kirkwood Boulevard at Riviera Lane. The analysis also included the following proposed driveways: § Drive 1, which is a full-access driveway to Kirkwood Boulevard; § Drive 2, which is a right-in/right-out driveway to White Chapel Boulevard; § Drive 3, which is a full-access driveway to White Chapel Boulevard; and § Drive 4, which is a right-in/right-out driveway to the SH 114 westbound frontage road There is no public access to Riviera Lane or Carillon Court directly from the development. Gates will be installed at the cross-access locations to the adjacent residential areas to allow access by emergency vehicles only. Traffic operations were analyzed at the study intersections for existing volumes, 2021 and 2026 background traffic volumes, and 2021 and 2026 background plus site-generated traffic volumes. The future years correspond to the expected buildout year of the site and a key future study year. Conditions were analyzed for the weekday AM and PM peak hours. The background traffic conditions included existing traffic with compound growth rates, plus explicit modeling of the following developments in the vicinity: § White Chapel Village, a development consisting of 50,000 SF office, 35,000 SF retail, a 220-key hotel, and 15,000 SF restaurant. It is located on the southeast corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 eastbound frontage road. § Southlake Office Plaza, a development consisting of 71,200 SF office located on the southwest corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 eastbound frontage road. § 10-Acre Office Site, a future development consisting of 10-acres of land located on the northwest corner of Southmont Drive and the SH 114 westbound frontage road adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site. The site was modelled at an FAR of 0.3, which calculates to 130,680 SF office. Page iii 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 The proposed Carillon Parc development is expected to generate approximately 625 new weekday AM peak hour one-way trips and 1,603 new weekday PM peak hour one-way trips at buildout. The distribution of the site-generated traffic volumes onto the street system was based on the surrounding roadway network, existing traffic patterns, and the project's proposed access locations. Based on the analysis presented in this report, the proposed Carillon Parc development can be successfully incorporated into the surrounding roadway network. The proposed site driveways provide the appropriate level of access for the development. The site-generated traffic does not significantly affect the existing vehicle traffic operations. The following improvements are recommended for the site: 1. Monitor the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard for signalization. As this is an intersection of two City-designated Thoroughfares, the intersection volumes would reach warrant volumes eventually. The future Kirkwood Boulevard extension to the west will likely signalize the intersection. The traffic volumes are due to the numerous developments in the area. 2. Drive 1 should be constructed with 2 outbound lanes, a westbound left-turn deceleration lane, and an eastbound right-turn deceleration lane. 3. Drive 2 should be constructed with a northbound right-turn deceleration lane. 4. Drive 3 should be constructed with 2 outbound lanes, a southbound left-turn deceleration lane, and a northbound right-turn deceleration lane. 5. Drive 4 should be constructed with a westbound right-turn deceleration lane. April 30, 2018 Update Note: This analysis and report has been updated throughout to reflect the current site plan and address comments from the TIA review dated April 20, 2018. The comments and the responses to each comment are included in the first section of the Appendix. Page 1 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose Kimley-Horn was retained to conduct a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) of future traffic conditions associated with the development of the Carillon Parc mixed-use site located at the northeast corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 westbound frontage road in Southlake, Texas. A site vicinity map is provided as Exhibit 1.Exhibit 2 shows the proposed conceptual site plan. This study is intended to identify traffic generation characteristics, identify potential traffic related impacts on the local street system, and to develop mitigation measures required for identified impacts. B. Methodology Traffic operations were analyzed at the study intersections for AM and PM peak hours for the following scenarios. § 2018 existing traffic § 2021 background traffic § 2021 background plus site traffic § 2026 background traffic § 2026 background plus site traffic The capacity analyses were conducted using the SynchroTM software package and its associated Intersection reports for signalized intersections and Highway Capacity Manual reports for unsignalized intersections. LEGEND: = Study IntersectionEXHIBIT 1 Vicinity Map Not To Scale North SITE Southlake Office Plaza White Chapel Village 10-Acre Office Site EXHIBIT 2 Conceptual Site Plan Not To Scale North D r i v e2 D r i v e3 W h i t e C h a p e l St. Tropez Drive Emergency Access Only Emergency Access Only Emergency Access Only Page 4 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 II. EXISTING AND FUTURE AREA CONDITIONS A. Roadway Characteristics The following signalized intersections were evaluated as part of this study: § White Chapel Boulevard at SH 114 eastbound frontage road § White Chapel Boulevard at SH 114 westbound frontage road § White Chapel Boulevard at Dove Road (Roundabout) The following unsignalized intersections were evaluated as part of this study: § White Chapel Boulevard at Kirkwood Boulevard § Kirkwood Boulevard at St. Tropez Drive § Kirkwood Boulevard at Riviera Lane The major study area roadways are described below. White Chapel Boulevard – is a two-lane, undivided road that runs north-south through Southlake. In the project vicinity, White Chapel Boulevard has intersections with both the SH 114 frontage roads, Kirkwood Boulevard, Dove Road, and various residential driveways. On the City of Southlake Thoroughfare Plan, the portion of White Chapel Boulevard south of Dove Road is classified as a divided four-lane Arterial (A4D – 88’). The speed limit near the site is 40 mph. Kirkwood Boulevard – is a four-lane, divided road that serpentines northwest- southeast through Southlake, generally paralleling SH 114. Kirkwood Boulevard is currently discontinuous, and near the project begins at White Chapel Boulevard and ends just past Southmont Drive. In the project vicinity, Kirkwood Boulevard has intersections with White Chapel Boulevard, St. Tropez Drive, Riviera Lane, and Southmont Drive. On the City of Southlake Thoroughfare Plan, Kirkwood Boulevard is classified as a divided four-lane Arterial (A4D – 100’). The speed limit near the site is 35 mph. Riviera Lane – is a two-lane, divided road north of Monte Carlo Drive and a two-lane, undivided road to the south. It forms the majority of the eastern boundary of the Carillon Parc site. In the project vicinity, Riviera Lane has intersections with Kirkwood Boulevard and residential driveways. On the City of Southlake Thoroughfare Plan, Riviera Lane is not classified. The speed limit near the site is assumed to be 30 mph, which is the default speed limit set by the City Council. St. Tropez Drive – is a two-lane, undivided road that provides access to the neighborhood directly to the north of the current Carillon Phase. In the project vicinity, St. Tropez Drive has intersections with Kirkwood Boulevard and residential driveways. On the City of Southlake Thoroughfare Plan, St. Tropez Drive is not classified. The speed Page 5 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 limit near the site is assumed to be 30 mph, which is the default speed limit set by the City Council. Dove Road – is a two-lane, undivided road that runs east-west through Southlake. In the project vicinity, Dove Road has intersections with White Chapel Boulevard and residential driveways. On the City of Southlake Thoroughfare Plan, Dove Road is classified as an undivided two-lane Arterial (A2U – 88’). The speed limit near the site is 30 mph. SH 114 east- and westbound frontage roads – are three-lane frontage roads that run along SH 114 through Southlake. In the project vicinity, the frontage roads each have an intersection with White Chapel Boulevard. The speed limit near the site is 45 mph. Exhibit 3 illustrates the existing intersection geometry used for the traffic analysis. B. Existing Study Area The property is currently zoned Mixed-Use (ECZ-Employment Center District). The property is currently undeveloped. C. Proposed Site Improvements The site as proposed will include 50 multifamily units; a 201-key hotel and a 70-key hotel; a 30,000 SF library; 9,000 SF medical clinic; 52,440 SF medical office; 105,6000 SF office; 196,860 SF retail; 24,000 SF theatre; 44,000 SF restaurant; and 30,000 SF conference center. Also included in the development are the 12 single family lots along the western side of Riviera Lane in the northeastern portion of the site. Since these houses will be a part of the existing neighborhood, generate 8 trips or less in each peak hour and have direct access to Riviera Lane, they were not included in the study. Riviera Lane traffic is very low at its intersection with Kirkwood Boulevard – only 18 outbound cars during the peak hour – and the additional trips will not affect its operations. Even though the 12 single family lots have access to Riviera Lane, no other uses of the site have direct access to Riviera Lane or Carillon Court. There is no public access to Riviera Lane or Carillon Court directly from the development. Gates will be installed at the cross-access locations to the adjacent residential areas to allow access by emergency vehicles only. White Chapel Boulevard will be widened to its four-lane width adjacent to the site as the site is constructed. The site would have access via a total of four driveways. The driveways to be modeled in this analysis are as follows: Page 6 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 Drive 1 – would be a full-access driveway to Kirkwood Boulevard approximately 650 feet east of the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard. Drive 1 would form the northbound leg of the existing intersection of St. Tropez Drive and Kirkwood Boulevard. One lane will be constructed for the inbound movement, and one lane will be constructed for the outbound movement. D r i v e 2 – would be a right-in, right-out driveway to White Chapel Boulevard approximately 300 feet south of the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard. One lane will be constructed for the inbound movement, and one lane will be constructed for the outbound movement. Drive 3 – would be a full-access driveway to White Chapel Boulevard approximately 500 feet south of the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard and Drive 2, and approximately 500 feet north of the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 westbound frontage road. One lane will be constructed for the inbound movement, and two lanes will be constructed for the outbound movements. There will be a median opening at Drive 3, and a southbound left-turn deceleration lane will be constructed as well. Drive 4 – would be a right-in, right-out driveway to the SH 114 westbound frontage road approximately 550 feet east of the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 westbound frontage road. Intersection sight distance at the proposed driveways is acceptable, with each on relatively straight segments of their respective roadway. Drives 2 and 3 are on a cresting section of White Chapel Boulevard. There is expected to be adequate sight distance per the attached site plan, but sight distance due to vertical curvature should be confirmed before construction. D. Existing Traffic Volumes 24-hour machine counts were collected adjacent to the site on White Chapel Boulevard, Kirkwood Boulevard, the SH 114 westbound frontage road (before the off-ramp), the corresponding SH 114 westbound off-ramp, and Southmont Drive.Exhibit 4 shows the existing weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes. The raw count sheets are provided in the Appendix, as well as a comparison between the 24-hour volumes collected and previous 24-hour counts. The 24-hour count showed the daily volume on the roadway link as follows: · White Chapel Boulevard: 6,728 vehicles per day (vpd) · Kirkwood Boulevard: 1,581 vpd · SH 114 westbound frontage road: 2,730 vpd · SH 114 westbound off-ramp: 7,095 vpd · Southmont Drive: 1,318 vpd LEGEND: = Signalized = Turn Bay Intersection = Stop-Controlled = Driveway Lanes or Approach Off-Site Improvements = Travel Lane TWLTL = Two-Way Left Turn Lane EXHIBIT 3 Lane Assignment and Intersection Control W h i t e C h a p e l B o u l e v a r d Not To Scale North SH 114 EBFR Drive 3 Kirkwood Boulevard Drive 2 D r i v e 4 SH 114 WBFR Dove Road S t . T r o p e z D r i v e Single Lane Roundabout S T O P S T O P S T O P D r i v e 1 STOP STOP * * R i v i e r a L a n e * STOP * * * * * ** * S o u t h m o n t D r i v e STOPSTOP * * * * STOP 136 195 61 (162)(292)(64) 60 (75) 238 (170) 113 (76) 167 (98) 206 (134) 13 (37) 42 161 73 (37)(190)(59) 315 12 47 2 (395)(10)21 (6)(22)(4)1 (2)20 (22) 80 (39)48 (29)0 (1) 23 (20)42 (37) 244 36 42 (44)17 (11)17 1 (287)(46)(9)(0) 82 (173) 38 (160) 6 377 406 (588)86 (9)(425)(64)24 (84) 108 (72)235 (284) 122 197 430 (645) (136)(154) 591 208 (758)(218) 6 (2) 801 (25)300 454 121 (127)(280)(234) LEGEND: X (Y) X = Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and presence of smaller driveways not included in analysis. EXHIBIT 4 2018 Existing Traffic Volumes Not To Scale North SH 114 EBFR Kirkwood Boulevard SH 114 WBFR Dove Road S t . T r o p e z D r i v e R i v i e r a L a n e S o u t h m o n t D r i v e W h i t e C h a p e l B o u l e v a r d Page 9 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 III. PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS A. Site-Generated Traffic Site-generated traffic estimates are determined through a process known as trip generation. Rates and equations are applied to the proposed land use to estimate traffic generated by the development during a specific time interval. The acknowledged source for trip generation rates is the 10th edition of Trip Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). ITE has established trip rates in nationwide studies of similar land uses. The trips indicated are actually one-way trips or trip ends, where one vehicle entering and exiting the site is counted as one inbound trip and one outbound trip. Trip generation for the conference center was taken from Kimley-Horn data collected at existing conference center sites. Reductions to the base trip generation estimates are sometimes applied due to internal capture. Internal capture is the tendency for customers or tenants to visit several parts of the mixed-use development in one trip but be counted twice in the trip generation since the formulae assume the residential, hotel, office, retail, and theatre developments are isolated. Internal capture reductions are applied based on the procedures in the 2014 3rd edition of the Trip Generation Handbook, a companion manual to Trip Generation Manual also published by ITE. The internal capture worksheets are included in the Appendix. Internal capture reduces the number of trips leaving the site, and results in a projection of internal trips and external trips. No reductions were taken for pass-by trips or multimodal use. Table 1 shows the resulting daily and weekday AM and PM peak hour trip generation for the proposed development, showing new external trips. Table 1 – Trip Generation Daily One-Way Trips IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise)50 Units 221 272 5 13 18 13 9 22 Hotel 271 Rooms 310 2,633 77 53 130 90 87 177 Library 30,000 SF 310 2,162 21 9 30 118 127 245 Clinic 9,000 SF 630 343 26 7 33 9 21 30 Medical-Dental Office Building 52,440 SF 720 1,927 98 28 126 50 130 180 General Office Building 105,600 SF 710 1,119 108 18 126 19 101 120 Retail/Shopping Center 196,860 SF 820 8,406 117 72 189 350 380 730 Movie Theatre 24,000 SF 444 N/A 0 0 0 139 9 148 Quality Restaurant 44,000 SF 931 3,689 26 6 32 230 113 343 Conference Center 30,000 SF -558 14 7 21 6 68 74 Development Totals Raw Trip Generation Total:21,109 492 213 705 1,024 1,045 2,069 Internal Capture Total:4,646 40 40 80 233 233 466 Total Net New External Vehicle Trips: 16,463 452 173 625 791 812 1,603 Trip Generation rates based on ITE's Trip Generation Manual , 10th Edition. Internal Capture procedure from ITE Trip Generation Handbook , 3rd Edition (2014). Conference Center trip generation rates based on Kimley-Horn data. PM Peak Hour One-Way TripsLand Uses Amount Units ITE Code AM Peak Hour One-Way Trips Page 10 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 B. Trip Distribution and Assignment The distribution of the site-generated traffic volumes into and out of the site driveways and onto the street system was based on the area street system characteristics, existing traffic patterns, relative residential density, and the locations of the proposed driveway access to/from the site. The corresponding inbound and outbound traffic assignment, where the directional distribution is applied using the most probable paths to and from the site, can be found in Exhibit 5. Exhibit 6 shows the resulting site-generated weekday AM and weekday PM peak hour turning movements after multiplying the new external trip generation for each phase by the respective traffic assignment percentages. C. Other Development Traffic Modelling Using the same procedure as was used to develop the Carillon Parc site-generated traffic and distribute that traffic on the roadway network, traffic was developed and distributed for the three other sites as well. The 10-acre office site, adjacent to the east side of the Carillon Parc site, was modelled at an FAR of 0.3 which provides 130,680 SF office. The Southlake Office Plaza, located at the southwest corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 eastbound frontage road, was modelled as shown in Attachment D of zoning case ZA13-106 which includes 71,200 SF office. The White Chapel Village development, located at the southeast corner of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 eastbound frontage road, was modelled in a TIA by Stantec. No adjustments were made to the site-generated traffic distribution by Stantec, located in Figures 10 and 11 of the White Chapel Village TIA. The site includes 50,000 SF office; 35,000 SF retail/shopping center; a 220-key hotel; and 15,000 SF restaurant. The distribution and volumes for each of these developments can be found in the Appendix. D. Development of 2021 Background Traffic In order to obtain 2021 background traffic, the existing traffic counts and historic counts near the site were compared to find expected growth trends within the study area. Based on the recent growth in the area, an annual growth rate of 6% was assumed for the background traffic through 2021. To calculate the 2021 background traffic, the existing 2018 traffic counts were grown by 6% annually for three years. The resulting 2021 background weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes are shown in Exhibit 7. The three background developments listed above were also added into the background traffic volumes. Page 11 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 E. Development of 2021 Total Traffic Site traffic volumes were added to the background volumes to represent the estimated total (background plus site-generated) traffic conditions for the 2021 study year after completion of the proposed development.Exhibit 8 shows the resulting 2021 weekday AM and PM peak hour total traffic volumes. F. Development of 2026 Background and Total Traffic The background and total traffic volumes in the 2026 study year were calculated in a similar manner to the 2021 traffic volumes by adding five years of 2% growth over the 2021 background volumes. In total, the 2026 background volumes are approximately 30% higher than the existing volumes. The background development traffic was then added into the traffic volumes.Exhibit 9 shows the resulting 2026 weekday AM and PM peak hour background traffic volumes, and Exhibit 10 shows the resulting 2026 weekday AM and PM peak hour total traffic volumes after the addition of the site- generated traffic. 5% 5% 5% (5%)(5%)(5%) 10%5%(5%)5% (25%)5% (10%) (10%)5% (5%)(30%)(5%) (5%)10% 10% (25%) (5%) 5%20% (10%) (25%) 10%(10%) (25%) 25%40% 25% (10%) (5%) (5%) (45%) (25%)15% (5%)5% (15%)25% (5%)5% 40%35% (25%) (25%) 10% 30% LEGEND: X% (Y%) X% = Percentage of Inbound Site-Generated Traffic (Y%) = Percentage of Outbound Site-Generated Traffic EXHIBIT 5 Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment Not To Scale North SH 114 EBFR Drive 3 Kirkwood Boulevard Drive 2 D r i v e 4 SH 114 WBFR Dove Road S t . T r o p e z D r i v e D r i v e 1 R i v i e r a L a n e S o u t h m o n t D r i v e W h i t e C h a p e l B o u l e v a r d 0 23 0 (0)(40)(0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 23 (40) 0 (0) 0 (0) 23 (40) 9 9 9 (41)(41)(41) 45 23 0 0 0 0 (0) (80)(40)9 (41)(0)(0)(0)0 (0)23 (40) 43 (205)23 (40)0 (0) 0 (0)17 (82) 17 31 9 (41)51 0 9 0 (0)0 0 (82)(81)45 (80)(246)(0)(41)(0)(0) 88 (285) 9 (41) 40 90 (122)(160) 43 45 (205)(80)17 (82) 43 (205) 113 180 (200)(320) 113 (200) 17 (82) 9 77 9 (41)43 9 (41)(369)(205)68 (120)(41)23 (40) 26 (123)121 (241)23 (40) 0 180 158 (280) (0)(320) 43 43 (205)(205) 45 (80) 0 (0)135 0 0 (0)(240)(0) LEGEND: X (Y) X = Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and presence of smaller driveways not included in analysis. EXHIBIT 6 Site-Generated Traffic Volumes Not To Scale North SH 114 EBFR Drive 3 Kirkwood Boulevard Drive 2 D r i v e 4 SH 114 WBFR Dove Road S t . T r o p e z D r i v e D r i v e 1 R i v i e r a L a n e S o u t h m o n t D r i v e W h i t e C h a p e l B o u l e v a r d 162 247 73 (193)(360)(76) 71 (89) 283 (202) 145 (94) 199 (117) 245 (160) 21 (45) 50 199 89 (44)(248)(81) 400 20 56 2 (485)(13)26 (13)(26)(5)1 (2)25 (32) 95 (46)58 (41)0 (1) 27 (24)56 (45) 299 43 56 (53)20 (13)20 1 (369)(55)(11)(0) 99 (212) 47 (203) 7 461 629 (951)105 (11)(519)(94)29 (100) 138 (141)305 (345) 170 337 731 (932) (167)(205) 815 340 (1022) (357) 20 (4) 986 (64)415 628 158 (165)(417)(448) LEGEND: X (Y) X = Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and presence of smaller driveways not included in analysis. EXHIBIT 7 2021 Background Traffic Volumes Not To Scale North SH 114 EBFR Kirkwood Boulevard SH 114 WBFR Dove Road S t . T r o p e z D r i v e R i v i e r a L a n e S o u t h m o n t D r i v e W h i t e C h a p e l B o u l e v a r d 162 270 73 (193)(400)(76) 71 (89) 283 (202) 168 (134) 199 (117) 245 (160) 44 (85) 59 208 98 (85)(289)(122) 445 43 56 0 2 1 (2) (565)(53)35 (54)(26)(0)(5)58 (41)48 (72) 138 (251)23 (40)0 (1) 27 (24)73 (127) 316 74 65 (94)51 0 9 20 (13)20 1 (451)(136)45 (80)(246)(0)(41)(11)(0) 583 (817) 9 (41) 381 90 (546)(160) 525 58 (735)(82)18 (88) 43 (205) 454 218 (624)(327) 212 (412) 64 (285) 16 538 638 (992)48 114 (52)(888)(236)113 (128)(135)52 (140) 164 (264)1070 (1664)328 (385) 170 517 889 (1212) (167)(525) 858 383 (1227) (562) 65 (84) 986 (64)550 628 158 (165)(657)(448) LEGEND: X (Y) X = Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and presence of smaller driveways not included in analysis. EXHIBIT 8 2021 Background Plus Site-Generated Traffic Volumes Not To Scale North SH 114 EBFR Drive 3 Kirkwood Boulevard Drive 2 D r i v e 4 SH 114 WBFR Dove Road S t . T r o p e z D r i v e D r i v e 1 R i v i e r a L a n e S o u t h m o n t D r i v e W h i t e C h a p e l B o u l e v a r d 176 268 79 (210)(390)(83) 78 (97) 308 (220) 156 (101) 216 (127) 267 (174) 23 (49) 54 216 97 (48)(268)(87) 433 22 61 3 (527)(14)28 (14)(28)(5)1 (3)27 (34) 104 (51)63 (44)0 (1) 30 (26)60 (49) 324 47 60 (58)22 (14)22 1 (399)(60)(12)(0) 107 (230) 51 (219) 8 500 671 (1013)114 (12)(563)(101)31 (109) 149 (148)329 (375) 183 357 776 (999) (181)(221) 876 361 (1101) (379) 21 (5) 1069 (66)447 675 171 (178)(447)(472) LEGEND: X (Y) X = Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and presence of smaller driveways not included in analysis. EXHIBIT 9 2026 Background Traffic Volumes Not To Scale North SH 114 EBFR Kirkwood Boulevard SH 114 WBFR Dove Road S t . T r o p e z D r i v e R i v i e r a L a n e S o u t h m o n t D r i v e W h i t e C h a p e l B o u l e v a r d 176 291 79 (210)(430)(83) 78 (97) 308 (220) 179 (141) 216 (127) 267 (174) 46 (89) 63 225 106 (89)(309)(128) 478 45 61 0 3 1 (3) (607)(54)37 (55)(28)(0)(5)63 (44)50 (74) 147 (256)23 (40)0 (1) 30 (26)77 (131) 341 78 69 (99)51 0 9 22 (14)22 1 (481)(141)45 (80)(246)(0)(41)(12)(0) 625 (862) 9 (41) 411 90 (580)(160) 567 58 (780)(82)18 (88) 43 (205) 484 218 (658)(327) 220 (430) 68 (301) 17 577 680 (1054)48 123 (53)(932)(236)113 (128)(142)54 (149) 175 (271)1136 (1767)352 (415) 183 537 934 (1279) (181)(541) 919 404 (1306) (584) 66 (85) 1069 (66)582 675 171 (178)(687)(472) LEGEND: X (Y) X = Weekday AM Peak Hour Turning Movements Y = Weekday PM Peak Hour Turning Movements Volumes may not sum from point to point due to rounding and presence of smaller driveways not included in analysis. EXHIBIT 10 2026 Background Plus Site-Generated Traffic Volumes Not To Scale North SH 114 EBFR Drive 3 Kirkwood Boulevard Drive 2 D r i v e 4 SH 114 WBFR Dove Road S t . T r o p e z D r i v e D r i v e 1 R i v i e r a L a n e S o u t h m o n t D r i v e W h i t e C h a p e l B o u l e v a r d Page 18 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 IV. TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Kimley-Horn conducted a traffic operations analysis to determine potential capacity deficiencies in the 2018, 2021 and 2026 study years at the study intersections. The acknowledged source for determining overall capacity is the current edition of the Highway Capacity Manual. A. Analysis Methodology Capacity analysis results are listed in terms of Level of Service (LOS). LOS is a qualitative term describing operating conditions a driver will experience while traveling on a particular street or highway during a specific time interval. It ranges from A (very little delay) to F (long delays and congestion).Table 2 shows the definition of level of service for signalized and unsignalized intersections. Table 2 – Level of Service Definitions Level of Service Signalized Intersection Average Total Delay (sec/veh) Unsignalized Intersection Average Total Delay (sec/veh) A ≤10 ≤10 B >10 and ≤20 >10 and ≤15 C >20 and ≤35 >15 and ≤25 D >35 and ≤55 >25 and ≤35 E >55 and ≤80 >35 and ≤50 F >80 >50 _______________ Definitions provided from the Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, 2010. Study area intersections were analyzed based on average total delay analysis for signalized and unsignalized intersections. For the unsignalized analysis, the level of service (LOS) for a two-way stop-controlled intersection is defined for each movement. Unlike signalized intersections which define LOS for each approach and for the intersection as a whole, LOS for two-way stop-controlled intersections is not defined as a whole. Signal timings for the signalized intersections are taken site observations conducted in April 2018 during both the AM and PM peak hour. In the future scenarios, timing adjustments were made to accommodate changes in traffic volumes due to background growth and site traffic, replicating how City staff will periodically review signal operations in the future. The roundabout intersection of Dove Road and White Chapel Boulevard was analyzed using the Sidra software. The analysis used the physical parameters at the existing roundabout. Page 19 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 Calculations for the level of service at the key intersections identified for study are provided in the Appendix. The analyses assumed the lane geometry and intersection control shown in Exhibit 3. B. Analysis Results Table 3 and Table 4 show the intersection operational results for the weekday AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Page 20 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 Table 3 – Traffic Operational Results – Weekday AM Peak Hour DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS WB 19.1 B 29.1 C 28.5 C 34.8 C 34.7 C NB 3.2 A 14.9 B 17.2 B 7.8 A 11.0 B SB 24.7 C 27.9 C 28.5 C 26.7 C 27.3 C Overall 16.7 B 24.7 C 24.9 C 24.8 C 25.3 C EB 45.7 D 55.0 D 54.8 D 83.8 F 83.3 F NB 26.0 C 54.5 D 69.3 E 51.9 D 71.0 E SB 24.8 C 42.5 D 55.6 E 51.3 D 65.5 E Overall 33.0 C 50.6 D 59.8 E 62.8 E 73.2 E Dove Road @ White Chapel Boulevard (Roundabout) Overall 14.6 B 26.1 C 33.3 C 39.0 D 52.4 D WBL*15.2 C 19.8 C 30.8 D 22.9 C 39.2 E WBR*9.7 A 10.2 B 10.4 B 10.4 B 10.7 B SBL 7.8 A 8.0 A 8.1 A 8.0 A 8.2 A NB*8.9 A 9.1 A 9.2 A 9.1 A 9.3 A WBL ---------- NB*----10.5 B --10.7 B EBL 7.4 A 7.4 A 7.4 A 7.4 A 7.4 A WBL ----7.4 A --7.4 A SB*8.7 A 8.7 A 8.8 A 8.8 A 8.8 A Drive 2 @ White Chapel Boulevard WBR*----9.6 A --9.7 A WBL*----21.8 C --23.7 C WBR*--9.4 A 9.9 A 9.5 A 10.0 A SBL --8.1 A 8.6 A 8.2 A 8.7 A SH 114 WBFR @ Drive 4 SBR*--12.0 B 12.7 B 12.0 B 12.7 B SH 114 WBFR @ Southmont Drive SBR*10.4 B 10.9 B 11.1 B 11.2 B 11.4 B * Stop-Controlled Approach - No movements in Time Period + Movement Delay Exceeds 200 seconds INTERSECTION APPROACH 2018 Background Traffic 2021 Background Traffic 2021 Background plus Site Traffic 2026 Background Traffic 2026 Background plus Site Traffic AM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour SH 114 WBFR @ White Chapel Boulevard SH 114 EBFR @ White Chapel Boulevard Kirkwood Boulevard @ White Chapel Boulevard Kirkwood Boulevard @ Riviera Lane Kirkwood Boulevard @ St. Tropez Drive & Drive 1 Drive 3 @ White Chapel Boulevard Signalized Unsignalized Page 21 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 Table 4 – Traffic Operational Results – Weekday PM Peak Hour DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS WB 37.6 D 28.4 C 36.2 D 27.3 C 37.5 D NB 5.8 A 44.7 D 49.3 D 47.3 D 68.5 E SB 24.3 C 37.2 D 47.0 D 40.4 D 47.7 D Overall 28.5 C 33.1 C 42.0 D 33.7 C 46.8 D EB 7.3 A 25.2 C 37.0 D 30.7 C 40.8 D NB 13.5 B 24.9 C 34.4 C 16.4 B 35.0 C SB 15.1 B 8.3 A 18.4 B 11.8 B 19.2 B Overall 13.9 B 15.7 B 25.7 C 15.2 B 26.7 C Dove Road @ White Chapel Boulevard (Roundabout) Overall 13.4 B 23.6 C 38.3 D 34.7 C 59.2 E WBL*16.1 C 20.6 C 200.0+F 23.4 C 200.0+F WBR*10.0 A 10.7 B 11.9 B 10.9 B 12.3 B SBL 7.9 A 8.1 A 8.5 A 8.2 A 8.7 A NB*8.9 A 9.0 A 9.7 A 9.0 A 9.7 A WBL 7.3 A 7.3 A 7.5 A 7.4 A 7.5 A NB*----14.0 B --14.4 B EBL 7.3 A 7.3 A 7.3 A 7.4 A 7.4 A WBL ----7.5 A --7.5 A SB*8.6 A 8.7 A 8.9 A 8.7 A 8.9 A Drive 2 @ White Chapel Boulevard WBR*----10.5 B --10.7 B WBL*----200.0+F --200.0+F WBR*--9.7 A 11.4 B 9.8 A 11.6 B SBL --8.3 A 9.4 A 8.4 A 9.5 A SH 114 WBFR @ Drive 4 SBR*--12.4 B 18.4 C 12.4 B 18.4 C SH 114 WBFR @ Southmont Drive SBR*10.4 B 11.0 B 11.8 B 11.3 B 12.1 B * Stop-Controlled Approach - No movements in Time Period + Movement Delay Exceeds 200 seconds 2021 Background plus Site TrafficINTERSECTIONAPPROACH 2018 Background Traffic 2021 Background Traffic PM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 2026 Background Traffic 2026 Background plus Site Traffic SH 114 WBFR @ White Chapel Boulevard SH 114 EBFR @ White Chapel Boulevard PM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Kirkwood Boulevard @ White Chapel Boulevard Kirkwood Boulevard @ Riviera Lane Kirkwood Boulevard @ St. Tropez Drive & Drive 1 Drive 3 @ White Chapel Boulevard Signalized Unsignalized Page 22 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 C. 2018 Existing Traffic Operations The analysis of the 2018 existing traffic operations shows the signalized intersections operating with moderate delay in both peak hours. The intersection of the SH 114 westbound frontage road (WBFR) and White Chapel Boulevard operates at LOS B during the AM peak hour and LOS C during the PM peak hour. The intersection of the SH 114 eastbound frontage road (EBFR) and White Chapel Boulevard operates at LOS C and B during the AM and PM peaks, respectively. All but one of the existing approaches to the unsignalized study intersections operate favorably at LOS B or better. The westbound left-turning approach to the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard operates at LOS C during both peak hours. D. 2021 Background Traffic Operations The signalized intersections experience more delay with three years of background growth and the traffic from the three background developments added to the network. The existing cycle length of the SH 114 and White Chapel Boulevard interchange was elongated and the corresponding signal timings were reconfigured to match the projected volumes. After these measures were in place, the intersection of the SH 114 WBFR and White Chapel Boulevard changes from LOS B to C during the AM peak hour and remains at LOS C during the PM peak. The intersection of the SH 114 EBFR and White Chapel Boulevard changes from LOS C to D during the AM peak and maintains LOS B during the PM peak. The roundabout intersection of Dove Road and White Chapel Boulevard changes from LOS B to C during both peak hours. The unsignalized intersections experience added delays with the additional background traffic as well. Besides the left-turning approach of the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard, which continues to operate at LOS C during both peak hours, all approaches to the study unsignalized intersections operate at LOS B or better during both peaks. Due to cross-access to the 10-acre office site to the east of the Carillon Parc development, the site driveways that were expected to attract cross-traffic were included in the background traffic analysis. All driveway approaches operate at LOS B or better during both peak hours. E. 2021 Background Plus Site-Generated Traffic Operations The addition of the site-generated traffic to the 2021 background traffic results in some additional delay at the existing signalized intersections. The 2021 background plus site analysis uses the same timing scheme as the 2021 background analysis. The intersection of the SH 114 WBFR and White Chapel Boulevard remains at LOS C during Page 23 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 the AM peak and changes from LOS C to LOS D during the PM peak. The intersection of the SH 114 EBFR and White Chapel Boulevard changes from LOS D to E during the AM peak and from LOS B to C during the PM peak. Due to naturally longer cycle lengths that result from coordinating distinct phases at the intersection of the frontage roads of a major highway and a City arterial, LOS E is generally acceptable at these types of intersections. However, for due diligence, the intersections of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 frontage roads are studied in the Mitigation Analysis included later in this report. The roundabout intersection of Dove Road and White Chapel Boulevard changes from LOS C to D during the AM peak hour and remains at LOS C during the PM peak hour. With the addition of site-generated traffic, there are some changes in level of service during both peak hours at the unsignalized intersections. All but four unsignalized approaches operate at LOS B or better during each peak hour. The westbound left-turning approach to the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard changes from LOS C to D and from LOS C to F during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Both Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard are thoroughfares per the City Thoroughfare Plan. Given enough time, their intersection would require either a roundabout or signalization due to their attractiveness and position within the City. This intersection is studied in the Mitigation Analysis included later in this report. The westbound left-turning approach of the intersection of Drive 3 and White Chapel Boulevard operates at LOS C during the AM peak and at LOS F during the PM peak. This intersection is studied in the Mitigation Analysis included later in this report. The southbound right-turning approach of the intersection of Drive 4 and the SH 114 WBFR operates at LOS B during the AM peak and LOS C during the PM peak. The northbound approach of the intersection of Drive 1 and Kirkwood Boulevard operates at LOS B during the AM peak and at LOS C during the PM peak. Except for the westbound left-turning approach of Drive 3, the site driveways all operate at LOS C or better during both peak hours. F. 2026 Background Traffic Operations The analysis of the 2026 Background Traffic operations shows that, when compared to the 2021 background traffic operations, the signalized intersections have only one change in level of service with the addition of five more years of background traffic growth. The intersection of the SH 114 WBFR and White Chapel Boulevard remains at LOS C during both peak hours. The intersection of the SH 114 EBFR and White Chapel Page 24 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 Boulevard changes from LOS D to E during the AM peak and remains at LOS B during the PM peak. The roundabout intersection of Dove Road and White Chapel Boulevard changes from LOS C to D during the AM peak hour and remains at LOS C during the PM peak hour. For the unsignalized approaches of the study intersections, there are some increases in delay with the additional background traffic but no changes in level of service. The site driveways continue to operate favorably with background cross-traffic. G. 2026 Background Plus Site-Generated Traffic Operations The addition of the site-generated traffic to the 2026 background traffic results in some additional delay at the signalized intersections. The intersection of the SH 114 WBFR and White Chapel Boulevard remains at LOS C during the AM peak and changes from LOS C to LOS D during the PM peak. The intersection of the SH 114 EBFR and White Chapel Boulevard continues to operate at LOS E during the AM peak and changes from LOS B to C during the PM peak. As mentioned previously, these intersections are studied in the Mitigation Analysis included later in this report. The roundabout intersection of Dove Road and White Chapel Boulevard remains at LOS D during the AM peak hour and changes from LOS C to E during the PM peak hour. Although the intersection reaches LOS E, the delays are not excessive. The rapidly increasing delays with relatively minor increases in volume is a characteristic of roundabouts as they reach their intended maximum volume thresholds. The roundabout is intended to keep Dove Road from becoming a cut-through alternative for out-of-City or cross-City traffic, and the increase in delay is merely temporary. Once Kirkwood Boulevard is built out to its Thoroughfare width and is connected to run across nearly all of Southlake, some of the traffic through the Dove Road roundabout will alter their path to utilize Kirkwood Boulevard instead. Furthermore, when the roundabout reaches its capacity, many of these users will choose an alternate route, ensuring that the roundabout will not likely experience excessive delay even with the addition of site traffic. There are some changes in level of service in both peak hours at the unsignalized intersections with the addition of site-generated traffic. All but four unsignalized approaches operate at LOS B or better during both peak hours. The westbound left-turning approach to the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard changes from LOS C to E during the AM peak and from LOS C to F during the PM peak. The westbound left-turning approach to the intersection of Drive 3 and White Chapel Boulevard operates at LOS C during the AM peak and at Page 25 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 LOS F during the PM peak. As previously mentioned, both of these intersections are studied in the Mitigation Analysis included later in this report. The southbound right-turning approach to the intersection of Drive 4 and the SH 114 WBFR operates at LOS B during the AM peak hour and at LOS C during the PM peak hour under the full-buildout scenario. The northbound approach of the intersection of Drive 1 and Kirkwood Boulevard operates at LOS B and LOS C during the AM and PM peaks, respectively. LOS C is favorable for any unsignalized approach, but especially an approach to a City thoroughfare. Excluding the southbound right-turn at Drive 4 and the westbound left-turn at Drive 3, all approaches to the site driveways operate favorably at LOS C or better during both peak hours at buildout. H. Link Volume Analysis The link capacity analysis examines the operating conditions of roadway links rather than intersections, using the daily and peak hour volumes passing a fixed point. The operating condition is defined by the ratio of link volume to link capacity, or V/C. The V/C of the different roadway links that would be impacted by the proposed development’s traffic was calculated for the 2021 background and background plus site traffic and 2026 background and background plus site traffic scenarios. The link capacity for each roadway is taken from the NCTCOG model capacity volumes. The proposed lane geometries found on the site plan were used for the 2021 and 2026 scenarios. Kirkwood Boulevard and the proposed White Chapel Boulevard have a capacity of 900 vphpl as divided arterials. The daily link analyses, displayed below in Table 5, show that White Chapel Boulevard currently operates at LOS A/B. With the addition of background traffic, which includes the three background developments and the growth rates shown in the table, and the construction of the two additional travel lanes, White Chapel Boulevard remains at LOS A/B for both the 2021 and 2026 background traffic scenarios. After site-generated traffic is added to the network, White Chapel Boulevard changes to LOS C in both the 2021 and 2026 total traffic scenarios. Only half of the roadway capacity is utilized after the buildout site-generated traffic volumes are added to the network, leaving the thoroughfare with 50% of its potential capacity. Kirkwood Boulevard and Southmont Drive currently operate at LOS A/B and do so through the 2026 background plus site-generated traffic scenario. The peak hour link analyses in Table 6 show similar results as the daily analyses. White Chapel Boulevard operates at LOS A/B in both peak hours of the 2021 and 2026 background scenarios. With the site-generated traffic added in 2021 and 2026, White Page 26 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 Chapel Boulevard operates at LOS A/B in the AM peak hour and LOS C in the PM peak hour. Kirkwood Boulevard operates at LOS A/B in for all scenarios. Table 5 – Daily Link Operational Results From To Volume V/C Ratio LOS Volume Daily Volume Volume V/C Ratio LOS Assignment Daily Volume Volume V/C Ratio LOS White Chapel Boulevard White Chapel Village 100 SH 114 WBFR Dove Road 6,728 0.41 A/B 10-Acre Office Site 241 8,486 0.24 A/B 57.5%8,937 17,423 0.48 C (Existing)17.5% Volume Limit 2 Lanes = 16,500 Southlake Office Plaza 132 Volume Limit 4 Lanes = 36,000 5.0%6% growth for 3 years Kirkwood Boulevard White Chapel Village 0 St. Tropez Drive White Chapel Boulevard 1,581 0.04 A/B 10-Acre Office Site 69 1,952 0.05 A/B 22.5%3,497 5,449 0.15 A/B 5.0% Southlake Office Plaza 0 Volume Limit 4 Lanes = 36,000 0.0%6% growth for 3 years From To Volume Daily Volume Volume V/C Ratio LOS Assignment Daily Volume Volume V/C Ratio LOS White Chapel Boulevard White Chapel Village 100 SH 114 WBFR Dove Road 10-Acre Office Site 241 9,186 0.26 A/B 57.5%8,937 18,123 0.50 C 17.5% Southlake Office Plaza 132 Volume Limit 4 Lanes = 36,000 5.0%2% growth for 5 additional years Kirkwood Boulevard White Chapel Village 0 St. Tropez Drive White Chapel Boulevard 10-Acre Office Site 69 2,117 0.06 A/B 22.5%3,497 5,614 0.16 A/B 5.0% Southlake Office Plaza 0 Volume Limit 4 Lanes = 36,000 0.0%2% growth for 5 additional years Volume Limit Based on NCTCOG DFWRTM Hourly Capacity Per Lane Greater Than Less Than / Equal To -0.45 A or B 0.45 0.65 C 0.65 0.80 D 0.80 1.00 E 1.00 -F Volume to Service (Capacity) Ratio LOS Rankin Roadway Link 2018 Existing 2021 Background 2021 Site-Generated 2021 Background+Site Roadway Link 2026 Background 2026 Site-Generated 2026 Background+Site Page 27 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 Table 6 – Peak Hour Link Operational Results Direction of Travel Background Volume V/C LOS Back+Site Volume V/C LOS North of SH 114 2 1,800 NB 379 0.21 A/B 672 0.37 A/B North of SH 114 2 1,800 SB 468 0.26 A/B 554 0.31 A/B East of White Chapel 2 1,800 EB 63 0.04 A/B 117 0.07 A/B East of White Chapel 2 1,800 WB 121 0.07 A/B 173 0.10 A/B Direction of Travel Background Volume V/C LOS Back+Site Volume V/C LOS North of SH 114 2 1,800 NB 431 0.24 A/B 951 0.53 C North of SH 114 2 1,800 SB 530 0.29 A/B 940 0.52 C East of White Chapel 2 1,800 EB 68 0.04 A/B 189 0.11 A/B East of White Chapel 2 1,800 WB 59 0.03 A/B 305 0.17 A/B Direction of Travel Background Volume V/C LOS Back+Site Volume V/C LOS North of SH 114 2 1,800 NB 409 0.23 A/B 702 0.39 A/B North of SH 114 2 1,800 SB 508 0.28 A/B 594 0.33 A/B East of White Chapel 2 1,800 EB 69 0.04 A/B 123 0.07 A/B East of White Chapel 2 1,800 WB 132 0.07 A/B 184 0.10 A/B Direction of Travel Background Volume V/C LOS Back+Site Volume V/C LOS North of SH 114 2 1,800 NB 465 0.26 A/B 985 0.55 C North of SH 114 2 1,800 SB 575 0.32 A/B 985 0.55 C East of White Chapel 2 1,800 EB 74 0.04 A/B 195 0.11 A/B East of White Chapel 2 1,800 WB 65 0.04 A/B 311 0.17 A/BKirkwood Boulevard Number of Lanes Capacity PM Peak Hour 2025 Scenario White Chapel Blvd 2025 Scenario White Chapel Blvd Kirkwood Boulevard Roadway Segment Roadway Segment Number of Lanes Capacity AM Peak Hour 2021 Scenario White Chapel Blvd Kirkwood Boulevard AM Peak Hour PM Peak HourNumber of Lanes Capacity Roadway Segment Number of Lanes Capacity 2021 Scenario White Chapel Blvd Kirkwood Boulevard Roadway Segment Page 28 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 I. Right-Turn Lane Analysis Where justified, the addition of right-turn deceleration lanes can help inbound turning vehicles separate from the through traffic, avoiding conflicts and smoothing traffic flow.TxDOT and the City have identified right-turning volume thresholds where right- turn lanes are justified.Table 7 shows the driveway locations with right-turn driveway access to the site, and how they compare with TxDOT standards. The high inbound volume occurs in the PM peak hour for every driveway in this analysis. With the projected maximum peak hour right-turn volume meeting TxDOT and City criterion,a right-turn lane is recommended for every driveway in the analysis. Table 7 – Right-Turn Lane Analysis Right-Turn Location Projected Maximum Peak Hour Right-Turn Volume TxDOT Threshold (Access Management Manual, Table 2-3) City of Southlake Threshold (City Ordinance No. 634, Section 5.4.a) Right-Turn Lane Recommended ? Drive 1 from Kirkwood Boulevard 80 vph 60 vph 50 vph Yes Drive 2 from White Chapel Boulevard 160 vph 60 vph 50 vph Yes Drive 3 from White Chapel Boulevard 327 vph 60 vph 50 vph Yes Drive 4 from SH 114 WBFR 128 vph 60 vph 50 vph Yes Turn lanes, both left- and right-turn lanes, should follow City of Southlake guidelines for dimensions. While Drive 3 is expected to accommodate heavy inbound right-turning volumes, the right-turning vehicles do not yield except to pedestrians and they are not required to stop at the first internal intersection within the site. The right-turning traffic will proceed at close to free-flow rates and will not require any queuing accommodation on northbound White Chapel Boulevard. Therefore, the right-turn lane for Drive 3 serves only the deceleration function of a turn lane using the normal dimension, and does not require any additional length for vehicle queue storage. Page 29 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 V. MITIGATION ANALYSIS The intersections of White Chapel Boulevard with the SH 114 frontage roads, White Chapel Boulevard with Kirkwood Boulevard, and White Chapel Boulevard with Drive 3 were selected for a Mitigation Analysis due to levels of service at the intersections reaching LOS E or F during the future scenarios. A. White Chapel Boulevard at the SH 114 Frontage Roads The intersection of White Chapel Boulevard with the SH 114 EBFR operates at LOS E during the 2021 background plus site, 2026 background, and 2026 background plus site traffic scenarios. The northbound approach to the intersection currently is configured as having two through lanes and a shared through-right lane that has a channelized right- turn. The intersection has relatively heavy northbound right-turning volumes, so a right- turn lane is proposed as a mitigation. The analysis below, shown in Table 8, uses this right-turn lane and retimes the traffic signals accordingly. Table 8 – Mitigation Analysis Results – White Chapel Blvd. at SH 114 DELAY (SEC/V EH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS WB 28.5 C 39.0 D 34.8 C 36.6 D 34.7 C 35.1 D NB 17.2 B 8.2 A 7.8 A 9.0 A 11.0 B 11.3 B SB 28.5 C 22.8 C 26.7 C 24.4 C 27.3 C 27.6 C Overall 24.9 C 25.0 C 24.8 C 25.3 C 25.3 C 25.6 C EB 54.8 D 41.0 D 83.8 F 41.0 D 83.3 F 45.1 D NB 69.3 E 23.8 C 51.9 D 20.2 C 71.0 E 26.3 C SB 55.6 E 31.8 C 51.3 D 32.5 C 65.5 E 38.8 D Overall 59.8 E 32.3 C 62.8 E 31.7 C 73.2 E 36.9 D AS PROPOSED MITIGATIONS 2026 Background Plus Site AM INTERSECTION APPROACH 2021 Background plus Site AM 2026 Background AM AS PROPOSED SH 114 WBFR @ White Chapel Boulevard SH 114 EBFR @ White Chapel Boulevard MITIGATIONS AS PROPOSED MITIGATIONS Mitigation Traffic Operations After the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard and the SH 114 EBFR is given a right- turn lane and the traffic signal timing is redone – with no other improvements made – the intersection operates at LOS C during both the 2021 background plus site and the 2026 background traffic scenario analyses. The intersection operates at LOS D during the 2026 background plus site scenario. After the mitigation, the intersection is able to operate very favorably for a frontage road- arterial interchange. Because LOS E is acceptable for a frontage road intersection and the project site does not contribute to the northbound right-turning traffic, the development should not be responsible for the construction of a northbound right-turn lane. Page 30 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 B. White Chapel Boulevard at Kirkwood Boulevard and at Drive 3 The intersections of White Chapel Boulevard with Kirkwood Boulevard and Drive 3 were similar in that the approaches that experienced high delays were the left-turning movements from the site out onto White Chapel Boulevard. Both instances occur after the site-generated traffic is added to the network during the PM peak hour. Currently, the site plan does not include any construction of White Chapel Boulevard north of Kirkwood Boulevard, so the first mitigation attempted was to add a southbound through lane on White Chapel Boulevard for 300 feet north of Kirkwood Boulevard. The results are shown in Table 9. Table 9 – Mitigation Analysis Results – Adding Southbound Through Lane DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS WBL*200.0+F 106.1 F 200.0+F 149.4 F WBR*11.9 B 11.9 B 12.3 B 12.3 B SBL 8.5 A 8.6 A 8.7 A 8.7 A WBL*200.0+F 200.0+F 200.0+F 200.0+F WBR*11.4 B 11.4 B 11.6 B 11.6 B SBL 9.4 A 9.4 A 9.5 A 9.5 A * Stop-Controlled Approach INTERSECTION APPROACH 2021 Background plus Site PM 2026 Background Plus Site PM AS PROPOSED MITIGATIONS AS PROPOSED MITIGATIONS Kirkwood Boulevard @ White Chapel Boulevard Drive 3 @ White Chapel Boulevard Mitigation Traffic Operations After the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard north of Kirkwood Boulevard is given a second southbound lane – with no other improvements made – the left-turning approaches experience decreases in delay but operate at LOS F during both the 2021 background plus site and the 2026 background traffic scenario analyses. The Kirkwood Boulevard left-turn is aided by the southbound through lane, but the Drive 3 left-turn sees very little benefit. The delay is caused from a lack of gaps in the southbound traffic stream, and with no signal north of Drive 3 to create any platoons and break up the southbound traffic, drivers using Drive 3 experience high delays. The next option is to either signalize the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard and Kirkwood Boulevard or to construct a roundabout. A traffic signal would create gaps in the southbound traffic flow that Drive 3 would be able to use. The signal would also create gaps in the northbound traffic flow, helping the residential drives to the north of the site. A roundabout, while effective for handling the volumes at the intersection, would not assist outbound Drive 3 left-turning traffic. Page 31 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 The two intersections were analyzed with the site plan geometry – only one southbound lane at Kirkwood Boulevard – with the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard signalized. In order to model the attractiveness of the signalized intersection, half of the westbound left-turning traffic – 102 users – were taken from the left-turning movement at Drive 3 and redistributed to the left-turning movement at Kirkwood Boulevard. Because many of these users would likely choose to either alter their path to utilize Drive 4, which is well under capacity, or to make a right-turn onto White Chapel Boulevard, this is a conservative redistribution. The results from this analysis are shown below in Table 10. Table 10 – Mitigation Analysis Results – Signalization DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS DELAY (SEC/VEH)LOS WBL*200.0+F --200.0+F -- WBR*12.4 B --12.8 B -- 'SBL 8.7 A --8.8 A -- WB --30.2 C --30.5 C NB --16.0 B --13.3 B SB --22.9 C --27.3 C Overall --22.2 C --23.0 C WBL*200.0+F 77.1 F 200.0+F 95.1 F WBR*11.4 B 9.8 A 11.6 B 10.0 B SBL 9.4 A 8.1 A 9.5 A 8.2 A 2026 Background Plus Site PM AS PROPOSED MITIGATIONS AS PROPOSED MITIGATIONS INTERSECTION APPROACH 2021 Background plus Site PM Kirkwood Boulevard @ White Chapel Boulevard Kirkwood Boulevard @ White Chapel Boulevard (Signalized) Drive 3 @ White Chapel Boulevard Signalized Unsignalized Mitigation Traffic Operations After the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard north of Kirkwood Boulevard is signalized – with no other improvements made – the intersection of White Chapel Boulevard and Kirkwood Boulevard operates favorably in both the 2021 and 2026 scenarios at LOS C, even after 104 more westbound left-turning vehicles were added to the intersection. The intersection of Drive 3 with White Chapel Boulevard also experiences a decrease in delay. While the westbound left-turning approach to the intersection operates at LOS F in both scenarios, after the redistribution of left-turning vehicles away from the intersection and the gaps provided by the upstream traffic signal, Drive 3 has the capacity to handle the site-generated traffic volumes. 95 seconds of delay is acceptable when attempting to make a stop-controlled left-turn onto a thoroughfare like White Chapel Boulevard, but if users find the delay excessive, they can choose to alter their path northward on White Chapel Boulevard, or they can utilize Drive 4 and exit directly to the frontage road. Both of these options have excess capacity. Page 32 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 The intersection of White Chapel Boulevard and Kirkwood Boulevard does not currently meet warrants. Being an intersection of two City Thoroughfares, the intersection is expected to meet warrant volumes in the future. The traffic volumes are due to the numerous developments in the area and would only increase when Kirkwood Boulevard is eventually extended to the west, becoming an attractive east-west path for drivers. Page 33 13455 Noel Road, Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis presented in this report, the proposed Carillon Parc development, located at the northeast corner of SH 114 and White Chapel Boulevard in Southlake, Texas, can be successfully incorporated into the surrounding roadway network. The proposed site driveways provide the appropriate level of access for the development. The site-generated traffic does not significantly affect the existing vehicle traffic operations. The following improvements are recommended for the site: 1. Monitor the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and White Chapel Boulevard for signalization. As this is an intersection of two City-designated Thoroughfares, the intersection volumes would reach warrant volumes eventually. The future Kirkwood Boulevard extension to the west will likely signalize the intersection. The traffic volumes are due to the numerous developments in the area. 2. Drive 1 should be constructed with 2 outbound lanes, a westbound left-turn deceleration lane, and an eastbound right-turn deceleration lane. 3. Drive 2 should be constructed with a northbound right-turn deceleration lane. 4. Drive 3 should be constructed with 2 outbound lanes, a southbound left-turn deceleration lane, and a northbound right-turn deceleration lane. 5. Drive 4 should be constructed with a westbound right-turn deceleration lane.