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Item 6A PresentationZoning Change & Development Plan for Metairie at Southlake Zoning Change & Concept Plan for Kirkwood Grove West – ZA17-060 Item 6A Owner: Southlake Dove Associates, LLC Applicant: D2 Investments, Inc. and DeOtte, Inc. Request: Request to rezone approximately 55.3 acres including approval of a Zoning Change and Development Plan from “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District to “TZD” Transitional Zoning District for Metairie of Southlake to develop 56 residential lots and 3 open space lots on approximately 29.387 acres (ZA17-060) and approval of a Zoning Change and Concept Plan for Kirkwood Grove West to revise the “S- P-2” boundary previously established on approximately 25.914 acres (ZA17-060) Location: Located south of E. Dove Rd. between W. State Hwy. 114 and N. White Chapel Blvd. at 500 and 550 W. State Hwy. 114 ZA17-060 Overall Exhibit Concept Plan – West Existing zoning for Tract A is “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District with Mixed Uses, to include limited uses in the following districts: "CS" Community Service District, "O-1" Office District, "O-2" Office District, "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial District, "C- 2" Local Retail Commercial District, "C-3" General Commercial District and "HC" Hotel District. Approved Concept Plan – Ord. 480-220 Existing zoning is “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District with Mixed Uses, to include limited uses in the following districts: Parcel A: "CS" Community Service District "O-1" Office District "O-2" Office District "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial District "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District "C-3" General Commercial District "HC" Hotel District Parcel B: "CS" Community Service District "O-1" Office District “B-1” Business Service Park Development Plan – East 12/5/17 CC Meeting 20.801 AC (906,086 SF) Development Plan – East 4/3 CC Meeting •Open space connection added to internal street •Open space increased from 15.0% to 15.1% •Sidewalk and trails added in open space •Five (5) parallel parking spaces along open space added •Fence adjacent to Kirkwood removed along open space •Medians added to Kirkwood entrance •Wall at Dove and Kirkwood intersection rounded Summary of Changes Development Plan Comparison 4/3/2018 CC Meeting – 56 Lots 5/1/2018 CC Meeting – 56 Lots Medians added 5 parallel parking spaces added Open space connection added Fence removed along open space Sidewalk and trails added Wall rounded at corner Development Plan – East 5/1/18 CC Meeting Site Data Summary Site Data Summary for “TZD” Zoning 12/05/2017 CC 4/3/2018 CC 5/1/2018 Existing Zoning “S-P-2” “S-P-2” “S-P-2” Proposed Zoning “TZD” “TZD” “TZD” Land Use Designation Mixed Use Mixed Use Mixed Use Gross/Net Acreage 29.387 / 20.801 29.387 / 20.748 29.387 / 20.748 Residential Lots 58 56 56 Gross Density 1.974 du/ac. 1.906 du/ac. 1.906 du/ac. Net Density 2.788 du/ac. 2.699 du/ac. 2.699 du/ac. Open Space % 18.0% (5.079 ac.) 15.0% (4.412 ac.) 15.1% (4.444 ac.) Minimum Lot Area Range 10,014 s.f. to 17,070 s.f. 10,186 s.f. to 18,681 s.f. 10,008 s.f. to 17,672 s.f. Average Lot Area 11,646 s.f. 12,706 s.f. 12,580 s.f. Comparison Table Regulation “SF-20A” “TZD” Regulations Max. Height 35’ and 2½ stories 35’ Front Yard 35’ 25’ Side Yard 15’ 5’ Rear Yard 40’ (35’ on cul-de-sac) 20’ Max. Lot Coverage 30% 50% (for principal dwelling) Min. Lot Area 20,000 s.f. 10,000 s.f. Min. Lot Width 100’ 75’ Min. Lot Depth 125’ 115’ Min. Floor Area 1,800 s.f. 2,500 s.f. (1-story) 2,750 s.f. (2-story) Max. Gross Density 2.18 du/ac. 2.0 du/ac. No changes since 12/5/17 and 4/3/18 The following modifications to the “TZD” Zoning District requirements are proposed: A.Section 47.4.a: The requirement of having at least two of the district components. B.Section 47.7.a.1 and 47.6 Table 47-2: The requirement prohibiting dead end streets and cul-de-sacs and the block width and length requirement. C. Section 47.7.a.3: The human-scaled building requirement. D. Section 47.7.b: The building orientation requirement. E. Section 47.7.d: The building façade requirement. F. Section 47.7.e: The architectural design standards requirement. G. Section 47.7.f: The off-street parking requirement. Modifications to “TZD” Requirements No changes since the 12/5/17 and 4/3/18 meetings Landscape and Sidewalk Plan 4/3/2018 CC Meeting – 56 Lots 5/1/2018 CC Meeting – 56 Lots Fence Plan 4/3/2018 5/1/2018 Tree Conservation Plan at 4/3 CC Meeting Tree Conservation Plan at 5/1 CC Meeting No changes to preservation Dove Road Cross Sections Street View looking east Street View looking east Wall and Entry Feature Exhibits Wall and Fence Examples Variances Requested Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, Section 5.03.F includes requirements for a minimum 1000’ centerline radii and a minimum 200’ tangent separation between reverse circular curves for 4-lane divided arterial curvilinear streets. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow 600’ to 900’ centerline radii and no tangent between the reverse circular curves as shown. If the community is approved with gated streets, the applicant is also requesting a variance to Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, as amended, Section 5.04, which does not permit private streets in new subdivisions in which less than 75% of the lots contain homeowner occupied structures to allow a gated community with private streets with the initial development. P&Z Commission Action October 19, 2017; Approved (5-0) subject to the Staff Report dated October 19, 2017; and further subject to the Development Plan Review Summary No. 4 dated October 13, 2017, •Noting the applicant’s willingness to provide Council more details on the landscape plan for the Dove Road portion of the property and the White Chapel portion of the property. •Noting the applicant’s willingness to consider options on reallocating the higher density lots on the far west side of the property to maybe bring those internally. •Noting that applicant’s willingness to provide more detailed drawings of the mailbox structures to include the masonry on the outside of the mailbox and the metalwork used for the mailboxes. •Noting the applicant’s willingness to meet with the residents prior to the next City Council meeting to try to get resolutions and further ideas from them. •Noting the applicant’s willingness to take both options with respect to the White’s Chapel entry/exit; staggered and aligned with Brentwood to City Council, •Granting the variances requested. City Council Action December 5, 2017; A motion to table the item to the January 16, 2018 meeting was approved (7-0). January 16, 2018; the item was tabled on consent to the February 6, 2018 meeting (6-0). February 6, 2018; the item was tabled on consent to the February 20, 2018 meeting (6-0). February 20, 2018; the item was tabled on consent to the March 6, 2018 meeting (7 - 0). March 6, 2018; the item was tabled on consent to the March 20, 2018 meeting (6 -0). March 20, 2018; the item was tabled on consent to the April 3, 2018 meeting (7-0). City Council Action April 3, 2018; Approved at 1st reading (4-3) subject to the Staff Report dated March 27, 2018 and Development Plan Review Summary No.6 dated March 12, 2018. - Noting Council is approving applicant’s request with respect to Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, Section 5.03.F includes minimum centerline radii for curvilinear streets and separation requirements for reverse circular curves. The alignment shown for Kirkwood Boulevard does not meet the requirements in the table. The applicant is requesting to allow the alignment as shown. - And including modifications to the TZD [Transitional Zoning District] Ordinance, as presented this evening. April 17, 2018; the item was tabled on consent to the May 1, 2018 meeting (6 -0). Questions?