0161-078 ORDINANCE NO. 161- 78 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 161 OF THE CITY OF SOUI'HLAIŒ, 'IEXAS BY CHANGING ZONING ClASSIFICATION OF 82.9 ACRE TRAeI' OF IAND our OF THE JAMES L. ŒIVERS SURVEY, ABSTRACI' NO. 348, AU., SITUA'IED IN TAHRANT CDUNTY, 'IEXAS, AS MORE PARI'ICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A. ATI'ACHED HERE'1O AND MADE A PARI' HEREDF, FroM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRIcr TO ZCNING CLASSIFICATION "A-3" ONE FAr-liLY DISTRICI', ProVIDING FOR ŒIANŒ IN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, AND PIDVIDING EFFEcrIVE DATE OF AMENDMENT. WHEREAS. an application to change zoning has been filed and a public hearing oonducted and all other prerequisites complied with under applicable law concerning a requested change in zoning classification in oonnection with the property described on Exhibit" A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; NCW THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Coilllcil of the City of Southlake, Texas: SEeI'ION 1: The certain Ordinance No. 161 passed by the City Coilllcil of the City of Southlake, Texas January 7,1969, and being the "Conprehensive Zoning Ordinance" is hereby arænded insofar as the property described on E:xhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof is hereby changed from the zoning classification of "AG" Agricultural District to zoning classification "A-3" One Family District. SECI'ION 2: The official zoning map created by said ordinance No. 161 is hereby anended to include the zoning change made by this ordinance in connection with the property described on Exhibit"A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SEcrION 3: The said Ordinance No. 161, except as officially arænded by prior ordinance anendments and this Ordinance No. 161- 78 renains in effect in all other respects as originally passed. PAffiED this 18th day o~ Detmer, 1977. ~¿ /J MTIS~~~~ Mayor APPID~" AS '10, FD~:, / '7/4// ~'/~ /i:<###' - / (.~ ,.~ .,. City At orney/ ~"':11 , f%8LÐ NOTES FOR. letDg . 82.9 acre tract ot land out of the J.... L. Ch1ver8 ltØ'V8Y, A.b8tract No. 348. Tarrant CO\D\ty, T8xa8, and being the .... tract ot land de.cribed in VolUJ88 1120, Page 543, Deed Record., Tarrant County, - Texa.. being de.cribed .. tollow.. 8IGINNING at a 1/2M iron pin .ituated at the NOrthW8.~ COrn8~ of Aid JaJBe8 L. Chiver. Survey. THENCE North 89 degree. 09 IÛnuu. Ea.t along North 11- of .aid .urvey 2435.5 teet to an iron pin for corner. THENCE South' 41 7.3 teet along Baat line of .aid aurvey to . 1/2" iron pin tor comer. THENCE South 89 degree. 54 .inute. W.at 1834.] t..~ to an exi.ting axle tor corner. THENCE South 6 degree. 50 IlÚnut.. W.at 256.6 f_~ to an existing iron pin for corner, TH&NCE South 83 degrees 11 ainute. W.st 611.2 teet to an exi.ting iron pin fo:r comer a THENCE North 1 degree 13 minute. Ea.t along West line of .aid 8~rvey 1712.1 teet to place of B8GIN~INC and CONTAINING 82.9 acre. of land more or leas. i lEGEI'fD ."'.. .. JI, 0' ~. t......,~.~...,t~\ . ".' .." , . .. ~, ..., . . c. . '.""Sf','" . " , ' ' "'J ' " , .. ."> ".,' ~o, . "( ~..¡\... S"A~r ".. su,.' " ... -'" LOYD BRANSOM. SURVEYOR REG! STEREO PUBLIC SUR\lE YOR 3408 HEDRICK STREET 834-3477 TE-8-6348 . iRON hili 0 1 h'~ iii PI Pf L. 80,S O'ARC -)( -)(-.FE'IICf "-II---. ¡".'oNfRl'Nr 3915 C'O ~EREBY CERTIFy THAT THIS "'AP IS TRUE a CORREC~ -~~~~:::'::D ~ \ -:::a. I' LO""C BRANSOM --- .,-_."._.j~- ,L~ .l_~~~---L~. EXHIBIT "A" ~,i"- ...... ,~ i' ~ .,', . '"; <. .~~; '- ., ...¡ , , ~