0161-077 ORDTh!l\NCE NO. 161- 77 1\N ORDTh!l\NCE N.1ENDTh!G ORDTh!l\NCE NO. 161 OF THE CITY OF SOOTHLAKE, TEXAS BY ŒAL\JGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF 9. 86 ACRE TRACI' OF LAND OUT OF THE J. W . HALE SURVEY, ABSTRACI' NO. 80 3, ALL SITUATED IN TARRANT CDUNTY, TEXAS, AS mRE PARrICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT" A" ATI'AŒIED HERE'ID AND MADE A PARI' HEREOF, FroM "AG" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICI' TO ZCNTh!G CLASSIFICATION "F" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICI', PRJVIDING FDR ŒANGE n¡ OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, AND PROVIDTh!G EFFECI'IVE DATE OF AMENIMENT. WHEREAS, an application to change zoning has been filed and a public hearing conducted and all other prerequisites complied with mder applicable law concerning a requested change in zoning classification in ronnection with the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; NCW THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Comcil of the City of South lake, Texas: SECI'ICN 1: The certain Ordinance No. 161 passed by the City Comcil of the City of Southlake, Texas January 7, 1969, and being the "Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance" is hereby arrended insofar as the property described on Exhibit" A" attached hereto and made a part hereof is hereby changed fran the zoning classification of "AG" Agricultural District to zoning classification "F" Light Industrial District. SECTION 2: The official zoning map created by said Ordinance No. 161 is hereby anended to include the zoning change made by this ordinance in ronnection with the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECI'ICN 3: The said Ordinance No. 161, except as officially anended by prior anendrrents and this Ordinance No. 161- 77 remains in effect in all other respects as originally passed. PAWD ~is 18~ :Of actroer. 1977.~ d:. ê ~ ~ . ""....--? Mayor ATI'EST: L~,' ~J2Çl. M~ ~ City Secretary ~ ' AS TO FDRM: """ 'I /j fl' /" u 7'1 (' 1'" /¡ , --/;::/ f/~ APPID EXHIBIT "A" Being a tract or parcel of land out of the J. W. Hale Survey, Abstract No. 803 situated in Tarrant County, Texas and ITOre partularly that sarre tract of land as recofded in Volume 2920, page 298 Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and described by netes and bounds as follCMS: BEGINNING at an iron pin in the North line of County Ibad No. 3099 said iron pin is North 89 deg. 18'-30" West 536.75 and North 20.0 feet from the Southeast oorner of said survey; THENCE WEST along the North line of said road 260.3 feet to an iron pin for corner; THENCE NORI'H along a fence1650. 5 feet to an iron pin for corner in the South line of a gravel road¡ THENCE EAST along a fence and the South line of said road 260.3 feet to an iran pin for comer; THENCE SOUI'H along a fence, 1650.5 feet to the point of begirming and containing 9. 86 acres of land.