261-035 ORDINANCE NO. 261-35 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE. NO. 2ibl OF '111F, CI'T'Y Oh SOu'rill.A.KE BY AMENDING 'rilE ZONING CLASSIFICA'T'ION OF ONE HUNDRED, NINE POINT NINE-TWO-NINE (109.929) ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE JAMES Be MARTIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1134. OWNER: DIXON-GARFIELD INC. FROM "AG" AGRICULTURAL, TO THE "H" HEAVY COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT.. PROVIDING FOR CHANGE IN THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE:AMENDM N. AND PIOVIDING Iil-l-li(','.1'1Vli l1A'1': (.1- AMIiNI)N11iN'I'. WIIIiRI'.AS, after receipt for change of zoning, notice given te> appl ic_allle property owners of public hearing, riot ic.e of 1)"h1 it., he.lrirlg published, and puhl.ic hearing having heerl ccanducted, all in compliance with Ordinance No. 201 of the laity of, Soulh" lake:, 'texas, NOW Tll1iR1A:01 Ii: 13e it Ordained by the City Council of the City Of South.lake, Texas: C T I I' I N I. The Certain Ordi Hance No. 2b 1 passed by t hu C I t y COMIC 11 _..o I the City of Sor.lthlake, Texas, Marc)) 3,1981, and Tieing the "Celmprehens i ve Zoning Ordinance" is hereby alliendCd ills() f I 1 as the One hundred, nine point nine-two-nine acre tract of land out of the James B. Martin Survey, Abstract 1134. 'l lid IU.SC r• i hed by metes and bowids as per Zon i rig Ac t i un Nuwlie r 82-24 is changed from its prior zorling class.ificatiort elf Agricultural to a zon t • nb c lass a fi cat ion o f Heavy Commercial St'.l110N Z The official zorling map created by said lydinance No. 201 is liereby_anlerldecl to reflect the change in zoning ciassificatiur► made by this ordanartce. SI:C'I'ION 3. The said 0rdiHance No, 201, except as amended by this Ordiriaiice No. 261-35 remains in effect in a]1 other respects as originally passed. Ibis Ordinance shall take effect after its passilgo and any ptlhlication or posting, if any, as required by law. I'ASSI:U ANl1 AI'I'ROVlila '1'[115 17th day u1 August 1 J 82 " Mayo A- - - ( : i t y secretary