2018-01-08 PB MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: JANUARY 8, 2018 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall, City Council Chambers, Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Tina Wasserman, Vice Chair Frances Scharli; and Board Members Mitch Hill, Mike Pazera PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Secretary Lori Palmer and Paul Venesky STAFF PRESENT: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble and Deputy Director of Community Services Kate Meacham REGULAR AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Tina Wasserman called the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 11, 2017 REGULAR THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING There were no corrections to the meeting minutes. 2B. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 11, 2017 JOINT CITY COUNCIL, SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AND PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING There were no corrections to the meeting minutes. 2C. ABSENCE OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Park Board member Mitch Hill and Miguel Salinas were absent from the December 11, 2017 meetings. The Park Board considered the Consent Agenda. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the Consent agenda as presented. Motion: Scharli City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the January 8, 2018 Parks Board Meeting Page 2 of 4 Second: Pazera Ayes: Pazera, Scharli, Venesky and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: Hill (Absent 12/11/17 meetings) Vote: 4-0-1 Motion carried. 3. PUBLIC FORUM Chairman Tina Wasserman opened public forum at 7:52 p.m. There being no one to speak, Chairman Wasserman closed public forum. 4. CONSIDER 4A. RECOMMENDATION ON SITE PLAN FOR PROPOSED RESTAURANT ADJACENT TO SUMMIT PARK IN SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE Director Chris Tribble presented the Site Plan request for a proposed restaurant located adjacent to Summit Park in Southlake Town Square for Park Board consideration and responded to questions. The proposed site plan for the restaurant includes outdoor improvements that will encroach upon the southwest corner of Summit Park. The modifications may include installation of terraced walls, or sloped yard area, steps and landscaping to connect the restaurant's open space ("The Green") to the park. Frank Bliss, 61 Shannon Court, Southlake Town Square Property Management, spoke in support of the proposed restaurant and the Site Plan request, and answered questions concerning the use of the open space and proposed improvements. The Board discussed the Site Plan request and had concerns about the possible perception the park area adjacent to the restaurant may not be available to the general public, and also litter maintenance issues. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend the Site Plan request for the proposed restaurant adjacent to Summit Park in Southlake Town Square with two added caveats; 1) trash does not become a burden on the City from the restaurant; and 2) there is adequate signage so that people understand the park is a public place. Motion: Scharli Second: Pazera Ayes: Hill, Pazera, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the January 8, 2018 Parks Board Meeting Page 3 of 4 Vote: 4-0 Motion carried. 4B. RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SOUTHLAKE 2030 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE / COMMUNITY FACILITIES MASTER PLAN Director Chris Tribble presented proposed amendments to the Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan and was available to answer questions. The Board discussed the proposed amendments to the Plan and offered the following suggestions: • Clarification needed to Page 413-28, "Demand Based Needs," summary paragraphs 1-3, clarifying statements pertaining to land needed to fulfill athletic field requirements • Add language to Page 413-93 (P19), "Implementation Metric," to require signage to designate area as public park property Concern was also expressed regarding Page 85, Item #6, last sentence, "This lawn space would preserve a footprint for a hotel conference center expansion/performing arts space if ever needed." Staff provided further explanation of the statement. The Board agreed to recommend approval of the proposed amendments as presented with a recommendation to add language to include signage as it relates to Page 413-93. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend approval of the amendments to the Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan; however, on Page 93, Item 4B, the Board would like to add that there is signage noting that the spaces available are park spaces. Motion: Scharli Second: Hill Ayes: Hill, Pazera, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4-0 Motion carried. 5. ADJOURNMENT City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the January 8, 2018 Parks Board Meeting Page 4 of 4 APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:46 p.m. Motion: Second Ayes: Nays: Abstain Scharli Pazera Hill, Pazera, Scharli and Wasserman None None Parks & Recreation Board Chris rib e, Dire for Community Services Dept. A video recording of this meeting may be viewed at www.CityofSouthlake.comNideoOnDemand or an audio recording may be available upon request from the Office of City Secretary. City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork