2018-02-12 PB PacketCity of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M February 8, 2018 TO: Parks and Recreation Board Members FROM: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments for the Parks and Recreation Board Meeting – Monday, February 12, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The Park Board meeting will begin immediately at 7:00 p.m. or immediately following the Joint Work Session with City Council subcommittee. Please advise staff if you are not able to attend this meeting (lcarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us or 817.748.8184). Thank you. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Agenda Item No. 1. Call To Order 2. Agenda Item No. 2. Consent A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held January 8, 2018. Please make any corrections to the minutes part of the motion for consideration. B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Members – The Board will consider the absence of Park Board members Lori Palmer and Paul Venesky from the January meeting. A copy of the Attendance Report is in your packet. 3. Agenda Item No. 3. Public Forum This is the public's opportunity to address the Board about non -agenda items. During Public Forum, the Board will not discuss or take action on any item brought up at this time 4. Agenda Item No. 4. Reports A. Southlake Youth Athletic Associations Reports – Representatives from Southlake’s youth athletic associations have been invited to the meeting to present information related to their respective association. Dashboard participation statistics, by association, are included within your packet for review prior to the meeting. Athletic associations’ Dashboard-only reports will be made at the September Park Board meeting. Please note: The number of teams for the Fall 2017 season were not available at the time the agenda packet was Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Date – February 12, 2018 Page 2 of 3 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork printed for two of the associations. That information will be distributed at your meeting. Please contact Deputy Director Candice Edmondson with any questions. 5. Agenda Item No. 5. Consider A. Recommendation on a Southlake Parks Development Corporation Matching Funds Request from the Bob Jones Nature Center Organization for the development of a nature playground at the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve – The purpose of this item is to consider a proposed SPDC matching funds request from the Bob Jones Nature Center Organization for the development of a nature playground at the Nature Center. The SPDC and City Council will consider the financial aspects of the request at their upcoming meetings. Staff will present an overview of the project at the meeting for review by the Board. B. Consider rescheduling the regular March 2018 Parks and Recreation Board meeting to March 5, 2018 – The purpose of this item is to allow the Board the opportunity to discuss cancelling the March 12, 2018 regular Park Board meeting due to Spring Break (March 12-16) and rescheduling the meeting for March 5, 2018. In 2017, 2016, 2013 and 2012, the meetings were canceled and in 2015 and 2014, the Board rescheduled the meetings. Staff is available to accommodate your recommendation for the March 1 2th meeting. There are no documents in your packet for this item. 6. Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion A. Parks & Recreation Update - This is a standing item on the agenda to allow staff to update the Board about upcoming Parks & Recreation activities and events. A copy of the Parks & Recreation Report is included in your packet. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 7. City Council Action – The following park and recreation-related action items were considered by City Council at the December 19, 2017 meeting.  Approved exercising the City’s option to award the alternate for enclosed tennis courts to Haydon Building Corp as a part of the Bicentennial Park Phase 3 – Southlake Tennis Center project for an amount not to exceed $2,321,000 (Park Board approved (5-0) Site Plan for the enclosed courts August 14, 2017) Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Date – February 12, 2018 Page 3 of 3 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork  Approved Change Order to contract with Haydon Building Corp for the construction of The Marq Southlake Phase 2 in the amount of $1,714,400  Discussed revisions to Policy for the Provisions of Athletic Facilities  Approved Ordinance No. 1060-A (CP18-001), Amendment to the City of Southlake Parks, Recreation & Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan, an element of the Southlake 2030 Comprehensive Plan (Park Board recommended approval (4-0) amendments to the proposed Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan, with conditions relating to land needs and signage for public park property, January 8, 2018) City Council agendas are posted on the City’s webpage 6pm the Friday preceding the City Council meeting. You may sign up to receive a copy of the agenda at “Notify Me” tab at http://www.cityofsouthlake.com/list.aspx. As always, we appreciate your commitment and service to the City. Chris Tribble STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Telephone – (817) 748-8203 Facsimile – (817) 748-8027 1400 Main Street, Suite 210, Southlake, TX 76092 Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services, 817-748-8021, (ctribble@ci.southlake.tx.us) Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director, 817-748-8036, (ctucker@ci.southlake.tx.us) Candice Edmondson, Deputy Director of Community Services, 817-748-8311; cedmondson@ci.southlake.tx.us Kate Meacham, Deputy Director of Community Services, 817-748-8018; (kmeacham@ci.southlake.tx.us) Linda Carpenter-Elgin, Administrative Secretary, 817-748-8184; (lcarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us) City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: JANUARY 8, 2018 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall, City Council Chambers, Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Tina Wasserman, Vice Chair Frances Scharli; and Board Members Mitch Hill, Mike Pazera PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Secretary Lori Palmer and Paul Venesky STAFF PRESENT: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble and Deputy Director of Community Services Kate Meacham REGULAR AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Tina Wasserman called the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 11, 2017 REGULAR THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING There were no corrections to the meeting minutes. 2B. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 11, 2017 JOINT CITY COUNCIL, SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AND PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING There were no corrections to the meeting minutes. 2C. ABSENCE OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Park Board member Mitch Hill and Miguel Salinas were absent from the December 11, 2017 meetings. The Park Board considered the Consent Agenda. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the Consent agenda as presented. Motion: Scharli 2A - 1 Minutes of the January 8, 2018 Parks Board Meeting Page 2 of 4 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Second: Pazera Ayes: Pazera, Scharli, Venesky and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: Hill (Absent 12/11/17 meetings) Vote: 4-0-1 Motion carried. 3. PUBLIC FORUM Chairman Tina Wasserman opened public forum at 7:52 p.m. There being no one to speak, Chairman Wasserman closed public forum. 4. CONSIDER 4A. RECOMMENDATION ON SITE PLAN FOR PROPOSED RESTAURANT ADJACENT TO SUMMIT PARK IN SOUTHLAKE TOWN SQUARE Director Chris Tribble presented the Site Plan request for a proposed restaurant located adjacent to Summit Park in Southlake Town Square for Park Board consideration and responded to questions. The proposed site plan for the restaurant includes outdoor improvements that will encroach upon the southwest corner of Summit Park. The modifications may include installation of terraced walls, or sloped yard area, steps and landscaping to connect the restaurant’s open space (“The Green”) to the park. Frank Bliss, 61 Shannon Court, Southlake Town Square Property Management, spoke in support of the proposed restaurant and the Site Plan request, and answered questions concerning the use of the open space and proposed improvements. The Board discussed the Site Plan request and had concerns about the possible perception the park area adjacent to the restaurant may not be available to the general public, and also litter maintenance issues. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend the Site Plan request for the proposed restaurant adjacent to Summit Park in Southlake Town Square with two added caveats; 1) trash does not become a burden on the City from the restaurant; and 2) there is adequate signage so that people understand the park is a public place. Motion: Scharli Second: Pazera Ayes: Hill, Pazera, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None 2A - 2 Minutes of the January 8, 2018 Parks Board Meeting Page 3 of 4 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Vote: 4-0 Motion carried. 4B. RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SOUTHLAKE 2030 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE / COMMUNITY FACILITIES MASTER PLAN Director Chris Tribble presented proposed amendments to the Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan and was available to answer questions. The Board discussed the proposed amendments to the Plan and offered the following suggestions:  Clarification needed to Page 4B-28, “Demand Based Needs,” summary paragraphs 1-3, clarifying statements pertaining to land needed to fulfill athletic field requirements  Add language to Page 4B-93 (P19), “Implementation Metric,” to require signage to designate area as public park property Concern was also expressed regarding Page 85, Item #6, last sentence, “This lawn space would preserve a footprint for a hotel conference center expansion/performing arts space if ever needed.” Staff provided further explanation of the statement. The Board agreed to recommend approval of the proposed amendments as presented with a recommendation to add language to include signage as it relates to Page 4B-93. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend approval of the amendments to the Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan; however, on Page 93, Item 4B, the Board would like to add that there is signage noting that the spaces available are park spaces. Motion: Scharli Second: Hill Ayes: Hill, Pazera, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4-0 Motion carried. 5. ADJOURNMENT 2A - 3 Minutes of the January 8, 2018 Parks Board Meeting Page 4 of 4 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:46 p.m. Motion: Scharli Second: Pazera Ayes: Hill, Pazera, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4-0 Motion carried. Tina Wasserman, Chairman Chris Tribble, Director Parks & Recreation Board Community Services Dept. A video recording of this meeting may be viewed at www.CityofSouthlake.com/VideoOnDemand or an audio recording may be available upon request from the Office of City Secretary. 2A - 4 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M January 24, 2018 TO: Parks and Recreation Board FROM: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board Member(s) – Standing Agenda Item Action Requested: Park Board consideration of Park Board member Lori Palmer and Paul Venesky absence at the January 8, 2018 regular Park Board meeting. Background Information: The “Absence Policy for Parks and Recreation Board” adopted July 12, 2004 and revised March 2, 2010, provides a mechanism for consideration of absences of Board members from regular or special Park Board meetings. This item is listed as a standing item on meeting agendas. Financial Considerations: None Strategic Link: N/A Citizen Input/ Board Review: City Council approved the Policy Ordinance Review Committee (P.O.R.C.) revisions to the Parks and Recreation Board Absence Policy March 2, 2010 Park Board approved the Absence Policy at the July 12, 2004 meeting. Legal Review: N/A Alternatives: Any commentary as appropriate. Supporting Documents: Attendance Log Staff Recommendation: Park Board excuse absences of Lori Palmer and Paul Venesky from the January 8, 2018 regular Park Board meeting. 2B - 1 2018 10/8/18 11/12/18 12/10/18 1 Vacant a 100%0.45 2018 67% 2 Tina Wasserman a 100%0.45 3 Frances Scharli a 100%0.45 4 Lori Palmer r 0%0 5 Mitch Hill a 100%0.45 6 Mike Pazera a 100%0.45 7 Paul Venesky r 0%0 67%a In attendance Total Hrs Per Month 0.45 r Not in attendance, no substitute m Substitute in attendance n Vacant position 0 Meeting Canceled *Meeting Canceled due to no quorum Change in Representative 8/13/18 9/10/18 Individual Attendance Rate Hrs To Date Average Monthly Attendance Rate Meeting Attendance Rate (includes substitutions) Park and Recreation Board Attendance Report Place Name 1/8/18 2/12/18 3/12/18 4/9/18 5/14/18 6/11/18 7/9/18 2B - 2 Year DYFA Outside Tournaments Outside Camps/Clinics Year User Fees Year Total Participants Yearly Difference Year Spring Summer Fall Fall 2015 0 0 0 Fall 2015 408.00$ Fall 2015 34 0 Fall 2015 0 0 0 Fall 2016 0 0 1 Fall 2016 1,260.00$ Fall 2016 421 387 Fall 2016 0 0 0 Fall 2017 0 0 1 Fall 2017 496.00$ Fall 2017 353 -68 Fall 2017 0 0 1 Total 0 0 1 Total 649.00$ Total 808 0 Total 0 0 1 Average 0.00 0.00 0.33 Average 216.33$ Average 269.33 0.00 Average 0.00 0.00 0.33 Violations: 1)Payment was not received within two weeks of the end of the season. Dragon Youth Football Association Tournaments Total Participants User Fees Violations Variations: Prior to 2016 reporting was only for participants/teams that utilized city facilities. 2016 Field Allocations: Bicentennial Park Open Space and Noble Oaks (offered Miracle Field and Bob Jones Amp.). 2017 Field Allocations: Noble Oaks (offered Bicentennial Park Open Space, Miracle Field, Bob Jones Amp. and Chesapeake Park). 34 421 353 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f P a r t i c i p a n t s Column1 Non-residents Residents 122 30 32 52 35 82 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 K - 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade Ag e R a n g e Participation by Age - Fall 2017 K - 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 77% 23% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Participation by Gender- Fall 2017 Boys Girls 45 216 81 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f F i e l d U s a g e H o u r s # Practice Field Hours # Game Field Hours 2 9 16 0 5 10 15 20 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f T e a m s Number of Teams Updated: 2/8/2018 4A - 1 Year GSSA Outside Tournaments Outside Camps/Clinics Year User Fees Year Total Participants Yearly Difference Year Spring Summer Fall 2015 1 0 0 2015 $16,388.00 2015 2,817 0 2015 0 0 0 2016 0 0 0 2016 $15,672.00 2016 2,859 42 2016 0 0 0 2017*0 0 0 2017*$15,840.00 2017*2,588 -271 2017*0 0 1 Total 1 0 0 Total $47,900.00 Total 8,264 Total 0 0 1 Average 0.33 0.00 0.00 Average $15,966.67 Average 2754.67 Average 0.00 0.00 0.33 *YTD *YTD *YTD Variations: Violations: 1)Game schedule not submitted two weeks prior to start of season. Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association Camps, Clinics & Tournaments Total Participants User Fees Violations 609 669 624 93 717 649 696 713 836 594 123 562 705 674 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f R e c r e a t i o n P a r t i c i p a n t s Non-Residents Residents 216 48 315 347 259 196 123 62 20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 3-4 yrs 5-6 yrs 7-8 yrs 9-10 yrs 11-12 yrs 13-14 yrs 15-16 yrs 17 - 19 yrs Ag e R a n g e Participation by Age - Fall 2017 3-4 yrs 5-6 yrs 7-8 yrs 9-10 yrs 11-12 yrs 13-14 yrs 15-16 yrs 17 - 19 yrs 41% 59% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Participation by Gender - Fall 2017 Girls Boys 1980 2046 1980 232 2150 1794 1860 247 449 408 0 600 320 525 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fi e l d U s a g e H o u r s # Practice Field Hours # Game Field Hours 133 151 123 23 124 127 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f T e a m s 1218 1322 1505 1354 1370 1279 2/8/18 3:45pm: Awaiting # of Teams from GSSA. To be provided at meeting on 2/12. - Chris T. Updated: 2/8/2018 4A - 2 Year Total Participants Yearly Difference Year Spring Summer Fall 2016 375 0 2015 0 0 0 2017 425 50 2016 0 0 0 2018 0 0 2017*0 0 0 Total 800 0 Total 0 0 0 Average 400.00 0.00 Average 0 0 0 Miracle League of Southlake Total Participants Violations Variations: Violations: 45 39 38 32 132 174 160 180 0 50 100 150 200 250 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f P a r t i c i p a n t s Non-Residents Residents 198 177 7 87 56 62 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 3-5 6-12 13-17 18+ Ag e R a n g e Participation by Age - Fall 2017 21% 79% Participation by Gender - Fall 2017 Girls Boys 15 7 31 6 105 78 71 70 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fi e l d U s a g e H o u r s # Practice Field Hours # Game Field Hours 14 16 17 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f T e a m s Recreation Competitive 212 213 Updated: 2/8/2018 4A - 3 Year SGSA Tournaments Outside Tournaments Outside Clinics/Camps Year User Fees Year Total Participants Yearly Difference Year Spring Summer Fall 2015 1 3 0 2015 12,246.00$ 2015 808 2015 0 0 0 2016 1 4 0 2016 11,940.00$ 2016 800 -8 2016 0 0 0 2017*2 3 0 2017*11,408.00$ 2017*764 2017*0 0 1 Total 4 10 0 Total 35,594.00$ Total 2,372 0 Total 0 0 1 Average 1.33 3.33 0.00 Average 11,864.67$ Average 790.67 0.00 Average 0.00 0.00 0.33 *YTD *YTD *YTD *YTD Varations: Violations: 1)Game schedule not submitted two weeks prior to start of season. Southlake Girls Softball Association Camps, Clinics & Tournaments Total Participants User Fees Violations 147 150 156 115 134 134 99 90 78 87 71 56 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f R e c r e a t i o n Pa r t i c i p a n t s Non-Residents Residents 8 40 37 91 95 40 21 16 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 3-4 yrs 5-6 yrs 7-8 yrs 9-10 yrs 11-12 yrs 13-14 yrs 15-16 yrs 16 and Up Ag e R a n g e Participation by Age -Fall 2017 3-4 yrs 5-6 yrs 7-8 yrs 9-10 yrs 11-12 yrs 13-14 yrs 15-16 yrs 16 and Up 1530 1530 1530 765 765 765 1530 1530 1056 215 363 246 0 0 0 327 334 325 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2015 Summer 2016 Summer 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fi e l d U s a g e Ho u r s # Practice Field Hours # Game Field Hours 22 21 21 19 17 16 14 14 16 17 17 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f Te a m s Recreation Select 16 22 15 20 26 11 150 136 167 174 171 147 0 50 100 150 200 250 Spring/Summer 2015 Spring/Summer 2016 Spring/Summer 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f S e l e c t Pa r t i c i p a n t s Select Non- Residents Select Residents 190 246 240 205 197 194 158 166 182 234 158 202 Updated: 2/8/2018 4A - 4 Year SBA Tournaments Outside Tournaments Outside Camps/Clinics Year User Fees Year Total Participants Yearly Difference Year Spring Summer Fall 2015 0 2 0 2015 $20,773.00 2015 1,574 2015 0 0 0 2016 1 1 1 2016 $22,219.00 2016 1,548 -26 2016 0 0 0 2017*1 2 1 2017*$22,216.00 2017*1,864 316 2017*3 0 2 Total 2 5 2 Total $65,208.00 Total 4,986 Total 3 0 2 Average 1 2 1 Average $21,736.00 Average 1,662.00 Average 1 0 1 *YTD *YTD *YTD *YTD Variations: Fall 2017 participation increase was due to larger number of resident and non-resident registration. Increase in game hours was due to rescheduled games. Violations: 1) Game schedule not received two weeks prior to start of season. 2)Payment not received within two weeks of the end of the season. Dragon Youth Baseball Association Total Participants User FeesCamps, Clinics & Tournaments Violations 564 557 765 86 93 217 320 345 333 186 160 84 33 21 46 86 98 126 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2015 Summer 2016 Summer 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f R e c r e a t i o n P a r t i c i p a n t s Non-residents Residents 31 42 65 62 62 73 71 112 80 23 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 4U 5U 6U 7U 8U 9U 10U 11-12U 13-14U 15-18U Ag e R a n g e Particiapation by Age Fall 2017 3315 2480 2480 1298 1250 1080 2200 2326 2352 900 1296 987 0 0 0 300 454 622 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2015 Summer 2016 Summer 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fi e l d U s a g e Ho u r s # Practice Field Hours # Game Field Hours 406 72 75 72 11 10 15 41 42 45 13 13 11 13 13 11 14 11 15 0 20 40 60 80 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2015 Summer 2016 Summer 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f Te a m s Recreation Select 113 113 111 124 105 134 27 36 20 35 20 28 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Spring/Summer 2015 Spring/Summer 2016 Spring/Summer 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f S e l e c t Pa r t i c i p a n t s Select Non- Residents Select Residents 131 149 459 717 849 750 443 125 162 159 119 263 11 140 Updated: 2/8/2018 4A - 5 Year SCLA Outside Tournaments Outside Camps/Clinics Year User Fees Year Total Participants Yearly Difference Year Spring Summer Fall 2015 1 1 1 2015 8,007.00$ 2015 631 0 2015 0 0 0 2016 1 0 4 2016 9,267.00$ 2016 701 70 2016 0 0 0 2017*0 1 2 2017*7,916.00$ 2017*613 -88 2017*3 0 0 Total 2 2 7 Total 25,190.00$ Total 1,945 0 Total 3 0 0 Average 0.67 0.67 2.33 Average 8,396.67$ Average 648.33 0.00 Average 1.00 0.00 0.00 *YTD *YTD *YTD *YTD Variations: Violations: Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association Camps, Clinics & Tournaments Total Participants User Fees Violations 404 350 349 140 241 152 65 54 63 22 56 49 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f P a r t i c i p a n t s Non-Residents Residents 15% 16% 12% 26% 31% 0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35% K-2 Grade 3-4 Grade 5-6 Grade 7-8 Grade High School Participation by Age -Fall 2017 30 110 15 46 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Girls Boys Participation by Gender - Fall 2017 Youth High School 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 226 153 133.5 324.5 22 12 0 0 0 0 89 65 143 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fi e l d U s a g e H o u r s # Practice Field Hours # Game Field Hours Box Lacrosse Usage Hours 412 469 404 162 297 201 26 26 26 16 15 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Nu m b e r o f T e a m s Number of Teams 45 156 2/8/18 3:45pm: Awaiting # of Teams from SCLA. To be provided at meeting on 2/12. - Chris T. Updated: 2/8/2018 4A - 6 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M February 8, 2018 TO: Parks and Recreation Board FROM: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Recommendation on a Southlake Parks Development Corporation Matching Funds request from the Bob Jones Nature Center Organization for the development of a nature playground at the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve Action Requested: Park Board recommendation on the Southlake Parks Development Corporation (SPDC) Matching Funds request from Bob Jones Nature Center Organization (BJNCO) for the development of a nature playground at the Nature Center Background Information: The BJNCO has requested the City’s participation in a matching funds project to develop a nature playground at the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve. Staff will present an overview of the proposed project at the meeting for review by the Board. Construction of a nature playground is a recommendation within the Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space / Community Facilities Master Plan. The playground will enhance visitors’ experience at the nature center and provide additional opportunities for recreational and educational outdoor fun for all ages. The Park Board’s recommendation of the project is based on the viability of the project itself to the overall use of the City’s parks and recreation system as per the adopted Southlake 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space/Community Facilities Master Plan and the benefit of the project to Southlake residents. SPDC and City Council will consider the request on February 20, 2018. 5A - 1 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Date – February 12, 2018 Page 2 of 4 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork A representative from BJNCO will be present at the meeting to respond to any questions from the Board. Financial Considerations: Staff’s preliminary review of the project estimates the total project cost to be an estimated $20,000 - $25,000. Staff will continue to develop the total estimated cost of the project in preparation for review by the SPDC. Approval of a matching funds request for the project will assist with offsetting the capital costs of the project. Funding for the request is available in the FY 2018 SPDC Matching Funds Budget. The current available balance in the Matching Funds Budget is approximately $169,616. Funding for the project will be considered by the SPDC and City Council. Approved matching funds projects from 2013 to present include:  Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association for $3,262 towards the purchase of soccer goals for Bob Jones Park (October 2017)  Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association for up to $85,000 towards construction of a wall ball court at North Park (May 2017)  Southlake Girls Softball Association for up to $37,500 for improvements to the batting cages at Bob Jones Park (February 2017)  Southlake Cricket Club for $1,743 for cricket pitch at Bob Jones Park (December 2015)  Miracle League of Southlake for $2,000 towards construction cost for the Texas Rangers Miracle League Field at Bicentennial Park (October 2015) 5A - 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Date – February 12, 2018 Page 3 of 4 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork  Bob Jones Nature Center Organization for up to $50,000 towards development of a pollinator garden at the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve (November 2014)  Southlake Cricket Club for $6,916 towards the construction of the cricket pitch at Bob Jones Park (September 2014)  Miracle League of Southlake for $1,661.60 towards construction cost for the Texas Rangers Miracle League Field at Bicentennial Park (May 2014)  2012/13 Leadership Southlake Class for up to $25,000 for signage at Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve (April 2013)  Miracle League of Southlake for $10,250 towards construction cost for the Texas Rangers Miracle League Field at Bicentennial Park (April 2013) Strategic Link: The matching funds request is linked to the City’s Strategy Map related to the focus areas of Partnerships and Volunteerism and Performance Management & Service Delivery. The request also meets the corporate business objectives to collaborate with select partners to implement service solutions and invest to provide and maintain high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review : Parks & Recreation Board recommendation February 12, 2018 SPDC recommendation February 20, 2018 City Council consideration February 20, 2018 Legal Review: N/A Alternatives: N/A Supporting Documents: None 5A - 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Date – February 12, 2018 Page 4 of 4 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Staff Recommendation: Park Board recommendation to approve the proposed SPDC Matching Funds project request for the development of a nature playground at the Nature Center. 5A - 4 Community Events Schedule 2017 Name of Event Hosting Organization Type of Event Start Date End Date Times Location Race 2 Rescue Rescue Her 5K Sat. March 3 Sat. March 3 9 a.m. - 12 p .m.Gateway Church Southlake Sister Cities Chinese Lantern Walk Southlake Sister Cities and Southlake Library Walk Sat. March 3 Sat. March 3 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.Family Park Alyssa V. Phillips Foundation 5K Alyssa V. Phillips Foundation 5K Sat. March 24 Sat. March 24 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. Bicenennial Park Easter in the Park City of Southlake Easter Festivities Sat. March 24 Sat. March 24 9 a.m.-12 p.m.North Park Miracle Eggstravaganza City of Southlake Easter Festivities- special needs children Sun. March 25 Sun. March 25 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.Bicentennial Park 2/8/2018 6A - 1