2018-01-23 SLAC PacketCity of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M January 17, 2018 TO: Southlake Arts Council FROM: Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments for the Southlake Arts Council meeting – Tuesday, January 23, 2018 The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 23, at Southlake Town Hall in Room 3D (3rd Floor). If you are not able to attend this meeting, please notify staff at 817.748.8184 or lcarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us. REGULAR AGENDA: 1. Agenda Item No. 1. Call To Order 2. Agenda Item No. 2 Public Forum This is the public's opportunity to address the Arts Council about non-agenda items. During Public Forum, the Arts Council will not discuss or take action on any item brought up at this time. 3. Agenda Item No. 3 Consider A. Approval of the minutes from the December 12, 2017 Southlake Arts Council meeting – Please make any corrections to the minutes part of the motion for consideration. B. Recommend finalists for Call to Artists for White Chapel and Highland Street Roundabout – Staff will provide a presentation of the submissions for the Call to artists. Submissions are due to the City Secretary’s office on Friday, January 19th at 5:00 PM. Arts Council will select 1-3 finalists to request concepts for an art piece to be installed in the roundabout at the intersection of White Chapel and Highland. 4. Agenda Item No. 4 Discussion A. APEX Events Update – Taste of APEX and Strokes of Art in the Square – This item will allow the Arts Council to continue planning of upcoming APEX events. No packet documents. B. Southlake 2035 Public Arts Master Plan – This is a standing item on the agenda for the Arts Council to continue their review and recommendations for the 2035 Public Arts Master Plan. This meeting will include topics related to future art programs and partnerships. No packet documents. Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date – January 23, 2018 Page 2 of 2 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork 5. For Your Information – Attendance Report – A copy of the Southlake Arts Council attendance report is included in your packet. We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. CT STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Telephone – (817) 748-8019 Facsimile – (817) 748-8027 1400 Main Street, Ste. 210, Southlake, Texas 76092 Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services (817) 748-8021; ctribble@ci.southlake.tx.us Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director; ctucker@ci.southlake.tx.us Linda Carpenter-Elgin, Secretary, (817) 748-8184; lcarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 12, 2017 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall 4th Floor Room 4A 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL PRESENT: Chair Leslie Bartlett, Secretary Jesika Cook; and Southlake Arts Council members Tamara McMillan, Terri Messing, Mimi Tran SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL ABSENT: Vice Chair Miriam Murray, Heather Engelhardt, Simon Rurka (Alt #1) STAFF PRESENT: Assistant to the Director and board liaison Cassie Tucker REGULAR SESSION 1. CALL TO ORDER Southlake Arts Council Chairman Leslie Bartlett called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 14, 2017 SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL MEETING APPROVED A motion was made to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2017 Southlake Arts Council meeting as read. Motion: Tran Second: Cook Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, McMillan, Messing, Tran Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0 3. PUBLIC FORUM Chair Leslie Bartlett opened the Public Forum at 6:11 p.m. There being no one wishing to address the Arts Council, Chair Bartlett closed the Public Forum. 3A - 1 Minutes of the December 12, 2017 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 2 of 2 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork 4. DISCUSSION 5A. SOUTHLAKE 2035 PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN KICK OFF Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker lead a discussion of the Southlake 2035 Public Art Master Plan and answered questions from the Arts Council. The Arts Council brainstormed recommendations for the 2035 Public Art Master Plan and provided suggestions for possible art locations and the types of art they would like to see in Southlake. The Council also shared successful art projects they had visited and reviewed methods for funding art projects. The discussion of revisions to the Arts Master Plan will continue at the January 23, 2018 meeting and the topics will include definitions, goals, and partnerships. 6. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m. Motion: Tran Second: Cook Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, McMillan, Messing, Tran Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0 Attest: Leslie Bartlett, Chair Community Services Department A digital audio recording of this meeting is available in the Office of the City Secretary. NOTE: Five (5) of the regular seven (7) members of the Southlake Arts Council were present for this meeting. An Alternate may sit as a regular member in the event of an absence of one or more regular members per Ordinance No. 908, Section 2. 3A - 2 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M January 17, 2018 To: Southlake Arts Council From: Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director of Community Services Subject: Recommend finalists for call to artists for White Chapel and Highland Street Roundabout Action Requested: Southlake Arts Council review of Call to Artists submissions and recommendation on 1-3 finalists to provide concepts for the White Chapel and Highland Street roundabout Background Information: The Public Art Master Plan recommends commissioning and installing public art pieces in the roundabouts throughout the City for beautification and to build a network of art markers that help with way finding and place making throughout the city. At the November 14, 2017 Southlake Arts Council meeting, the Arts Council approved the release of a Call to Artist. A Call to Artist was released and submissions are due to the City Secretary’s office at 5:00 PM on Friday, January 17th. Staff will present the submissions for Arts Council’s review and recommendation. Financial Considerations: Funding in the amount of $90,000 for the design and installation of artwork is provided in the roundabout project budget. Additionally a $1500 stipend will be provided to 1-3 finalist selected to provide a complete proposal for Arts Council recommendation and City Council consideration. Strategic Link: Approval of the Call to Artists is linked to the City’s Strategy Map related to Quality Development and Performance Management and Service Delivery and meets the corporate objectives of Collaborate with Select Partners to Implement Service Solutions and Invest to Provide and Maintain High Quality Public Assets. It also is connected to Critical Business Outcome 05, to Improve quality of 3B - 1 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date – January 23, 2018 Page 2 of 2 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork life through progressive implementation of Southlake’s Comprehensive Plan recommendations. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The Call to Artists complies with provisions of the Public Art Display and/or Performance Policy and the Southlake 2030 Public Art Master Plan. Southlake Arts Council will review proposed submittals and make a recommendation on final candidates to the City Council. Legal Review: Not Applicable Alternatives: Approve with recommended edits Deny approval and explore other options Supporting Documents: Call to Artists Recommendation: Southlake Arts Council review of call to artists submissions and recommendation on 1-3 finalists to provide concepts for the White Chapel and Highland Street roundabout. 3B - 2 City of Southlake Call to Artists: Roundabout Project Page 1 of 4 CALL TO ARTISTS CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS PUBLIC ART PROJECT OPPORTUNITY PUBLIC ART FOR ONE ROUNDABOUT SOUTHLAKE, TX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The City of Southlake, Texas, through its Southlake Arts Council seeks to commission an artist for the creation of public art to be displayed in a roundabout at White Chapel & Highland Road in Southlake, Texas. The roundabout is scheduled for completion late summer/ fall 2018. The application deadline is Friday, January 12th, 2018. Artists must submit their application on a DVD/CD via mail or hand-delivery to the City of Southlake City Secretary’s Office, 1400 Main Street, Suite 270, Southlake, TX 76092. Complete information on how to apply is listed below. PUBLIC ART PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Southlake Arts Council seeks artists to provide artwork for one new roundabout. Southlake has 5 existing roundabouts with commissioned art installed. Images of current art can be found on pg. 3-4. The artwork(s) should: Be of the highest quality; Create interest for the community; Enrich the quality of life and visual environment for all residents and visitors of the city; Be visually appealing from all sides; Reflect the mission and values of the City of Southlake; Compliment the current collection; and be appropriate to the identified location, durable, and low maintenance. The Southlake Arts Council is specifically interested in proposals that will highlight the history of the proposed artwork location. Historically, it is known as a camp for travelers heading West in covered wagons. The location is near Bunker Hill, which settlers used as a lookout point, and near Blossom Prairie. The area was known to have plenty of wood, game, and spring water. After the travelers rested, the wagons would line up single file and head west, traveling along a route that would later become Texas 114. In the more recent past, the area has been known for the Milner Award winning cutting horse farm and Ride with Pride. Interested applicants should review the City of Southlake urban design elements that reside on the City of Southlake website for further information. Project Budget is approximately $90,000 for the artwork and base. 3B - 3 City of Southlake Call to Artists: Roundabout Project Page 2 of 4 ESTIMATED PROJECT TIMELINE January 19, 2018 Application Deadline January 23, 2018 Application Review/Selection of Finalists January 24, 2018 Notification to Finalists March 2018 Presentation of Proposals by Finalists April 2018 City Council review and final selection April 2018 Execution of Contract with Artist The City of Southlake reserves the right to adjust this estimated timeline as necessary. APPLICATION PROCESS This is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) only. Artists must submit the following on a DVD/CD via mail or hand-delivery to the City of Southlake City Secretary’s Office, 1400 Main Street, Suite 270, Southlake, TX 76092.  Letter of Interest - Applicants must submit a letter of interest indicating the project(s) for which they are applying and an artist statement.  Resume – Limited to three pages or less utilizing a font size of 10 or greater (must include name, address, phone, e-mail and website)  Images of Completed Artwork – Must be submitted in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with no more than twenty-five (25) images of completed works (one image per slide). The first slide should include the artist name and contact information. Each image must include a title.  Description of Completed Artwork for Review – Must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document to include the title, date, media, size (HxWxD), commission cost/purchase price, and a brief description of the artwork corresponding to the images submitted in the PowerPoint presentation. ARTIST SELECTION PROCESS The Southlake Arts Council and City Council will select one artist to commission the artwork. Criteria for selection includes: artistic merit as evidenced by the submitted materials; the applicant’s professional qualifications; proven ability to perform well on similar projects; and demonstrated ability to work with government agencies, boards, committees, architects, engineers, and other groups for the successful completion of similar art projects. Artists chosen as finalists will be provided with a $1500 stipend to complete their final concept. A maquette of the concept must be provided prior to City Council review. HELPFUL WEBSITE LINKS City of Southlake: http://www.cityofsouthlake.com Southlake Public Art Collection: http://www.cityofsouthlake.com/index.aspx?NID=786 Southlake Urban Design Plan: http://www.cityofsouthlake.com/index.aspx?NID=876 3B - 4 City of Southlake Call to Artists: Roundabout Project Page 3 of 4 On the Count of Three By: Jane DeDecker Location: White Chapel & Continental Lessons We Have Learned By: Jane DeDecker Location:White Chapel & Dove Morning By: Darrell Davis Location: Carroll & Dove Taking Flight By: Seth Vandable Location: Brumlow & Continental Roundabout Art in Southlake, Texas FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director of Community Services (817) 748-8036 or ctucker@ci.southlake.tx.us CURRENT COLLECTION OF ROUNDABOUT ART: 3B - 5 City of Southlake Call to Artists: Roundabout Project Page 4 of 4 Location for proposed artwork: White Chapel & Highland https://www.google.com/maps/@32.9560878,-97.1510436,413m/data=!3m1!1e3 Flying Together By Dream Big Sculpture Location: Sam School & Peytonville 3B - 6 1 Leslie Bartlett a a a a a a 0 a a 0 a a 100%15.25 2017 74% 2 Mini Tran n r a 50%1.5 3 Jesika Cook a r a a a r 0 a a 0 a a 80%12.25 4 Terri Messing a r a a r r 0 r a 0 a a 70%8.25 5 Heather Engelhardt a r 50%2.25 6 Miriam Murray a a a a a a 0 a a 0 a r 90%13.75 7 Tamara McMillan a a a a a a 0 a a 0 a a 100%15.25 Alt 1 Simon Rurka n a r 2 Merlene Ingraham r a r a a r 0 a a n 63%8 5 Devika Seth r r r r r r 0 r r 0 0%0 Alt 1 Kelly Trager a a a a a a 0 a n n 100%11.5 75%63%75%86%75%50%0 75%86%0 86%71%a In attendance Total Hrs Per Month 0.75 1 0.75 1.5 2 2 0 2 1.5 0 2.25 1.5 15.25 r Not in attendance, no substitute m Substitute in attendance n Vacant position 0 Meeting Canceled *Meeting Canceled due to no quorum Change in Representative Average Monthly Attendance Rate Meeting Attendance Rate (includes substitutions) 12/12/178/1/17 9/26/17 10/24/17 11/14/17 Southlake Arts Council Attendance Report Place Name 1/24/17 2/28/17 3/28/17 4/25/17 5/23/17 6/27/17 7/25/17 Individual Attendance Rate Hrs To Date Packet Insert - Southlake Arts Council Attendance Report