2017-10-10 SAC MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE Senior Advisory Commission Meeting: October 10, 2017 LOCATION: Senior Activity Center The Marq Southlake Traditions III 285 Shady Oaks Drive Southlake, Texas Members Present: Chair Beverly Blake, Vice Chair MaryLee Alford, Secretary Marge Kyle and SAC members Barbara Pappy, Natasha Siebach and Esther Spickler Commission Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Deputy Director of Community Services Candice Edmondson, Hospitality & Sales Manager Tiffany Irwin, Economic Development & Tourism Deputy Director Daniel Cortez, Assistant to the City Manager Lauren LaNeave, and Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Mashat-Phelps Guests: Brighton Greene, CARS Chairman; and Mary King, MMOW Executive Director 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Beverly Blake called the meeting of the Senior Advisory Commission to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. PUBLIC FORUM — Chair Beverly Blake opened Public Forum. There being no one to address the Commission, Public Forum was closed. 3. REPORTS 3A. METROPORT MEALS ON WHEELS Metroport Meals on Wheels (MMMOW) Executive Director Mary King provided participation statistics and financial reports on the congregate luncheon and home delivery programs and responded to questions. The Commission discussed the practice of offering complimentary meals for first time attendees at weekly luncheons and would like to know the origin of the complimentary meals, if possible. The Commission inquired about verification of membership status of new attendees and requested staff continue to work with MMOW to cross reference names on the MMOW attendance list with the City's senior center membership list. City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the October 10, 2017 Page 2 of 4 MMOW will continue to monitor attendance information and provide clarification on their counts during their next quarterly report. 3113. CALL A RIDE SOUTHLAKE Call A Ride Southlake (CARS) Chairman Brighton Greene reviewed the monthly report and pointed out CARS provided 1,403 one-way trips during the previous 9 month period compared to 1,223 one-way trips the same period last year, averaging about a 15% increase in one-way trips. The bulk of the increase was trip requests to the Southlake Senior Center. CARS representatives attended the Tarrant County Empowering Seniors event and were approached by other agencies interested in replicating the CARS program. CARS continues to look for volunteer drivers and spoke about their recruiting efforts. Use of social media and public announcements at the senior luncheons may help recruit drivers. 3C. SOUTHLAKE SENIOR FUNDING, INC. There was no report for this meeting. 3D. CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Assistant to the City Manager's Office Lauren LaNeave announced the Citizen Satisfaction Survey is available online October 15 through November 15 and the Fall Cleaning Day/Crud Cruiser event will be held October 28 at Dragon Stadium. 3E. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Development & Tourism Deputy Director Daniel Cortez updated the Commission about the Business Visitation Program being launched in January to establish closer relationships with Southlake businesses. 3F. COMMUNITY SERVICES Hospitality & Sales Manager Tiffany Irwin presented an overview of the September Senior Activity Center Membership Report. 3G. SENIOR SERVICES Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Mashat-Phelps reported on new senior programs and activities added to the monthly calendar in response to requests received on the Center's Comment Cards, including the Active Shooter presentation and a Brunch event on November 20, 2017. City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the October 10, 2017 Page 3 of 4 4. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Commission and are enacted with one motion. 4A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 REGULAR SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING. Chair Beverly Blake presented the Consent Agenda, including approval of the minutes of the September 12, 2017 meeting. TABLED A motion was made to approve the minutes of September 12, 2017 meeting as presented. Motion: Pappy Second: Alford Ayes: Alford, Kyle, Pappy Nays: None Abstention Siebach (Not reviewed minutes); Spickler, Blake (Absent 9/12/17) Vote: 3-0-3 Motion did not pass for lack of voting Quorum. The Commission agreed to table consideration of the minutes until the next meeting due to a lack of sufficient voting members to make a Quorum. 5. CONSIDER 5A. APPROVE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION 4T" QUARTER REPORT The 4th Quarter SAC Report was presented for feedback and comments. The Report will be inserted in the City Council meeting packets for the November 7, 2017 meeting. The Commission discussed topics for the quarterly reports. Beginning with the FY 2018 1st Quarter SAC Report, which will be presented to the Commission at the January meeting, the report format will be revised to include membership dashboard data and information on senior activities, as well as any areas of interest the Commission would like to report to City Council. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the 4th Quarter SAC Report. Motion: Alford Second: Kyle Ayes: Alford, Blake, Kyle, Pappy, Spickler and Siebach City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the October 10, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 6-0 6. DISCUSSION 6A. SENIOR CENTER PARKING Deputy Director of Community Services Candice Edmondson presented Item 6A and responded to questions. Steps have been developed to address the parking lot issues raised over the last few months. The steps include more signage, more visible signage, naming the lots, and communicating beforehand with any guests coming to the center that the Gold (lower) lot is reserved for senior citizens and the Green (upper) lot is for other guests. The Commission discussed possibilities of restriping the middle section of the existing lower lot and was interested in a feasibility study of restriping options. The Commission was invited to attend the Celebrate Southlake cultural event on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at Frank Edgar Cornish, V Park. 7. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2.31 p.m. Motion: Siebach Second: Kyle Ayes: Alford, Blake, Kyle, Pappy, Siebach, Spickler Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 6-0 Motion;)Carried. —76—haU Community Services Department Beverly Blake A digital recording of this meeting is available by request in the Office of the City Secretary. City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork 19 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Senior Advisory Commission Sign -in Sheet October 10, 2017 @ 1pm Senior Activity Center — The Marq Southlake 285 Shady Oaks Dr. - Southlake, TX Vacant (Place 1) MaryLee Alford (Place 2), Vice Chair Natasha Siebach (Place 3) Barbara Pappy (Place 4) Esther Spickler (Place 5) Beverly Blake (Place 6), Chairman Margie Kyle (Place 7), Secretary Vacant (Alt 1) Vacant (Alt 2) STAFF Chris Tribble Candice Edmondson Tiffany Irwin Soheila Phelps GUESTS (PLEASE PRINT) Brighton Greene (CARS) Erik Phelps (CARS) Mary King (MMOW) Daniel Cortez Lauren LaNeave Bernice McCauley