2017-09-26 CEDC Minutesw,I-"y (.F SOUTHLAKE TEXAS SOUTHLAKE COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES: September 26, 2017 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall 1400 Main Street 4t" Floor, Room 4A Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 5:00 p.m. COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Board President Martin Schelling, Board Secretary Suzanne Maisto, Bob Mundlin, John Thane and Jeff Wang. COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Vice -President Brandon Bledsoe STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski, Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher, Chief Financial Officer & Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson, Director of Public Works Rob Cohen, Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Deputy Director of Economic Development Daniel Cortez. 1. Tour of Granite Place at Southlake Town Square The board toured the new Granite Place building in Town Square. Board members that participated in this tour along with City Council members include Board President Martin Schelling, Board Secretary Suzanne Maisto, John Thane and Jeff Wang. 2. Call to order Board President Martin Schelling called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 3. Consider approving the minutes from the July 25, 2017 Community Enhancement and Development Corporation meeting A motion was made to approve the minutes from the July 25, 2017 meeting as presented. Motion: Mundlin Second: Maisto Ayes: Maisto, Mundlin, Schelling, Thane & Wang Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0 Motion Carried — APPROVED 4. Economic Development: a. Review and provide feedback on business visitation program guidelines Deputy Director of Economic Development Daniel Cortez reviewed the purpose of the business visitation program with the board. He informed them that this initiative is part of the Economic Development Master Plan and provides opportunities for the City to learn about concerns within the business community. The main outcome of this initiative is to assist in business retention efforts. The board asked questions and provided feedback. b. Consider approval of a professional consultant agreement with Jerry Hodge and Associates for project management of the SH 114 Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $108,000. Public Works Director Rob Cohen presented this item noting Mr. Hodge's added value as project manager on many City transportation projects. Director Cohen also added that Mr. Hodge has been a crucial to the SH 114 frontage road between Kirkwood and Solana, specifically in the following ways: Worked with the County Commissioner to allocate $250,000 of County funds for the SH 114/Kirkwood/Solana intersection improvements, and Saved over $50,000 by having TxDOT waive review and inspection fees on signal and intersection improvements. A motion was made to approve the agreement with Jerry Hodge and Associates as presented. Motion: Wang Second: Thane Ayes: Maisto, Mundlin, Schelling, Thane & Wang Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0 Motion Carried — APPROVED c. Consider funding a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates for services associated with preparing Plan, Specifications and Estimates for SH 114 Frontage (westbound) and Ramp Improvements from Kirkwood Boulevard to Dove Road in an amount not to exceed $905,000. Public Works Director Rob Cohen presented this item. He noted that this agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates will provide project management services, conduct geotechnical investigations, develop easement and conveyance instruments, complete a utility survey, develop plans, specifications and an estimate (PS&E) and complete the bridge and retaining wall design for the 114 frontage road. A motion was made to approve the agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates as presented. Motion: Wang Second: Maisto Ayes: Maisto, Mundlin, Schelling, Thane & Wang Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0 Motion Carried — APPROVED 5. Staff reports: a. Sales tax report Chief Financial Officer and Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson asked the board if there were any questions regarding the report that was in the packet. She informed the Board that the Corporation has brought in over $4.5m ($4,639,722) in revenue which is $29,722 over the budgeted amount for the year. b. Development activity report i. Granite Place at Southlake Town Square The tour of Granite Place took place prior to the business meeting. c. Construction management report Director Chris Tribble provided an update on the construction status of the Champions Club and presented new construction photos of the project. 6. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:0� p.m. Martin Schelling, President Community Enhancement and Development Corporation Board inne Ma o, Secretary munity Enhbm.,cement and Development Corporation Board