71-021RESOLUTION NO. 71-21 WHEREAS, the City of Grapevine desires to annex a portion of Grapevine Lake property currently owned by the United States Gov- ernment as described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; And, WHEREAS, a portion of said property to be annexed falls within one-half mile of the established boundary of the City of Southlake; And, WHEREAS, the City of Grapevine has requested that the City of Southlake waive its extra- territorial jurisdiction in said half-mile area as shown in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof in order to properly annex said land in accordance with legal requirements; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The City of Southlake does hereby waive any and all of its extra-territcrial rights in that portion of land to be annexed by the City of Grapevine which lies within one- half mile of the boundary of the City of Southlake as described and shown in the attached Exhibits. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ~DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1971. Mayor · ATTEST: City Secretary - EX~I BI ~ "A" property more-£ully describ~'d as /'oilows: Beginn£uS at a poise in the Tart&hr-Denton County line, said polll~ East 1859.0 feet fxom the Jloz~hweet corner of the J. M. Baker Survey, Abstract No. 167 and the l/ortheast corner of the S. Burnl~y Survey, Abstract ]So, 1;9, sma point of beginning being a U.S. ~overrmmnt morannent l/o. A-16; ~hence S 4' 10' %; 803.45 feet; Thence S 6' 32' E 1,215.4 feet to the centerline of Denton Creek;. Thence in a Southvesterly 41rection along the centezlil~e laid creek to a point ilx the U.S. ~Owerrdnent property line referenced by ~num~nt A-19; Thence S 0" 15' E 990.6 feet; Thence West 694.0 feet; Thence S 0° 30' 1/ 1775.0 feet; Thence $ 89° 31' 14 954.10 feet to monmnent Bo. A-23; Thence S 0° 15' %/ 2,1'37.07 feet; Thence $ 53" 21' W 873.54 feet; Thence 18' %/ 1989.33 feet; Thence $ 0" 26' W 185.12 feet to monument No. A-27, said monument being in the North right-of-way line of State Highvay 121; Thence S 43° 15' W 1,278.32 feet; Thezy:e N 46° &7' W 225.0 feet; Thevtce S 43' 13' 9,000 feet; Thence l/ 46' 47' W 950.0 feet; Thence. S 43° 13' W 607.0 feet; Thence S 46' 47' E 425.0 feet; Thence S 3° 49' E 1,021.85 feet to u~ment No. A-34, said u~;n~n£ bain8 in the North right-of-way line of State Ht~h- way 121~ Thence S 4As 21' I/ 619.0 feet; Thence N 17~ 21' W 1,527.32 feet; Thence N 1© 51' E 767.9 feat; Thence N 89° 03' W 95.0 feet; Thence S 55' 14 409.4 feet to the center of Ruth-Wall Street; Thence South 150.0 feet; Thence S 55' 49' %/ 613.2 feet to mOl~ttment No. A-41;' Thence N I1° 29' 14 759.50 feet; Thence N ~8' 50' g 1,181.75 feet to n~)nument Ilo. A-43 being in the west rightoof-~ay of Ruth-~all Street; Thence alonE the cord of a curve in Ruth-Wall Street S 23' 46' [ 626.05 feet; T~ence N 29~ 00' E 1,?~9.8 feet to monl~t No. A-45; Thence N 33' 45' W 491.0 feet; Thence S 89° 10' W 300.20 feet; Thence N 0" 15' E 372.9 feet; Thence N 23° 15' E 637.3 feet; Thence N 89" 45' 14 303.9 feet; Thence N 1~ 00' 14 468.3 feet; Thence S 77' 00' W 167.70 feet; Thence $ 29° 06' W 116.6 fee~; Thence South 573.3 feet; Thence S 86' 29' W 32A.6, feet; Thence S 15° 36' W 353°6 feet; Thence S 4° 26' %4 1,087.8 feet; Thence N 61' A0' W 332.4 ~eet to n~)ntunent No. A-57; Thence N 61' 09'~ W 1,006.6 feet; Thence N 18° 35' E 479.2 feet; Thence N 58° 09' %/ 965.7 feet; Thence llorth 23.60 feet; Thence %/est 761.0 feet; Thence South 495.55 feet; Tlle~ce East 247.0 feet; T~ence S 0° 11' E 410.2 feet; Theflce S 71' 20' W 249.8 foot; Thence S 0° 37' E 237.10 feet; Thence 48' E 237.10 feet; Thence S 9~ 15' E 215.1 feet to monet No. A-68; Thence S 9° 15' E 689.6 feet; Thence S 9° 07' E 390.0 feet; Thence N 44° 24' 525.99 feet; Th~lce $ 71' 04' 14 167.5 feet; Thence N 1° 57' E 517.51 feet to u~)nument No. A-73; Thence West 2,233.32 feet; Thence S 0' 52' I4 682.9 feet; Thence N 89' 10' W 268.0 feet; Thence S 22' 15' 14 813.8 feet; Thence S 0* 44' 1/ 684.18 feet; Thence S 37° 58' W 425.0 feet; Thence East 82.95 feet; Thence S 39° 36' W 64.25 feet;. ~hence N 89° 18' W 392.58 feet; Thence S O0° 42' W 290.0 feet; Thence N 89° 18' W 121.42 feet; Thence N 12" 23' E 338.77 feet; Thence East 143.56 feet to n~;nument No. A-80; .Thence N 23° 44' 450.0 feet; Thence Jl 18" 31''W 665.0 feet; Thence S 89° 01' E 101.0 feet; Thence N 12' 37' E 512.3 feet; Thence s 61"' 32' %/ 345.7 feet; Thence 1~ 15' 35' E ~I0.3 feet; Thence N ~4' 54' 1/ 230.0 feet; Thence N 35' 48' E 391.5 feet; Thence II 74° 07' 1/ 190.7 feet; Thence fl 55° 40' 1/ 306.0 feet; Thence $ 79' 39' 14 350.1 feet; Thence N 01° 11' W 15.4 feet to No. A-9~; Thence S 89" 45' 14 198.0 feet; Thence $ 29° 52' 1/ 205.0 feet; The~lce S 38' 06' E 142.0 feet; Thence S 50° 59' 1/ 175.0 feet; Thence $ 12" 38' E llSoO feet; Thence S 72' 46' 14 142.0 feet; Thence S 5° 05' E 17~,0 feet; Thence S 89' 39' W 123.0 feet; Thence S 33° 41' W ~48.0 feet; Thence S 0° 27' E 174.0 feet; Thence,S 4' 00' W 179.6 feet to monument No. A-lO3; Thence S &" 00' 1/ 252.0 feet; Thence S 38° 00' %/ 28~.0 feet; Thence 8 30' %/ 601.9 feet; Thence s 35° 19, w 211.6 feet; Thence S 40° 05' · 199.6 feet; Thence S 89° 39' %/ 251.5 feet to ~nt Bo. A-lO9; Thence Jl 3" 248.0 feet; Thence II 36' 30' E 154.1 feet; Thence N 01° 27' 1/ 397.9 fee~; Thence N 28' 35' E 511.0 feet; Thence N 8" 40' E 160.2 feet; Three J~ 40' E 174.8 feet; Thence ~ 16~ 10' 1/ 10}.0 feet; Thence ~ 22" 29' J~ 200.9 feet; Thence N 17° 2~' 1/ 144,8 feet; Thence ~ 27° 540 E 92.0 feet; Thence lq 81' 07' ~: 80.0 feet; Thence Lq 39° 26' E 119.0 feet~ Thence Il 22' 34' ~. 350.0 feet; Thence lq /47° 1_8' %4 151.0 feet; Thence S 86' 42' W 225.0 feet; Thence $ 5'6° 58' W'171.3 feet; Thence $ 53° 33' %4 268.0 feet; Thence lq 0° DI' E 250.2 feet; Thence N 41° 30' E-191.1 feet; Thence Lq /4' 59' W 208.7 feet; Thence lq 63° 15' E 119.0 feet; Thence N 68° 13' Z 141.2 feet; Thence N 85° 48' E 170.6 feet; Thence Lq 32° 18' E 220.2 feet; Thence 18' E 193.4 feet; Thence 1~ 82° 38' W 368.7 feet; Thence lq 20' 55' feet; Thence N 35" 06' W 65.4 feet; Thence N 56° 46' W 108.5 feet; Thence N 67 ° 26' W 123.7 feet; Thence N 42° 00' W 140.6 feet; Thence I~ 51" 57' W 195.7 feet; Thence H 01° 20' g 73.2 feet to monument No. A-142; Thence 76° 11' E 347.9 feet; Thence S 83° 03' E 162.3 feet; Thence S 81° 165.2 feet; Thence-S 21° 29' E 89.7 feet; Thence S 52° 54' E 180.5 feet; Thence N 50° 13' g 216.8 feet; Thence S /45° 20' E 256.8 feet;. Thence lq 59° 25' E 120.0 feet; Thellce N 0° 32' W 64.0 feet; Thence N 21" 08' 396.4 feet; Thence lq 75" 30' E 127.0 feet; Thence S 14° 49' g 340.0 feet; Thence S 79° 37' E 220.0 feet; Thence lq 32° 07' E 255.0 feet; Thence 35° 54' W 882.0 feet; Thence lq 21° 13' W 378.0 feet; Thence lq 59° 01' 826.8 feet; Thence lq 89° 34' E 564.4 feet to a point in the center line of a county road, said point being the Southeast corner of the McKimmey a~d Willia~a Survey A~str&ct lqo. 1103; ' Thence N 0° 09' E 1420.0 feet; Thence S 58° 21' W 310.2 feet; Thence N 74" 18' W 336.5 feet; Thence S 36" 48' W 540.6 feet; Thence N 79° 11' W 755.4 feet; Thence S 43° 45' W 350.0 feet; Thence N 57° 10' W 986.2 feet,; Thence $ 64" 21, W 1,000.1 feet; Thence S 01' 14' E 270.5 feet; Thence N 88° 08' W 515.2 feet to monument No. A-Il; Thence S 0° 23' g 897.0 feet; Thence S 89° 45' W 862.0 feet; Thence S 46° 45' W 2,080.4 feet; Thence N 0" 15' W 850.0 feet; Thence S 53~ 26' W 315.3 feet to monument Ho. 61A-l; Thence S 53° 26' W 824.0 feet; Thence S 37° 17' 830.3 feet; Thence N 76" 15' W 1,212.', feet to monument No. A-14-1; Thence S 0° 20' E 60.4 feet; Thence N 76° 15' W 122.5 feet; Thence S 61" 02' W 933.6 feet, Thence S 89" 03' g 381.0 feet; Thence S 09° 05' W 331.5 feet; Thence S 86° 09' W 233.0 feet; Thence S 58" 15' W [29.0 feet; Thence S 36° 30' W 320.5 feet; Thence S 01° 10' W 219.2 feet; Thence S 61" 56' W 357.4 feet; Thence S 21° 00' W 95.0 feet; Thence S 76° 40' E 138.0 feet; Thence N 81° 54' E 208.8 feet; ThenCe lq 49° 25' E 179.0 feet; ThenCe N 56 225.8 feet; Thence Lq 56° /45' E 291.0 feet; Thence lq 52° 00' E 170.0 feet; Thence lq 63° 30' E 100.0 feet; Thence Lq 34° 15' E 137.0 feet; Thence H 52° 46' E 187.0 feet; Thence lq 05° 57' E 231.3 feet; Thence N 64° 12' E 126.0 feet to mont~nent lqo. A39-20; Thence N 69c .07' E 107.0 feet from Lqo. A-62B-1 to monument Ilo. A-62B-2; Thence N 53° 39' E 73.5 feet fro~ monument Lqo. A-61B-1 to monument No. A-61B-2; Thence N 23° 16' E 112.3 feet; Thence Lq 71° 01' g 153.7 feet; Thence N 26° il' W 14Q.2 feet; Thence !~ 44° 48' g 67.2 feet; Thence S 76° 15' E 110.0 feet; Thence 5 34° 19' ~ 228.0 feet; Thence $ 82° 24' E 134.6 feet; Thence S 15° 4l' W /41.7 feet to mon- ument No. A-61B-11; Thence 8 14° 58' W 111.85 feet f, rom monument 11o. A-62A-1 to monument No. A-62A-2; Thence S 09° 48' E 419.2 feet; ThenCe S 11° /~' 295.3 feet; Thence H 82° 13' g 161.1 feet; Thence N 15~ 22' W 261.7 feet; Thence R 59° 56' E 423.0 feel:; Thence Il 42° 31' W 439.65 feet to monument No. A-6ZA-8; Thence 1~ 64° 51' W 99.5 feet from monument lqo. A-61B-12 to monument I~o. A-61B-13; Thence lq 32° 10' W 244.3 feet to mo~t ~o. Thence lq 76° 15' W 865.0 feet to monument 1~o. A-15-1; Thence lq 0~ 20' W 60.4 feet; Thence lq 75° 30' W 534.9 feet; Thence N 67~ 32' W 161.5 feet; Thence lq /46° 38' K 76.2 feet; Thence N 82' 21' E 114.8 feet; Thence lq 51° 07' E 103.0 feet; Thence lq 14° 42' K 150.2 feet; Thence lq 6~° 51' W 419.8 feet; Thence lq 27' 38' W 58.! feet; Thence It 60° 43' E 302.0 feet; Thence N 06° 54' E 50.9 feet; Thence ]1 39° 36' g 159.0 feet; Thence N 16' 20' W 73.7 feet; Tt~emce N 37' 17' · 75.3 feet; Thence N 07° 15' W 150.7 feet; 07' li 126.9 feet; Thence H 41° 44' g 160.9 feet; Thence N 0° 30' W 557.8 feet: Thence $ 89° 51' E 413.2 feet; Thence lq 29° 20' E 551.5,feet;,,o ~z,Thence monument No. 63-3; Thence 1~ 0° 40' W 122.1 feet to monument i~. 57-1; S 89' 20' E 749.2 feet; Thence N 31" 02' W 783.1 feet; Thence S 69' 679.7 feet; Thence N 13' 44' E 249.8 feet; Themce N 77° 11' W 410.2 feet; Thence N 04° 22' W 524.8 feet; Thence N 65° 18' E 310.0 feet; Themce N 25' 05' W 869.8 feet; Thence S 50° 03' W 215.0 feet; Thence N 04' 18' W feet; Thence N 50° 33' E 440.0 feet; Thence West 710.2 feet to No. 53-1; Thence S 0° 03' E 25.0 feet; Thence N 65° 10' W 80~.2 feet; Thence S 47° 00' W 579.5 feet; Thence N 73° 34' W 289.4 feet; .Themce 444.7 feet; Thence S 56° 03' W 429.6 feet; Thence S O1° 21' E 714.0 Thence West 216.0 feet; Thence N O1° 13' W 714.0 feet; Thence WeSt 901.0 feet; Thence South 440.0 feet; Thence West 250.0 feet; Thence N 12' 25~ W 461.25 feet; Thence West 173.3 feet; Thence S 19° 00' W 465.0 feet; Thence West 195.0 feet; Thence 1~ 30' 37' W 440.8 feet to monument 209-2-1; Thence North 240.0 feet to momument No. 209-1-1; Thence S 76¢ 01' W 312.36 feet; Thence 10° 07' E 830.0 feet; Thence S 57° 40' W 420.0 feet; Themce S 27° 52' W 435.0 feet; Themce S 26' 49' E 185.D feet; Thence S 06' 37' W 1,530.0 feet; Thence S 13' 44' E 720.0 feet; Thence N 65° 10' W 625.0 feet; Themce S 40° 22' W 759.86 feet; Thence S 33° 38' E 407.27 feet; Thence $ 89' 54' W 260.0 feet to momument No. C-210A-1; Thence S 30" 57' E 352.4 feet; Thence S 28° 47' W 383.6 feet; Thence S 32° 26' E 159.3 feet; Thence N 15° 13' g 140.6 feet; Themce N 54° 10' E 22118 feet; Thence S 50~ 29' E 302.2 feet; Thence N 05' 06' E 409.4 feet; Thence N 30° 08' E 366.0 feet; Thence S 89° 54' W 478.0 feet; Thence N 33° 38' W 407.27 feet; Thence im a ]~ortherly direction along the meamdors of Dove Branch to tho intersection of Dove Branch and the Tarrant-Denton County line, said noint being East 2,743.0 feet from the Northeast corner of J. J. Dwight Survey, Abstract 455; ~hence East along said county line to point, said point bein5 West 1,169.3 fee~ fr~m the Northeast cornor of the D. Tannehill Survey, Abstract No. 1524, said point also being m~mument No. A-I; The~ce S 26° 03' g 331.5 feet; Thence S 01° 09' E 230.5 feet; Thence S 21° 5Z' W 301.8 feet; Thence $ 05° 22' E 261.3 feet; Thence East 428.2 feet; Thence, N £?o 34' W ~84.3 feet; Thence N 86° 58~ E 207.2 feet; Thenc~ North 638.i~ f, ct~ ~q]ence East 330.0 feet; Thence N 13~ 09' W 141.14 feet to a point £n the Tarrant-Denton County line, said point also being a nail in Farm-*o-Market Highway No. 2499; ~ence 'East 7,342.1 feet to the point of beginning, ~ave and ezcept the following tract described out of the Joel L. Hallum Survey Abstract No. 722; Beg~nning at a point, said point being the Northeast corner of the ~oel L. Survey, ~kbstract ilo. 722; Thence S 02° 36' W 1,3~_5.4 feet; Thence 87° 52' W 874.4 feet; Thence N 02' 08' E 144.0 feet to monumem~ A-14; Thence S 86° 05' E 407.8 feet; Thence N 02° 00' W 320.0 feet to monument A-i~; Thence N 89~ 00' E 27.2 feet to monument No. A-17; Thence Nll~ 00' E 110.0 feet; Thence N 72° 50' E 420.0 feet; Thence N ~0° 00' W 55,~.0 feet; Thence N 16' 00' E 112.0 feet; Thence $ 88' 18' ~ 1~9.4 feet to the point of beginning. City of Grapevine Bill Vandeventer City Secretary