Item 6A 13SOUTHLAKE MEMORANDUM Item 6A August 29, 2017 TO: Shana Yelverton, City Manager FROM: Sharen Jackson, Chief Financial Officer SUBJECT: Approval of the amended Fiscal Year 2017 Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Operating Budget and adoption of Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Budget Action Requested: Approval of amended Fiscal Year 2017 Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Operating Budget and adoption of Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Budget. Background Information: Your packet contains the operating budget adopted by the Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors on July 27, 2017. The proposed operating budget provides for the continuation of the SRO funding and Town Square security initiative. New request for FY 2018 include the following: • Mobile Routers $ 12,159 (Purchase of 11 mobile routers for patrol vehicles to enable Keller Dispatch system to locate patrol vehicles.) • Body Cameras and Equipment $ 11,995 (Purchase of eight additional cameras gives the police department a greater capacity to document police interactions with the public. This purchase will also provide another transfer station, which downloads and manages the camera footage.) • Watchguard Server Storage $ 47,532 (WatchGuard is the vendor for the Police Department's dash and body cameras, which have proven to be essential tools in evidence gathering and transparency for the department. As the amount of video footage accumulates, additional storage space is required. The purchase of an additional 50 terabytes of space should satisfy the department's digital storage needs for the next several years. In addition, this purchase establishes a second server in an alternate location that mirrors the evidence that is stored at the police department. In the event that the HQ building is damaged or lost, staff can recover the digital evidence from the alternate location.) • Laser Measurement Mapping Station $ 5,248 (The request is for the replacement of the existing computer and program which is aging and is impacting the functionality of the system. The equipment is used by the department's fatality traffic investigators for laser measurements to precisely recreate serious vehicle crashes and crime scenes.) • Temporary Relocation of Radio Repeater $ 20,000 (The request is to relocate the radio repeater from Grapevine water tower. As part of the NETCO radio system partner cities, Southlake Police and Fire utilize a public safety radio repeater that is mounted on Grapevine's water tower. This radio repeater facilitates radio transmission in the northern part of Southlake. In order for the City of Grapevine to refurbish the water tower, the repeater must be removed from the tower and relocated for a period of 8-10 months. The total cost of the project is estimated at $110,000 and Southlake's portion is not to exceed$20,000.) • Safety Headgear $ 1,680 (The request is to purchase twelve sets of certified headgear to protect officers during reality based training. The firearms used for reality based training are the same as duty firearms, except that they only fire a small colored soap pellet. The use of the system requires the safety certified headgear.) • SWAT Ballistic Vests $ 19,014 (The request is for the replacement of eight sets of heavy body armor used by SWAT officers. The proposed ballistic vests can withstand pistol and rifle rounds. The vests are used by Southlake officers that are part of North Tarrant Regional SWAT.) • Laser Radars $ 5,190 (The request is for the replacement of two laser radars. The radars are utilized by traffic officers to provide very specific readings on vehicle speeds. The current radars are aging and beginning to require repair. Staff plans to replace the laser radars a few at a time to avoid a large budgetary impact.) • Less Lethal Shotguns $ 3,615 (The request is for the purchase of four less lethal shotguns for patrol. The shotguns fire small, less lethal impact rounds, as opposed to normal ammunition. This gives patrol officers another less lethal option in order to render situations safe without causing serious harm to the individual in question.) • TASER's and Associated Equipment $ 23,734 (The request is for the replacement of 20 existing Tasers and purchase additional cartridges for duty use and training. Tasers are required to be replaced every 5 years. A percentage of the Tasers will be replaced each year to minimize the budget impact.) • SWAT Headsets $ 7,781 (The request is for replacement of eight SWAT radio headsets. Southlake's SWAT officers utilize tactical headsets for radio communication during high risk incidents.) • Ballistic Shields $ 6,572 (The request is for the purchase of three ballistic shields for patrol. The equipment will give the officers an increased ability to protect themselves during an active shooter or any call for service in which shots are fired.) • Radio Batteries $ 3,976 (The request is for the purchase radio batteries. Spare batteries are needed for replacement as wear and tear occurs from officer usage.) • Rifle Rated Body Armor $ 92,727 (The request is for the purchase of rifle rated body armor for all officers. The normal body armor that is worn by police officers is not rated to stop rifle fire.) Total funding requested for FY 2018 CCPD operating fund for operations is $1,083,544 and an operating transfer out of $74,510 for indirect charges. Financial Considerations: The proposed operating budget includes projected sales tax and interest income of $1,862,750. $1,083,544 for operating expenditures, transfer out of$74,510 with an ending fund balance of$3,581,563. Strategic Link: Cl: Achieve the highest standards of safety and security. B2: Collaborate with select partners to implement service solutions. B6: Optimize the use of technology. F2: Invest to provide and maintain high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: A Public Hearing is scheduled for September 6, 2017. Legal Review: None required. Alternatives: Approve or reject the budget submitted Supporting Documents: CCPD Fund Summary-Operating Budget Staff Recommendation: Approval of the amended FY 2017 and adoption of the proposed FY 2018 operating budget. SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT - OPERATING FUND FY2018 Proposed Budget 08:07 PM October 1,2017 through September 30,2018 07/20/17 $Increase/ $Increase/ 2016 2017 2017 (Decrease) %Increase/ 2018 %Increase/ Actual Adopted Amended Adopted -Decrease Proposed Adopted -Decrease REVENUES Sales Tax $1,803,605 $1,820,000 $1,820,000 $0 0.0% $1,842,750 $22,750 1.3% Miscellaneous Income 0 0 0 $0 0.0% $0 ($0) 0.0% Interest Income $25,480 500 20,000 $19,500 3900.0% $20,000 $19,500 3900.0% Total Revenues $1,829,085 $1,820,500 $1,840,000 $19,500 1.1% $1,862,750 $42,250 2.3% EXPENDITURES Personnel $563,713 $653,638 $653,638 $0 0.0% $708,490 $54,852 8.4% Operations $252,723 $322,322 $314,219 (8,103) -2.5% $351,896 29,574 9.2% Capital $58,184 $352,369 $352,369 0 0.0% $23,158 (329,211) -93.4% Total Expenditures $874,620 $1,328,329 $1,320,226 ($8,103) -0.6% $1,083,544 ($244,785) -18.4% Net Revenues $954,465 $492,171 $519,774 $27,603 $779,206 $287,035 Transfers In-SPDC $0 $0 $0 $0 Transfers Out-General Fund/Debt servi (2,656,620) (2,117,920) (2,117,920) (74,510) Transfers Out-Crime Control Project Fu (1.200.000) 0 0 0 Total Other Sources(Uses) (3,856,620) (2,117,920) (2,117,920) (74,510) Beginning Fund Balance $7,377,168 $4,475,013 $4,475,013 $2,876,867 Ending Fund Balance $4.475.013 $2.849.264 $2.876.867 $3.581.563 (Reference to Section 363.203,Local Government Code,Annual Budget Proposal.) 1. The District does not have any outstanding obligations. 2. There is$2,876,687 in the Operating Fund and$2,382,312 in the Capital Projects Fund estimated to be on hand as of the beginning of FY 2018 3. An estimated$1,842,750 is expected to be received by the District during FY2018 in sales tax revenues. 4. Total revenue is estimated at$1,862,750 consisting of sales tax and interest income. 5. Total money requested to fund programs is$1,083,544 for personnel,equipment and security initiatives. 6.Operating transfer of$74,510 requested for indirect charge. 7. The sales tax rate is.125%. 8. There is$2,876,867 in the Operating Fund estimated to be on hand as of the end of FY2017 9. Total revenues available to cover the proposed budget are$1,862,750.