2017-06-15 ZBA Minutes CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TEXAS ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING: June 15, 2017 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Executive Session-Executive Conference Room, Suite 268 of Town Hall Regular Session-City Council Chambers Time 6:30 P.M. REGULAR SESSION: Members Present: Vice Chair Ronell Smith, Board members: Brett Nickel, Jeff Medici, Gina Phalen, Robert Kemins, Alternate No. 2 and David Treichler, Alternate No. 3 Members Absent: Chair Kourosh Panahy, Board members: Michael Quinones, Alternate No. 4 and Rob Baker, Alternate No. 1 Staff Present: Dennis Killough, Deputy Director of Planning & Development Services, Richard Schell, Principal Planner, and Karen Heistand, Board Secretary Agenda Item No. 1 Call to Order: Vice Chair Smith called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Agenda Item No. 2 Executive Session: No Executive Session was held. Agenda Item No. 3—Approval of the Minutes: Vice Chair Smith opened the discussion of the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on May 25, 2017. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on May 25, 2017. Motion: Medici Second: Nickel Ayes: Smith, Kemins, Medici, Phalen and Nickel Nays: None Abstain: Treichler Vote: 5-0-1 Motion: Approved Agenda Item No. 4 — Administrative Comments: Richard Schell, Principal Planner, announced that the next scheduled ZBA meeting is June 29, 2017. Planner Schell also announced that the City Council will appoint Board members at the June 20, 2017 meeting. REGULAR AGENDA: Agenda Item No. 5 -ZBA-733, Special Exception Use per Ordinance No 480, Section 44.12(1) for a servants or family quarters on property described as Lot 17A2, Block 1, Cedar Oaks Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 1223 Morgan Rd., Southlake, Texas Current Zoning: "SF-1A" —Single Family Residential District. Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes—June 15, 2017 Page 1 of 3 Planner Richard Schell presented the request of the applicant. On April 27, 2017, the Zoning Board of Adjustment approved a Special Exception Use per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12(1) for a servants or family quarters to construct an approximately 600 square foot family quarters in a separate accessory building. In order to save trees on the property, the applicant has relocated the proposed family quarters on the plot plan approximately 41 feet towards the rear of the property and approximately 21 feet away from the north property line compared to the approved plot plan, so the Special Exception Use request is being reprocessed to request approval of the family quarters in the new location. No other changes to the previously approved plans are proposed. Vice Chair Smith opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire. Molly Bullard, 1223 Morgan Road, Southlake, Texas, the applicant and property owner, once sworn in, presented testimony and answered questions from the Board. Vice Chair Smith asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in favor of the request. There being none, Vice Chair Smith asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in opposition of the request. There being none, Vice Chair Smith closed the public hearing and opened the item for discussion from the Board. A motion was made to approve Case No. ZBA-733. Motion: Nickel Second: Medici Ayes: Smith, Kemins, Medici, Nickel and Phalen Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 Motion: Approved Agenda Item No. 6 - ZBA-734, Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.14, requiring a minimum lot size of one acre for an on-site sewage facility (OSSF) on property described as Tracts 2A3A, 2A3A1, 2A3B, 2A3 and 2A5, William H. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1068, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 208 Randol Mill Avenue and 1719 and 1825 Maranatha Way, Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "SF-1B" - Single Family Residential District and "AG"—Agricultural District. Planner Richard Schell presented details of the case with a slide presentation to the Board, explaining the request for approval of Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.14, requiring a minimum lot area of one acre with a minimum useable area of one acre for an on-site sewage facility (OSSF) to allow 9 lots in the proposed 16 lot Happy Homes subdivision to utilize OSSFs on lots with useable areas ranging from 0.74 acre to 1.0 acre. All 16 lots in the subdivision have a minimum lot area of 1.0 acre. Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.14 requires a minimum lot area of one acre with a minimum useable area of at least one acre excluding areas in Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes—June 15, 2017 Page 2 of 3 drainage and flowage easements. The drainage easements shown on the proposed lots reduce the useable areas below the one acre minimum required. The nearest City sewer is approximately 2,700 feet to the southeast in Biltmore Drive with an approximately 60 foot uphill change in elevation. Vice Chair Smith opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire. David Recht, DHR Engineering, Irving, Texas, the applicant, once sworn in, presented testimony and answered questions from the Board. Vice Chair Smith asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in favor of the request. Gerald Pruitt, 1730 Maranatha Way, Southlake, Texas, once sworn in, spoke in favor of the request. Vice Chair Smith asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in opposition of the request. There being none, Vice Chair Smith closed the public hearing and opened the item for discussion from the Board. David Recht, DHR Engineering, Irving, Texas, returned to podium and answered additional questions from the Board. Mr. Recht then requested to table the item to the June 29, 2017 meeting. A motion was made to table case ZBA-734 to the next meeting on June 29, 2017. Motion: Medici Second: Kemins Ayes: Smith, Kemins, Medici, Nickel and Phalen Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 Motion: Approved to table to June 29, 2017 meeting. Agenda Item No. 7 - Meeting Adjournment: Vice Chair Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:54 PM. *An audio cording of this meeting will be permanently retained in the City Secretary's Office. Ronell mith, Vice Chairman ATT Karen eistand, Board Secretary Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes—June 15, 2017 Page 3 of 3