2016-12-13 SLAC Packet December 8, 2016 Southlake Arts Council Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director of Community Services If you are not able to attend this meeting, please notify staff at 817.748.8184 or lcarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us. 1. Agenda Item No. 2A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the Southlake Arts Council meeting held September 27, 2016. Please make any corrections to the minutes part of the motion for consideration. 2. Agenda Item No. 3A. Consider: Election of Southlake Art Council Officers for 2017 appointments of Merlene Ingraham, Terri Messing and Miriam Murray to the Arts Council on October 18, 2016, the Arts Council may now wish to consider the election of a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary to serve a one- year term. Any sitting member may be considered for the officer positions. Below is a current roster of the Arts Council for your consideration. Leslie Bartlett Place 1 Current Chair Merlene Ingraham Place 2 Jesika Cook Place 3 Current Secretary Terri Messing Place 4 Devika Seth Place 5 Miriam Murray Place 6 Current Vice Chair Tamara McMillan Place 7 Kelly Trager Alternate #1 3. Agenda Item No. 3B. Consider: Recommendation on final concept proposal for public art for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park At the last meeting in September, the Arts Council met with artist Lyman Whitaker and his project engineer, John Whitaker, to preview the proposed concept for an art sculpture for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park. Based on feedback at that meeting, Mr. Whitaker has submitted recommendation at this meeting. If the proposal is approved by the Arts Council, the recommendation on the final concept and personal services agreement to provide public art for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park will be presented to City Council January 17, 2017. A copy of the proposal is included in your packet for consideration. City of Southlake Values: Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date December 13, 2016 Page 2 of 2 4. Agenda Item No. 4A. Discussion: Art gallery reception February 19, 2017 and Strokes of Art in the Square art exhibit February 17, 2017 April 21, 2017 in Town Hall lobby This item will allow the Arts Council to plan the upcoming February 19, 2017 reception and the February 17, 2017 April 21, 2017 art exhibit. The Arts Council approved (6-0) the permit for these events at the September 27, 2016 meeting. There are no packet documents for this item 5. Agenda Item No. 5. Public Forum This is the public's opportunity to address the Arts Council about non-agenda items. During Public Forum, the Arts Council will not discuss or take action on any item brought up at this time. 6. For Your Information Attendance Report A copy of the Southlake Arts Council attendance log is included in your packet. We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. CHT STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Telephone (817) 748-8019 Facsimile (817) 748-8027 1400 Main Street, Ste. 210, Southlake, Texas 76092 Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services (817) 748-8021; ctribble@ci.southlake.tx.us Candice Edmondson, Deputy Director of Community Services, (817) 748-8311; cedmondson@ci.southlake.tx.us Cassie Tucker, Assistant to Director of Community Services, (817) 748-8036; ctucker@ci.southlake.tx.us Linda Carpenter-Elgin, Administrative Secretary, (817) 748-8184; lcarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us City of Southlake Values: Integrity th Town Hall, 4 Floor Room 4A Southlake, Texas 6:00 p.m. :Chair Leslie Bartlett,Vice Chair Miriam Murray, Secretary Jesika Cook andSouthlake Arts Council members Merlene Ingraham, Tamara McMillan and Kelly Trager (Alternate 1) :Terri Messing andDevika Seth : Director of Community Services Chris Tribble Stanley Walter The meeting was called to order by Arts Council Chairman Leslie Bartlett at 6:07 p.m. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Southlake Arts Council and are enacted with one motion. A correction was made to the August 15, 2016 minutes to Item 3B to show Miriam Murray was the only Arts Council member attendee at the July 12, 2016 SSFI meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes of August 15, 2016 meeting with the correction. Motion: Cook Second: Murray Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Ingraham, McMillan, Murray and Trager (Alt #1) Nays: None Abstain: None City of Southlake Values: Minutes of the September 27,2016 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried Agenda Items were presented out of the regular agenda sequence at the meeting. Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker introduced the artist proposal for public art for the park and reviewed the approval process and timeline. Ms. Tucker was available to answer questions. Lyman Whitaker, artist, and John Whitaker, project engineer, Whitaker Studio, 899 Coyote Gulch Court, Ivins, UT, presented their proposal for a kinetic public art piece sculpture for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park and responded to questions from the Arts Council. A name for the sculpture will be provided at a later time. The presentation included concept renderings, the proposed layout installation, timeline, preliminary cost, cost comparison, and lighting details. The proposed art piece sculpture includes several moving Fluer-de-lis, Guardian Angel, and Agave elements of varying heights and sizes. The Arts Council discussed the proposal and made the following recommendations to the artist. Base material to be continuous, concrete surface of a half-shade color contrast to surrounding surface Include border diameter circular planter Paint of pole to be light to medium grey Colored lights Incorporate space for name plate A final proposal will be presented for Arts Council approval at the October meeting. Art Council members offered name suggestions for the art sculpture including Gentle Breeze, Serenity, Just Breathe, Tranquility, Respite and Savasana. A motion was made to Table the item for additional information for approval at the next meeting. City of Southlake Values: Minutes of the September 27,2016 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 Motion: McMillan Second: Murray Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Ingraham, McMillan, Murray and Trager (Alt #1) Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried STROKES OF ART IN THE SQURE Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker presented the permit for the art gallery reception and exhibit and responded to questions. The Arts Council discussed the permit and agreed the time for the reception should be February 19, 2017, 5:00 6:30 p.m. A motion was made to approve the permit for the art gallery reception February 19, 2017 and Strokes of Art in the Square art exhibit February 17 April 21, 2017 in Town Hall lobby. Motion: McMillan Second: Trager (Alter #1) Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Ingraham, McMillan, Murray and Trager (Alt #1) Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried th The Arts Council briefly discussed the September 9 reception held in the Town Hall lobby. All felt the reception was very successful and the feedback to the Chairman Bartlett opened the Public Forum at 6:13 p.m. City of Southlake Values: Minutes of the September 27,2016 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 4 of 4 Stanley Walter, 1907 Water Lily Drive, Southlake, was present but did not wish to speak during public forum. There being no one to speak, Public Forum was closed at 6:15 p.m. The Arts Council was updated about the roundabout to be constructed; repainting of the Longhorn at Town Hall; and an item on the next Arts Council agenda to consider cancellation or rescheduling of the November and December Arts Council meetings. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m. Motion: Trager (Alt #1) Second: McMillan Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Ingraham, McMillan, Murray and Trager (Alt #1) Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried Attest: Leslie Bartlett,Chair Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director Community Services Department A digital audio recording of this meeting is available in the Office of the City Secretary. NOTE: Five (5) of the regular seven (7) members of theSouthlake Arts Council were present for this meeting. In the absence of Southlake ArtsCouncil membersTerri Messing and Devika Seth, Southlake Arts Council Alternate #1, Kelly Trager, participated. An Alternate may sit as a regular member in the event ofan absence of one or more regular members per Ordinance No. 908, Section 2. City of Southlake Values: December 8, 2016 TO: Southlake Arts Council FROM: Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Action Requested: Election of Southlake Arts Council Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary for 2017. Background Information: On October 18, 2016 City Council considered Resolution No. 16-050, making appointments to various City boards, commissions and committees. City Council reappointments to Southlake Arts Council were Merlene Ingraham to Place 2, Terri Messing to Place 4 and Miriam Murray to Place 6. The Arts Council may now wish to th consider election of its officers for 2017 at the December 13 meeting. Any sitting member is eligible for election. Financial Considerations: N/A Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: N/A Alternatives: Any commentary as appropriate. Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following items: Copy of Southlake City Code Section 2-257 Current Southlake Arts Council Roster Staff City of Southlake Values: Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date December 13, 2016 Page 2 of 4 Recommendation: Elect Southlake Arts Council Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary for 2017. Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date December 13, 2016 Page 3 of 4 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date December 13, 2016 Page 4 of 4 Member Place Term Expiration Leslie Bartlett Place 1 / Chair 10/31/2017 Merlene Ingraham Place 2 10/31/2018 Jesika Cook Place 3 / Secretary 10/31/2017 Terri Messing Place 4 10/31/2018 Devika Seth Place 5 10/31/2017 Miriam Murray Place 6 / Vice Chair 10/31/2018 Tamara McMillan Place 7 10/31/2017 Kelly Trager Alternate #1 10/31/2017 December 8, 2016 Southlake Arts Council Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director of Community Services Southlake Arts Council final concept proposal for public art for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park. The 2030 Public Art Master Plan recommends commissioning and installing public art pieces throughout Town Square to create a vibrant retail and dining areas. Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park was identified as one of the preferred locations to install a public art piece. Therefore, at the April 26, 2016 Arts Council meeting, staff was directed to consult with kinetic artist Lyman Whitaker for art piece options for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park. Mr. Whitaker and his project engineer, John Whitaker, conducted a site visit on September 27 and presented a preliminary proposal for Art th meeting. th Based on feedback and comments received at the September 27 Arts Council meeting, artist Lyman Whitaker has submitted a final concept proposal for a kinetic art sculpture for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park for consideration and recommendation. If approved, the Arts Counc concept proposal and personal services agreement to provide public art for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park will be presented to City Council January 17, 2017. Funding in the amount of $75,000 for the design and installation of artwork was approved in the FY 2016 Public Art budget for Phase 1 City of Southlake Values: Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date December 13, 2016 Page 2 of 2 of the Public Sculpture Program. Funding is also allocated in the FY 2017 Public Art Budget to complete the project. Artist(s) chosen as the finalist will be granted a $500 stipend to complete a model of their final concept. The Call to Artists identified the maximum project budget as $70,000, with $5,000 being set aside for installation expenses incurred by the City. Selection of Public Art the focus area of Quality Development and meets the corporate objective to provide attractive and unique spaces for the enjoyment of personal interests. It also addresses Critical Business Outcome CB01, to implement Southlake 2030 Plan by focusing on short-term initiatives. Southlake Arts Council reviewed the concept and corresponding video provided by artist Mark White May 23, 2016 and voted (6-0) not proceed with the art piece provided by Mark White, and to explore possible art from artist Lyman Whitaker Southlake Arts Council reviewed preliminary concept proposal provided by artist Lyman Whitaker at the September 27, 2016 meeting Southlake Arts Council recommendation December 13, 2016 City Council consideration of final concept and personal services agreement January 17, 2017 Not Applicable Recommendation to approve Recommendation to approve with modification Recommendation not to approve Lyman Whitaker Revised Proposal Southlake Arts Council consideration of a final concept proposal and recommendation of public art for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park City of Southlake Values: For your review, the revised proposal for Kinetic Sculpture at Frank Edgar Cornish Park in Southlake Texas is attached. This Revision contains all elements ofour previous proposal and incorporates the following modifications identified on our site visit in September. Display area changed from 18’ to 16’. The number and style of sculptures remains the same, however the height of the tallest sculptures was increased by approximately two feet. This allowed us to place the surrounding sculptures closer. Also, we changed the concrete circle to an octagon. We felt that the octagon provides a better relationship to seating in the area as well as a cleaner transition to join the pavers surrounding the sculpture.The finish texture of concrete surface will be chosen after a local contractor in Southlake is selected. Lighting placement identified. Lighting will be accomplished with eighteen (18) in ground color LED RGB lights. Simulations included. Color control and brightness will be accomplished with an RF remote control. Stainless steel sleeves will be installed at base of each shaft to cover mounting screws and prevent tampering. Cost and timeline remainunchanged. Thank youfor your consideration John Whitaker Whitaker Studio | Whitaker Studio | Timeline Activity Days to Complete Total Timeline Start to Finish165 days Contract Awarded Prior to February 2017 Shorten Timeline 30 days for 135 days to Finish Whitaker Studio | City of Southlake, TX. Twelve Sculptures. Cost $70,126. Per Sculpture $5,843. Installation included. Lighting Included. Product Data Sheet AL-IG-M-9 Medium In-Ground/In-Wall LED Light - UltraBright 9W aspectLED’s in-ground/in-wall lights are clasically styled recessedfi xture that provides electricians, architects and lighting designers with an attractive and timeless accent lighting solution for a variety of interior and exterior applications. Excellent for stair safety, garden walls, building accent, pathway and landscape lighting. These lights feature an IP67 rating with an aluminum body and stainless steel trim bezel. Available in a variety of voltages. Dimensions: 4.25” Diameter x 3.5” Depth Color options: Warm White - 2700-3000K, Cool White - 4000-4300K, DayWhite (Daylight White) - 6000-6400K, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow/Amber, or RGB (multi-color) Luminous Flux (Brightness): 438-542 Lumens LED Wattage: 9 watts Power Consumption: 10 watts Input Voltage: 24VDC, 12VDC, 120-240VAC (solid colors only), 200-277VAC (solid colors only) LED Quantity: 3 high brightness SMD Series 4 Ultra-bright LEDs LED Beam Angle: 15, 30, 45, 60 or 90 Degrees IP Rating: IP67 Lens: Clear step-tempered safety glass Waterproof Seal: Double silicon gasketed seal Ambient Operating Temperature: -30 to +131 degrees Fahrenheit Average lifespan: 50,000 hours Weight: 3.1 pounds Warranty:1 year Part #’s/Accessories 120-240VAC version: AL-IG-M-9-120 200-277VAC version: AL-IG-M-9-277 24VDC version: AL-IG-M-9 12VDC version AL-IG-M-9-12D Optional mounting sleeve: AL-IG-M-9-MS www.aspectled.com Meeting Canceled due to no quorum Not in attendance, no substitute Change in Representative Substitute in attendance Meeting Canceled Vacant position In attendance 11 Merlene Ingraham Tamara McMillan Miriam Murray Leslie Bartlett Terri Messing Kelly Trager Jesika Cook Devika Seth