Item 6E Narrative Carrillo Engineering, LLC
301 Commerce Street
Suite 1410
Fort Worth,TX 76102
September 15,2016
Mr. Dennis Killough
City of Southlake
Planning Department
1400 Main Street, Suite 310
Southlake, TX 76092
Re: Proposed Medical Office Building
Site Plan Submittal
1210 N. Carroll Avenue
Dear Dennis,
Rochester Group desires to build a new Medical Office Building on the site located at 1210 N. Carroll
Avenue. The medical office building will be 9,000 square feet.
The property is currently zoned 0-1,which we understand will remain as it supports the proposed use.
As part of the site plan application we are requesting the following four variances:
1. To allow a parking reduction of ten percent(10%)from the required parking space requirement.
2. To allow a reduction in the required existing tree canopy preservation requirement from sixty
percent(60%) to fifty one percent(51%).
3. To allow the stacking depth to be 46 feet.
4. To allow the driveway at the proposed location as shown on the site plan. The nearest driveway
to the north is approximately 130 feet away. The proposed driveway will be located very close to
the same location as the existing driveway to the property.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Very truly yours,
Anna C. Blackwell,RE