Item 6B CITY OF S0UTHLA1<,,..E Department of Planning & Development Services STAFF REPORT September 27, 2016 CASE NO: ZA16-030 PROJECT: Site Plan for Hotel Indigo EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On behalf of Hines Southlake Land, LP, Jacobs Engineering, Inc. is requesting approval of a Site Plan for Hotel Indigo — Carillon to develop a five-story boutique hotel with 121 rooms in the Carillon Corporate District on approximately 3.654 acres located between the 200 and 400 block of E. State Hwy. 114, being approximately 1,100 feet east of the northeast corner of E. State Hwy. 114 and N. White Chapel Blvd. SPIN Neighborhood # 3 DETAILS: Jacobs Engineering Inc. is requesting approval of a Site Plan for Hotel Indigo — Carillon to develop a five-story boutique hotel with 121 rooms in the Carillon Corporate District. The following is a site data summary of the proposed hotel: Site Data Summary Gross/Net Acreage 3.654 Existing Zoning ECZ Impervious Coverage 61% Open Space Acreage % 39% Number of Lots 1 Number of Buildings 1 Number of Floors 5 Maximum Building Height 65' 58' shown Floor Area by use 72,000 sq. ft. Hotel(121 rooms) ±2,200 sq. ft. Restaurant ±3,000—4,000 sq. ft Meeting Space Required Parkin (proposed ECZ 145 Provided Parking 145 This request is also being processed in conjunction with a Zoning Change and Development Plan for the Carillon Corporate District to amend the layout of the District and to allow a hotel as a permitted use under Planning Case ZA16-029. The following conditions were included in the Council motion for approval of the associated Zoning Change and Development Plan (ZA16-029) at 1s' reading on August 2, 2016: Case No. ZA16-030 City Council Issues/Conditions Applicant's Response The associated Preliminary Plat shows the Work with staff on the right of way continuation of Carillon Ct. access easement as future right of way dedication to be dedicated with the Final Plat. Offer alternative options at 2 71 reading related to the commercial The loading zone has been relocated from loading and unloading space and the potential to move that out of the front of the building to the driveway the front of the building and the front entrance. along the eastern property line. The proposed development regulations The maximum building height will be 90'. have been revised to show a maximum height of 90'for a hotel in the Corporate District. Council is directing staff to initiate a rezoning process in the Plaza Staff has initiated the rezoning process for District at Carillon specifically to the line item use of hotel as a the Plaza District to remove the hotel as a permitted use and noting the applicant has consented to this staff permitted use under Case No. ZA16-071. action. Although it was not part of the motion, there was discussion at 1 s' The building has been rotated so that the reading regarding rotating the building so that the main entrance main entrance faces Carillon Ct. faces Carillon Ct. VARIANCES REQUESTED: A variance to Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, Section 5.2(d), requiring a stacking depth of 75' for both driveways on the proposed hotel site, is requested to allow approximately 20' of stacking depth on the west driveway and approximately 25' of stacking depth on the east driveway. A Variance to the Carillon "ECZ" Employment Center Zoning District, Ordinance No. 480-464A, Section 6.0, requiring parking space groups to be no greater than 12 contiguous spaces long without a parking lot median to allow one group of fourteen (14) spaces to the north of the hotel and one group of sixteen (16) spaces to the west of the hotel. ACTION NEEDED: 1) Conduct a Public Hearing 2) Consider approval of a Site Plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 29, 2016 (D) Surrounding Property Owners Map and Responses (E) Full Size Plans (for Commissioners and Council Members only) Link to PowerPoint Presentation Link to Narrative Link to Plans Link to Parking Demand Analysis and Review Link to Corridor Planning Committee Report Link to SPIN meeting Report Link to Approved Carillon Zoning Booklet—Ord. No. 480-564A STAFF CONTACT: Ken Baker (817) 748-8067 Richard Schell (817) 748-8602 Case No. ZA16-030 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Hines Southlake Land, LP APPLICANT: Jacobs Engineering, Inc. PROPERTY SITUATION: Located between the 200 and 400 block of E. State Hwy. 114, being approximately 1 ,100 feet east of the northeast corner of E. State Hwy. 114 and N. White Chapel Blvd. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of Tract 3A1 , Larkin H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 300 LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use CURRENT ZONING: "ECZ" Employment Center Zoning District PROPOSED ZONING: "ECZ" Employment Center Zoning District HISTORY: - On November 18, 2008 the City Council approved a Zoning Change and Development Plan from `NR-PUD' Non-Residential Planned Unit Development and `C-2' Local Retail Commercial District to `ECZ' Employment Center Zoning District for Carillon under Planning Case ZA08-031 (Ordinance No. 480-564). - On April 20, 2010 the City Council approved a Site Plan for the Children's Medical Center at Southlake under Planning Case ZA10-017. SOUTHLAKE 2030: Consolidated Land Use Plan The Southlake 2030 } Future Land Use Plan designates this property as Mixed Use. The Mixed Use land use designation is defined within Southlake 2030 as 1 - the following: "The range of activities permitted, the diverse natural features, and the varying proximity to thoroughfares of areas in the Mixed Use category necessitates comprehensively planned and coordinated development. New development must be compatible with and not intrusive to existing development. Further, special attention should be placed on the design and transition between different uses. Typically, the Mixed Use designation is intended for medium- to higher-intensity office buildings, hotels, commercial activities, retail centers, and residential uses. Nuisance-free, wholly enclosed light manufacturing and assembly uses that have no outdoor storage are permitted if designed to be compatible with adjacent uses. Other suitable activities are those permitted in the Public Parks/Open Space, Public/Semi-Public, Low Density Residential, Medium Density Case No. Attachment A ZA16-029 Page 1 Residential, Retail Commercial, and Office Commercial categories previously discussed." Urban Design Plan The Urban Design Plan also includes a few recommendations pertaining to the State Highway 114 corridor where this site is proposed to be located. They are as follows: o Establish appropriate scale and bulk standards for buildings along the highway, specifically at mid-block locations. Buildings should be 4 — 6 stories tall and step down as they move away from the highway corridor. Buildings over three stories should be articulated along the first three floors. Materials on the lower floors should be brick, stone or other approved masonry. Low-profile, single story pad buildings that tend to blend into the background and have limited visibility from the highway are discouraged o The view of surface parking from the highway should be limited. Surface parking lots should be designed to be in smaller pods (no more than 200 parking spaces) with increased landscaping and pedestrian accessways. o Structured parking is encouraged over surface parking. Specifically, shared parking is also encouraged between adjoining complementary land uses. Special attention should be given to the design of parking garages to avoid plain facades with views of parked cars from adjoining properties and rights-of-ways. Fagade details, vertical and horizontal courses such as cornices, lintels, sills, and water courses should be used to add interest along facades. To the extent possible, parking garages should be located behind principal structures to limit views from the highway. Master Pathways Plan The Master Pathways Plan Map shows a >_8' multi-use trail along the S. H. 114 frontage road and an 8' trail is shown on the Site Plan. TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Area Road Network and Conditions The proposed development will have two points of access onto Carillon Court. Carillon Court was designed to accommodate traffic from the development with the original ECZ zoning approval in 2008. Traffic Im act Use Rooms .. IN OUT OUT Hotel 310 121 1,079 1 43 1 35 1 51 39 * Vehicle Trips Per Day *AM-In,AM-Out,PM-In and PM-Out are peak hour generators on a weekday *Based on the ITE:Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was conducted in May of 2008 during the initial proposal of the master planned Carillon development. Since its approval, an addendum was done in March of 2010 during the proposal of Children's Medical Center to address the reduction of approximately 94,000 square feet of office/retail uses and an addition of 70,000 square Case No. Attachment A ZA16-029 Page 2 feet of a medical center use. Link to 2008 TIA and 2010 Addendum and Link to an approval letter from the Texas Department of Transportation Tx( DOT). TREE PRESERVATION: A Tree Conservation Plan was approved during the initial approval of Carillon Zoning Change and Development Plan. All trees on this site were approved for removal. The Tree Conservation Plan for the hotel site shows 17% of the existing tree cover to be preserved. i UTILITIES: Water The site has access to an existing 12-inch water line along the State Highway 114 frontage road and an 12-inch water line along Southmont Drive. Sewer The site will have access to an 8-inch sewer line that was installed during the development of Carillon on Carillon Court. CITIZEN INPUT: A SPIN meeting was held on March 22, 2016 for the Hotel Indigo — Carillon, which included some discussion of the proposed amendment to the `ECZ' corporate District zoning. ik to SPIN Meeting - -=r- The 2035 Corridor Planning Committee discussed the proposed Hotel Indigo — Carillon at their May 10, 2016 meeting. Link to 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Report PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTION: May 19, 2016; A motion to deny the item as presented received a (2-2) vote. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: September 6, 2016; Approved on consent to table to the September 20, 2016 meeting. September 20, 2016; Approved on consent to table to the October 4, Case No. Attachment A ZA16-029 Page 3 2016 meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 29, 2016. Variance and Appeals to Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended: In granting any variance to Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, the City Council shall determine the following: That a literal enforcement of the regulations in the ordinance will create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant; That the situation causing unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed; That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties; And that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the ordinance. The decision of the City Council shall be final. Case No. Attachment A ZA16-029 Page 4 Vicinity Map Hotel Indigo - Carillon e te,rNpo o s.w i yy L S SLA�®,tiC 3 _ , 3 s � y°r r _ $y� 4y l zA 16-030 Site Plan •_� tF 0 500 1000 2000 Feet Case No. Attachment B ZA16-030 Page 1 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA16-030 Review No.: Three Date of Review: 08/29/16 Project Name: Site Plan — Hotel Indigo - Carillon APPLICANT: Kevin Kessler OWNER: Jeff Kennemer Jacobs Engineering Hines Southlake Land LP 1999 Bryan St. Suite 1200 2200 Ross Ave. Suite 4200W Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Phone: (214) 920-8106 Phone: (972) 716-2900 E-mail: kevin.kessler@jacobs.com E-mail: jeffAennemer@hines.com CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 08/29/16 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT RICHARD SCHELL AT (817) 748-8602 OR DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 748- 8072. 1. The proposed Indigo Hotel Site Plan must conform to the underlying ECZ zoning and Development Plan for Carillon. 2. Please make the following changes to the elevations: a. Please move the labels next to 56' and 58' on all elevations so that the description is legible. 3. All driveways/points of ingess/egress must comply with the Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended). The following changes are needed: a. The minimum required stacking depth is 75' for both driveways. Approximately 20' of stacking depth is shown. A variance request letter has been submitted. 4. All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended with regard to type of lighting, intensity, glare and spill-over. Tree Conservation/Landscape Review E-mail: kmartin@ci.southlake.tx.us Keith Martin Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 748-8229 TREE CONSERVATION COMMENTS: Case No. Attachment C ZA16-030 Page 1 1. Match up the Tree Conservation Plan and the Utilities Plan. There is a proposed 24" Storm Sewer, 18" Storm Sewer, and Storm Sewer Inlet which conflict with the existing trees proposed to be preserved within the open space area in the north portion of the property. There is an 8" Sewer Service along the east property line that conflicts with existing trees shown as boarder line. Please ensure that the proposed utilities and grading do not conflict with the preservation of the existing trees proposed to be preserved. If existing trees that are designated to be preserved are altered they will be required to be mitigated in accordance with the regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. * The proposed Tree Conservation Plan shows to preserve existing trees that were previously shown to be removed on the Carillon Tree Conservation Plan. The property contains approximately 52% of existing tree cover and if this was straight zoning 50% of the tree cover would be required to be preserved. A total of 17% of the existing tree cover is proposed to be preserved. * Except as provided by subsection 7.2.b. of the Tree Preservation Ordinance, a Tree Conservation Analysis or Tree Conservation Plan shall be approved if it will preserve existing tree cover in accordance with the percentage requirements established by Table 2.0. If the property has previously received a tree permit related to development, the percentage of existing tree cover at the time the first such permit was issued shall be used to calculate the minimum existing tree cover that must be preserved under this section. Table 2.0 — Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements Percentage of existing tree cover on Minimum percentage of the existing the entire site tree cover to be preserved* 0% -20% 70% 20.1 —40% 60% 40.1% - 60% 50% 60.1% - 80% 40% 80.1% - 100% 30% *The minimum percentage of existing tree cover to be preserved shall exclude any area in public rights-of-way as approved by City Council. For property sought to be zoned for the Downtown zoning district or a planned development zoning district, including an S-P-1 Site Plan, S-P-2 Site Plan, Transition, Rural Conservation, Planned Unit Development, or Employment Center zoning district, the City Council shall consider the application for a Conservation Analysis or Plan in conjunction with the corresponding development application (as established in Table 1.0). The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the application and make a recommendation to the City Case No. Attachment C ZA16-030 Page 2 Council regarding the application. The City Council shall approve the Plan or Analysis if the Council finds that the Plan or Analysis provides for the: i. placement of building pads, parking areas, driveways, streets, and utility easements so as to maximize the preservation of environmental features of the property including mature tree stands, natural creeks and ponds, and significant grades; ii. maximizes the preservation of tree cover preservation areas indicated on the Environmental Resource Protection Map; iii. maximizes the preservation of existing tree stands with the potential to buffer residential areas from the noise, glare, and visual effects of nonresidential uses; iv. maximizes the preservation of existing trees, if any, adjoining a natural or man-made drainage creek; V. maximizes the preservation of existing protected trees along rural roadways and other streets as identified and prioritized in the Street Typology designation; and vi. mitigation of altered trees through proposed tree replacement procedures pursuant to this Ordinance. Please be aware that all existing trees shown to be preserved on the City Council approved Tree Conservation Plan must be preserved and protected during all phases and construction of the development. Alteration or removal of any of the existing trees shown to be preserved on the approved Tree Conservation Plan is a violation of the Tree Preservation Ordinance and the zoning as approved by the Southlake City Council. Please ensure that the layout of all structures, easements, utilities, structures grading, and any other structure proposed to be constructed do not conflict with existing trees intended to be preserved. Public Works/Engineering Review Steve Anderson, P.E. , CFM Civil Engineer Phone: (817) 748-8101 E-mail: sanderson@ci.southlake.tx.us GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. This review is preliminary. Additional requirements may be necessary with the review of civil construction plans. 2. New Requirement: Provide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan per TXR150000. The plan must include all required elements in Part III, Section F of the permit. The City of Southlake especially reviews Part III, Section F, (1) (g), Maps. The review is for completeness of a plan to prevent pollution (especially sediment) to the Separate Storm Sewer System. It is highly recommended the project manager provide a series of maps for complex projects, including one map showing controls during mass grading and infrastructure, one map showing controls during vertical construction, and one map showing final stabilization (may be but not always Case No. Attachment C ZA16-030 Page 3 equitable to the landscape plan). Please include timelines in relation to the project activities for installation and removal of controls. SWPPP shall be submitted by second review of the civil construction plans. 3. NEW REQUIREMENT: Submit with Civil Construction Plans a Retaining Wall Layout sheet. 4. Retaining walls greater than 4-feet including the footing shall require structural plans prepared by a registered engineer in the State of Texas. Retaining walls shall require a permit from the Building Inspections Department prior to construction. 5. Construction within SH 114 right of way shall require a permit from TxDOT. Submit permit application prior to site plan approval. Street intersections shall comply with TDLR/ADA accessibility standards. Sight distances shall comply with AASHTO guidelines on adjacent collectors and arterials. Sidewalk widths shall conform to the Southlake Pathways Plan. Use the City of Southlake GPS monuments whenever possible. Monument locations can be found in the City of Southlake website: http://www.citvofsouthlake.com/index.aspx?NID=266 EASEMENTS: Provide all necessary easements for water, sanitary sewer and drainage. Easements shall be 15' minimum and located on one lot — not centered on the property line. A 20' easement is required if both storm sewer and sanitary sewer will be located within the easement. Water and sanitary sewer cannot cross property lines without being in an easement or right of way. All waterlines, sanitary sewer and storm sewer in easements or right of ways must be constructed to City standards. WATER COMMENTS: 1. Minimum size for water lines is 8". 2. All water line stubs must have 2 joints past the valve with a 2" blow-off per the City's details. Water lines cannot cross property lines without being in an easement or right of way. The size of the water service tap must match the size of the meter. There are no reducers allowed before the meter on the public side. A one inch meter must have a one inch tap, etc. Water meters and fire hydrants shall be located in an easement or right of way. Fire lines shall be separate from service lines. SANITARY SEWER COMMENTS: 3. Minimum size for sanitary sewer is 8". Sanitary sewer service lines shall connect to public sanitary sewer system built to City standards. Case No. Attachment C ZA16-030 Page 4 4. Proposed sanitary sewer shall be located in parkway - not under pavement, except for crossings. 5. Add a note: Private sanitary sewer services need a plumbing permit and must be inspected by building inspections prior to burial. Sanitary sewer in easements or right of way shall be constructed to City standards. DRAINAGE COMMENTS: 1. Clearly label all private and public storm lines. 2. Easements outside of right of way shall be required for proposed storm sewer. Storm sewer must be installed outside the edge of pavement. Ordinance #605 defines easement requirements for storm sewer: 30" RCP and under - 15' easement 42" —54" RCP - 20' easement 60" —66" RCP - 25' easement 72" — 102" RCP - 30' easement Over 102" RCP — 3.5 times diameter Calculations will be required to verify capacity of proposed curb inlets. Storm sewers collecting runoff from public streets shall be RCP and constructed to City standards. The proposed flume will not be allowed. Discharge of post development runoff must have no adverse impact on downstream properties and meet the provisions of Ordinance No. 605. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS: Submit 22"x34" civil construction plans and a completed Construction Plan Checklist directly to the Public Works Administration Department for review. Please allow 15 business days for review. The plans shall conform to the most recent construction plan checklist, standard details and general notes which are located on the City's website: http://www.cityofsouthlake.com/PublicWorks/engineeringdesign.asp Submit with Civil Construction Plans a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan which outlines pre-construction, construction and post-construction erosion control measures. A geotechnical report will be required for all private and public roadways. The geotechnical report shall include pavement design parameters for subgrade stabilization. Access permit is required prior to construction of the driveway on FM 1709, FM 1938 or SH 114. Permit approval is required before beginning construction. Submit application and plans directly to TxDOT for review. A right of way permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Operations Department (817) 748-8082 to connect to the City's sewer, water or storm sewer system. A Developer Agreement may be required for this development and may need to be approved Case No. Attachment C ZA16-030 Page 5 by the City Council prior to any construction of public infrastructure. Construction plans for these improvements must be acceptable to Public Works prior to placing the Developer's Agreement on the City Council agenda for consideration. * Any hazardous waste being discharged must be pretreated per Ordinance No. 836. *=Denotes informational comment. Fire Department Review Kelly Clements Fire Marshal Phone: (817) 748-8233 E-mail: kclements@ci.southlake.tx.us GENERAL COMMENTS: The required backflow protection (double check valve) for the sprinkler system can be located on the riser if the riser is within 100 feet of the water main. If the riser is further than 100 feet from the main, the double check valve shall be in a pit. Riser rooms shall be a minimum of 5'X5' if the double check is not located on the riser, or a minimum of 6'X6' if it is on the riser. The Fire Department Connection for the sprinkler system must be within 100 feet of a fire hydrant. (A remote FDC is acceptable to meet the requirement)(FDC not shown on plans) FIRE LANE COMMENTS: Fire lanes require a minimum 30 foot inside turn radius and a minimum 54 foot outside turn radius. (Per 2012 I.F.C. Sec. 503.2.4) Fire apparatus access needs to be an all-weather surface, asphalt or concrete, a minimum of 24 feet wide with 6 inch red striping that contains 4 inch white lettering that states "FIRE LANE NO PARKING" every 25 feet, and able to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus. (A minimum of 85,000 pounds GVW) (Label all firelanes) General Informational Comments * A SPIN meeting was held on March 22, 2016. * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * All mechanical equipment must be screened of view from right-of-ways, pedestrian walkways and adjacent properties in accordance with Ordinance No. 480-564A. * All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended. * All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended. Case No. Attachment C ZA16-030 Page 6 The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Irrigation Plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. An common access easement must be dedicated on the property to the west prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off-site pavement and a permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along SH 114.. Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment C ZA16-030 Page 7 SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS MAP & RESPONSES Hotel Indigo - Carillon �a3{f �,, "MiCi µvi] 4 r. t ,Y Ry ru. u' ,r,• X0 717 1 k} an r rh rIC 4•y _ T i , N �e r 'r q ¢ tr F Mi0►nANl7�r r� 1. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ r 250 E SH 114 3.62 NR 2. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 100 E SH 114 5.06 NR 3. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP 7 ECZ 200 E SH 114 1.04 NR 4. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 190 E SH 114 1.27 NR 5. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 240 E SH 114 0.74 NR 6. DOMINION SOUTHLAKE PROPERTIES C3 101 E SH 114 0.40 NR 7. DOMINION SOUTHLAKE PROPERTIES C3 201 E SH 114 0.08 NR 8. DOMINION SOUTHLAKE PROPERTIES C3 1350 N WHITE CHAPEL BLVD 6.33 NR 9. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 400 E SH 114 0.06 NR 10. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 430 E SH 114 0.53 NR 11. DOMINION SOUTHLAKE PROPERTIES C3 301 E SH 114 2.70 NR 12. DOMINION SOUTHLAKE PROPERTIES C3 319 E SH 114 2.86 NR 13. BIEKER,RON ECZ 1621 RIVIERA LN 0.12 NR 14. MCCAW,NEIL ECZ 1617 RIVIERA LN 0.12 NR 15. RUCCI,COREY ECZ 1613 RIVIERA LN 0.12 NR 16. BOISSEVAIN,DAVID ECZ 1609 RIVIERA LN 0.12 NR 17. K HOVNANIAN HOMES-DFW LLC ECZ 1601 RIVIERA LN 0.21 NR 18. K HOVNANIAN HOMES-DFW LLC ECZ 1605 RIVIERA LN 0.12 NR 19. PERRY,RICHARD B ECZ 308 MONTPELIER DR 0.13 F Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 1 20. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 300 CARILLON CT 0.15 NR 21. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 1500 LE MANS LN 0.20 NR 22. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 400 CARILLON CT 1.46 NR 23. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 401 MONTPELIER DR 0.19 NR 24. K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC ECZ 301 MONTPELIER DR 0.19 NR 25. K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC ECZ 303 MONTPELIER DR 0.15 NR 26. K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC ECZ 305 MONTPELIER DR 0.16 NR 27. K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC ECZ 307 MONTPELIER DR 0.14 NR 28. K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC ECZ 1508 LE MANS LN 0.14 NR 29. K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC ECZ 1504 LE MANS LN 0.14 NR 30. K HOVNANIAN HOMES-DFW LLC ECZ 300 MONTPELIER DR 0.24 NR 31. PATEL,TEJAL ECZ 304 MONTPELIER DR 0.15 NR 32. K HOVNANIAN HOMES-DFW LLC ECZ 306 MONTPELIER DR 0.13 NR 33. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 833 ORLEANS DR 0.07 NR 34. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 1700 N CARROLL AVE 20.94 NR 35. DEORA,JITENDRA ECZ 829 ORLEANS DR 0.25 NR 36. K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC ECZ 1513 LE MANS LN 0.14 NR 37. K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC ECZ 1509 LE MANS LN 0.18 NR 38. K HOVNANIAN HOMES-DFW LLC ECZ 1505 LE MANS LN 0.24 NR 39. MERITAGE HOMES OF TEXAS LLC ECZ 817 ORLEANS DR 0.19 NR 40. MERITAGE HOMES OF TEXAS LLC ECZ 821 ORLEANS DR 0.19 NR 41. CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER ECZ 470 E SH 114 9.80 NR K HOVNANIAN HOMES DFW LLC 42. (Hythem and Nakornsri) ECZ 1501 LE MANS LN 0.33 O 43. HINES SOUTHLAKE LAND LP ECZ 629 ORLEANS DR 0.54 NR 44. MERITAGE HOMES OF TEXAS LLC ECZ 825 ORLEANS DR 0.18 NR 45. SOUTHLAKE TX MEDICAL BLDG I LP SP2 431 E SH 114 2.70 NR 46. SOUTHLAKE LAND HOLDINGS LP SP2 451 E SH 114 2.73 NR 47. SOUTHLAKE LAND HOLDINGS LP SP2 401 E SH 114 1.88 NR 48. SOUTHLAKE LAND HOLDINGS LP SP2 335 E SH 114 15.09 NR F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided NR: No Response Notices Sent: Twenty (20) Responses Received within 200': Two (2) Responses Received outside 200': Three (3) Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 2 Responses Received Within 200' 0 3v Southlake Planning & 'Zoning Commission Meeting 031 Public Comment Form Please Print. Retam oompleted form to Sec-retary prior to start of regular session. Name; Date: Address:_ -Ltvr*r\ S Phone: 51 � (hicludle Ciro awed Sea&) CJ111 wish to share my yiews on an Agenda Item: ,agenda Item 4 , I will speak iinSL-PPORril of this item I will speak in OPPOSITION to this item I do not wish to speak.but please record my SUPPORT OPPOSMOK ❑ Citizen Coxn a zits(for an item on tNs agcn&) — �C m rr ��r►C ■r.r "'"�^'' o+a f [Hr i 11 a n :p S }�v►- �. � �L i SS►^ra os signature: Requ&m,— Cards rill not be read rem 1*e ree6rd rmJtcs&h 4Rrre d. :2,4o6 -° 5outhlake Plazlning &Zoning Commission Meeting Public Comment Farm Please print. Rerm nomplctcd form to Secretary prior to start of regidar smsion. Narwe: _ Csispih Na4or-nsr; - - Date: -7/1 1IG Address: 1501 Le-M4 ,,r LAA S'e fi. Phone: 31� s ray-st°t1 (Iw-lude Chy and-%") lJ I wish to shore my views on an Agenda Item: Agenda Item P`_� 1N 1 will speak in SUPPORT of this item will OPPOSITION speak in W this item �do not wish to speak but please re¢9rd ray �-�r StrPPORT ✓OPPOSITION L'� Citizen Comments(for an item ao#This agenda) „�uyK,�..�,u�_ Cr'WWA4 SiRnaturn: ��'r+a.�. Regsdred. C'ardr will not be recd bW the record rsnless Ir is -f 0+ Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 3 Notification Response Form 0knct questions and mail responses to: ZA16-030 City of Southlake Meeting Date: May 19. 2016 at 6;30 PM Planning a Development Services Notification Response 1400 Main St; Ste 310 PERRY RICHARD B Southiake,TX 76092 308 MONTPELLER DR Phone: (817)74841621 SOUTHI.AKE. TX 76092 Fax: (817)7484KY77 PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the ownerjsy of the property so noted above. are hereby in favor of apposed to undecided about (circle or underline one) the proposed Site Plan referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: Signature -- Date: S c j6 Additional Signature: Date: Printed Name(s): ►� �_ * �_ ts,C c, L Must be prop"ownnr(s)whore r4me(a)are printed al top One form W pmp" Phone Number (optional): I `� z f- Lf-7101 Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 4 Responses Received Outside 200' S192D15 C s+xri,ake t-.u5 til ail•r,•.;;L aers ZA1F, ZA16OX.&ZA16-M 0 SCKJT-HLAKEHotly Blake rhblake(§ci southlake tx use Fwd: Cases ZA16-029, ZA16-030, & ZA16-031 1 message kbakeraci.southlake.tx.us •kbakei-Liki.southlake.tx_us> Thu. May 19. 2016 at 1222 PM To: Richard Schell rrschell@ci.southlake tx.us>, Holly Blake <hhlakei@ei.southlake tx.us> Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message. From:MaryLee Alford Date: May 19.2016 at PROWS To: Tract Hendsmon<11rienderson(Mcp soulhlake.tx.us>."kbaikeracl southlake.ix us' skbaketrdc3 southlake_tx_usT Cc:Carl Alford<cartiPlechtrans comms Subject-Cases 21116-029, 7A16-030.&TAIS-031 Reply-To: klaryLee Alford To the City of Southlake Planning & Zoning Commission'. We are unable to attend the P&Z meeting tonight. We are 100% in favor of the plans submitted by the Indigo Hotel developer as shown in cases ZA16-029, ZA16-030, & ZA16-031 . CAUSE AND EFFECT-Every action has a reaction.if Carillon Court is not finished as planned, I wonder how the corporate district would adjust. Perhaps the corporate office buildings would have to be moved more to the north, nearer the homes in the residential district, in order to provide good traffic flow for the corporate district. Without Carillon Court going through,would the effect be more traffic through the residential district? We still have Southmont_Would people who turn on southmont find that,because they couldn't get through on Carillon Court,to continue their route, they must now drive up Riviera, Le Mans,or Orleans? Look at the other exits from the W4wRall.gw0a-ctrnTaLuW74�2&)cAct7Ya62 &rmw—F4mwcm-nho Mi4-S5ka0a7l'!Ia26dUiml=154a0m.M%.026d 3 Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 5 C�saAa *t�usMal•Fwd Cam ZA16-029.ZAIG-0306ZA16-031 retail district. Without Carillon Court going from Southmont to the retail district, shoppers leaving the retail district to the east will be forced to drive in the residential district. We personally believe,not allowing Carillon Court to flow directly into the retail district will generate MORE traffic into the residential district. We want the hotel and retail because: 1. LIFESTYLE -We didn't pay the exact same price for our tiny villa lot that we paid for 220 acres just north of here for dirt; we bought a LIFESTYLE. Southlake Town Center is very similar, residential is adjacent to retail,which is what we want however,we wanted an individual,detached home. Southlake Town Center has a hotel, retail, restaurants, and residential. It's all beautifully master- planned. In the same way that Central bisects the residential from the retail areas of Southlake Town Center;Carillon Court bisects the Corporate District from the residential district in Carillon, We've not seen a great deal of retail traffic driving through the residential district in Southlake Town Center, Carillon Court does not go through the residential district in Carillon,it skirts the residential district to the south,separating the Corporate from the residential, and serves the corporate district. 2. PERFORMING ARTS CENTER—A Performing Arts Center(PAC) has been on the plans since 2009,which was exciting to us when we reviewed the development plans at the City BEFORE we bought in Carillon. It is part of the lifestyle we purchased. Now that I'm more involved in the local arts, I hear that Grapevine wants the PAC,and there is a group in Westlake desiring to put their Arts League back together who would like to see the PAC built in Entrada. After talking to Terri Messing with APEX Arts League, she insists that the PAC must be near a hotel so that the hotel can cater to the PAC. Without the hotel,there is a strong,and likely possibility that we will also not have the PAC.. We want to be able to walk to the type of entertainment APEX and a PAC would bring to Southlake_ 3. PERSONAL SAVINGS—Our villa is our second "downsize". Since it's just the two of us, it no longer made sense to spend money on a huge home to house overnight or vacationing guests who rarely visit.If we need extra space, it's more cost effective to have visitors practically next door in a hotel. They have greater N" .7nau qoo".[am'mmiqu'D'hii•:asa•tt737a625d&v,ry•pAsestfwmi,&"154,"`099 1*_—vos i m•154ta0n M91*-*d :_ Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 6 5t42015 C-vamialk e.cV5Llai-F::;CaseeZA1"29.ZA1&030.32A16.031 privacy, can be more comfortable about throwing towels on the floor,go to the bar for late night drinks, come and go as they want, etc.They can walk to our home to visit,we can meet at the hotel or other restaurants,and we don't spend the money on construction, maintenance, and taxes, on space we rarely use. 4. BENEFIT TO SOUTHLAKE& RETAIL—The French architecture of this Indigo Hotel is rich and classic, like no other in Southlake. We are firm believers of the "if you build it,they will come" philosophy. For example, after 7 years of not attracting retail,once the hotei was under contract,a new business has already been announced! It's just the beginning of the retail we've been waiting for. Regarding the dog park,it is not something the hotel developers specifically wanted. They included it In the plans as an "option" in case they needed it in the future for clients because this hotel wilt allow people to bring their dog pets. The developer simply does not want to have to return to P&Z in the future if they find that the dog park would be needed.We have no problem with a dog park. We met most of our neighbors by walking Coco and often knew the names of our dog neighbors long before we actually knew the names of their people parents. We have a lot of dogs In the Villa District. Car!and I personally would love to have a dog park within walking distance so Coco could be off leash and able to play with our other dog neighbors. Since the dog park would be In the Corporate District,I think It would be maintained by the POA (Professional Owners Association) rather than the HOA. Although I believe the developer will not Initially build the dog park, and may never if there is not a perceived need, we would love to have a dog park. Thank you for your service to our city and your consideration of these comments. Best regard. t'arl and ylarvLee Alford P 0. Box 92 s 17 1812 St. Philip Ati•e Southlake. PC 76091 (817) 980-5028 h�i.llmall.�ooyfa=mMM1.VU'hX=2&x=cr?37aL25aYiQ =P%seffC-monstt+=I$ka08*(Mt926asIM=VW3067M1e2w N. Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 7 RT 21'•8 0 umftakakc.rn V 0-=wit SMPM for t*VXW HOW,Wei inma Canhw.and Sak3m d+.t tf a W.Carillon CTT Qr rJQUMLSAE Richard Schell trsciiellQri.southlako.tx.us> Fwd: Support for the Indigo Hotel, Wellness Center, and Salons of Volterra in Carillon Ken Baker<kbaker@ci.southlake.tx.usa Wed,Aug 31 70 is at 12:14 AM BCC: r9v*11Qcl.aouthiake.lx-us Comm tssiorws, Pleas a sae IV email bakhv reg asderty oeveloprnent it the Cam lIon plaza and:crpnrala districis.Tt anks. Ken F"vearoad messaae From: NaryLee Afford Date: Tue,Aug 30.2016 at 6:39 P0.1 Suojact:Support for the Indigo Fidel,Well nes a Center.and Salons of Vcherra in Canik~t To: Ken Baker<kbakW*-ci.southlake.lx.,m> August 30,2017 Kenneth Baker,South lake Senior Director of Planning& Development Services City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, tf310 Southlake,TK 76091 For distr but•on to members of the Planning&zoning Commission and City Council. Dear Mr.Baker et alia. I helped coordinate a meeting between the residents of Can ilon and the proposed developers/business owners who wish to build in the Carillon retail district.There were 40 in attendance. it was a very positive meeting. Hopefully you wil I receive many letters of support for these businesses. My husband,Carl and I are supportk*of the indigo Hotel,and the proposed Wellness Center and Salons of Volterra to be built in Carillon. The architecture presented by Mr.Ron Smith is beautiful and fits well with the required French Renaissance architecture required,as listed in the Carillon T.onIng Booklet Many of the services provided by these businesses will attract women to the retail district,helping to support other 98Pr AnAl gopge.cirn+rlur Vu Sr+la=2L k='7M3,bW&-.4rw-ar%9wch=lrb=&thP 156dM9tl34e29?;UW,m a 1531DWOU40972 1. Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 8 &3v201e -,I-$Inuniit6ci ,e Ms1-FVX. si- partky ftkid CP-4OW .rF1ra&h::trtar-"Sdk"d'VU'fxra Ln Cession potential businesses in Carillon.If approved,once construction begins,this will certainly attract other business to Carillon, We'd also like to express: - We paid the same amount,to the dollar,for our small Villa lot in Carillon as we did for 220 acres in Cooke County,one hour north of South lake. We didn't buy dirt in South lake,we bought a lifestyle,and d d so feeling secure that the 5outhlake City Council had already approved the development plans for the Carillon retail district in 2008 2009,and wig ensure those plans are honored. A Performing Arts Center(PAC)is an the original plan for Carillon and was a major consideration when we selected Carillon for our home. It can be paid for and supported with Hotel Occupancy Tax,a vote by the Southlake citizens to use the tax that w?[I pay for Phase Il of the Marq,proceeds from venues,and benefactors. We believe that,with the PAC,the Carillon retail district could become the"Cultural District"of Southlake,especially since we currently have no cultural district. I have a lot of Ideas to share on flow to encourage retaIi businesses in Carilion to become"mini museums",attracting patrons to their buslnesses. Carillon by definition is a French bell tower,also on the original plans,which could be paid for with the same monies required to be spent on tourism. These same monies could also be used to build the beautiful fountain,also on the origrnal pians. Although we would be delighted to have most any gourmet coffee shop,Starbuck's would bean Important addition because people have Starbuck's apps used when traveling and trying to find a Starbuck's coffee,which will bring people from Highway 114 into the retail district,and hopefully shop or eat in other Carl IIon establishments. - We would be supportive of a developer completing the Master Plan for the retail district of Carlon so that this area;sn't"piece milled"and, hoae`uily would be completed sooner. Cari Ion is the perfect place for the niche restaurant clusters,and a culinary school,as recommended by MXD in the 2035 plan. Mary a,e concerned that White Chapel is not going to be adequate to handle the new traffic into the retail district,as it is projected that the notes,wellness spa,and salons could be completed by the end of 2011. Being concerned about adequate parting,we would be in favor of including beautifully designed parking garages,especially next to a beautiful PAC. TIPA Annll 9,X40--[rr rulehD1Y?-d=2&k=1791040BUMarr=rYSsa�rr frrFair6Ei=1SEd1�4dySk�9�:ass^1=15k'4WddkcXa 1 Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 9 grKrz71G C-ioaIhlak*A,us Mail-Prod.&pgon ar Lha kago HtwA,wal!cera Corrin.m d$4cre of"wf:ene w,Car ilkn Thank you for protecting our Investment in Soutfilake and Carillon. Sincerely, MaryLee&Carl Alford 1812 St.Philip Ave. P.0. Box 92517 Southlake,TX 76092 Maryi.ee's mobil#(817)980-5028 Carl's mobil#(817)229-4722 Kenr+eV M. Baker, AICP Senior Director of Planning and Development Swvlre5 City of Souttriake 1400 Main Street•Suite 310 5outitlake,TX 76042 817-748-9067 tCxi.hn41-vuvja,um,4wi W76=T61k=1] SIOBIiSvie�r•pellaear�h.ineaet +lam 13BdR11A3�4r�BT2 39 Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 10 5102wiG C1 qoLM-*a Ix us Mad Ra HcAd IndSlo-Venous{:ardi[n k951der1C5 Upria6 USOUTHLAKL Richard Schell <rschell@ci.southlake-tx-use Re: Hotel Indigo-Various Carillon Residents Opinions Tom Plimpton Thu, May 18, 2016 at 11:38 AM To: rschell@ci,southlaKe_tx.us Here is a late response...a MAYBE YES I apologize for the late reply, and hope this can still be sent to the P&Z committee, as 1 am unsure of where to send it myself-Thanks for taking the time to put this together. My parents live on LeMans, off Carillon Court, and I live in the estate section of Carillon- We do support the hotel, but I agree with the concerns others have raised about the traffsc flow. It is true that when people purchased In the vilias section, there was a plan for development off 114; however, those plans indicated an office space there. The traffic flow for an office space Is very different from that of a hotel. especially for evenings and weekends_Additionally, we are concerned that future development in the area will further increase traffic, and now is the opportunity to address that.My young children frequently walk or bike in that area, and we are concemed that the increased traffic flow would be a safety risk. We are in favor of the hotel, but strongly support efforts to minimize the traffic flow through the neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration- That makes 24 responses- Thanks On Thu, May 19, 201$at 10:04 AM, Tom Plimpton <tplimptnntx@gmad,com?wrote: Bear Richard, Thank you for taking my call this morning. Attached is a document summarizing the feelings of 22 of our Carillon residents regarding the proposed Hotel Indigo that will be discussed tonight, As we discussed, our community has a website for discussion of activities, etc. I posted the question on the hoard yesterday which you can see on page one of the document. I asked for one of three possible answers. A vote of YES means in favor of the hotel, A vote of MAYBE YES means in favor of the hotel but with reconsideration of traffic flows in and around Carillon. A vote of Na means not in favor of the hotel. As you can see, the vast majority of respondents favor the hotel but with further work/planning on the traffic flows and congestion in and around Carillon. Thank you for your time and effort to get this information to the Commissioners, Tom Plimpton 1817 Riviera Ln 425-891.5467 PS...please let me know that you received this email. has..rnsail 904e CCMtrn8bWW?W-Z&k=I MRWWAvc,s=ps&yearrb=&msq-154c942_%*� yr,1.-154c9@2%83V1xW Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 11 91WA16 Ci.Sal ABLm,ui MO-UpdWdCvnowAsaiHLxd VO w OSOLITHLAKT Richard Schell <rschell(dd.southlake.tx_us> Updated Comments on Hotel indigo Tom Plimptar Thu, May 19,2016 at 1:14 PM To r5Ghell@ca.auuuarunq.1A.ue I received a few more comments. Attached is a complete list. Sorry for the stragglers. This is my final list. Thanks Tom Plimpton P&Z Opinions UpdaW 1pm.docx 140K 11")1Ra all Qx4e.oamxna Id.alA'?U=2&k-'7M34OW&Yiaw=V search=i rbox&th-154Cs3a'Sle5efi7e 1"m I.15k as7B5la&. 7e1 V1 Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 12 Shall we let the P&Z Committee know how we feel? Tom Plimpton tram Carillon posted.... Here is an idea. We all have opinions on this issue. We are using this forum to vent, express our feelings and, to some degree, try to influence each other. Since we have over 300 members/users on this site, why don't we all just post our feelings in one of three ways. 4;� 1. Yes. This means you are in favor of the project as being presented to the P&Z committee tomorrow night.` Oa..,-7 2. Yes, but with a desire to see more work on traffic flow and congestion. This means the same as above but with reservations about traffic.o:i OR..J. .�..�, -- 3. No. This means you are not in favor of a hotel in our neighborhood..tgpC The packet for the meeting can be viewed at...*'o"milittp.//weblink.cityotsouthlake.commebLi... i18: As we saw at last night's HOA meeting, we had about 75 of the 500 homeowners in attendance. So, it is not likely many will make it to tomorrow nights P&Z meeting. Yet, they need to hear our feelings., So, IF you want to, reply to this post as YES, MAYBE YES or NO and we Can get this to the P&Z along with the definitions of what those short answers mean. Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 13 If you do not want to post publicly (which I can fully understand). Send me a private message and I will add in to the results. Or, make up your own short version of your feelings. . KA11 just an idea....if you don't like it.--I am OK with that as well. Just trying to help out. Sort of like an online petition so to speak. RESPONSE #1-MAYBE YES I am a maybe. Traffic is a concern as is the rest of the development. I am curious how the entire retail plan changes as a result of moving the hotel from the middle to the proposed location. Not only how this impacts the layout of future stores/restaurants but more importantly where the various future entrances will be. My concern is that regardless where the hotel is the main points of entrance will always be Carillon Court and Kirkwood "7 :,I am also a maybe in that I do not believe that building a hotel will attract future retail development and have concerns that the hotel will not be sustainable (given other hotels either being built or being proposed) in Southlake/West Lake/Trophy Club. Response #2-MAYBE YES I am a #2 Yes with reservations about traffic flow_ Response #3-MAYBE YES Great suggestion! #2 Response #4-MAYBE YES #2- yes with better traffic flow Response #5-MAYBE YES Yes, maybe, regarding traffic flow and possible new entrance Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 14 Response #6-MAYBE YES Yes #2 concerned about traffic need more study. Response #7-MAYBE YES #2 - yes with better traffic flow Response #8-YES Yes. Response #9-MAYBE YES #2, yes in favor of hotel but have concerns about proposed traffic flow re: accessing from Carillon Ct. Would much prefer egress from 114 access road, new road through what might be retail/commercial in the future or White's Chapel. Unfortunately, we'll be unable to attend tomorrows P&Z. Thanks so much for suggesting this forum so those that can't attend have a voice, Time permitting, I'll try to access the website & submit my concerns. Response #10-MAYBE YES Tom -42 option I like_ Response #11-YES Yes Response #12-MAYBE YES XXX and I agree with #2, yes to hotel but would like a different traffic flow option to bypass access to the neighborhood. Thank you' Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 15 Response #13-MAYBE YES Creat idea Tom, Yes for #2 option Response #14-MAYBE YES #2. I am also unable to attend due to kids' activities. Thank you for suggesting this option to share our opinions. Response #15-MAYBE YES Agree with 42--want traffic flow to bypass access to the neighborhood as others have expressed above Response #16-MAYBE YES Maybe yes Response #17-MAYBE YES #2, thanks for posting Response #18-MAYBE YES I'm just concerned about the traffic also. It looks like a beautiful hotel but would hate to have the majority of the traffics for it flowing thru Carillon Court Response #19-MAYBE YES 02. t will not be able to attend tonight, so thank you for posting this, as it enables my voice to be heard Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 16 Response #20-ND but could be a MAYBE YES Tom, thanks for the "summary". Not sure I can attend the meeting but I did want to let you know My wife & I oppose the hotel or at a minimum there shouldn't be direct access to our neighborhood. Access from the 114 access road only makes the most sense. Hopefully we can work out an advantageous option assuming the city hasn't already rubber stamped this Thanks again, Response #21-Na #3 No Response #22-YES or MAYBE YES Either i or 2. If the second entrance off the 114 service road is built in conjunction with the hotel (Attachment E, page 3), then that will likely be the most used access to & from the hotel. The traffic flow onto Carillon Ct, then into the hotel would not flow by existing homes. Users entering the hotel on Southmont to Carillon Ct. from 114 would have to take the Carroll exit and sit through a stoplight. If that second entrance is not built in conjunction with the hotel, then traffic flows should be assessed. Response #23-MAYBE YES My vote is 42. so up to my vote, there are the following votes: 1. 2 Votes 2. 14 Votes 3. 0 Votes Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 17 there were 2 Maybes Of those who voted, there is an overwhelming majority who want to limit access to the development. However, in the P&Z process, a majority vote {such as occurred} does not necessarily equate to the P&Z accepting our views automatically. So attendance tonight is important to make sure our voices are heard. I was also trying to think of a comparison and if you look at the "Central Market" development, it is very successful and even smaller in size than our proposed area. If you have ever tried to weave your way through and out of that area, there is a lot of traffic. So it's not just the hotel...it's everything that comes after. If it is a successful retail endeavor this is the potential amount of traffic that could be coming in and out of the retail space. Contrast that to the new retail across the street (by Michaels etc.) where no traffic can exit directly to the adjoining residential development without having to go down a separate road. Response #24-MAYBE YES #2, Thanks for posting the options. Response #25-YES #1 - because of cause and effect - see my reasoning in a separate post. Response #26-MAYBE YES 2 for me please Response #27-MAYBE YES I apologize for the late reply, and hope this can still be sent to the P&Z committee, as I am unsure of where to send it myself. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 18 My parents live on LeMans, off Carillon Court, and I live in the estate section of Carillon. We do support the hotel, but I agree with the concerns others have raised about the traffic flow. It is true that when people purchased in the villas section, there was a plan For development off 114, however, those plans indicated an office space there. The traffic flow for an office space is very different from that of a hotel, especially for evenings and weekends. Additionally, we are concerned that future development in the area will further increase traffic, and now is the opportunity to address that. My young children frequently walk or bike in that area, and we are concerned that the increased traffic flow would be a safety risk. We are in favor of the hotel, but strongly support efforts to minimize the traffic flow through the neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration. Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 19 5i+4^_tri& Ci saAriiaketx.uu MMI-FlN ZAWONZAW3a Mdgo 13SOUT-HLAKE Hnity Blake rhbla"ci.southlake.lxus> FW: ZA16-029 ZA16-30 Indigo Traci Henderson <thendersan@ci southiake tx use Thu. May 19,2016 at 1:44 PM To Holly Blake<hUake@ci southlake Tx us> fyi Traci Henderson, TRMC Deputy C:ty Secretary Gty of SoLdNake 1400 Main Street, Suite 270 Southlake, Texas 76092 thenderson@ci.sout hiake.tx us 817-748-8015-Office 817-748-8270-Fax Confidentiality Notice This e-marl message. including any attachments is for the sole use of the kntended recipient(s)and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any receipt andror response to this email may be considered a PUBLIC RECORD if you have recoved this email in error, please notify the sender immedratety. Any unauthorized review, use. disclosure,or distribution is prohibited. ---Ononal Message--- From: Debbie Teape[mailto Sent Thursday, May 19.20 To thenderson@ci south4ake.1x.us Cc. kbakerf$ci.southlake.tx us Subject ZA16-029 ZA16-30 Indigo To wham it may concem- I would IIke to be on records as IDD%for the beautiful Indigo Hat el In Cannon and in full support of how they have designed the entrance and landscaping. Also before we purchased(as did every other resident)we saw and were fulty aware that Gannon Court would be extended to Mites Chapel. We are so excited about tNs addition to our development. Thank you for your support. Chris and Debbie Teape 412 Montpelier Drive Southlake, Sent from my iPhone rMpS••rTtai gocylB.Cbrrt.rn.�nryrp'ail=�S/k=CrT37arylydRwpvr=prr�sprLlF�rt[a[dtl�lyA[yG566U'.r18.^Q3Ry�ml=1;�'.y06!�C4�tlG3 Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 20 tir3V2M Q 4CP&taku.tX-us Mol Fw4 For 4ardicn*"opmere S 4r �HLPII{E Richard Schell <rscheil4ei,sauthlake.tx.us> Fwd: For Carillon development Ken Baker tkbaker@ci.southlake-tx.us> Wed.Aug 31, 2018 at 12:22 AM To- Richard Schell crsche9@cl.sottn4ake-ix..js>.Dennis Killough sdklllpugh@ci.SOuthlake.tx.us-� Forwarded messam Flom: Debbie Teapt Date: Tue,Aug 30.2016 at 3:50 PM Sublect. For Carillon development To, knaKerA-cl.Sou;h!aKe.tx.ut; dear sir, fully 100%behind getting these retail spaces and hotel under construction.We live on 412 Mantpeller drive and attended the meeting with ail the devsiopers. Please,please make this process as easy as possnbie. Thank you, Deotke Teape. Sent from my iPhw—e Kenneth M. Baker.AICP Senior Director of Planning and Development Services City of Southlake 1400 Mahn Street-Suite 310 Sauthlake,Tx 76092 817.748-8067 xtpe:�mallg�oge,fArLti'hSINrC1�At■2�ik=178f9[1k]196dr►pew=ptSa&YCr�inenxSat=1�e71BOH18f>�Im! 15fiA'Jca71A0B1rr� I.1 Case No. Attachment D ZA16-030 Page 21