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CONSIDER 3A. Library Budget Deputy Director Edmondson briefly discussed the proposed Library budget, strategy map, and Library initiatives. City Librarian Pfledderer reviewed some of the initiatives that will be coming in the 2017 Library budget including changing from Overdrive to Bibliotheca, which acquired 3M. She said a digital survey was sent to customers and a majority of responses said content was most important to them. She said they have decided to move forward with 3M iCloud in November. Also, expanding teen and tween programs which was an initiative of interest to the Community. Deputy Director Edmonson updated the Board on the Library's Site Analysis Study noting that Hidell Associates is the partner. She said they are very knowledgeable about libraries and will be looking at our space needs and the potential for expansion. A survey has been developed and will be sent out the community via email blasts and other notifications. Also, focus groups will be formed and Hidell Associates will meet with groups and based on that they will make recommendations for the Library. She noted if there are any initiatives that do not require funding; they will be done to better the Library. City Librarian Pfledderer said that there is a 4.6% increase in next FY budget which is primarily for programming and most of that is for the Summer Kickoff event which was transferred to the Library to coordinate. She reviewed the budget and discussed the donation fund, which does not include grants received. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend approval of the Proposed Budget to the City Council. Motion: Carlson Second: Ross Ayes: Burr and Lin Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4-0 Motion Carried. 4. REPORTS 4A. Librarian's Report Library Statistics City of Southlake Values: Integrity♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork )aoMweal ♦ eouelleox3 of Juew;►wwop •Appgejun000y ♦ uoijenouui •ifju6elui :semen aalelu}noSdo Apo WflIOI all8fld '9 •91,02 aagwanoN aq II!M W£ of uo!l!sueal ysunel peg ay} pue `aagwaldag u! aq Il!M qounei l}os y •000`£$ }o Ielo} e aq pinoM 1! paeMao} 6u!now lnq `aeaA lsa!} eq} ao} pan!eM aq II!M eolnaas siyl ao} sa6aego ISI£ ley} eel 000`1•$ aqi Iladdoa pue yl!M Nu!' pnolo) 6uueuped Aq uo!pelloo ay} puedxa o} 4unpoddo ue s! aaagl p!es ayg •uo!s!oap ay} yl!M uo!leaap!suoo e sem s!yl lualuoo aaow }o aouepodw! eq} 6ugou Noeq awes sllnsaa Aanans 4unwwa ayl Jaw •lsealuos wJel-6uo1 ou pue `saeaA Z ao} 000`Z$ aoud paalueaen6 e `aa} wao}leld ou paaa}}o Aaqi leyl palou eqg •lonpoad a!ayl lno lnd Aayl aao}aq 6ulneq 9a9M saasn leyl sanss! esayl}o awos passeippe Ric •lueo!}!u6!s aaaM saseaaou! aoud pue 'ale6!neu of llno!}}!p s! aoe}aalu! eql `sao!nap ald!llnw yl!M sanss! uaaq anal aaagi •saolnaas Aaeagli lel!6!p ao} 01.OZ eou!s anupaanp yl!M 6UppOM uaaq aney OM p!es aaaappal}d ue!aeaq!J AT!O Limn pnola! 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