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Item 6C C� C PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA16-046 Review No.: Two-Revised Date of Review: 8/2/16 Project Name: Preliminary Plat—Matthews Court APPLICANT: Four Peaks Development, LLC OWNER: Landlock LLC, do Warren Clark Development Tom Matthews Dale Clark 2600 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 120-323 16390 Addison Rd. Southlake, Texas, 76092 Addison, Texas, 75001 Phone: 214-676-3434 Phone: 972-931-8971 Fax: 817-481-4074 Fax: 972-931-8975 Email: Email: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 5/23/16 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT JEROD POTTS AT(817)748-8195. Planning Review Jerod Potts Planner I Phone: (817) 748-8195 1. Approval of the plat request is dependent upon approval of the Zoning Change and Development Plan request, allowing configurations as proposed. 2. The following changes are needed with regard to easements: a. Show and label the type,size and deed record of all existing easements on the property. b. Provide easements for water, sewer and/or drainage in compliance with approved construction plans. c. Show via dotted lines any easements previously abandoned and label with deed record of abandonment. 3. No fences can be built within the flood plain. See Public Works comments below regarding fencing. 4. A private street is being proposed for this residential subdivision. The applicant must comply with Section 5.05 Private Street Standards in Residential Subdivisions in the City's Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, as amended. 5. The following changes are needed regarding the proposed lotting: a. Relocate dimensions on lots as necessary to eliminate conflict with easements to maintain legibility. 6. The P.O.B. appears to be labeled twice. 7. Note whether existing structures are to remain or be removed. 8. Regarding Right-of-Way dedications and interior street geometry: Case No. ZA16-046 Page 1 a. Zena Rucker Road is designated as a 2-lane collector(C2U)with a minimum 60' R.O.W. required.A minimum radius of 400'and minimum tangent length of 50' between curves is required per Subdivision Ordinance No.483. b. Show and dimension the R.O.W. dedication in accordance with the current Master Thoroughfare Plan. Dimensions must either be from center line of apparent existing R.O.W. or full width from across R.O.W. if opposite side has dedicated their half. 9. Regarding the quantitative land use: a. The existing zoning is not currently shown. b. The open space area/% does not match what is shown on the Development Plan. Quantitative Land Use Schedule Phase Existing Existing Propose Number Gross Density-DU Open Land Zoning d Zoning of Units Acreage /Gross Space Use Acreage Area/ Public Works/Engineering Review Alex Ayala, P.E. Civil Engineer Phone: (817) 748-8274 Fax: (817) 748-8077 E-mail: aayala© GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. This review is preliminary. Additional requirements may be necessary with the review of civil construction plans. 2. A Developer Agreement shall be required for this development and may need to be approved by the City Council prior to any construction of public infrastructure. Construction plans for these improvements must be acceptable to Public Works prior to placing the Developer's Agreement on the City Council agenda for consideration. 3. Label distance between median Lot 2X, Block B and the edge of pavement of Lots 1 and 8. Distance shall be sufficient width and approved by the Fire Marshal. 4. Proposed private streets must be constructed to conform to City street standards. • Street intersections shall comply with TDLR/ADA accessibility standards. " Sight distances shall comply with AASHTO guidelines on adjacent collectors and arterials. • Use the City of Southlake GPS monuments whenever possible. Monument locations can be found in the City of Southlake website: htto:// EASEMENTS: 1. Limits of 100-year floodplain shall be shown and contained within a dedicated drainage easement. Case No. ZA16-046 Page 2 2. Fences will not be allowed within dedicated drainage easements along the western property line of Lots 1, 2 and 3. * Water,sanitary sewer and storm drain lines cannot cross property lines without being in an easement or right of way. All waterlines,sanitary sewer and storm sewer in easements or right of ways must be constructed to City standards. WATER AND SEWER COMMENTS: 1. Extend 8"Sanitary Sewer to east side of right of way along Zena Rucker Road. Ordinance No.440. 2. Proposed 8"sanitary sewer shall be located in parkway-not under pavement, except for crossings. 3. Sanitary sewer service lines shall connect to public sanitary sewer system built to City standards. 4. Extend 8"Waterline to southern property line along dedicated 15' utility easement. 5. All water line stubs must have 2 joints past the valve with a 2" blow-off per the City's details. 6. Water and sanitary sewer lines in easements or right of way shall be constructed to City standards. * Minimum size for water and sanitary sewer lines is 8". * Water and sewer lines cannot cross property lines without being in an easement or right of way. * The size of the water service tap must match the size of the meter. There are no reducers allowed before the meter on the public side. A 1" inch meter must have a 1"tap, etc. * Water meters and fire hydrants shall be located in an easement or right of way. * Fire lines shall be separate from service lines. DRAINAGE COMMENTS: 1. Documentation supporting and certifying that detention is not necessary will be required prior to approval of construction plans. * Storm sewers collecting runoff from public streets shall be RCP and constructed to City standards. The proposed flume will not be allowed. * Property drains into a Critical Drainage Structure#23 and requires a fee to be paid prior to beginning construction ($309.83/Acre). * Discharge of post development runoff must have no adverse impact on downstream properties and meet the provisions of Ordinance No. 605. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS: * Submit 22"x34"civil construction plans and a completed Construction Plan Checklist directly to the Public Works Administration Department for review. Please allow 15 business days for review. The plans shall conform to the most recent construction plan checklist,standard details and general notes which are located on the City's website: Case No. ZA16-046 Page 3 * New Requirement: Provide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan per TXR150000.The plan must include all required elements in Part Ill, Section F of the permit. The City of Southlake especially reviews Part Ill,Section F,(1)(g), Maps.The review is for completeness of a plan to prevent pollution (especially sediment) to the Separate Storm Sewer System. It is highly recommended the project manager provide a series of maps for complex projects, including one map showing controls during mass grading and infrastructure,one map showing controls during vertical construction,and one map showing final stabilization (may be but not always equitable to the landscape plan). Please include timelines in relation to the project activities for installation and removal of controls. SWPPP shall be submitted by second review of the civil construction plans. * NEW REQUIREMENT: Submit with CMI Construction Plans a Retaining Wall Layout sheet. * A geotechnical report will be required for all private and public roadways. The geotechnical report shall include pavement design parameters for subgrade stabilization. * A right of way permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Operations Department(817)748-8082 to connect to the City's sewer, water or storm sewer system. * Any hazardous waste being discharged must be pretreated per Ordinance No. 836. *=Denotes informational comment. Tree Conservation/Landscape Review Keith Martin Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 748-8229 Fax: (817)481-5713 E-mail: * Most of the existing trees on the site are pioneering tree species that have grown on the site in the past 5 to 10 years.They consist of Hackberry,Cedar Elm,and American Elm which are multi-trunked or in clusters that sprouted after being brush hogged and then left to grow. The most prominent quality trees are along the west property boundary of the property where they are proposed to be preserved. The Developer has also chosen the most prominent quality trees in the interior of the property to preserve. * The proposed zoning for the development is Residential Planned Unit Development, R-PUD and is subject to City Council Approval of the Tree Conservation Plan as presented.The existing tree cover is approximately 39.8%and under straight zoning a minimum of 60%of the existing tree cove would be required to be preserved.The applicant is proposing to preserve 45.4%of the existing trees cover and another 8.4%may possibly preserve depending on the individual lot grading.A possible 53.7%of existing tree cover could be preserved. * Except as provided by subsection 7.2.b. of the Tree Preservation Ordinance, a Tree Conservation Analysis or Tree Conservation Plan shall be approved if it will preserve existing tree cover in accordance with the percentage requirements established by Table 2.0.If the property has previously received a tree permit related to development, the percentage of existing tree cover at the time the first such permit was issued shall be used to calculate the minimum existing tree cover that must be Case No. ZA16-046 Page 4 preserved under this section. Table 2.0—Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements Percentage of existing tree cover on Afnimum percentage of the the entire site existing tree cover to be preserved* 0%—20% 70% 20.1 —40% 60% 40.1% -60% 50% 60.1%-80% 40% 80.1%- 100% 30% *The minimum percentage of existing tree cover to be preserved shall exclude any area in public rights-of-way as approved by City Council. For property sought to be zoned for the Downtown zoning district or a planned development zoning district, including an S-P-1 Site Plan, S-P-2 Site Plan, Transition, Rural Conservation, Planned Unit Development,or Employment Center zoning district,the City Council shall consider the application for a Conservation Analysis or Plan in conjunction with the corresponding development application (as established in Table 1.0). The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the application and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the application. The City Council shall approve the Plan or Analysis if the Council finds that the Plan or Analysis provides for the: i. placement of building pads, parking areas,driveways,streets, and utility easements so as to maximize the preservation of environmental features of the property including mature tree stands, natural creeks and ponds, and significant grades; ii. maximizes the preservation of tree cover preservation areas indicated on the Environmental Resource Protection Map; iii. maximizes the preservation of existing tree stands with the potential to buffer residential areas from the noise, glare, and visual effects of nonresidential uses; iv. maximizes the preservation of existing trees,if any,adjoining a natural or man-made drainage creek; v. maximizes the preservation of existing protected trees along rural roadways and other streets as identified and prioritized in the Street Typology designation; and vi. mitigation of altered trees through proposed tree replacement procedures pursuant to this Ordinance. * Please be aware that all existing trees shown to be preserved on the City Council approved Tree Conservation Plan must be preserved and protected during all phases and construction of the development. Alteration or removal of any of the existing trees shown to be preserved on the approved Tree Conservation Plan is a violation of the Tree Preservation Ordinance and the zoning as approved by the Southlake City Council. Please ensure that the layout of all structures,easements, utilities, structures grading, and any other structure proposed to be constructed do not conflict with existing trees intended to be preserved. * Indicates informational comment. Case No. ZA16-046 Page 5 Indicates required items comment. Fire Department Review Kelly Clements Fire Marshal Phone: (817) 748-8233 Fax: (817) 748-8181 E-mail: GENERAL COMMENTS: The gated entry, if approved, must be equipped with an Opticom or KS-2 switch for opening the gate electronically, as well as a means for manual opening. Fire apparatus access needs to be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus (A minimum of 85,000 lbs GVW). Fire access roads must be at least 31 ft. back of curb to back of curb. (Standard street width) (Plans do not indicate appropriate street widths along all areas that parallel residential lots) Community Service/Parks Department Review Peter Kao Construction Manager Phone: (817) 748-8607 Fax: (817) 748-8027 Email: Park Board comments or recommendations: All applicants are required to appear before the Park Board to discuss park dedication issues if requesting fee credits and/or acceptance of land dedication. Please contact the Community Services Department at(817) 748-8607 for further details. Land/park dedication requirements: Residential developments must provide dedicated parks and/or open space at a ratio of one(1)acre of park land for every forty(40) dwelling units. If fee payment is approved by City Council in lieu of land dedication, residential park dedication fees in the amount of$6250 per dwelling unit x 8 dwelling units= $50,000.00. (Resolution 16-026). Per Section 7.02 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, as amended: Section 7.02 Applicability: A. Unplatted Property: This section, as amended, applies to all property for which a final plat has not been formally submitted to the City for approval, unless otherwise noted herein. B.Exempt Property:Any tract or lot occupied by an existing residential dwelling unit at the time of adoption of this ordinance shall be exempt from the dedication requirements of this section herein if the residential dwelling remains on the lot. This exemption pertains only to the tract or lot with the existing residential dwelling.Any additional lots created by further subdivision of the property shall be subject to the requirements Case No. ZA16-046 Page 6 herein. C. Date of Assessment:All requirements contained in this section shall be assessed at the time of approval of the final plat of any applicable property. Pathway Comments: Review termination of east pathway along Zena Rucker. Should terminate in R.O.W so that adjacent property can connect. Should provide pathways consistent with Southlake Master Pathways Plan. Should provide pedestrian access from each building to Trail System or sidewalk connections and between buildings. Should provide 4ft+ concrete sidewalks on both sides of all public and private streets consistent with Article V Street and Right-Of-Way Requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and all State of Texas accessibility requirements. --_ – --=The following should be informational comments only— --- • Although there are a few lot lines which are not perpendicular or radial, they appear to meet the intent of this requirement. " Staff recommends any proposed landscape/bufferyard areas are included in areas designated as common area. " This development as proposed is dependent upon acquisition of offsite R.O.W.and construction of a portion of Zena Rucker Road. " Park Fees and Road/Bridge Improvements credits or reimbursements are matters subject to approval of a Developer's Agreement by City Council. • A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure.The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets,drainage,park dedication requirements and fees, off-site sewer extensions, off-site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. • All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended. • Although the Subdivision Ordinance requires that utility easements be provided along the perimeter of the property staff recommends that utility easements be provided only where needed to ensure adequate extension of franchise and public utilities and to provide maximum tree preservation. • When a Final Plat is filed it will be required to tie down the Pedestrian Access Easement by metes and bounds. • Please be aware that sidewalk design standards need to meet those in Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 Section 5.06. • Denotes Informational Comment Case No. ZA16-046 Page 7