Item 7A - Resident presentationCity of Southlake SPIN Meeting 05/17/2016 Items 7A Ord. # 480-712 Neighborhood #11 ZA15-152 and ZA 15-153 OPPOSED RESIDENT DISCUSSION Why Opposed? Why surrounding communities oppose Terra and Stone Trails Development • Verbal guarantees not put in writing — Quantity over Quality (number of houses in development — Only 1 -1.2 million dollar homes will be built — All Stone Trails open areas will be open to surrounding neighborhoods (easy access) — Terra will offer Neighborhood beautification to surrounding neighborhoods (Mailboxes, street signs, stop signs, elegant surrounding fences, etc....) • Written guarantees not followed thru — Mccall driveway deeded to him Approval Rating Final P&Z meeting Verbal Guarantees to neighboring communities, resulted in minimal opposition • First meeting for Stone Trails at September 2030 • Stone Trails and Terra tabled the design 4 times prior to approval • Final P&Z approval was very controversial and narrowly approved 3-2 Case No. ALtactwwnt G ZA15-153 Page 7 • Very few P&Z recommendations were taken in to account, reasoning for narrow margin for approval 24. C&TLAWN 5 LLC AS 2425WICH,aELDF. 1.11 NR 1. NADO I LLC SP2 MUTKW IfIJLVO 1= NR L 3. FtA[!Q 1 LLC 3C1r, �L;A F4M U LTD PRTNSHP FFI'W --- -- W 5OLrHLAKE BLVD 1,"+B NI -.4. 27. 1l�YG SP2 LLhM nt 1U4 IFS. 25. 'NI>E5LV4AIII E t AG IN - TMAKE ALVO 8M F 1. J WJY_S. MICHALL C SI1-A 109 BROCK UK s"I.A 4 1. 'VAHCAS PLKWY 4k' SPI -A 209 BROOK CFR 1.14 4 a. HOWARD EMAAAi L SPI -A 343 !SHOCK OR 1 1J O 9. 'WICSWAN. L i Ai. 2 64 1 W 50LTfHLAK E B_,-0 9.22 Nk 11). MC(ALL, MARIE C SFi-A 320 BR(" OR 1.33 0 11. KUELBS. GREGORY G RE 5Q7 DAMS BLVD 1.76 NR 12. PAPILLANO, MA19JORIL S SPI -A 319 BROCK OR QA7 F 1J. RA01ILLAND,MWILIOa' - _L1;%sVRUIL:-'-H 7-37PORTOFINO PL 0-74 F 1 15. LW LS I KLIELBS.GR=G_F = SFI-A RE 4-K !' 4{J{R LFR 2.03 NR 16. LOWN'ArkMI.,.L SF20A I•.iui.,%,jOF. 0.47 NR 17. FRANKS, NINA 5F2&1 7.310 VEIN ICE AVE A.4e NR 16. OLE rlL. LORI UAMW--M SF20A 'IS PORTOFINO F'L 0.41, NR 14. FA2W KIAF.K A SF20A 720 PORTOFINO PL 3.41' NR 2D. IIARIC)U.RAG ILAVLN SF20A ?d1VEhICE AVE 0.4i> Nk 21. POTEET.THOWAS AG 2435 MICHAEL DR J.S-' NR 22. C&TLR.VN5LLC AS 2=1 NO'ICHAELDR I. Nk 23. ST ND.'.'ERLOJ AG 242a W ICHAEL DR 1.13 NR • First meeting for Stone Trails at September 2030 • Stone Trails and Terra tabled the design 4 times prior to approval • Final P&Z approval was very controversial and narrowly approved 3-2 Case No. ALtactwwnt G ZA15-153 Page 7 • Very few P&Z recommendations were taken in to account, reasoning for narrow margin for approval 24. C&TLAWN 5 LLC AS 2425WICH,aELDF. 1.11 NR 25. SMYM, HENRY C SP2 3 1'4+iATERNI ERE DR. 5.17 NR 26. ML LLLNIX, F_W.'JID W SF20A 101 POkTOFINO RL ].SS• NR 27. SMYTH, HENRY C SP2 301, ViATERMERE DR x.96 NR 25. '.VICSWAN. L I AG zoo ve' sarrHLetiKE BL -.'D 13.15 Nk 24. LAKESIDE PRESBYTERAN CHURCH CS 27131W 5OLFrHL K.E BLVD 7.43 NR 30. WELBS, GREGORY G SFi-A 694 DAMS BLVD 5.0b NR 31. 1011NSON,GLORG£ AG 2 3913 W ICHAEL DR 1.13 NR 32. IMCSNOAN 11 AG 2621'!.' SOUM LAKE BL'X 9.22 NR 33. WILSWAN L I AG 2531W 5OLrHL K..E BL'.'D ILL, NR 34. HANEY AR:4ELW EST SFi-A 410 BROCK UR 1.76 NR 35. BYLER JOHN R. SF20A 70S. PORTOFINO RL 0.41- NP: 36. FAKA.GIILk, jACK SF20A 7-37PORTOFINO PL 0.4': NR 37. *'GIJNG. I'AI'LHALL No 5F2CL ;'15 PORTOFINO PL 151 Nk 36. QJINN. WILLIAM AG 2445 MICHAEL DF. 0.57 Nk 34. COUCH. BOB&EJOE SF2 s 25 SILN,S L H 2.3'J NR 40. SOLFTHL FE CHURCH OF€HRIST CS 2417W 5OLrfHLAKE BL'wD 3.8. Nk 41. .k'ICSh±A.N, L I SFi-A . ab I,HOCK uk 1.53 NR. 2 BLICY. DOROTHY H. LLI4IARK SPI 2419W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 1.29 NR 4b IAICHA.ELC SF1A Approval Rating as of 05/16/2016 Verbal Guarantees no longer hold up, residence want guarantees in writing ED E1R i.�l NR V. FRANKS, NIPIA SM147M MOCE AME 0.77 NR D 13. REENE. LORI DAMRON SF211A713 FORTORNO PLUAGNR 0 37. YOUNG. MICHAEL M SMA 719 FORTORNO PLI.52 NR 0 E. QUINONES. PAIEHAEL CSFs -A 133 ERM OR RIR 0 O 7. v ARGAS, PERRY %W SK -A 233 RROU OR IA4 0 :. HOWA.RO, EPAPlALSFI-A 3'B RRDCK OR 1.130 17. MCEALL !MARIE ESFS-A 323 RROCK OR 1.330 ESFI-A03 RRDCK DRUM D 3, 3•"74^7� =e�' : __ - 's=._-- - Y3 -- -— a e=per- - - o 0 0 o 43 d,3- - _ _ _ _ ;gVR- - -Note Mr. Hall now opposes the Stone Trails • Verbal guarantee no longer holds for surrounding communities • Once in favor residence, now oppose • As of 05/16/2016 21% of surrounding property owners within 200ft now oppose the zoning request and the build expected to be higher by beginning of City Hall Meeting on 05/17/2016 Board and Commissions Manual Mission Statement a. MISSIO • VISION • VALUES OLR MMON "THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROVIDES MUNI€IPAL SERVICES THAT SUPPOFFF THE HIGH EST QUALITY OF LIFE FOP. OUR RESIDENTS AND BUSIMESSES_ WE DOTHIS BY BEING AN EXEMIPLARV MODEL OF BALANCING EFFICIENCY, . FISCAL RESP -DN SI BILITY TRANSPARENCY, AND SUSTAINABILITY. Ota V1 UNDERLWINGTHE STRATEGI€ M ANA.GEME NT SW STEM AND DRIVING HOW WE WORK AND W HAT WE BELIEVE. ARE THE CORPORATE VA LUES. THESE ARE THE PRIM€IDLES THAT WE HOLD IMPORTANT AMD STANDARDS BY WHII€H THE ORGANIZATION EXISTS AND OPERATES - INTEGRITY INNOVATION AC€OUNTABILITV COMMITMENT TO ExcF LLENCE TEAMWORK 'SOUTHLAKE 15 A'VIBRANT ATTRACTIVE, SAFES HEALTHY AND FISCALLY SDUNOCOMMUNITY THATEPITOMIZES BOTH ECONOMIC AND ENVIROMMENTALSUSTMMA.BILITV. WE OFFEROUALITY NEIGHBORHOODS AND A HIGH STANDARD OF L'V'NGr WITH ABUNDANT OPIFORTUNITIES FOR LEARNING, SHOPPING{, WORKINIG, RECREATIONANDEMIOYMENT OF OPEN SPACES. '44'%FW.Cir(OFSOUTHLAKE. 03M III Let us focus on the vision: "Southlake is a vibrant, attractive, safe, healthy and fiscally sound community that epitomizes both economic and environmental sustainability. We offer quality neighborhoods and a high standard of living" Terra and Paul Spain History Verbal guarantees and design quantity -over -quality attempted before Colleyville [apposed Design for Terra Development -Reduced in size March 6, 2013 Aproposed new subdivision along Bluebonnet Drive drew acrowd toColleyvilleCity Cou,)c.ilto • Previous attempt of quantity -over - protest Tuesday, quality not approved The Pres-eruatiori ori Glade ala-ig Bluebonnet Drive started with pla7s for48 lots. Bythe end of the meeting around midnight Wednesday, the lot number at d ropped to a maximum of 38. 0 City of Southlake Standards have always The council took no action because the project was presented onlyforfirst reading and a public been higher then its surrounding hearing. Members asked the developer, Paul Spain, to came back with more details of the slope of communities the property and grading plans. Residents of the Bridges at Riverwalk, an adjacent subdivision, said theyopposedthe new Attempted to receive credits from Parks development because of existing drainage problems, traffic issues and density. About 14 people and Rec. on park dedication green spoke against the project, space requirements he was given from "Why don't they go over to Euless? There's lots of land ever there in Euless,' one man said. P&Z Others showed photos of water flooding through their property and expressed worries about traffic. Developer Paul Spain of Terra Land said his proposal would actually eliminate the drainage problem. He also showed the City Council a traffic study that indicated the impact would be minimal. Two more new housing developments that had attracted resident pretests earlier subdivisions were approved Tuesday, the earlier issues appare-itly having been worked out with residents, Summary Opposed Property Owners within 200 feet of rezoning summary • Respectfully request that city council disapprove until the following are addressed by Terra/Stone • Quantity over Quality concern Terra/Stone Trails request for rezoning Trails: • Type of Neighborhood/Builders put in writing of what level of builder Mr. Spain will allow in the development (Mr. Spain initially guaranteed 1-1.2 million dollar homes would be built) • Park/Open Space areas as originally promised documented as open to surrounding communities and easy access granted from all surrounding neighborhoods • Neighborhood beautification guarantees put in writing to include mailboxes, stop signs, and street signs as originally promised • Personal note Written Guarantee and Lawsuit mention Appendix Summary for the Opposed Short summary on Lawsuit for remaining residents of Brock Addition Opposed of Terra Design: The Plaintiff has a contract to sale her property to a Developer (Terra—Paul Spain) with the stipulation that a 40 year old restriction be removed. This Stipulation has left the Plaintiff and her son (Attorney representing Plaintiff) no option but to attempt in disqualifying Defendants vote to allow the 40 year old restriction to be lifted. See Exhibit 3 The Developer knows that residents of 105, 109, and 209 Brock(Defendants) will not agree to remove the restriction until his design is approved by city council (which has been denied twice, council 2030 meeting and recent rezoning meeting ZA15-152 and ZA15-153) and all his guarantees to Brock Addition community are put in writing. As the defendants have told the Plaintiff and Developer before, our entire community will agree to the release the restriction once he puts all his guarantees to the Brock Addition Community in writing and the council approves his design. He has not agreed to, nor have his plans been approved. Lawsuit remains pending. -Restriction does not allow more than one family home to be built on each lot of the Brock Addition neighborhood Additional notes: Brock Addition Restriction Release -Majority of the neighbors whom initially signed the release to remove the 40 year old restriction are no longer in favor of the build as Terra and Mr. Spain have changed the design multiple times and are now retracting many of his initial verbal guarantees. Brock Drive entry not an option for Mr. Spain -Mr. Spain does not wish to incorporate a 'Brock drive entry" into his design because it was a guarantee in writing, in order to receive signature agreement by more than half of the Brock Addition community. This Guarantee states that Stone Trail Development will not utilize Brock drive as a neighborhood access. See Item 1 and Appendix for entire document "Partial Release" -Majority of the Brock community is now opposed of lifting the Terra restriction and have voiced their opinions, "that if they had to sign again they would oppose the design and not agree to lifting the restriction." Incorporating Brock into the design will require Mr. Spain to have new agreements signed by all Brock Addition Residents agreeing to lift the restriction. Top Brock Addition Community request/concerns: False statements by Mr. Spain to Brock Community -Residence initially asked if Mr. Spain did include Brock into his design (although not in favor)as an access point that he put in writing, to develop the Brock drive and incorporate sidewalks as the majority of the neighborhood walks up and down the street for exercise because of no sidewalks being available. This request was denied by Mr. Spain as he mentioned the city of Southlake would not approve a sidewalk design and street improvements if he requested it. This statement was later proven as false when the city of Southlake Public works was contacted, and stated "that Terra would only have Summary for the Opposed to apply for permits to have his sidewalk/street improvement designs approved for Brock Addition. False Guarantee's -Brock Addition Community asked that access to the Stone Trail Estates open/common areas be granted as a good gesture and put in writing as such. Mr. Spain initially agreed verbally however, has publically stated since, "that the open/common areas a solely for use of Stone Trail Estates residents." See public SPIN meeting video for 02/04/2016, items 13, 14, 15. Design in Best Interest of City of Southlake- Neglect to take city vision and values in to consideration when designing the Stone Trail Estates development. Very little greenspace and conceptual design does not follow the city's "board of commissions manual" corps value for neighborhoods, "We offer quality neighborhoods and a high standard of living". Don't want the Stone Trail Estates design to not live up to the City of Southlake standards. Terra Previous Designs Denied- Previous design was denied in order to preserve Quality over Quantity reducing initial design by 10 lots. See Item 2 (City of Colleyville ruling, 2013) CaseNo. TZA15-153 AttachFneFkt 6 Page 7 24. G&T LAWNS LLC AG 2425 MICHAEL DR 1.11 NR 1. NADA I LLC SPI 2534 44' SOUIMLOM BLVD 1.S2 F L KA DO 1 LLiC SPI Illi 1.21 k 3. 3Or---AA. F,,`.1'l UM PRTr•,SH: F1-- 2 6M WW SOUTHLAKE 3-• G 8.-90 aF. 4. h�AL :LRHY G Shi•A 1031LLLICO ClR 1.24 NR & 1�. WLES IlAW E I QJ) NON -S.W101AL-C AoG _hlA um 11wr mmumimp 10}BROCK Olt 0.9& -12 AL 0 30. v.1HGAS j -NuY v SFi-A 209 BROCK DR 1-14 11 31. HOWARD, EhWAA L SFi-A 101 BROCK DR 1-13 C, 3. WILE A.N L I A.;:, 2641 VE' SOUTHLAKE ®LVD 0.35 .. 1, U. MUALL, MAKILf SFi-A 1 3,20BROCK DR 1-33 C^ _ 1KUELJJS. GREC30RY G RE 50D DAMS BLVD S.SL I l.,. PAPI LLAT: D, MARM": L 1 S -FI -A 319 BROCK DR 0-162 h 1!. PAPILLA,:-), %A;, UfJ i L: SI -1-A 1296110mDR II -74 h 15. KUELBS, GIREGOR:Y G RE 51}4 OAVIS BLVD 4.84 Z.Ia? NR 16. LOI,h MAN, MIKL 51`2CIA 711. RTO[ h',a; h . 0.4`1 NR 17. FRANKS, NINA SF2CIRA 70D VENICE AVE 0.47 NR 18. BEEN E. LORI DAIVIK2 N SF20A 71+9 PORTOFINO I -L 0.4C• NR 19. FALTER. MARK,A SF20A 720 PORTOFINO PL 0.41. NR :D- H4ARiL:AS, RAGII,AVEN SF20A T01VENICE AVE .1.41, NR 21. ROTE ET. T}i0WAS A S 2435 rya ICHAEL DF: a.S' NR 22- C&T LI %VN5 LLC AG 2440 rye ICHAEL DR 1.13 NR 23. STRAND. '.'ERLO J AG 2420 rye ICHAEL DR 1.n NR CaseNo. TZA15-153 AttachFneFkt 6 Page 7 24. G&T LAWNS LLC AG 2425 MICHAEL DR 1.11 NR 25. SMYT1,HENRY,C SP2 3011VATERNIEREDR 6-37 NR 26. IVIL[LLENIR, DAVID 5F213A, 701 FORTOANO FAL 0.515 NR 27. SMYTH, HENRY C SP2 M WATERM ERE DR. 8.-90 NR 26. WiCSKOAN C I AG 2C351 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 13AS NR 29. LAKESIDE PRESSYIIERAN CHU RCF. C5 L701 A' SOUTHLAKE BLVD 7.43 NR 30. KUEL85. GREGORY G SFi-A 684 DAMS BLYD s.00 NR 31. 1011 NSON, GEDRGE AG 2390 r%A ICHAEL DR 1.13 NR 37. WiESMAN, 11 AG 262.1 W SOU HLAJKE BL`. G 4.22 NR 33. YMIESM AN C I AG 28314E SOUTHLAKE 13 _ C: 2.511 NR 34. HANEY ARVEL W EST 5 F1 -A 41.0 BROCK OR 1.71, NR 35. EIVI-ER, JOHN R 5F20A 705 PORTOFINO I -L NR 36. FARAGI IE JACX SF20A 707 PORTOFINO P'L 4: NR 37. YOUNG MICHAEL M 5F20A 715 PORTOFINO FAL 3.52 NR 38. QUINN. WILLIAM AG 2445 MICHAEL DR. :1.57 NR 39. COLKH. BOBBIE JOE SE2 829 SIENIA DA 2.37 NR 41). SOUTHLAKECHURCH O!FC�F.ST +-'S 2417WSOVU-Lr-:E3_',G 4.82 NR 41. WIESMAN, C I SFi-A, 1 250 MOCK UI•. 1.53 4 841C'i, CFDkOTHY` HALLkAf,Rk' SP1 X419 4ti' SDUTh Lr�::E 3LVG 1.2R {r Responses: F= In Favor 0: imposed' To U= Undecided NF[: No Response LICO CIR 1.24 NR FRANKS, NINA SF20A 700 VENICE AVE 0.47 NR 0 BEENE, LORI DAMRON SF20A 719 PORTOFINO PL 0.46 NR 0 37. YOUNG, MICHAEL M SF20A 715 PORTOFINO PL 0.52 NR 0 QUINONES, MICHAEL C SF1-A 109 BROCK DR 0.58 O O ARGAS, PERRY W SF1-A 209 BROCK DR 1.14 O OWARD, EMMA L SF1-A 303 BROCK DR 1.13 0 0 O 0 O 3. BONOLA FAMILY LTD PRTNSHP SF1-A 2608 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 1.78 NR NR 9. WIESMAN, E I AG 2641 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 0.39 NR NR 22. C&T LAWNS LLC AG 2440 MICHAEL DR 1.13 NR NR 24. C&T LAWNS LLC AG 2425 MICHAEL DR 1.11 NR NR 28. WIESMAN, E I AG 2651 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 13.18 NR NR 29. LAKESIDE PRESBYTERAN CHURCH CS 2701 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 7.43 NR NR 32. WIESMAN, E I AG 2621 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 9.22 NR NR 33. WIESMAN, E I AG 2631 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 3.50 NR NR 34. HANEY, ARVEL W EST SFl-A 410 BROCK DR 1.70 NR NR 40. SOUTHLAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST CS 2417 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 9.82 NR NR 41. WIESMAN, E I SF1-A 250 BROCK DR 1.53 NR NR 11. KUELBS, GREGORY G RE 500 DAVIS BLVD 5.50 NR NR 12. PAPILLARD, MARJORIE S SF1-A 319 BROCK DR 0.67 NR NR 13. PAPILLARD, MARJORIE A SF1-A 329 BROCK DR 0.74 NR NR 15. KUELBS, GREGORY G RE 504 DAVIS BLVD 2.03 NR NR 16. LOWMAN, MIKE SF20A 711 PORTOFINO PL 0.47 NR NR 19. FAZEN, MARK A SF20A 720 PORTOFINO PL 0.46 NR NR 20. HARIDAS, RAGHAVEN SF20A 701 VENICE AVE 0.46 NR NR 21. POTEET, THOMAS AG 2435 MICHAEL DR 0.55 NR NR 23. STRAND, VERLO J AG 2420 MICHAEL DR 1.13 NR NR 25. SMYTH, HENRY C SP2 301 WATERMERE DR 6.37 NR NR 26. MULLENIX, DAVID W SF20A 701 PORTOFINO PL 0.59 NR NR 27. SMYTH, HENRY C SP2 301 WATERMERE DR 8.90 NR NR 30. KUELBS, GREGORY G SF1-A 684 DAVIS BLVD 5.00 NR NR 31. JOHNSON, GEORGE AG 2390 MICHAEL DR 1.13 NR NR 35. BYLER, JOHN R SF20A 705 PORTOFINO PL 0.46 NR NR 38. QUINN, WILLIAM AG 2445 MICHAEL DR 0.57 NR 0 NR 39. COUCH, BOBBIE JOE SF2 829 SIENA DR 2.37 NR NR 42. BUCY, DOROTHY HALLMARK SP1 2419 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 1.28 NR NR 1. NADO I LLC SPI 2530 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 1.92 F F 2. NADO I LLC SP1 2580 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 1.71 F F 5. WIESMAN, E I AG 2607 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD 0.88 F F 14. HANEY, ARVEL W EST SF1-A 400 BROCK DR 4.84 F F Responses: F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided NR: No Response Notification Response Form 7A15.152 & ZA15.153 Meeting Date: February 4, 2016 at 6:30 PM YOUNG, MICHAEL 715 PORTOFINO PL SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092 Direct questions and mall responses to: City of Southlake Planning & Development Services Notification Response 1400 Main ST, Ste 310 Southlake,TX 76092. Phone: (817)748-8621 Fax (817)748-8077 PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby Infavor of opposed to undecided about (circle or underline one) The proposed Zoning Change and Development Plan referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: Signature: �C l{% Date: Additional Signature: Date: Printe Must be 1544 Phone Number (optional): Notification Response Form 7A15.152 & ZASS-153 Meeting Date: February 4, 2016 at 6:30 PM FARAGHER,JACK 707 PORTOFINO PL SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092 Direct questions and mail responses to: city of Southlake Planning & Development services Notification Response 1400 Main St; Ste 310 southiake,TX 76092 Phone: (917)748-8621 Fax:. (817)748-8077 PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby Infavorof Mopposedto undecided about (circle or underline one) The proposed Zoning Change and Development Plan referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: Signature: � rutt�;� Date: Additional Signature: Date: Printed Name(s): 'TIA mist be property uwneri-s)whomse ru'n'e(`-)ue prinCed a; tnp. other ise Conte rthe p a n�ng Gepar n rt Une form per pmperN. Phone Number (optional): W — A10- Notification Response Form 7A15-152 & ZA1S-153 Meeting Date: February 4, 2016 at 6:30 PM A// )e//4_ - SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092 Direct questions and mall responses to: City of Southlake Planning & Development Services Notification Response .1400 Main St, Ste 3L0 Southlake,TX 76092. Phone: (817)748-8621 Fax:. (817)748-8077 PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby Infavorof opposed to undecided about (circle or underline one) The proposed Zoning Change and Development Plan referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: Signature: Printed Name(s): Must be property owner( top. Phone Number (optional): Date: 5 - ) C9 - ( LP Date: Notification Response Form ZA1S-152 & ZA15.153 Meeting Date: February 4, 2016 at 6:30 PM BEENE, LORI DAMRON 719 PORTOFINO PL SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092 Direct questions and mail responses to: City of Southlake Planning & Development Services Notification Response 1400 Main St; Ste 310. Southiake,TX 76092 Phone: (817)748-8621 Fax: (817)748-8077 PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby Infavor of `=opposed to undecided about (circle or underline one) The proposed Zoning Change and Development Plan referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: Signature: Additional Signature: Printed Name(s): Must be property a vner� Phone Number (optional): Date: �II6 hd �6 Date: )tact e P arming Nparmient one form per property. Notification Response Form ZA15-152 & ZA15-153 Meeting Date: February 4, 2016 at 6:30 PM FRANKS, NINA 700 VENICE AVE SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092 Direct questions and mail responses to: City of Southlake Planning & Development Services Notification Response 1400 Main St; Ste 310 Southlake,TX 76092 Phone: (817)748-8621 Fax: (817)748-8077 PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby Infavor ofopposed t undecided about (circle or underline one) The proposed Zoning Change and Development Plan referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: Signature: Date: 5-/ i j Il.(D Additional Signature: Printed Name(s): Must be property owner( at FA Date: Department. One form per property. Phone Number (optional): p) � - q z � - /