Item 7E and 7F
Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CP16-003) & Zoning Change and Concept Plan / Site Plan (ZA16-015) for St. Laurence Church
Items 7E & 7F
Items 7E and 7F– Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CP16-003) and Zoning Change and Concept Plan / Site Plan (ZA16-015) for St. Laurence Church
APPLICANT: Kirkman Engineering
REQUEST: 1) Approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Public / Semi-Public for Tract 5A04A at 549 N. Kimball Ave.
2) Approval of a Zoning Change and Concept Plan / Site Plan to expand St. Laurence Episcopal Church (ZA16-015)
LOCATION: 517 and 549 N. Kimball Ave.
CP16-003 & ZA16-015
The applicant is Kirkman Engineering.
The request is for:
Approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Public / Semi-Public for Tract 5A04A located
at 549 N. Kimball Ave.
Approval of a Zoning Change and Concept Plan / Site Plan to expand St. Laurence Episcopal Church on property located at 517 and 549 N. Kimball Ave.
The red line indicates the project boundary. Lot 1R located at 517 N. Kimball Ave. is the location of the existing church site.
This site has a gross acreage of 6.5 acres
The area above the yellow line indicates the proposed Land Use Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Public / Semi-Public located at 549 N. Kimball
Existing: Medium Density Residential
Proposed: Public / Semi-Public
This slide illustrates the existing and proposed future land use for the site. As noted, the applicant is proposing to change the existing Medium Density Residential Land Use to Public
/ Semi-Public.
The PUBLIC / SEMI-PUBLIC Purpose and Definition per the Southlake 2030 Consolidated Future Land Use Plan is as follows: Public/Semi-Public areas are suitable for a wide
range of public, civic, and religious uses, such as government offices and facilities, public and private schools, churches and related facilities (including parsonage and parochial
schools), cemeteries, and Public Parks/Open Space uses in conjunction with these developments.
The MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Purpose: The purpose of the Medium Density Residential
land use category is to promote a neighborhood setting primarily comprised of single family detached houses. The Medium Residential Definition: The Medium Density Residential category
is suitable for any single-family detached residential development. Other suitable activities are those permitted in the Public Parks/Open Space and Public/SemiPublic categories previously
The zoning on the tract to the north (549 N. Kimball) is “AG” Agricultural District and the existing church site (517 N. Kimball) is zoned “CS” Community Service District. The applicant
is proposing a zoning change on the “AG” tract to match the “CS” zoning at the existing church site.
Concept Plan / site Plan & Site Data Summary
This slide illustrates the proposed Site Plan / Concept Plan. Site data is also shown on the right side of this slide.
Per site data summary chart, the existing building square footage
on the site is 15,907 square feet. The proposed phase I expansion includes adding 2,100 sq ft. to the fellowship hall, constructing a 9,680 sq ft. parish hall, adding 36 parking spaces
along the north portion of the site and relocating an existing drive located just north of the ne fellowship hall. The proposed additions will bring the total square footage on the site
to approximately 27,696 square feet (approximately 11,000 sq ft added). The applicant is also requesting a concept approval for the expansion of the existing sanctuary, the expansion
of a building located on the southern portion of the property, future expansion to the west of the fellowship hall, and the additional parking (243 spaces). The site data chart references
both phase I and phase II expansion.
Also a new addition to the site plan since the PZ is the addition of an 8’ solid wood fence.
Concept Plan / Site Plan (ZA16-015)
- New Parking Area/Drive
- New Parish Hall
- Expansion of the Fellowship Hall
Here is a close-up of the proposed concept / site plan. The red arrows point to improvements as part of phase I. These site plan elements include the new Parish Hall, expansion of the
existing fellowship hall, and proposed parking expansion. 21 parking spaces will be removed with the expansion and 36 spaces will be added. 152 spaces total will be on site. Note –
The site plan indicates that the existing sanctuary can seat 230 people. So 230/3 = 77 spaces
Per applicant, 152 spaces will be provided at this site with Phase I, The existing
parking lot that is currently north of the existing fellowship hall will be removed with phase I). The Site Data Summary indicates there is a maximum seating capacity of 456. Per Parking
Section 35.6, Churches and Places of Worship are parked at One (1) space for each three (3) seats in the main sanctuary or auditorium. 456 / 3 = 152
Concept Plan / Site Plan (ZA16-015)
Existing Driveway to be Closed on N. Kimball
This slide shows the existing driveway onto N. Kimball Ave. that is proposed to be closed with the proposed expansion of the church
Concept Plan / Site Plan (ZA16-015)
Proposed 8’ Wooden Fence
This slide shows the location of the proposed 8’ wood fence. The green line is the approximate location of the fence. The applicant is proposing to provide this fence along the northern
property line adjacent to Lots 1-4, Block 1 of the Estancia neighborhood. The applicant has indicated the fence will comply with all City of Southlake screening ordinance requirements.
The applicant also indicated that the proposed fence has been initially determined to be approximately 5’ south of the north property line in an attempt to preserve the existing trees
along the property line.
Concept Plan / Site Plan (ZA16-015)
Concept Plan:
-Future Expansion
This slide indicates areas of future expansion. These elements reflect what is included as part of the concept plan which include an expansion near the parish hall, expansion of the
existing sanctuary and an expansion of the office building area.
Tree Conservation Plan
Here is the proposed tree conservation plan. According to this plan there is 17.2% of existing tree canopy coverage, of which 70% is required to be preserved. The applicant is complying
with these regulations by preserving 87.9% of existing tree canopy.
Boundary / Topographic / Tree Survey
The image to the right is a close-up of the boundary / topographic / tree survey.
Landscape Plan
This is the applicant’s landscape plan. This slide has the bufferyard summary chart as well as the interior landscape chart.
Zoning Ord. 480 (Section 39.6) Perimeter Screening: The
applicant is requesting to not provide screening (fencing) meeting these requirements along the northeast, east and south sides of the property, but instead use existing vegetation as
screening. However, the applicant is providing an 8’ wood fence along the northern most property line adjacent to the residential homes.
Zoning Ord. 480 (Section 42.10) Bufferyards:
The applicant is requesting a variance for the west and south bufferyards to encroach into the existing parking/paving area.
Zoning Ordinance (Section 42) Bufferyards: The applicant
is requesting a variance to the bufferyards planting requirements for east II and south bufferyards. However, the applicant is proposing to reallocate the required landscape items (canopy
trees, accent trees and shrubs) from the buffer yards along the south and the east II property boundary to most property lines to the north and west property lines.
Southeast Corner of Property
The next few slides show the existing conditions of the site.
This is the southeast corner of the property.
South bufferyard – 5’ Type A
East bufferyard (II) – 10’ Type C
East Property Line
The east property line
East bufferyard (II) – 10’ Type C
The most easterly northeast corner of property
The most easterly northeast corner of the property
North bufferyard (II) – 10’ Type B
East bufferyard (II) – 10’ Type C
South Property Line
This is the south property line. The image on the bottom left also shows the variance request for the existing parking/pavement area to encroach into the required bufferyard
South Bufferyard
– 10’ Type A
west Property line Along N. Kimball
This slide shows the west property line along N. Kimball.
This image shows the variance requested for the existing parking/pavement area to encroach into the required bufferyard
Bufferyard – 10’ Type E
North property line – Border with Estancia (Cotswald Valley)
North Bufferyard (1) – 10’ Type B
As noted The applicant has requested a variance to the bufferyards requirement to reallocate the required landscape items (canopy trees, accent trees,
shrubs) from the buffer yards along the south and eastern most property lines to the north and west property lines.
Floor Plan (Parish hall & Fellowship Hall)
Buildings Included in Site Plan (Above)
New Parish Hall (Right)
Expansion of Existing Fellowship Hall (Left)
This slide shows the proposed floor plan. Portions of the new Parish Hall and the Expansion of the existing Fellowship Hall are proposed to be connected with a covered walkway
South Elevation (Expansion of Fellowship Hall)
Expansion of Existing Fellowship Hall
Expansion of Existing Fellowship Hall
New Parish Hall
This slide shows the south elevation (view looking north). The proposed new Parish Hall is visible behind. Currently, variances will be required for both horizontal and vertical articulation.
green arrows reflect variances to the horizontal articulation requirement that will be required for the existing fellowship hall and for a portion of the proposed Parish Hall
The blue
arrows represent vertical articulation variances that will be required for the existing fellowship hall on the left, and the proposed new parish hall on the right
Materials: Stucco,
Simulated Cut Limestone Veneer (Chalk Brazos Stone), Brick Veneer, Brick Soldier Course, Standing Seam Metal Roof, Composite Roof
New Parish Hall
South Elevation (New Parish Hall)
This slide is the south elevation that only shows the proposed Parish Hall. The green arrow indicates that variance that will be required to the horizontal articulation requirement
Stucco, Simulated Cut Limestone Veneer (Chalk Brazos Stone), Brick Veneer, Brick Soldier Course, Standing Seam Metal Roof
West Elevation (View from N. Kimball)
Fellowship Hall Expansion
New Parish Hall
This slide shows the west elevation (View from N. Kimball Ave.). The proposed new Parish Hall will be set back – not directly beside the proposed expansion to the Fellowship Hall. The
red arrows on the proposed Fellowship Hall expansion elevation indicate the proposed expansion. The center portion represents the existing Fellowship Hall
Materials: Stucco, Simulated
Cut Limestone Veneer (Chalk Brazos Stone), Brick Veneer, Brick Soldier Course, Standing Seam Metal Roof, Cast Stone Band
Existing West Elevation (Fellowship Hall Expansion)
This slide shows the west elevation (view from N. Kimball Ave.) without the proposed new Parish Hall
North elevation
New Parish Hall
Expansion of Existing Fellowship Hall
This is the north elevation (looking south from the property line). The scaled elevations show that these buildings will be offset
Materials: Stucco, Cast Stone Band, Simulated Cut
Limestone Veneer (Chalk Brazos Stone), Standing Seam Metal Roof, Brick Veneer
East Elevation
New Parish Hall
Fellowship Hall Expansion
This slide shows the east elevation of the proposed Fellowship Hall expansion and the proposed new Parish Hall
Materials: Simulated Cut Limestone Veneer (Chalk Brazos Stone), Standing
Seam Metal Roof, Brick Veneer, Stucco, Brick Soldier Course, Brick Veneer
Pedestrian Access Plan
This is the Pedestrian Access Plan. This site has a 6’ concrete sidewalk along N. Kimball Ave. which is consistent with the master pathways plan. The gray areas show the proposed internal
circulation plan.
Utility Plan
This slide shows the proposed Utility Plan. The applicant has indicated that Water and Sewer improvements will be included as part of Phase I
The utility plan shows a proposed
fire hydrant on the east side of N. Kimball Ave. with an 8” fire line to be added. The plan shows a new 2” domestic service water line to connect to the existing 12” water main along
N. Kimball Ave.
Sewer is provided to this site by a 12” gravity main on the west side of N. Kimball Ave. The utility plan shows two existing (2) existing sanitary sewer manholes
on the west side of N. Kimball Ave and the plan shows a proposed sanitary sewer manhole on the east side of N. Kimball Ave. The applicant is proposing a 6” Private SSWR line from the
existing manhole to the north and a 4” SSWR and 6” SSWR to serve the site.
Zoning Ord. 480 (43.13.a.8) Setbacks/Yards: No non-single family residential building may encroach in the area above a line having a slope of 4:1 from any single-family residential property.
The proposed parish hall to the north encroaches in the 4:1 slope at a maximum of approximately 15’. The Applicant has requested a variance to not meet this requirement. The horizontal
setback needed to meet this requirement for the proposed Parish Hall is approximately 96 feet from the north boundary line. The applicant is requesting a variance for an 83-foot setback.
Ord. 634 (5.2.d) Minimum Storage Length: 75’ required. The applicant proposes a storage (stacking) depth of 26’
Zoning Ord. 480 (39.6) Perimeter Screening: Where a non-residential use
abuts a residentially zoned lot or tract having an occupied residential dwelling, a solid fence meeting the material standards of section 39.2(b) shall be erected along the side and
rear property lines abutting said residential lot or dwelling to a height of eight (8) feet. The applicant is requesting to not provide screening meeting these requirements along the
north, east and south sides of the property, but instead use existing vegetation as screening
Minimum Distance to Intersection Along Roadway: Driveway Ord. No. 634 requires a minimum
distance to intersection along arterial roadway to a commercial or multi-family driveway of 200’ On the Concept Plan / Site Plan the applicant is showing a distance of 180’ from the
centerline of the proposed driveway to the north to the ROW line of Cotswald Valley Ct. The applicant proposes a 180’ distance
The next two slides list the variances required as part of the Zoning Change and Concept Plan / Site Plan request.
Variances, Continued
Zoning Ord. 480 (42) Bufferyards: The applicant is requesting a variance for the west and south bufferyard to encroach into the existing parking/paving area
Zoning Ord. 480 (42) Bufferyards:
The applicant is requesting a variance to the bufferyards requirement to reallocate the required landscape items (canopy trees, accent trees and shrubs) from the buffer yards along
the south and eastern most property lines to the north and west property lines
Zoning Ord. 480 (43.13.a.4) Horizontal / Vertical Articulation: The applicant will require a variance in
order to not meet horizontal / vertical articulation requirements Residential Adjacency Development Overlay Development regulations along the south elevation
Variance 6. on this slide refers to the distance between Cotswald Valley Ct. and the proposed north driveway to serve the proposed new parking lot as part of Phase I
Planning & Zoning Commission – May 5, 2016
May 5, 2016; Approved (5-0) subject to the Staff Report dated April 29, 2016 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 29, 2016 and specifically granting the following variances
noted in the staff report; variance no. 1 (4:1 slope), variance no. 2 (Minimum Storage Length), specifically excluding and not granting variance no. 3 (Perimeter Screening), granting
variance no. 4 (Minimum Distance to Intersection Along Roadway), granting variance no. 5 (Bufferyards encroaching into paving) with respect to variance no. 6 (reallocate required landscape
items to north and west bufferyards), note the applicant’s willingness to review the placement of the relocated landscaping to maximize its location on the northern perimeter of the
site, and specifically granting variance no. 7 (Horizontal / Veritical Articulation), and also noting the applicant’s willingness to meet with the northern four neighbors adjacent to
the property to further discuss screening alternatives, also noting the applicant’s willingness to consider either relocating or reconfiguring the parking on the northern side.
The applicant is present to answer questions. Are there any questions for staff?
Variances to Driveway Ordinance No. 634
Minimum Storage Length
Required: 75’
Proposed: 26’
Minimum Distance to Intersection Along Arterial Roadway to Commercial or Multi-Family Driveway
Required: 200’
Proposed: 180’
Proposed Dumpster Enclosure Location
Proposed Dumpster Location
Approximate Location of Existing Dumpster Enclosure
The applicant has stated that the church plans to remove the single dumpster location and replace it with a proposed single dumpster located just east of the last bank of parking along
the northern property line. The applicant indicated that the new dumpster will comply with all City of Southlake screening requirements.
Applicant Provided Example of Brazos Chalk
The applicant has indicated they will use a simulated stone and provided the following exhibit.
Landscape Plan
Bufferyards are required to be provided along all property boundary lines.
Grading Plan
Proposed Grading Plan
Proposed Drainage Map
Proposed Drainage Map