Item 7A
Zoning Change and Development PlanStone Trail Estates
Owners: Margaret J. Haney and Sandra Lynn Bagwell
Applicant: Terra/Manna, LLC
Request: Approval of a Zoning Change and Development Plan for Stone Trail Estates to develop 61 residential
lots and 12 open space lots on approximately 36.03 acres
Location: Generally located south of W. Southlake Blvd. and south and west of Brock Dr.
Terra/Manna, LLC is requesting approval of a Zoning Change and Development Plan to develop 61 residential lots and 12 open space lots on approximately 36.03 acres. The property is located
south of W. Southlake Blvd. and south and west of Brock Dr.
The future land use designation is Medium Density Residential, Low Density Residential and 100-Year Floodplain. The development plan has been revised so that the land use plan amendment
is no longer required for the Low Density Residential portion of the property. That case has been withdrawn.
The current zoning on the property is Agricultural and “SF-1A” Single Family Residential District.
Aerial View
This is an aerial view of the property with the subject property outlined in red.
View West
F.M. 1938
Brock Dr.
F.M. 1709
This is an aerial view of the property with the subject property outlined in red.
Development Plan Comparison
4/7/16 P&Z
5/5/16 P&Z
The plan did evolve at it went through the PZ process. Here is a comparison of the revised development plan with the previously proposed plan. The previously presented plan on the left
included 65 residential lots and 11 open space lots. The revised plan on the right now proposes 61 lots and 12 open space lots. In addition to reducing the number of residential lots
by four lots, the open space area has been increased from approximately 8.98 acres to approximately 10.01 acres, which has increased the percentage of open space from 24.92% to 27.78%
of the gross acreage. Open space has been balanced. Access to Sienna provided. The proposed gross density has decreased from 1.80 to 1.69 du/ac.
Development Plan
This is the development plan under consideration this evening. Sixty-one lots are being proposed. The average lot size is 15,081 feet (54,412 (22,015) to 12,825). There are 10.01
acres of open space identified. The plan shows an 8’ trail along FM 1709. There are also 4’ sidewalks the street and trails in the open space areas. The open space lot 23 has a creek
running through the lot and red dash line indicates the limits of the floodway and the green the floodplain. Cul de sac diameter
R-PUD Regulations
* Except Lot 3R in the Brock addition – existing setbacks to remain
The R-PUD regulations are summarized here. The gross density is now at 1.69 units per acre.
Open Space Exhibit
This is an exhibit of the open space area at the entrance from Southlake Blvd.
Open Space Detail
This exhibit shows the open space area with a pond as you continue down the entrance to the subdivision.
Fence and Wall Plan
The fence and wall plan is shown here. The decorative metal fencing (shown in red) borders the open space lots.
Lot 4 Detail
The Lot 4 Detail is unchanged from the previous submittal. Mr. McCalls lot
Tree Preservation Analysis
The revised plan shows 53.62% of the existing tree canopy to be preserved, plus another 18.11% that could be saved. 50% would be required if the rezoning request was being made to a
standard district.
2030 Pathways Master Plan
This slide showing the 2030 pathways plan is shown here if needed for reference. A future multi-use trail is shown along the floodplain that runs througn the eastern portion of the property.
Variance Requested
Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, Section 5.1 requires a minimum distance from a commercial driveway to an intersection on Southlake Blvd. of 500’. The applicant is requesting
a variance to allow the proposed street intersection on W,. Southlake Blvd. to be located approximately 199’ from the existing church driveway to the west and approximately 371’ from
the existing church driveway to the east.
There is now only the variance for the minimum distance from a driveway to an intersection along a roadway since the dead end street to the south is no longer proposed. Driveway Ordinance
No. 634, as amended, Section 5.1 requires a minimum distance from a commercial driveway to an intersection of 500’. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow the proposed street
intersection on W. Southlake Blvd. to be located approximately 199’ from the existing Lakeside Presbyterian Church driveway to the west and approximately 371’ from the existing Hills
Church driveway to the east.
Variance Exhibit
500’ spacing from commercial driveway to intersection required
± 199’ requested to existing church driveway to west
± 371’ requested to existing church driveway to east
± 199’
± 371’
This slide shows the 199 foot spacing from the proposed intersection to the Lakeside Presbyterian driveway to the west and the 371 foot spacing to the Hills Church driveway to the east.
P&Z Action
February 4, 2016; The items were tabled to the February 18, 2016 meeting at the applicant’s request.
February 18, 2016; The items were tabled to the March 3, 2016 meeting at the applicant’s
March 3, 2016; The items were tabled to the April 7, 2016 meeting at the applicant’s request.
April 7, 2016; The items were tabled to the May 5, 2016 meeting at the applicant’s
May 5, 2016; Approved (3-2) subject to the staff report dated April 28, 2016 and Revised Development Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 28, 2016 and specifically granting
the requested variance related to Driveway Ordinance No. 634.
The previous P&Z motions to table are shown here.
Preliminary Plat
The preliminary plat, which conforms to the development plan, is shown here.
Development Plan Comparison
4/7/16 P&Z
5/5/16 P&Z
Here is a comparison of the revised development plan with the previously proposed plan. The previously presented plan on the left included 65 residential lots and 11 open space lots.
The revised plan on the right now proposes 61 lots and 12 open space lots. In addition to reducing the number of residential lots by four lots, the open space area has been increased
from approximately 8.98 acres to approximately 10.01 acres, which has increased the percentage of open space from 24.92% to 27.78% of the gross acreage. The proposed gross density has
decreased from 1.80 to 1.69 du/ac. and the net density has decreased from 2.09 to 1.96 du/ac. The applicant will go into further detail on the revisions in his presentation.