Item 6E Approve Ordinance No. 1151, 2nd Reading, establishing a Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone in the City of Southlake, Texas as authorized by the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code Item 6E Hello Mayor and members of the City Council. This is Alison Ortowski and I will be presenting Item 6E, Ordinance No. 1151 1 Aerial View Fix Marriott Solana 1 Kirkwood Sabre Headquarters Kirkwood Hollow The reinvestment zone boundaries proposed by this ordinance are shown on this screen. The boundaries align to the property currently owned and under development by TD Ameritrade. 2 Background Information The City entered into a memorandum of understanding with TD Ameritrade to establish mutually-agreed upon terms of a potential future incentive agreement between the two parties. In addition to establishing infrastructure cost participation on roadway, water and sewer line construction, the terms of that MOU also included a provision for a 10-year, 90% abatement of ad valorem and business personal property taxes. In order to proceed with granting this tax abatement, per Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code, the City must first adopt an ordinance designating a reinvestment zone. 3 Chapter 312 - Key Criteria Chapter 312 specifies that designated zones should inlcude ….[read from slide] The TD Ameritrade project meets this requirement with its projected development investment and job creation numbers. Investment return: ~$300K during abatement; over $1.2 million after abatement expires Job Creation: 1400 initially; up to 20008 4 City of Southlake Strategy Map The City of Southlake provides municipal services that support the highest quality of life for our residents, businesses, and visitors. We do this by being an exemplary model of balancing efficiency, fiscal responsibility, transparency, and sustainability. C1 Achieve the highest standards of safety & security C2 Provide travel convenience within City & region C3 Provide attractive & unique spaces for enjoyment of personal interests C4 Attract & keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic & sustainable economic environment C5 Promote opportunities for partnerships & volunteer involvement Serve our Customers Manage the Business B1 Achieve best-in-class status in all City disciplines B2 Collaborate with select partners to implement service solutions B3 Enhance resident quality of life & business vitality through tourism B4 Provide high quality services through sustainable business practices B5 Enhance service delivery through continual process improvement B6 Optimize use of technology Provide Financial Stewardship Promote Learning and Growth F1 Adhere to financial management principles & budget F2 Invest to provide & maintain high quality public assets F3 Achieve fiscal wellness standards F4 Establish & maintain effective internal controls L1 Ensure our people understand the strategy & how they contribute to it L2 Enhance leadership capabilities to deliver results L3 Attract, develop & retain a skilled workforce L4 Recognize & reward high performers L5 Empower informed decision-making at all levels in the organization C6 Enhance the sense of community by providing excellent customer service and citizen engagement opportunities L6 Foster positive employee engagement Deliver on Our Focus Areas This item supports the City’s strategy through strategic corporate objective C4 (read from slide) 5 Questions? Alison Ortowski, 817-748-8261 6 Equivalent to $60 million development Projected Benefit to the City Annual Benefit During Abatement $298,263 (avg) Current Annual Benefit ~$20,000 Annual Benefit After Abatement $1,242,029 (avg) The creation of this reinvestment zone does not financially obligate the City. However, it does enable the City to enter into a tax abatement agreement with TD Ameritrade as agreed upon in the MOU. The agreement will be structured to provide TD Ameritrade with a ten-year, 90% tax abatement for ad valorem and business personal property taxes. It is estimated that the value of this abatement is approximately $7.8 million. The current annual benefit the City receives from the vacant land is approximately $20,000. The annual benefit to the City during the abatement period is estimated to be $298,263, which means that the annual revenue to the City will increase an estimated $278,263 during ten year abatement period. Following termination of the abatement, the annual benefit to the City is estimated to increase, on average, to $1,242,029. 7