Item 6D
Site Plan for Continental Self-Storage (ZA16-013)
Item 6D
Owner: Bodies Made Elegant, LLC
Applicant: Jenkins Organization / Masterplan Consultants
Requests: Site Plan approval of a three-story, 101,295 sf commercial mini-storage building
on property described as Lot 2, Block 1, Greenlee Business Park
Location: 2060 E Continental Boulevard
The applicant is requesting Site Plan approval for a single commercial mini-storage building approximately 101,295 square foot in size.. The three story structure will sit on a 2.3 acre
property located at 2060 E Continental Boulevard.
Office Commercial – Designated in 2005
Mixed Use adjacent designated in 1994
The zoning is Industrial -1 - Mini-warehouses are specifically permitted in the ‘I-1’ district by Section 26.2.c.29
Aerial View
This is an aerial of the site. Overhead Door company is to the East, Explorer Pipeline tanks to the South, baseball fields to the north, and an industrial business park to the West
(all zoned I-1 or I-2)
Aerial View
Overhead Door company is to the East, Explorer Pipeline tanks to the South, baseball fields to the north (Sothlake sports complex), and an industrial business park to the West (all zoned
I-1 or I-2)
Existing View From Street
The existing building was used as a residence until 1987 when it was moved from Kimball Ave to its present location, where it is used as a commercial building.
Existing View From Street
The existing building was used as a residence until 1987 when it was moved from Kimball Ave to its present location, where it is used as a commercial building.
Proposed Site Plan
This is the proposed site plan. The lot is 2.19 acres net, The building is 3 stories, 101, 295 square footage, 25 parking spaces are on site. An approximate 300 sq foot office will
be provided in the SE corner of the building – 3 spaces and a hoadicap parking space are shown next to the offfice. The are 21 parking spaces shown along the north side of the lot.
There a re 2 drives proposed to access the property. The drive on the east will be an ingress/egress drive and the drive on the west will be an egress only. Proposed 6’ wrought iron
grates are proposed along the drive. There is a proposed 6’ wrought iron fence that surrounds the property. There are seven loading spaces indicated on the plan. A six foot sidewalk
30’ front, 15 side and 25 rear
Proposed Elevations
Here are the elevations. Façade materials include stucco, brick and CMU. Samples are being passed around. This building is in the Non-residential overlay district and only verticle
articulation is required.
Proposed Elevations
The darker areas on the ground floor represent overhead doors. The dumpster will be screened with brick veener to match the building.
Proposed Self-Storage
This a rendering provided by the applicant.
Proposed Self-Storage
This a rendering provided by the applicant.
Proposed Self-Storage
This a rendering provided by the applicant.
Proposed Self-Storage
This a rendering provided by the applicant.
Proposed Landscape Plan
This is the proposed landscape plan. The applicant is meeting the bufferyard planting requirements and is exceeding the interior landscaping requirements in terms of Area (22,223 sf
PROVIDED, 5,129 required) canopy trees (11 R- 27 P). The tree along Continential are Chinkapin Oaks.
Proposed Landscape Plan
1. Applicant requests a variance from Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585-D to allow the removal of all existing trees from the site.
2. Applicant requests a variance from Driveway
Ordinance No. 634 to allow driveway spacing below minimum 150 foot requirement for two proposed drives on the property.
The applicant requests a variance to allow removal of all existing trees on the property. By removing them the applicant would not meet requirements for tree cover preservation under
the Tree Preservation Ordinance.
Proposed Tree Conservation
The trees on the site are primarily mesquite, there are 2 hackberry trees and a willow tree. The applicant is requesting a variance to remove all the trees. A justification for the
variance has been provided in your report and the applicant will addres the variance as past of his presentation.
150’ Required
The development is required to maintain 150 ft separation between commercial driveways along a Collector roadway (Ordinance no. 634). The applicant requests a variance from the requirement
on the grounds that the existing property frontage has inadequate length to maintain 150 foot spacing if two drives are installed. The applicant has requested the two drives for access
and circulation and the Fire Department has also expressed its preference for the two drive layout in the interest of fire safety.
Drive throat is 24’, minimum required for fire access.
Southlake Storage and Dragon Storage are also 24’, existing Public Storage is 36’
May 5, 2016, Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-0-1 to recommend approval subject to Staff Report dated April 29, 2016 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated April 15, 2016, specifically
granting the two requested variances and also noting the following:
• Applicant’s willingness to present to City Council any alternative to clear facing glass along Continental side
of the building through some combination of frosting and/or tinting.
Applicant’s Presentation
Criteria for Variance from Ordinance No. 585-D
A literal enforcement of the regulations herein will create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant,
That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or
practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self-imposed,
That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development
of adjacent properties,
That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this ordinance.
Variances From Driveway Ordinance
In granting any variance, the City Council shall determine:
That a literal enforcement of the regulations herein will create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant;
the situation causing the hardship or difficulty is unique to the property and not self-imposed;
The Driveway Ordinance (no. 634) requires 150’ of driveway spacing on commercial driveways from a collector road.
Variances From Driveway Ordinance
In granting any variance, the City Council shall determine:
That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties;
that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the ordinance.
The Driveway Ordinance (no. 634) requires any commercial building with 50 to 199 stalls per driveway and over 200 total stalls to provide at least 100’ of stacking or storage depth at
each driveway
Truck Turning Movement (18 wheeler)