Item 6C
Specific Use Permit for Temporary Construction Facilities for TD Ameritrade
Applicant: Adolfson and Peterson
Request: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for seven temporary construction trailers at TD Ameritrade for 2 years
Location: 1051 W. Kirkwood Blvd.
Adolfson and Peterson is seeking approval of a Specific Use Permit for seven temporary construction trailers at TD Ameritrade for 2 years. The site is located at 1051 E. Kirkwood Blvd.
The future land use is mixed use and 100 –year flood plain.
The current zoning is NR-PUD, non-residential planned unit development.
Aerial View
Proposed Construction Trailers
This aerial located the TD Ameritrade site with the proposed location of the construction trailer area.
Site Plan for Construction Trailers
W. Kirkwood Blvd.
2,688 sf Office Trailer (1)
1,444 sf Office Trailer (4)
722 sf Office trailer (2)
The site plan for the proposed construction trailer area shows the location at the southeast area of the TD Ameritrade property off W. Kirkwood Blvd. The construction trailers will include
one (1) office at 2,688 square feet, four (4) offices at 1,444 square feet each and two (2) offices at 722 square feet each for a total of 9,908 square feet of office space. Fourteen
(14) concrete paved parking spaces will provided for the trailers (two parking spaces are required for each construction trailer). Each trailer (office) will have landscape plantings
consisting of one (1) five-gallon shrub per four (4) linear feet around the required skirting (excluding entrances). A storage container yard primarly for conex boxes (storage of tolls).
Parking for the construction workers will be provided in this area.
Additional information for the site provided by the applicant:
The construction trailers will be partially screened
from W. Kirkwood Boulevard by several tree preservation areas.
A gravel construction entrance and drive will be installed to the trailer parking lot.
The construction fence with fabric
screening and gate will be installed along W. Kirkwood Boulevard at the construction staging area.
Construction traffic access will be to and from the site via SH 114 at W. Kirkwood
Largest – quadraplex – AP – 8 offices. Eastern most double wide – TD Ameritrade. Large amount of data need – contractor. Electrical-Mechanical – trailer for major subs – (Forest
Construction Traffic Plan
Construction Trailers
This is the construction traffic plan for the site.
Proposed Landscaping
Landscape Shrubs 4 ft. on center
Preserved Trees
Preserved Trees
14 Parking Spaces
W. Kirkwood Blvd.
+400 nearest
residential property
The proposed landscaping for the construction trailers includes 5-gallon evergreen shrubs 4 ft. on center around the perimeter of the trailers. The trailers will be located adjacent
to preserved tree areas for additional screen from W. Kirkwood Blvd.
Quad (4 offices)Trailer Exhibits
These are photographs of the 4-office trailer complex.
Trailer Site Exhibits
Screening Fence
Aerial view west from W. Kirkwood Blvd.
View west from W. Kirkwood Blvd.
Screening Fence
These are conceptual drawings of the construction trailer location with views from W. Kirkwood Blvd. showing the trailers, main construction driveway, perimeter screening fence along
W. Kirkwood Blvd., interior screening fence near the trailer site, and the existing protected trees.
Trailer Site Exhibits
View west from W. Kirkwood Blvd.
View east from north trailer
complex to W. Kirkwood Blvd.
View east from south trailer
complex to W. Kirkwood Blvd.
These are depictions of the construction trailer location with views to and from W. Kirkwood Blvd.
Site Photographs
View North to Construction Trailer Site from SH114
View South to Construction Trailer Site
from W. Kirkwood Boulevard
These are photographs of the site showing the views from W. Kirkwood Blvd. and SH114.
May 5, 2016; Approved (5-0) subject to the Staff Report dated April 27, 2016; specifically noting within the staff report a date change on Attachment
C, page 1, relating to the completion of TW King access road to be changed to August 2017; and specifically noting the applicant’s willingness to strictly maintain the quality of construction
fencing and screening and repair as needed; specifically noting the applicant’s willingness to meet with the Kirkwood Hollow neighborhood regarding additional screening and fencing alternatives
along Kirkwood Blvd. side of the site; and in regards to the Specific Use Permit time would be up to two years and/or within 90 days of the Certificate of Occupancy.
Tree Preservation
The City Council shall consider the following in determining whether to grant a Specific Use Permit for a temporary construction and/or sales facility according to the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.18, as amended:
The City Council may grant a specific use permit to increase the maximum parameters set forth for temporary construction facilities
by Section 34 of this ordinance and may grant a specific use permit to allow temporary sales facilities subject to the following standards:
Temporary facilities must be at least two
hundred (200) feet from any occupied residence.
Temporary facilities must be skirted on the front and sides.
Temporary facilities must provide foundation landscape planting consisting
of one (1) 5-gallon shrub per four (4) linear feet around skirting (excluding entrances).
Each temporary facility shall have at least two (2) paved parking places (two (2)
deep, tandem parking is not permitted).
Temporary facilities may also be subject to other requirements as deemed necessary in order to promote public health, safety, welfare and
Additionally, in granting or denying an application for a specific use permit, the City Council shall take into consideration the following factors:
a. Safety of the motoring
public and of pedestrians using the facility and the area immediately surrounding the site.
b. Safety from fire hazard, and measures for fire control.
c. Protection of adjacent property
from flood or water damage.
d. Noise producing elements; and glare of vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood.
e. Location,
lighting and type of signs; and relation of signs to traffic control and adverse effect on adjacent properties.
f. Street size and adequacy of pavement width for traffic and reasonably
expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood.
g. Adequacy of parking, as determined by requirements of this chapter for off-street parking
facilities for similar uses; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading spaces; and protection of the public health by all-weather surfacing on all parking
areas to control dust.
h. Such other measures as will secure and protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
i. City Council may grant variances to specific regulations
associated with a specific use set forth in Sections 45. To receive a variance, the applicant must demonstrate one of the following (As amended by Ordinance No. 480-MMMM):
(a) A variance
will reduce the impact of the project on surrounding residential properties; or
(b) Compliance with this ordinance would impair the architectural design or creativity of the project;
(c) A variance is necessary to assure compatibility with surrounding developed properties; or
(d) The proposed construction is an addition to an existing project that does not meet
the requirements of this ordinance.
Section 45.18 Specific Use Permit