Item 6B
Specific Use Permit for Temporary Sales Facility for HarborChase of Southlake
Applicant: HarborChase of Southlake
Request: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for a temporary sales facility for approximately one (1) year.
Location: 700 E State Highway 114
HarborChase of Southlake is requesting approval for a specific use permit for a temporary sales facility to provide offices for marketing staff at the new assisted living facility
known as HarborChase Assisted Living Facility of Southlake. The applicant is requesting approval for approximately one (1) year.
The current land use is mixed use
The current zoning is SP-1.
Aerial View
Proposed Sales Facility
This aerial view shows the approximate location of the proposed sales facility.
Site Distance Exhibit
Site Plan
This is the site plan. The trailer is a 24’ x 60’
Landscape Plan
Sample Renderings
View from E. Highland
View from internal driveway
Awning Signage
The applicant is requesting the awning signage as shown on this slide to be approved with the specific use permit. The letter and logo heights, as indicated by the sign detail sheet,
would be compliant with general sign ordinance criteria for attached business signs at this location. However, the general ordinance prohibits awning signs as well as limits signage
to one per street front with a total of two attached signs per tenant.
one attached sign per street front with a maximum of two total signs – proposed signage is for a total of 4 signs
height facing Highland would be limited to a maximum of 16 inches - complies
letter height facing the internal drive would be limited to a maximum of 14 inches - complies
logo height
is limited to 125% of the maximum letter height - complies
the maximum total area of an attached sign is determined by lease space width... with a 60' trailer width, a maximum sign area
of 42 square feet would be allowed - complies
Site Rendering
Planning & Zoning Commission
May 5, 2016; Approved (5-0) as presented, subject to the Staff Report dated April 29, 2016 and noting with respect to the timing of the SUP, once issuance is granted, the SUP will expire
the lesser of either one (1) year or thirty (30) days after the inspection of the facilities by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.
Approved Landscape Plan
Applicant’s Presentation