Item 6A Specific Use Permit for Temporary Sales Facility for Toll Brothers – Southlake Meadows ZA16-025 1 ZA16-025 Applicant: Toll Brothers Request: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for a temporary sales facility for a period of one (1) year. Location: Generally located at 2601 Sams School Rd. and specifically located, once platted, at 916 Savannah Trail Toll Brothers is requesting approval for a specific use permit for a temporary sales facility to provide offices for sales personnel at the new single family residential subdivision known as Southlake Meadows Phase I. The applicant is requesting approval for a period of one (1) year. 2 3 4 Aerial View Proposed Sales Facility The applicant is proposing to install the sales trailer at 916 Savanah trail. The purpose for the sales trailer stated by the applicant is to establish anon-site marketing and sales prescence and to have a temporary office for the sales staff as while the model home is being constructed. In the applicant’s narrative it is their intent to remove the trailer once the model home at 917 Savannah trail is built. Typical build time for a model home is 5 to 7 months. 5 Site Distance Exhibit 6 Site Plan This is the site plan, the sales trailer is 12’ x 56’ (approximately 10’ 3”’ in height). The City Council may grant a specific use permit to increase the maximum parameters set forth for temporary construction facilities by Section 34 of this ordinance and may grant a specific use permit to allow temporary sales facilities subject to the following standards: (a) Temporary facilities must be at least two hundred (200) feet from any occupied residence. (b) Temporary facilities must be skirted on the front and sides. (c) Temporary facilities must provide foundation landscape planting consisting of one (1) five-gallon shrub per four (4) linear feet around skirting (excluding entrances). (d) Each temporary facility shall have at least two (2) paved parking places (two (2) deep, tandem parking is not permitted). (e) Temporary facilities may also be subject to other requirements as deemed necessary in order to promote public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics. The public right of way accessing the subject property at 916 Savannah Trail is required to be “opened” by City of Southlake engineering staff prior to the issuance of a building permit for the temporary sales trailer. 7 Landscape Plan This is the proposed landscape plan. No variances in regards to the City’s regulations are being requested. 8 Sample Rendering and Sign Detail Double sided 5’x4’ aluminum temporary monument; flag poles 30’ in height The applicant is also requesting signage similar to the photo that includes 2 flags. 9 Planning & Zoning Commission May 5, 2016; Approved (5-0) subject to the Staff Report dated April 29, 2016; noting the timing will expire the lesser of one (1) year from permit issuance for the trailer or thirty (30) days after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy on the permanent model home being constructed and currently located at 917 Savannah Trail. 10 Questions? 11