Item 4F
Item 4F: Ordinance No. 1156, 1st Reading, Appointing the Judge of the Municipal Court of Record and authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Municipal Judge.
May 17, 2016
Hello Mayor and members of the City Council. This is Director of Human Resouces Stacey Black and I will be presenting Item 4F.
Item 4F
Ordinance No. 1156, 1st Reading, Appointing the Judge of the Municipal Court of Record and authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Municipal Judge.
The purpose of this item to is to request City Council approval of the first reading of Ordinance No. 1156, Appointing the Judge of the Municipal Court of Record and authorizing the
Mayor to execute an agreement with the Municipal Judge.
City of Southlake Strategy Map
The City of Southlake provides municipal services that support the highest quality of life for our residents, businesses, and visitors. We do this by being an exemplary model of balancing
efficiency, fiscal responsibility, transparency, and sustainability.
C1 Achieve the highest standards of safety & security
C2 Provide travel convenience within City & region
C3 Provide attractive & unique spaces for enjoyment of personal interests
C4 Attract & keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic & sustainable economic environment
C5 Promote opportunities for partnerships & volunteer involvement
Serve our Customers
Manage the Business
B1 Achieve best-in-class status in all City disciplines
B2 Collaborate with select partners to implement service solutions
B3 Enhance resident quality of life & business vitality through tourism
B4 Provide high quality services through sustainable business practices
B5 Enhance service delivery through continual process improvement
B6 Optimize use of technology
Provide Financial Stewardship
Promote Learning and Growth
F1 Adhere to financial management principles & budget
F2 Invest to provide & maintain high quality public assets
F3 Achieve fiscal wellness standards
F4 Establish & maintain effective internal controls
L1 Ensure our people understand the strategy & how they contribute to it
L2 Enhance leadership capabilities to deliver results
L3 Attract, develop & retain a skilled workforce
L4 Recognize & reward high performers
L5 Empower informed decision-making at all levels in the organization
C6 Enhance the sense of
community by providing excellent customer service and citizen engagement opportunities
L6 Foster positive employee engagement
Deliver on Our Focus Areas
Approving the Ordinance to appoint a Judge supports the City’s Strategy through the focus area of Performance Management and Service Delivery and specifically to the corporate business
objective of B2: Collaborate with select business partners to implement service solutions.
Current Judge: Carol Montgomery
Appointed: July 17, 2001
Term Expires: July 6, 2016
The current Judge of the Municipal Court is Carol Montgomery. Judge Montgomery was originally appointed on July 17, 2001 for a two year term and she has been reappointed by City Council
every two years for the last 15 years. Her current term expires July 6, 2016, thus creating a need for City Council to appoint a Judge of the Municipal Court. The Judge is primarily
responsible for presiding over all municipal court proceedings and performing magistrate duties. Judge Montgomery is seeking reappointment.
Charter Requirements
Council Appointed
Licensed attorney in good standing
2+ years experience
Two year term
Chapter 5 of the City of Southlake Charter states that “The City Council shall by ordinance appoint one or more judges of the Municipal Court.”
The Charter also stipulates a number
of requirements including:
the individual must be a licensed attorney in the State of Texas and must be in good standing
the individual must have two or more years of experience of
practicing law in Texas; and
the judge shall serve a two-year term
Ordinance No. 1156
Appoints Carol Montgomery as Judge through July 6, 2018
Authorizes Mayor to Execute Agreement
Ordinance No. 1156, included in your packet, authorizes the appointment of Carol Montgomery to Municipal Court Judge for the City of Southlake through July 6, 2018.
Judge Montgomery
currently satisfies all of the qualifications and conditions of the Charter.
It also authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement to establish the compensation, benefits and essential
functions of the Municipal Court Judge.
If the Ordinance passes on the first reading, the second reading of the ordinance and the agreement will be on the June 7, 2016 City Council
agenda for approval.
Financial Considerations
The agreement will be on a future City Council Agenda for consideration.
Compensation, benefits and essential functions will be included in the Judge’s Agreement.
The Judge’s current agreement provides for an annual salary of $64,775 with limited benefits.
It is important to note that Judge Montgomery is not seeking any adjustment to her current compensation or benefits. Therefore, there is no new financial impact from this item.
agreement will be presented to City Council for approval at the June 7, 2016 City Council meeting
Staff recommends Council approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance 1156, Appointing the Judge of the Municipal Court of Record and authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Municipal
Staff recommends City Council approve the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 1156, Appointing the Judge of the Municipal Court of Record and authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with
the Municipal Judge. Upon approval, a second reading will be scheduled for June 7, 2016.
Questions? Stacey Black 817-748-8063 or
Sharen Jackson 817-748-8042
Thank you for your time and attention. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the number shown on the screen.