2016-03-22CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 22, 2016 LOCATION: The Marq Southlake — Legacy Meeting Room 1 Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL PRESENT: Chair Leslie Bartlett, Vice Chair Miriam Murray, Secretary Jesika Cook and Southlake Arts Council members Terri Messing, Tamara McMillan, Devika Seth and Kelly Trager (Alternate 1) SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL ABSENT: Merlene Ingraham STAFF PRESENT: Deputy Director Candice Edmondson and Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker REGULAR SESSION 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Arts Council Chairman Bartlett at 6:09 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Southlake Arts Council and are enacted with one motion. 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE FEBRUARY 9, 2016 SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL MEETING Minor corrections were made to the minutes of the February 9, 2016 meeting. APPROVED A motion was made to accept the minutes of February 9, 2016 meeting with the corrections. Motion: Trager (Alt #1) Second: Cook & Murray Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Messing, Murray, Seth, Trager (Alt #1) Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the March 22, 2016 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 2 of 5 Five (5) of the regular seven (7) member Southlake Arts Council were present for this vote. In the absence of Southlake Arts Council members Tamara McMillan and Merlene Ingraham, Southlake Arts Council Alternate #1, Kelly Trager, participated. An Alternate may sit as a regular member in the event of an absence of one or more regular members per Ordinance No. 908, Section 2. Arts Council member McMillan arrived at 6:15 p.m. 3. 3A. 3B. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION ON ARTISTS FOR PUBLIC ART TO BE INSTALLED AT FRANK EDGAR CORNISH, IV PARK Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker presented options for moving forward with selection of an art piece for Frank Cornish Park. The options were for the Arts Council to either make a recommendation for one artist to provide a concept for Public Art at Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park; or, make a recommendation to re- release a new Call to Artist, with updated language specifically requesting kinetic proposals. The Southlake Arts Council reviewed websites of kinetic artists, provided feedback of their preferences, and agreed to seek a concept from one artist, Mark White, for the kinetic art piece for the Park. The alternate artist selected is Lyman Whitaker. Mr. White's concept, as well as sample construction materials for the piece, will be provided at the next meeting. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend artist Mark White provide an art concept for the piece for Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park. Motion: Cook Second: Trager (Alt #1) Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 Motion Carried Messing, McMillan, Murray, Seth, Trager (Alt#1) Six (6) of the regular seven (7) member Southlake Arts Council were present for this vote. In the absence of Southlake Arts Council member Merlene Ingraham, Southlake Arts Council Alternate #1, Kelly Trager, participated. An Alternate may sit as a regular member in the event of an absence of one or more regular members per Ordinance No. 908, Section 2. RECOMMENDATION TO REVISE PUBLIC ART AND/OR PERFORMANCE POLICY Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker presented proposed revisions to the Public Art and/or Performance Policy including a provision to allow the Arts Council to be the final approver on temporary art exhibits in Town Hall. Ms. Tucker was available to answer questions. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the March 22, 2016 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 3 of 5 APPROVED A motion was made to acknowledge the Arts Council reviewed the proposed revisions and recommend approval of the revisions to the Public Art and/or Performance Policy as submitted to the Arts Council. Motion: McMillan Second: Cook/Trager (Alt #1) Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Messing, McMillan, Murray, Seth, Trager (Alt #1) Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 Motion Carried Six (6) of the regular seven (7) member Southlake Arts Council were present for this vote. In the absence of Southlake Arts Council member Merlene Ingraham, Southlake Arts Council Alternate #1, Kelly Trager, participated. An Alternate may sit as a regular member in the event of an absence of one or more regular members per Ordinance No. 908, Section 2. Arts Council member Terri Messing left the meeting at 7:35 p.m. 3C. RECOMMENDATION ON SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY AVIATION EXHIBIT PROPOSAL AND PERMIT Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker presented the proposal and permit from the Southlake Historical Society to host an "Aviation in North Texas" exhibit in the Town Hall lobby. Ms. Tucker and Deputy Director Candice Edmondson responded to questions. The exhibit proposal features 18 panels and 2 display cases. The panels present a North -Texas aviation timeline that begins in 1911 and highlights aircraft manufacturing, military, commercial and general aviation throughout the area. Aviation memorabilia would be displayed in the display cases. The Southlake Arts Council discussed the request and made the following recommendations: staff and someone from the Southlake Arts Council be present during installation of the exhibit; Southlake Historical Society be prepared to reduce the exhibit as appropriate to the space; and exhibit dates to be after Stars & Stripes and conclude around August 19. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend City Council approve the proposal and permit to allow a Southlake Historical Society aviation exhibit in Town Hall, for the dates of, after Stars & Stripes to around National Aviation Day on August 19, 2016. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the March 22, 2016 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 4 of 5 Motion: Trager (Alt #1) Second: Murray Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Murray, Seth, Trager (Alt #1) Nays: None Abstain: McMillan (Southlake Historical Society member) Vote: 5-0-1 Motion Carried Five (5) of the regular seven (7) member Southlake Arts Council were present for this vote. In the absence of Southlake Arts Council members Merlene Ingraham and Terri Messing, Southlake Arts Council Alternate #1, Kelly Trager, participated. An Alternate may sit as a regular member in the event of an absence of one or more regular members per Ordinance No. 908, Section 2. 4. DISCUSSION 4A. STROKES OF ART /N THE SQUARE RECEPTION WRAP UP Southlake Arts Council reviewed the reception held February 21, 2016 in the Town Hall lobby. 4B. APEX FILM DAY (MAY 7, 2016) An update on plans for the Apex Film Day to be held May 7, 2016 was presented. 4C. FORT WORTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OPPORTUNITIES Assistant to the Director Cassie Tucker shared some information in Terri Messing's absence. This item will be discussed at the next meeting. 4D. SEPTEMBER 2016 ART GALLERY EVENT Southlake Arts Council discussed featuring art work by Southlake artist Beatrice Terazos, a Pulitzer Prize winner photo journalist. Staff will check availability for the reception on either September 7 or 8, 2016. Discussion of this item will be continued at the next meeting. 5. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to speak during to Public Forum. 6. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the March 22, 2016 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 5 of 5 Motion: Murray Second: McMillan Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, McMillan, Murray, Seth, Trager (Alt #1) Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Five (5) of the regular seven (7) member Southlake Arts Council were present for this vote. In the absence of Southlake Arts Council members Merlene Ingraham and Terri Messing, Southlake Arts Council Alternate #1, Kelly Trager, participated. An Alternate may sit as a regular member in the event of an absence of one or more regular members per Ordinance No. 908, Section 2. Attest: Leslie Bartlett, Chair �;as�sieTucker, Assistant to Director Community Services Department A digital audio recording of this meeting is available in the Office of the City Secretary. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Arts Members: Please initial beside your name below so there will be a record of attendance. Guests: Please sign your name below. Southlake Arts Council Meeting The Marq Southlake — Legacy Meeting Room 1 Tuesday, March 22 @ 6:00pm i Leslie Bartlett, Chair, Place 1 Merlene Ingraham, Place 2 Jesika Cook, Secretary, Place 3 Terri Messing, Place 4 Devika Seth, Place 5 M t-� ' Miriam Murray, Vice Chair, Place 6 Tamara McMillan, Place 7 Kelly Trager, Alternate 1 Candice Edmondson (staff liaison) V` Cassie Tucker (staff liaison) Guests: tal. �s 6v--)