2015-12-02 CEC Minutes taCITY OF SOUTH LAKE W TEXAS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: December 2, 2015 LOCATION: Southlake Town Square 1400 Main St., Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 5:30 P.M. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Place 1 —Sherry Berman Place 2 — Craig Rothmeier, Chair Place 4 — Ben Siebach, Vice-Chair Place 3 — Randy Robbins Place 5 — David Alexander, Secretary Place 6 — Bobbie Heller Place 7 — Heather DeLapp COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Daniel Cortez, Assistant to the City Manager Candice Edmondson, Deputy Director of Community Services CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Hill, Mayor OTHERS PRESENT: REGULAR AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order by Craig Rothmeier at 5:33 2. Laura Hill discussed community Engagement and strategy. 3. Approved October 21, 2015 Meeting minutes. Bobbie Heller made a motion to approve. Second by Randy Robbins. Approved 6-0. 4. Presentation from Community Services Department on The Marg. Candice Edmondson discussed the grand opening and open house schedule. Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting-December 2nd, 2015 Page 1 of 2 5. Discuss and review CEC Strategy map. Craig proposed that a subcommittee present recommendations. Subcommittee will be Ben, Bobbie, and Sherry. Daniel will schedule a meeting. 6. Discuss and appoint officers to the committee. Sherry made a motion to keep the existing officer appointments. Second from Bobbie. Approved 7-0. 7. Subcommittee Reports: a. Marketing &Communication — Randy discussed increasing social media. b. Technology & Innovation - Daniel will email David, Ben, and Randy to schedule a meeting. c. Survey & Engagement — The group completed the meeting surveys and Daniel will include them in the next town hall meeting. 8. Daniel discussed future development projects and SPIN meeting management schedule. 9. Discuss future agenda items. Craig recommended a spring Water Forum. 10.Adjournment. Craig adjourned the meeting at 7:15 ATTEST: David Alexande , Secretary Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting—December 2nd, 2015 Page 2 of 2