Item 7A
Zoning Change and Concept PlanPecan Creek Offices
Owner: Devane Clarke Partnership, Ltd.
Applicant: Blake Architects
Request: Approval of a Zoning Change and Concept Plan from “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District to “S-P-2” Generalized
Site Plan District to develop three one-story office buildings totaling approximately 17,360 square feet and one open space lot on approximately 2.25 acres.
Location: 731 Zena
Rucker Rd.
On behalf of the Devane Clarke Partnership, Ltd, Blake Architects is requesting approval of a Zoning Change and Concept Plan from “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District to “S-P-2” Generalized
Site Plan District with O-1 Office District Uses to develop three one-story office buildings totaling approximately 17,360 square feet and one open space lot on approximately 2.25 acres.
The property is located at 731 Zena Rucker Rd.
The future land use designation is Office Commercial.
The current zoning is “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan District with O-1 Office District Uses
Aerial View
The subject property is outlined in blue on the aerial photograph. It is just to the north of Rockenbaugh Elementary School and to the west of the recently approved Matthews Ct subdivision.
Previously Approved Concept Plan
January 18, 2011 a Zoning Change and Concept Plan from “O-1” Office Zoning District to “S-P-2” Generalized Site Plan Zoning District was approved under Planning Case ZA10-039 to establish
office uses under the “O-1” zoning district and a daycare/ Montessori School with a private “K” program in one building approximately 18,975 square feet in size with the Montessori
School use, medical use and general office uses permitted.
Proposed Concept Plan
The proposed site plan shows three one-story office buildings totaling approximately 17,360 square feet and one open space lot on approximately 2.25 acres. Each building is proposed
to be on a separate lot, so the buildings may be constructed at the same time or separately. The lots will share common driveways and parking by way of a cross access, reciprocal parking
and maintenance agreement, but the lot lines have been configured so that each lot parks on its own. A variance to the Subdivision Ordinance requirement that all side lot lines be perpendicular
to the right of way is requested to allow the lot lines as shown. All of the buildings will use one trash receptacle that is shown on the proposed Lot 4. Lot 1 is proposed as an approximately
0.716 acre open space lot with an existing retention pond that will remain. The total open space shown for the development is approximately 1.12 acres, or 50% of the net acreage. The
O-1 Office district zoning, which is the base zoning for the S-P-2 zoning, allows up to 65% impervious coverage. All lots meet the setback requirements of the O-1 Office District zoning
except for the side lot line along the east side of Lot 2, which abuts the open space lot. The O-1 district requires a side yard setback of 15’ and a 5’ setback is requested per the
S-P-2 zoning regulations. The rest of the S-P-2 regulations are summarized in the following slide.
S-P-2 Regulations
In addition to the decreased side yard setback for Lot 2, the other S-P-2 regulations are summarized here. The minimum rear yard setback is increased from 10’ to 20’’. No bufferyards
are required along interior lot lines and 10’ Type A bufferyard is provided along exterior lot lines where a 5’ Type A is required. Impervious coverage will be met for the site as a
whole and not on a lot by lot basis. The required parking will be 1 space per 300 square feet of general office space and 1 space per 150 square feet of medical office space without
providing 8 spaces for the 1st 1,000 square feet. The trash receptacle is allowed to be located forward of the principal building and, to address concerns of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, an aerator will be provided in the existing retention pond.
Site Data Summary
The Site Data Summary chart is shown here. Parking is provided on a lot by lot basis at 1 space per 300 feet of general office space. The building square footage would have to be reduced
to allow any medical office uses on any of the lots.
Example of Building Architecture
Since the request is for a Zoning Change and Concept Plan only, a Site Plan that conforms to the approved S-P-2 zoning district zoning must be approved by City Council following a recommendation
by the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the issuance of any building permits. The Site Plan approval will include elevations, a color-coded landscape plan and any other exhibits
required for Site Plan approval. The applicant is proposing that the buildings match the architectural style and materials of the existing building that is located at 601 Zena Rucker
Rd. at the southeast corner of Byron Nelson Parkway and Zena Rucker Rd. The façade materials are brick and stone with a composition shingle roof. The elevations that are submitted with
the application for a site plan must conform to the examples approved with the S-P-2 zoning.
Example of Building Architecture
This is a front view of the same building.
Example of Building Architecture
And this is a rear view of the building.
Proposed Aerator (or equal)
To address concerns of the Planning and Zoning Commission at their November 5, 2015 meeting, the applicant added an S-P-2 regulation stating that an aerator will be provided in the existing
retention pond on the site. A cut sheet of the proposed aerator (or similar type) was provided in the packet.
Variance Request
Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, as amended, Section 8.01(D) requires that all side lot lines be perpendicular to the right of way lines or radial in the case of a cul-de-sac or curvilinear
design. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow the lot lines as shown in order to provide the required number of parking on a lot by lot basis.
The request for a variance to the subdivision ordinance requirement that all side lot lines be perpendicular to the right of way to allow the lot lines as shown that was covered on an
earlier slide is detailed here.
Tree Preservation Plan
There is approximately .05% existing tree cover on the site. If the case was a request for a straight zoning change, 70% of the existing canopy would be required to be preserved. For
property sought to be zoned, S-P-2 Generalized Site Plan District, the City Council shall consider the application for a Tree Conservation Analysis or Plan in conjunction with the corresponding
development application. The applicant is proposing to preserve approximately 37.5% of the existing tree cover. The existing tree canopy to be removed consists of three hackberry trees
and two trees less than 6” caliper inches.
Previously Approved Drainage Area Map
The previously approved Drainage Area Map is shown here. City staff has verified that the existing retention pond was designed to accommodate runoff from the project site.
Here are some photos of the site. This picture was taken from Zena Rucker road looking east across the site and it shows the western driveway approach.
This photo of the site looking south from Zena Rucker Rd. shows the existing tree canopy proposed to be removed.
This view is lookng south along the eastern property line.
This is the view looking southwest across the property from Zena Rucker Rd.
This is the view looking west along the southern property line toward the Roceknbaugh Elementary School property.
P & Z Commission Action
November 5, 2015; a motion to table this item to the November 19, 2015 meeting was approved (4-0).
November 19, 2015; approved (7-0) subject to the staff report dated November 13,
2015, also subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated November 13, 2015 and specifically approving the variance request as noted in the staff report.
This item was tabled at the November 5, 2015 P&Z meeting to allow the applicant time to address concerns of the Commission, which were as follows:
1) Verify that the detention pond
is sized for the proposed development 2) provide details on an aerator for the pond, 3) look into providing higher end roofing materials than composition shingles.
The Planning and
Zoning Commission recommended approval of the item (7-0) subject to the staff report dated November 13, 2015, also subject to the Concept Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated November 13,
2015 and specifically approving the variance request as noted in the staff report.