Item 6D and 6E Morrison Office Park Lots 2 and 6 Site Plan ZA15-121 and ZA15-123 1 APPLICANT: MJ Wright and Associates OWNER: Sandlin Properties REQUEST: Approval of a Site Plan for two approximately 5,499 and 5,198 square foot, one-story office buildings on Lots 2 and 6 of Morrison Office Park on 6.19 acres for 7 lots LOCATION: 300 and 315 Morrison Park Drive ZA15-121 and ZA15-123 The applicant MJ Wright and Associates, on behalf of the owner, Scoot Sandlin, is requesting approval of a site plan for Lots 2 and 6 of the Morrison Office Park for two approximately 5, 499 sq. foot and 5,198 sq. foot one story office buildings. Morrison Office Park contains 7 lots located on 7 lots. Lots 2 and 6 are located at 300 and 315 Morrison Park Drive, respectively. 2 E. SH114 Southlake Shady Lane Lot 2 Lot 6 The aerial shows the location of Morrison Office Park outlined in blue and Lots 2 and 6 outlined in red. 3 Oblique Aerial View of Site Morrison Park Drive E. SH114 Lot 2 Lot 6 This oblique aerial view shows the overall site and the trees on the site. There are no trees on Lots 2 and 6. 4 The land use designation is office commercial. 5 The current zoning is S-P-2 Generalized Site Plan District. 6 Approved Site Plan for Morrison Office Park (ZA08-093) The approved site plan for Morrison Office Park was approved in 2008. The building elevations on Lots 3, 4, and 5 were approved with this site plan. The building elevation for Lot 1 was originally approved in 2006 and was never built. The Lot 1 building was redesigned and approved in 2014 and currently under construction. Lots 2, 6 and 7 required site plan approval for the building elevations. The buildings on Lots 3 and 5 are constructed. Th einfrastrucre and all paved surfaces have been installed for the development. 7 Approved Concept Elevations (ZA06-166) These are the approved conceptual building designs under planning case ZA06-166. 8 Approved Building Elevation for Lot 1 (ZA14-110) Stucco Tile Roof Stone This is the approved building design for Lot 1 under planning case ZA14-110 and is currently under construction. 9 Proposed Site Plan for Lot 2 The proposed trash enclosure will be constructed on Lot 2 This is the site plan for Lot 2 for an approximately 5,499 sf one story office building. The proposed trash enclosure will be constructed with the office building on Lot 2 and will be landscaped with shrubs and trees. 10 Proposed Site Plan for Lot 6 This is the proposed site plan for Lot 6 for an approximately 5,198 sf office building. There will be no variances requested with these buildings. 11 Proposed Building Elevations Lot 2 Stucco Tile Roof Stone These are the proposed building elevations for Lot 2. 12 Proposed Building Elevations for Lot 6 Stucco Tile Roof Stone These are the proposed building elevations for Lot 6. The building materials for both building will be stucco, stone and tile roofing. 13 Proposed Landscape Plans for Lots 2 and 6 Lot 2 Lot 6 Lot 7 Existing trees Trash Enclosure will be screened with shrubs and trees These are the proposed landscape plans for Lots 2 and 6. The proposed trash enclosure on Lot 2 will be screened with shrubs and trees. 14 Lot 2 (ZA06-): Canopy Trees: Burr Oak, Live Oak, Bald Cypress and Lacebark Elm Accent Trees: Crape Myrtle, Eastern Redbud, and Savannah Holly Landscape Bed: with Shrubs and groundcover Landscape Plans for Lots 2 Lot 2 (ZA156-121) Trash Enclosure Area: Canopy Trees: Live Oak and Shumard Red Oak Accent Trees: Eastern Redbud Landscape Bed: Dwarf Burford Holly and Liriope Trash Enclosure The landscape plan on the left is from ZA06-031 zoning change and site plan for Morrison Office Park showing the landscape material around the Lot 2 trash enclosure. The plan includes burr oaks, live oaks, bald cypress, lacebark elm, crape myrtle, eastern redbud and savannah holly trees. The landscape bed notes shrubs and groundcover. In the landscape plan on the right, the landscape plan at the trash enclosure area includes Live Oaks, Shumard Oaks, Redbud trees, and dwarf burford holly shrubs and liriope groundcover to screen the enclosure. 15 Tree Preservation (ZA06-031) The 2006 approved tree preservation plan (ZA06-031) indicates that all trees were removed from Lots 2 and 6. Currently, there are no existing trees on these lots. 16 Site Photographs Lot 2 View northwest from E. SH114 View north from E. SH114 These are photographs of the existing site. 17 Site Photographs Lot 6 View north from E. SH114 View northeast from E. SH114 These are photographs of the existing site. 18 Site Photographs of the Existing Buildings Lot 5 Building Lot 1 Building Lot 3 Building These are photographs of the existing buildings in the development. 19 Planning and Zoning Commission ZA15-121 Morrison Office Park Lot 2: November 19, 2015; Approved (7-0) subject to the Staff Report dated November 13, 2015 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 13, 2015. ZA15-123 Morrison Office Park Lot 6: November 19, 2015; Approved (7-0) subject to the Staff Report dated November 13, 2015 and further subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated November 13, 2015. 20 Questions? 21