Item 6C CITY OF S0UTHLA1<,.,E Department of Planning & Development Services STAFF REPORT November 23, 2015 CASE NO: ZA15-126 PROJECT: Site Plan for Carroll Pointe EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On behalf of Greenway-Carroll Roads Partners, L.P., GFF Architects is requesting approval of a Site Plan for tenant modifications to Building A, Carroll Pointe Retail and Restaurant Shopping Center located at 1201 E. SH 114, Southlake, Texas. The current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. SPIN Neighborhood #8. REQUEST DETAILS: City Council approved a Site Plan for Carroll Pointe (ZA13-065)on October 15,2013 to allow for the development of three (3)one-story retail/restaurant buildings consisting of approximately 44,052 square feet in size on approximately 7.25 acres. GFF Architects is requesting approval of a revised Site Plan for tenant modifications to Building A, adjacent to E. SH. 114. The purpose is to add a cover over the existing patio area and to change some of the exterior materials and color. The applicant has provided a summary of the modifications requested: • New plaster color at east side entry and west elevation accent panels. • New fiber cement siding to replace smooth tile above east entry volume(same color as existing panels). • Modifications to storefront mullions in several locations and addition of fiber cement base material. • Removal of existing projected metal canopy and addition of fabric awning over patio area with knee-wall enclosure. • Amount of non-stucco masonry decreased to approximately 70.2% combined for the three buildings, with 90.9% total masonry. (City Council approval of ZA13-065 required a minimum of 70% non-stucco masonry) The applicant is not requesting any new variances with this Site Plan application. Variances Approved with the Site Plan (ZA15-065) October 15, 2013 1. Tree Preservation The Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 585-D requires for at least 50% of trees to be preserved on sites containing 40.1% to 60% of tree cover. There is approximately 59.9% existing tree cover on the property and the applicant is proposing to preserve 40.7% of that tree cover. 2. Bufferyards The Zoning Ordinance requires a 10-foot, Type-B bufferyard along the southern Case No. ZA15-126 boundary of the site. The applicant is requesting to reduce the width of the bufferyard to 5-feet 3-inches to accommodate parking. 3. Setbacks The Overlay Zones Section 43.9(c.2.a)of the zoning ordinance requires there to be a 50-foot building line setback along N. Carroll Avenue. The applicant is proposing for Building A to be approximately 31-feet from the N. Carroll Avenue property line and approximately 35-feet along the State Highway 114 property line. 4. Stacking Depth The Driveway Ordinance No. 634 requires there to be a minimum of 100-feet of stacking depth from any driveway off of N. Carroll Avenue or State Street due to the number of parking spaces on site. The applicant is requesting a stacking depth of 53-feet 2-inches off of the south Carroll Avenue driveway (Drive A), 55-feet 3- inches of stacking off of the north Carroll Avenue driveway(Drive B)and 72-feet 8- inches of stacking off of the State Street driveway (Drive D). 5. Driveway Separation The Driveway Ordinance No. 634 requires there to be a minimum driveway centerline spacing distance of 250-feet along an arterial street. The applicant is requesting for Drive A (south Carroll Avenue driveway) to be 150-feet from the northern drive at Southlake DPS headquarters which is a gated drive. 6. Building Articulation The Overlay Section 43 of the Zoning Ordinance requires there be horizontal articulation on all buildings. While all buildings being proposed meet this requirement there is a portion on the east elevation of Building B where "riverrun" is labeled that does not meet the 3-foot 9-inch horizontal articulation requirement where a colonnade is located. ACTION NEEDED: 1) Conduct a Public Hearing 2) Consider Site Plan Approval Request ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information — Link to Presentation (D) Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated November 13, 2015 (E) Surrounding Property Owners Map (F) Surrounding Property Owners Responses (G) Full Size Plans (for City Council Members Only) STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (817) 748-8072 Jerod Potts (817) 748-8195 Case No. ZA15-126 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Greenway-Carroll Roads Partners, L.P. APPLICANT: GFF Architects PROPERTY SITUATION: 1201 E. SH 115 — Building A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 R, Greenway-Carroll Addition LAND USE CATEGORY: Town Center CURRENT ZONING: "C-3" General Commercial District HISTORY: On November 8, 2001 the Planning &Zoning Commission approved a final plat for Lots 1 &2, Greenway-Carroll Addition, and addition to the City of Southlake being 10.559 acres out of the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, Tarrant County, Texas. On April 20, 2010 the City Council approved a plat revision for Lot 1 R and Lot 3, Greenway-Carroll Addition, containing 8.3979 acres, being a revision of Lot 1, Greenway-Carroll Addition out of the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. On October 15, 2015 City Council Approved a Site Plan (ZA13-065)for Carroll Pointe CITIZEN INPUT: A SPIN meeting was held on May 20, 2013 at Southlake Town Hall for the original Site Plan request (ZA13-065). A SPIN Town Hall Forum has not been held for the proposed modifications to the originally approved Site Plan. SOUTHLAKE 2030: Consolidated Future Land Use The Southlake 2030 Consolidated Future Land Use Carroll Pointe 'To:n�ener Future Land Use Plan designates Future La,d Use e1Oo this development area as Town �� -.� ��o,=or�°�aersP_ �Pe°�Pe�,oP�sa�a Center. The Town Center land use designation is intended to enhance �� oKoe�s�YRas�de�,a �Meam oesry Resae',a and promote the development of the .owo r.a, �R;a�ommeti�a community's downtown. The goal is w e of R.g—al R1. to create an attractive, pedestrian- oriented environment that becomes the center of community life in Southlake. It may include compatibly { designed retail, office, cultural, civic, � r W recreational, hotel and residential �� - d= am .�� uses. All uses shall be developed with a great attention to design detail and will be integrated into one cohesive district or into distinct sub-districts, each with its own unique characteristics. A mix of different uses is encouraged to create a vibrant, lively, and unique environment. As proposed, this Site Plan seems to be consistent with the Future Land Use Plan. Urban Design Plan Case No. Attachment A ZA15-126 Page 1 The City's adopted Urban Design Master Plan recommends the following be implemented for private development along S.H. 114 including this site. • All windows on buildings should be vertically oriented and be articulated with a 4-inch reveal to avoid solid, flat walls, and to create shadow lines and surface texture. Glass curtain walls and facades with more than 60% glass along any elevation shall be discouraged. Along retail store fronts, 1'—2' high knee walls shall limit the amount of glass along each fagade visible from public streets. • The view of surface parking from the highway should be limited. Surface parking lots should be designed to be in smaller pods(no more than 200 parking spaces) with increased landscaping and pedestrian access ways. TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Area Road Network and Conditions The development has approximately 650-feet of frontage along their northern boundary with the frontage road of State Highway 114, fully improved with curb and gutter, and approximately 732-feet of frontage along their western boundary with N. Carroll Avenue, a four-lane divided arterial which is fully improved with curb and gutter. Traffic Impact For the Site Plan (ZA13-065)the developer's Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA)was conducted by Binkley & Barfield I C&P Consulting Engineers. TREE PRESERVATION: The development as proposed will not affect any existing trees or the approved landscape plan. The approved tree preservation plan and approved landscape plan from the Site Plan for Carroll Pointe (ZA15-065) are included under Attachment "C" of this staff report. PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION: November 19, 2015; Approved (7-0) subject to Staff Report dated November 13, 2015 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated November 13, 2015. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated November 13, 2015. WCommunity Development MEMO12015 Cases026-SP-Carrol PointelStaff ReporflZA 15-126-CC-2015-12-1.doc Case No. Attachment A ZA15-126 Page 2 Vicinity Map 1201 E. SH 114 5 LO r- 10soL�XD 1025 Sy 7 77Z 00 � � H O m N O N 0 0 's E TcoT DIVISION STLO LO 1287 LO 1400 w Q O Q k1075j ::T 0 1400 1 A2O O/�/s/�N � FEDERAL WAYo o Q A o 7 Z I N ZA 15-126 wE Site Plan S Carroll Pointe 0 90180 360 s Feet r Case No. Attachment B ZA15-126 Page 1 Plans and Support Information Proposed Site Plan iR � - ',� \L' Co,Na ni°y 7246 Acre Green—y-C.—Ii Add,- . ��� Rda,d Eads S—y,Ab—t No.481 \ Cil of S..hI ke,T.—C.unl.Texas 1}►r • °V � x�il -I � a.rd �� KEY MNP'.Nclro'xale r .. .,..... :: ..tea Y , , .w_r. - ----- ----------- - - 0 b 100 200 FM SCALE I--50'-0- CASE NUMBER:ZklG SITE PLAN Greenway Investment,Company C-3 ZONING 2808 Fairmount,Ste.100 ARCHITECTS A..®a.F Dallas,Texas 75201 Cama P— Phone:214-880-9009 S-Ihlak..T— M 214880-0188 Proposed Site Plan (Close-Up of Building A) Proiect Narrative '4 PorERn�DAxoPr OVENANGdYER5C PROPOSED BLDGSE EA x MONUMENT SEVENELEYENSIORESSOONCRETE \ ZCNNG=02 SMEWK 3.� 57BUMNG �L.uo.=r�rAlL c:xINERcuy N�' � SEMACILN PROPOSED — COV0ERED \ sOMMEIE REF CML iIYPEr, LANDSCAPE 2`BUF'rFERVARD i? POTENTIILAAEA R •. \\ TYPE it _ SIDEOINING, '.d SLALOM J I SCANCRETE 11A1K,REF SETBACK I ��� < CIVI.VN09C RE REOD 1101-BLOG.A 62�:i1'i�- NTL WIN "•A�f NOD°10'12'E I-STORY € :>:?n rnLFORs.a •n ry I41.50'I REraL,FtF s.Ra RaAo. FLTi 36 NAX HEIGHT < KANORAIL 20E.TK'191' ---- '\\ PROPERTY LINE 8 89°19'48"E 14257 SF 85' ` J 6 \\` `.( 350RNkAL� Zy, Fr— L"EaSF1AENT Jb• NOTIMEI 25 25.14' er I nd12 .� ,\ Ryas SID a \` TYPE 791Y Zs=07°31'54' L=76.90' sEDErr i \\ `� TYPE r YP R=585.00 C=76,84' T=36,50 CB=03°3059'EEAiEF1R BENCSN WEPSTEfI RECEPTACLE I ENCLOSURE, DOW.SIDEWALK TYP' \�\ MY L NORMS o ORVE i OPEN10 M'E�1' 'FIRELP 2ONING-C•I D 14 y. P.VO.=OFFICE COFINERCIAI� '- Nl EN U :j1�' \��✓ '! 10'•V 3OR 1'-1OX60-CMUNG ZChE VA3lWCE REO9 \ -DIFR / � `C(YY:.aANM;•TVP� �\ ���` eti }\. � Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 1 gff ARCHITECTS Dallss Ft.Worth INTERIORS 2808 raimrouit Street,Suite 300 3300 West 7th Street,Sr.ite 110 LANDSCAPE Callas,Texas 1 75201 Fortwcr[h,TX 1 76107 PLANNING 214,303.1500 817.303.1500 November 13,2015 City of Southlake Planning Department Attn:Jerod Potts 1400 Main Street, Suite 300 Southlake,Texas 76092 RE: SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL FOR TENANT MODIFICATIONS TO BUILDING A CARROLL POINTE RETAIL AND RESTAURANT SHOPPING CENTER 1201 E.STATE HIGHWAY 114. SOUTHLAKE,TX CASE NO.ZA13-065 Jerod, See below for a list of modifications requested to Building A from the original submittal approved by Council in October of 2013. Please refer to October 16,2013 resubmittal for supporting exhibits required by Site Plan Submittal that remain unchanged: Exhibit B Letter,Traffic Impact Study,Grading,and Landscape Plans. - New plaster color at east side entry and west elevation accent panels. - New fiber cement siding to replace smooth cut stone above east entry volume(same color as existing fiber cement panels). - Modifications to storefront mullions in several locations and addition of simulated stone veneer knee- walls. - Removal of existing projected metal canopy and addition of fabric awning over patio area with knee- wall enclosure. - Amount of non-stucco masonry decreased to approximately 70.2%combined for the three buildings, with 91.3%of total masonry. Sincerely, GFF, Inc. Grant Wickard,AIA Associate Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 2 Conceptual Elevations: Building A North Elevation with Proposed Changes T,q FooF 'T- S.J--%T 4•77 �!,T'DEF7 FF'N CFYFV' ', +.15IER C"lCF.9EYCR4' - Tj%,(11' IW)Pp�fDTCFrMSU7atLf .. -._ S-n•F 9F'1-F?TrP°t', FPFR•CFREVTV=CSWr.- -- lA:iiILLIV�IY .v CN TI•IV STCFC FRCFCSED FABRIC CA16OPY '.FVFER.TYPF'A,TYP T f�1�1 iVROPWYDSMU.ATED STAVE - - -- �� - - t M "t� �i� LHEERBCUWMTUP,TYP, - _ J]STO� J.- A46N:)U47C3 OYi! FIX-JR=,TIP u:A=tdC)CV;Lli[) PPCYC6CD :;NJ.4LG�TCV_ FOCP:S=CI\9.u'C) xaACCTC)NCTAL -I.::._si.�-:TCAYW.DHFR- PAIID SEATbG CONCIEIF EAR T-f' LF'f-FR R"1" -FC'111.V VF'4.414) C4VD>I 3FCA7:MCCMFIVIS4 T\9 4:5 C•f:FFE11):;::R h X it YZf NORTH ELEVATION 02 ,,ALE:W•1' Photo of the Existing North Elevation q - - 5 -- - Proposed enclosed patio seating Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 3 ProposedEast Elevation with LA M��LEVATION 01 of the Existing East Elevation � � la: •� ._.�:. --psi s f�.� � .. -- �����. Proposed Case No. Attachment C ZA1 5-126 . 4 II - WPM Corm, riliffil ml 107 ^1 � rt# r i t 115 31 ZZ' wl Comparative Image of Proposed Color Change Proposed Color Change to West Elevation T.O ROOF ffi-0• i—CONCRETE ROOF TLE FORMED METAL II PROPOSED TENANT SIGNAGE \•, STYPEPA NTYP P 1 PLAS�TERECOLOR ZS•O ARMEE r STAN.I NO rC ROOF SEAM AWNING 21'-0' PORCELAIN ' GLAZED TILE IT'y{-1 C).t leo X.ltinP"+.s EFRONT sr L.J— J�L I 1 1 0 ENCLOSED SI M U LAT ED STONE CAN'JASA'r1NING-YP PROPOSED DUSTED FROST PROPDSED DUSTEOFROST CEMENTPLASTER PROIECTEDMETAL SIMUTATEDSTON PATIOSEATING,BEYOND. VENEER'E',TYR —1"I NSU LATED STOREFRONT,DARN PERFORMANCE FILM APPLIED PERFORMANCE FILM APPLIED STUCCO'A' CANOPY VENEER E'TYP BRONZEANODIZED FINISH,TVTO EXISTING WINDOW,AND TO EXISTING W_' AND REMOVPLOF EXISTING DOOR REMOVAL OF EA STINGDOOR a a /5-1010 25.11 . 713th Close-up of Existing West Elevation Location of Proposed New Cement Plaster Color r 1 Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 6 Rendering of Proposed New Plaster Cement Color Compared to Other Approved Materials Proposed New Cement Plaster Color ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■M ■ ■ ■ MME ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ MM M MM MME ® ■■ ■ MMM ■ a ■■ ■■ ■■ t„ MATERIAL SELECTION -. BOARD-BLDG.A Good FuRon&Farrell Architects Carroll Pointe m 1 n im.m we tt.a Southlake.Texas Proposed Building A Floor Plan Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 7 BUILDING A: FLOOR PLAN �Lf: _W 03 Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 8 Materials Approved with Original Site Plan October 15, 2013 BRICK'A'. BLDG.A LIGHTING BLDG.BLIGHTING BLDG CLIGHT. . HANSON BRICK(V106) BRICK B- STONE'A CONCRETE ROOF TILE- NICHIHA FIBER CEMENT VINTAGEWOOD HANSON BRICK(V104) RIVIERA THIN STONE(CORDOVA CREAIA) STUCCO'A':57032222 CASA GRANDE BLEND(BORAL:ITECS6159) SIDING-BARK BRICK C- 5TONE'B STANDING SEAM AWNING ANODIZED ALUMINUMN STOREFRONT- HANSONBRICK(VI40i EL DORADO LEDGECUT 33(DUNE)( s L STUCCO'S':57032132 BERRIDGE DARK BRONZE DARK BRONZE BRICK D- STONE'C'- CANVAS AWNING HANSON BRICK(V1fin1 SORAL COBBLEFIELD iTE%ASCREAM) STUCCOC.SW 7027 BLACK(SUNBREL LA'46DS 0000) GLAZED PORCELAIN TILE BRICK E- 3 ONE D- STUCCO'D':STO 31431 CANVAS AWN ING CAST STONE HANSON BRICK(V330) ARRISCRAFT LIMESTONE TERRACOTTA ISUNBRELLA:4622-0000) j i T MATERIAL SELECTION BOARD CASE NUMBER:ZA13-065 G Fulton&Farrell)Architects Carroll Pointe W. Southlake,Taxers Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 9 Proposed Plans for Outdoor Seating Canopy I { .x.. ------- 7 .1 ; r�yuiep. 1 7. i 1-"W& --� 1E „m "ZM -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- a -- -- --moi Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 10 Approved Tree Preservation Plan (ZA13-065) s 8 o - W A U OUR Q Why] kw 4kk 2w4^_kC4k^_iC 4�4nw�w444kGkY}4.kkkkk♦[}YY kYF�w 4^_wk^__^__kwd kw_k_ �® C sw------------------------------------------------------------ ��9�1���935�9��99�5€�9�33�91a1��9S��9 �3g��9399�5� 9�€9E9$ 0 akga.xa_ _•k.• eka�gwaaaz+s�$ �.kga. a �F��..,gemw € HI Ila __y4kw§}g�kg.yk..wkgk}kk_k^_4§k_hgkY4'$g4 k_kgy w4_k_kk k§§khkk k4§k 1 C€ n � ���aa�aaxggFczexFgaae@aua�aAeagaa�z.�xa���awaap�l@w���� 10 all 1 e+ s 1 is 1 i ae t,if �F € a�;� HIM 1 �d�t O IN �� 0 IN g t � / C Cx O O O / O �9 00 -F U 6oC'22 d�l�oo / a � 133a1s 31V15 � 00 0 F / � ILL e III A N 00 00 N a P PAS �wITt qP 9 r z� a =_ 4 I = "o I ll�l I anNBAV 1108WO HlaON m Z Z r~ = I c Z o ai 0.0 d� N F c? ro' N U 0y Case No. Attachment C ZA15-126 Page 11 Approved Landscape Plan (ZA13-065) W! -M-H rrfri I OOED(D --LYtl - 0 Cl 00 139d1s 31VIS V y 1:1 (0,00 2, 400 Ir 7 rr u: .Lj I LLJ 11:11111 rL�rj III III III fob I F I I I I I V111 I I I AL Is 77AV 11088VO H-LHON ON Z z L 0 A Lu Case No. Attachment C ZAl 5-126 Page 12 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY No.1 Dated November 13, 2015 Jerod Potts Planner I Phone: (817) 748-8195 Email: ipotts(a�ci.southlake.tx.us No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. Due to the size of the development staff recommends doing a Master Sign Plan for the development which can be processed concurrently or at a later time for the development. Contact Lorrie Fletcher for more information at (817) 748-8069. All mechanical equipment must be screened of view from right-of-ways and residential properties in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended. All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended. All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended. It appears that this property lies within the 65 LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone and will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. Development must comply with all requirements in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43, Overlay Zones. Stucco or plaster shall only be allowed when applied using a 3-step process over diamond metal lath mesh to a 7/8th inch thickness or by other processes producing comparable stucco finish with equal or greater strength and durability specifications. The use of synthetic products (e.g., EIFS — exterior insulation and finish systems, hardy plank, or other materials) shall not be considered as masonry material. (As amended by Ordinance 480-PPP) Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment D ZA15-126 Page 1 Surrounding Property Owners �9r`c .aoo J- E KIRKWOOD BLVD 2 O� QP O +oso �D zq z h iL 5 g �P �O DIVISION ST 9 0 FEDERAL WAV �e /� Wo ZoningPhysicalAddress • Response 73,. AAVMGELUNA THENTEX DEVELOPMENT LTD 01 700 N CARROLL AVE 1.16500000 L PARTNERS LP SP1 660 N CARROLL AVE 0.40800000 PROPERTIES LLC SP1 640 N CARROLL AVE 0.42400000 4. VISION THREE DEVELOPMENT LTD SP1 620 N CARROLL AVE 0.41500000 5. GATEWAY CHURCH NRPUD 700 BLESSED WAY 82.01091475 6. ROADWAY PROPERTIES INC C2 1101 E SH 114 1.79486264 7. N CARROLL 114 PROPERTIES LLC 01 750 N CARROLL AVE 1.42400774 8. VISION THREE DEVELOPMENT LTD SP1 680 N CARROLL AVE 0.66000000 9. SLTS LAND LP DT 1301 E SH 114 0.92472370 10. SL/OR LLC C3 1281 E SH 114 1.12300379 11. SOUTHLAKE, CITY OF SP1 600 STATE ST 3.73029238 12. GREENWAY-CARROLL ROAD PRTNRS C3 1201 E SH 114 7.09355179 13. SLTS LAND LP DT 245 N CARROLL AVE 13.48185376 14. VISION THREE DEVELOPMENT LTD SP1 600 N CARROLL AVE 0.65800000 15. PEBL PARTNERSHIP LTD SP1 1110 E SH 114 1.27844091 16. GATEWAY CHURCH SP1 1200 E SH 114 6.77623695 17. Superintendent of Carroll ISD 18 Superintendent of Grapevine Colleyville ISD 19. Superintendent of Northwest ISD 20. Superintendent of Keller ISD Responses: F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided NR: No Response Notices Sent: (15) Responses Received: (0) Case No. Attachment E ZA15-126 Page 1 Reserved for Surrounding Property Owner Responses Case No. Attachment F ZA15-126 Page 1