Item 6B CITY OF SOUTHLAI<,-E Department of Planning & Development Services STAFF REPORT November 23, 2015 CASE NO: ZA15-092 PROJECT: Site Plan for Kimball Highland EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On behalf of Kimball Lakes LLC, Prime Advantage Enterprises, Inc. is requesting approval of a Site Plan for Kimball Highland on property described as Lot 38, Francis Throop No. 1511 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being located at 1200 N. Kimball Avenue, Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "B-1" Business Service Park District. SPIN Neighborhood # 4. DETAILS: The applicant is requesting approval of a Site Plan for Kimball Highland office development. The proposal is for four (4) approximately 5,900 square foot single-story office buildings on approximately 3.2 acres. The construction will be completed in two phases starting with the two buildings on the north side of the property identified as buildings 100 and 101 on the submitted site plan, the internal driveway, and the parking spaces on the north side to accommodate the medical use of the buildings (approximately 75 spaces). There is an existing Oncor transmission tower on site that AT&T utilizes for cell service antennas under an approved Specific Use Permit that was granted in 2013. The transmission tower is located within a 60 foot power line easement that runs through the property. The parking for this development is proposed to be constructed on the west side of the property and within the power line easement. The buildings are proposed to be constructed on the east side along Kimball Avenue at the 30 foot building setback line. On October 22, 2015, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval (5-0) subject to the staff report and site plan review summary; specifically approving the variances for driveway on Highland Street, the stacking depth and the fence on the north side; noting the applicant's willingness to evaluate adding parking lot tree islands, take out a few spaces on the south end that would alleviate the stacking depth issue and evaluating the two parking spaces at the southwest corner. On October 27, 2015, the applicant presented their proposed site plan at a SPIN Forum meeting. Approximately eleven (11) residents attended; several residents spoke in opposition to the proposed access onto Highland Street. The applicant presented an alternative site plan showing a left-out only configuration. As a result of the residents' concerns, the applicant determined an additional traffic study analyzing different access configurations should be done prior to moving forward for City Council consideration. Case No. ZA15-092 In response to the Planning & Zoning Commission's recommendations, the SPIN Forum concerns and the additional traffic study, the applicant has submitted the following changes to the originally proposed site plan: o Provided two (2) site plan options; one indicating full access onto Highland St. and the other indicating a right-in, left-out on Highland St. o Increased the stacking depth for the driveway off of Highland Street to approximately 76 feet which eliminated the previously requested variance regarding stacking o Reconfigured parking lot resulting in a decrease of parking spaces by one (1) o Dressed up doors on east elevation and added overhangs o Increased stone material on the east elevations VARIANCE REQUESTS: Driveway Ordinance No. 634 prohibits a commercial driveway on a collector street unless the lot has no other public access. Highland Street is identified as a collector. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow access from Highland Street and Kimball Avenue. Two access points for this property currently exist. The applicant is requesting to keep the City installed access on Kimball Avenue and move the existing driveway on Highland Street approximately 60 feet west. The relocation of the driveway on Highland Street will align with the proposed parking area as well as bring the spacing (minimum 150 feet) of the driveway from the intersection at Kimball Avenue into compliance at a spacing distance of approximately 200 feet. Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Section 39.6(a) requires where a non- residential use abuts a residentially zoned lot or tract or lot having an occupied residential dwelling, a solid fence meeting the material standards of Section 39.2(b) shall be erected along the side and rear property lines abutting said residential lot or dwelling to a height of eight (8) feet. The applicant is requesting not to construct the fence line that is required along the northern property line. The adjacent property is zoned B-1 Business Service Park District, however, there is an existing residence on the property. There is also an existing City installed common access driveway between the properties. The applicant has purchased the adjacent property and has future plans for development at which time the required fencing to buffer the northern residential lot will be installed. Site Data Summary Component Proposed Gross/Net Acreage 3.183 acres Open Space Percentage 56.24% Impervious Coverage 43.76% Total Building Floor Area 23,826 sq. ft. Required Parking 121 spaces (11,881sf Gen Office/ 11,945 sf Medical) Provided Parking 132 spaces Case No. ZA15-092 ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct a Public Hearing 2. Consider approval of a Site Plan ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information — LINK TO PRESENTATION (D) SPIN Forum Summary Report (E) Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated November 23, 2015 (F) Surrounding Property Owners Map and Responses STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (817) 748-8072 Lorrie Fletcher (817) 748-8069 Case No. ZA15-092 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Kimball Lakes LLC APPLICANT: Prime Advantage Enterprises, Inc.; John Dancer PROPERTY SITUATION: 1200 N Kimball Avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 38, F. Throop No. 1511 Addition LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential CURRENT ZONING: `B-1' Business Service Park District HISTORY: March 6, 1984; City Council approved "LC" Light Commercial zoning on the property under Case ZA84-008; December 14, 1984; a Building Permit was issued for construction of an aircraft instrument repair shop; July 5, 1985; a Certificate of Occupancy was issued for an aircraft instrument repair shop; September 19, 1989; City Council approved "B-1" zoning on the property with approval of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and associated map; April 17, 2007; City Council approved a site plan for a new 12,675 sf building and parking area under Case ZA06-187 (never constructed); June 4, 2013; City Council approved a specific use permit for telecommunications towers, antennas and ancillary buildings to allow the construction of an unmanned telecommunications facility and the placement of six (6) panel antennas on an existing Oncor transmission tower under Case ZA12-080; August 14, 2013; a single-lot Plat Showing was filed for Lot 38, F. Throop No. 1511 Addition. May 29, 2014; a Demolition Permit was issued to remove all structures on the property with exception to the telecommunications facility. CITIZEN INPUT: A SPIN Town Hall Forum summary is included as Attachment `D' of this report. SOUTHLAKE 2030: Consolidated Future Land Use The Southlake 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates this property as Medium Density Residential. Medium Density Residential as defined within Southlake 2030: Case No. Attachment A ZA15-092 Page 1 The Medium Density Residential category is suitable for any single- family detached residential development. Other suitable activities are those permitted in the Public Parks/Open Space and Public/Semi-Public categories. Master Thoroughfare Plan The property is located on the northwest corner of Kimball Avenue and Highland Street. Kimball Avenue is designated as an 88', 4-lane divided arterial roadway. Highland Street is designated as a 70', 2-lane undivided collector roadway. Pathways/Sidewalk Plan The City's Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, Section 33.19 requires sidewalks at a minimum of 5' in width for all development requiring a City Council approved Site Plan. The applicant shows a 5' sidewalk on the proposed Site Plan along Highland Street. There is an 8' existing sidewalk along Kimball Avenue. TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Area Road Network and Conditions The proposed development has existing access onto Kimball Avenue through a common access drive on the north boundary and proposed driveway onto Highland Street. The proposed site plan shows the existing access onto Kimball Avenue to remain and the existing access onto Highland Street to be relocated approximately 60 feet west of its current location, providing approximately 200 feet of spacing from the intersection at Kimball Avenue. Kimball Avenue(74) Highland Street(31) (between Highland Street and (between Kimball Avenue and Dove Road) Carroll Avenue) North Bound South Bound West Bound East Bound 24hr 4541 4801 504 461 AM Peak AM(260)11:45 Peak AM(624)6:30 Peak AM(64)7:00 Peak AM(61)7:45 AM—12:45 PM AM—7:30 AM AM—8:00 AM AM—8:45 AM PM Peak PM(544)4:30 Peak PM(344)4:15 Peak PM(60)1:45 Peak PM(50)3:00 PM-5:30 PM PM-5:15 PM PM-2:45 PM PM-4:OOPM *Based on the 2015 City of Southlake Traffic Count Report Traffic Impact Use Area . . OUT OUT General Office(710) 11,881 132 16 2 3 15 Medical Office(720) 11,945 434 28 15 21 32 Total 23,826 566 44 17 24 47 * Vehicle Trips Per Day •AM-In, AM-Out, PM-In and PM-Out are peak hour generators on a weekday •Based on the ITE: Trip Generation Manual, 7t"Edition The existing site has a driveway on to Kimball Avenue (along the north boundary) and driveway onto Highland Street. The applicant has presented four possible options to provide access to the site. These four options along with projected level of service with each option are Case No. Attachment A ZA15-092 Page 2 provided in the Traffic Impact Analysis dated November 18, 2015. The hardcopy report and appendix are provided in your packet; they can also be viewed by clicking the provided report hyperlinks below: • TIA Report • TIA Appendix Below is a summary of the four options: Base option: Assumes full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail (driveway#2) and full driveway access along E Highland Street (driveway#3) with all allowable movements permitted. Option 1: Assumes full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail (driveway#2) and no driveway access along E Highland Street. Option 2: Assumes full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail (driveway#2) and a limited right-in, right-out driveway along N Kimball Avenue (driveway#4). Option 3: Assumes full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail (driveway#2) and a limited right-in, left-out driveway along E Highland Street (driveway#3). 1 Z T-EwEEO TRAIL 4 T-L-REEK-L -i 3 2016 Total Traffic Conditions — Intersection Capacity Analysis Case No. Attachment A ZA15-092 Page 3 Base — Full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail and full driveway access along E Highland Street with all allowable movements permitted. • --N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service. • ❑N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail/Driveway 1 — Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service. • ❑E Highland Street and Driveway 2— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service. Option 1 — Full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail and no driveway access along E Highland Street. • --N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service. • N Kimball Avenue and Site Driveway/Tumbleweed Trail— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service. Option 2 — Full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail and limited right-in, right-out driveway access at second driveway along N Kimball Avenue. • N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street— Based on the total traffic volumes (site + 2015 future background), the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service. • N Kimball Avenue and Site Driveway/Tumbleweed Trail— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service. • N Kimball Avenue and Site Driveway#3— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service. Option 3 — Full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail and limited right-in, left-out driveway access along E Highland Street. • N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service. • N Kimball Avenue and Site Driveway/Tumbleweed Trail— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service. • E Highland Street and Site Driveway 2— Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service. Case No. Attachment A ZA15-092 Page 4 The City's traffic consultant has analyzed the applicant's Traffic Impact Analysis and has provided comments. Additional comments are expected from the City's consultant prior to the meeting. Staff will summarize the driveway access options during its presentation. The Fire Department has indicated that access onto E. Highland Street is preferred whether that is achieved through a full access drive, left hand out drive onto Highland Street, or emergency access through an emergency gate and grasscrete. UTILITIES: Water There is an existing 12-inch water line along the west side of Kimball Avenue and an existing 6-inch water line along the north side of Highland Street. Sewer An 8-inch sanitary sewer line was recently constructed in the 10-ft utility easement along the east side of this site. TREE PRESERVATION: The preservation of the existing tree cover complies with the Existing Tree Cover Preservation regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. There is approximately 4.9% of existing tree cover on the site and 70% of that tree cover is required to be preserved. 30% of the tree cover is proposed to be removed and 70% is proposed to be preserved. The trees proposed to be preserved along the northwest corner of the property are volunteer trees that have grown along the fence line of the property. The most dominant tree is Eastern Red Cedar with a mix of an Oak, Elm, and a Pecan. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ACTION: October 22, 2015; Approved (5-0) subject to the Staff Report dated October 16, 2015 and the Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated October 14, 2016 specifically approving the variances requested for driveway on Highland Street, the stacking depth and the fence on the north side; noting the applicant's willingness to evaluate adding parking lot tree islands, to take out a few spaces on the south end that would alleviate the stacking depth issue and evaluating the two parking spaces at the southwest corner that would back into each other. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: November 3, 2015; Approved to table on consent (7-0) until the November 17, 2015 City Council meeting. November 17, 2015; Approved to table on consent (6-0) until the December 1, 2015 City Council meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated November 23, 2015. Case No. Attachment A ZA15-092 Page 5 Vicinity Map Vicinity Map Kimball Highland 2122 CDU R�v � O 27 ?7g0 2�0 2010 ' ?7� w 7 4 2,Sp ?799 J m y Z OOL RR O 8 � 1255211 2140 1982 g 10 2180 D 1901 1911 1961 1961 1991 2009 2145 2149 SHADYLN 7971 1112 1108 1104al- 2015 200 20 t•\. ZA 7� 15-092 +r� O A Vv F ■ V V 2 5 Site Plan 0 200 400 800 1,200 Feet ti.i Case No. Attachment B ZA15-092 Page 1 Letter from the Applicant - Revised 11-18-2015 ADVANTAGE Meeting All Your ENTERPRISES Ir F om Start to F Estate Needs .sh 2001 Creekside (817) 992-5385 metro (off) Arlington, TX 76013 (817) 451-3221 (fax) DFWAdvantageRealty.com City of Southlake IE: Site Plan and Variance Requests on 1200 N. Kimball Ave. The Site Plan submittal for this 3.183 acre tract in the Frances Throop Survey at the NW corner of N. Kimball Ave. and E. Highland zoned B1 in the NE quadrant of the City. Our Plans are for 4 approximately 5900 sq. ft. buildings built in phases starting at the Northern building and coming S. to Highland. The first phase consists of the Fire Lane from the Access Easement to the North through to Highland and the parking and buildings for the first 2 buildings on the north. All of the buildings run along Kimball in front, or to the East of the 60 ft power line easement that runs through the property. The parking will be in the rear or west side of the property and under the easement much like the Kimball Lakes project to the South. The buildings will be 100% stone and masonry brick that will compliment the surrounding neighborhood. There will be the required buffer to the West facing Residential zoned properties and pleasing elevations to the East facing Kimball. With required landscaping surrounding the property. We have conducted a thorough traffic impact analysis and respectfully request the consideration of full access onto Highland Street as shown on the Base Plan. However, an optional site plan indicating access with right-in and left-out turning movement onto Highland Street has been provided. Variances: 1. We do need a variance for an entry and exit point on Highland due to an Ordinance preventing and entrance on to a residential street. Due to the elevations of the frontage along Kimball, and the reconstruction of Kimball to a 4 lane Blvd. with access to Highland and a curb cut at the North end of the property which leads to an access easement that the City put in on this and the adjoining property. This layout provides the clearest in and out for access to the property without funneling all the traffic to one entrance and exit. There is an existing access drive that was there for the previous distribution company that was there for years, we just need to move it approximately 60 ft. west and incorporate it into our parking and ingress and egress. 2. We also need a variance for the required fencing that would go on the N property line between the 2 properties we own, 1360 Kimball is also zoned B1 and owned by Kimball LLC. The fact that it is rented single family on a month to month would require a fence. We feel that this use is temporary, and that the common drive access easement that the city put between the properties makes this un-necessary and difficult. The fact that this will be incorporated in the second phase and eventually have a decorative fence on the N property line buffer the residential to the North we request to not put this fence until this lot is developed. Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 1 We feel that this is a vast improvement to the property, with plans to carry it to the adjoining B1 property to the North once it is platted. For a project that will eventually be 5 Class office buildings to accommodate the high demand for Medical and Professional offices that we are seeing. Sincerely, John K. Dancer, Managing Member Kimball Lakes LLC. 2001 Dancer Dr. Arlington, TX 76013 817-992-5385 Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 2 Site Plan - Shown at P&Z October 22, 2015 F. h4¢+W*Ad Sfroe.' b I _.® _ �+, +h „G4,YiEJfiQ M � I,Pe1.Y• ] ....... ...... ......... all all + ' IIp 1 ! d.I { I x _ - • � #� � � *{gam I�� i 3 I _ ••3 cc 2i f0' I x ...a s 9 7e }• hr - I- f ? I} f E I Y 4 $ # I I ; , k . e _ s sirstAr s err h � � r`+,--v/—1—,T•PRT la7 sir i.l L[14 d 40r i7.M F`L Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 3 Base Site Plan — Preferred , . _W �.__ £ �!� _ | a 01 | increased stacking depth m (�N _ A _ice. _, . . ._ .�_ R P 7E Wk \ It % 2 - % -— ■ kIL P4 »« | x � - # - �_ , • � ��_ - `f ` ■ ` .| .^ ------ I y is � , ■ ` % . : � , -. . .■ � . T . Tu : �• � k� . . _ � m « { � / ` -- - 2---- � ' | ` \ ? -- — �|� � ■ ' � - � 4 � ■ . % ■ f�\ \ . �§| � • • - | ! � \ ■ ' � • - � . , n|| 3 �|| | • | . ■ � | � ! ��� |\ | •�- � ' ` \ : . .. - , 71 - . ■ i � � :2 ----------- --------- it - ^ . . \ 2 _ _ _ _ . |` • . k % Case No. Attachment C ZA15-92 Page 4 Optional Site Plan frf.1 as I+Z. I �.,w'—U.0 - - I Access on Highland Street shown as right-in and left- - .....-----...........................- { i out :. .,. 11 T Reconfigured overall parking and reduced by one space Ali F r ■i■ Iq f�r.......'. F --� t -------- ----- ip IL lob Iy I -"., '. �titin'. .-� �§ .� ' � _"• � _ � 3 F I m i,rr)a�n4�v a+.+i+4 f.P co r J Y_qWW Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 5 Landscape Plan ��+ EIIFFERYPRI]1m TYPE'F1' RVOcv tV FeaEA,�ryT 8'YIOCO PRNMV 17 UTILL EFSEMENr NCE rvacv P MCE P � g 1 o ..n 5 e yN PRESERVE ME F'M AAwrEwu WHEIlEPOSSreLE i 1A- SUMOUNOING ELECTRIC _ —� « v. — �GOIPFiEnT $ a F gyp" ,.enaF - - -F,,,..e. -'- � 4' It Irne ¢ ¢ e f_ h C 4 Iy Z aA21" e1B 3O' Er.N' W N Kimball Avenue c REUININc �_,,.od,,,„„ �0" ey M, ,.� 1r— 1a ur�rrr EAYEMFxr Hx,3,p1 wx�IN LaseNo- R,Cw wlrsl Ice ZA f5-092 Plant Material List w�1 mRemmm—RmIMWYNW �wnFE CO RCpr VZE 1F iew —s D COMx WT CAmFYInRn 91NIn9 T,w FP-skF.ype one gees see u.2 B°"r�9pmmedeym amcX,mm m e M1 xaeAnv.men Fam NM R.oM�I. ww Cw. ."cFl. t.'mle. !•me owlbmpY,x..fmy.Lpm Fm,m - �uinFcnsaaXF m mn R cenewxeefy,teen FRm SN m'g F N NIA -1. —1. 12'm1n. —n. 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RFI 1.1h 4'- Y,He rnocn � w,FA Rrm« %C gF 9eaxnY Cda seven,hcs•>Omv1e.Lo�lY hdexk RR SIFLadyAwiNle � LapTl AwkNN ai DpcmpwsO G�a,ite L�y.raiNmk Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 6 Tree Preservation Plan 6u F FERYM0 TYPE F ia V CRITICAL ROOT ZONE---- '€ 4 Z ucr I/i2 ! Y w 4t 4 Fio. ei ■ I .g1 90'BUILDING SETBACK BUFFERYM�T'!PE'E' wro nwu.{eo.Re.ai.q {x:�resl TREE IDENTIFICATION TAG TYPE SIZE CANOPY ISTATUS TAG ITYPE SIZE SIZE CANOPY STATUS 1 OAK 11" 529 SF PRESERVE 16 CEDAR 6" 6" 163 SF PRESERVE 2 OAK 18" 498 SF PRESERVE 17 CEDAR 5" 5" 1415F PRESERVE 3 ELM 12" 504SF PRESERVE 18 CEDAR 5" 5" 195 SF REMOVE 4 CEDAR 6" 431SF PRESERVE 19 CEDAR 6" 6" 78 SF REMOVE 5 CEDAR 8" 275 SF PRESERVE 20 CEDAR 6" 8" 78 SF REMOVE 6 PECAN T Z75 SF PRESERVE 21 CEDAR 5-6-6" 5-6-6" 2585F REMOVE 7 CEDAR 6" 280 SF PRESERVE Z2 CEDAR 6" 6" 78 SF REMOVE 8 JCFDAR 5" 330 SF IPRESERVE 23 ICEDAR I 1D' 10" 11815F REMOVE 9 CEDAR 8" 231 SF PRESERVE 24 ELM 10458" 10-9-54" 124 SF REMOVE 10 ELM 8" 242 SF PRESERVE 25 CEDAR 18" 18" 542 SF REMOVE 11 CEDAR 8" 1915F PRESERVE 26 HACK 8" 8" 1735F REMOVE 12 CEDAR 6" 162 SF PRESERVE Z7 CEDAR 44" 4-4" 78 SF REMOVE 13 CEDAR G" 1775F PRESERVE 28 OAK 8-5-5-4" 8-55-4" 253 SF REMOVE 14 CEDAR 8" 149 SF PRESERVE TOTAL 6,744SF 15 CEDAR 4" 1128 SF PRESERVE I i TREE PRESERVATION! SUMMARY I TREES TO BL1�_NCVL7 TREES TO BE PRESERVED 17 Existing Tree Cover: i3r�a�cage obis' 139.851 SF -Arca of uwn..rLg trA*wVLLr ,or sLc. 6.'44 ter! -Arco of cxI S.-1i[J trod tAVCr re--cJ. Z::?ti 51 i?O'k •Ar La.fL%I S..r`gtreCC—IOBLpc—r—c 4r;:G; !,::'k NO-L.- cc cu ioF y:u c­L o r s u c uF F oxer-C u L—J or Lrcc sv vcy uiJ uciul -aye y Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 7 Elevations — shown at P&Z •� g b® F� ..._ .rn i WEST ELEVATION BLDG 102 NORTH ELEVATION BLDG 102 3 4 n d 4 71 b FACING KIMBALL EAST ELEVATION BLDG 102 ri° °"°,n a •. r°°� max• 'v 6OU7I4 ELEVATION BLDG 102 ui wernenaz ere mm. Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 8 m� n� a WEST ELEVATION BLDG 101 .......... r�r n h b g N NORTH ELEVATION BLDG 101 scuE.q•_�-o .r F: N c tl FACING KIMBALL n EAST ELEVATION BLDG 101 R ove,na„es a,e t root. scaE X•=r-o^ H 4 A 33 h SOUTH ELEVATION BLDG 101 sratF:X._ •-o^ w ovemaoez a,e i root. Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 9 1l ELEVATION BLPG 100 4 BLPG 103 All ore.n as R r mw- A� NORTH ELEVATION BLDG 100/BLD:s'03 scaE.•_'-o An we.naaaz are I raw. r rv1 b FACING KIMBALL z EAST ELEVATION BLDG 100 a BLDG 103 of sem•,F.k•_'-O All DlANPSTER ENCL05URE ELEVATION _ ® ok og M1«,. 90U7H ELEVATION 9LDCs 100 A 6LOG 103 r� scare_k•_ -o Al ....h a (— Case No. Attachment C ZA15-092 Page 10 Elevations • 11-18-2015 1■ - ; '�� 11111 r�lll -- 111 �111�111 � � � 111 IncreasedAll stone Dressed • ••• --�.r All FACING KIMBALL All SO-Tq 02 Case No. Attachment C '.F m@'rP�P m5R'=as=fir.-^_-•e==="_-_� ��_�-_�_�__�_. 'tea--.���_.•-fF=eelT�•`- _. � � � __end.=- _--'_--'d,__=m=a 1■ —� ;�=_1■ � 111 ■1 a el -■I�v =� 1 6_ 0. . . • 11 - Lu=3-r r E/4-11 LDG 101 ki .—h-g.—I-t. io Increased stone material Dressed up doorways NORTP--l-EVA71ON FJ-DC 10 —E V— FACING KIMBALL F117-�-Fll 11 ILI:�l III rOUTP FLF,471,�N F!LrDr,101 Case No. Attachment C ZA1 5-092 Page 12 • 1 i I Increased stone materiall Dressed • doorways FACING KIMBALL Case No. Attachment C '® I 0. . . . 13 - ZISOUTHLAKE SPIN MEETING REPORT SPIN Item Number: SPIN2015-41 Planning Case Number: ZA15-092 Project Name: Kimball Highland Offices SPIN Neighborhood: SPIN #4 Meeting Date: October 27, 2015 Meeting Location: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX City Council Chambers Total Attendance: Eleven (11) Host: Randy Robbins, Community Engagement Committee Applicant(s) Presenting: John Dancer City Staff Present: Lorrie Fletcher, Planner I City Staff Contact: Lorrie Fletcher, Planner I —817.748.8069 or Ifletcher ci.southlake.tx.us Town Hall Forums can be viewed in their entirety by visiting http://www.citVofsouthlake.com and clicking on "Learn More" under Video On Demand; forums are listed under SPIN by meeting date. FORUM SUMMARY Property Situation: • 1200 North Kimball Avenue Development Details: • The subject property is approximately 3.2 acres, platted as a single lot and zoned B1 — Business Service Park District. • Proposed four (4) approximately 5,900 square foot single-story office buildings. Construction will be completed in two phases starting with the internal driveway, the two (2) buildings on the north side of the property (buildings 100 & 101) and the parking spaces to accommodate those first two (2) buildings. • Site plan proposes two (2) points of access; one off of Highland Street and the other off of Kimball Avenue. Case No. Attachment D ZA15-092 Page 1 Exhibits presented at SPIN: 4 •y � w 1, t'6 a: 2A06-187 `11 Ig T i Approved 2007 t -x � �('jNkTld��.....b 3umWrYl011 SIN 0010 SumiaY bl Z `yam Case No. Attachment D ZA15-092 Page 2 �� I i�: : - ... - it •.,. .... .... (-�.- r '+ ate: - _ JU Optional Drive Configuration showing right in / left out on Highland _ •J I.f.J.I.�I.y -1 tj„i.t...i.l.�1s� - .l.•'1 - .. M•F•V Case No. Attachment D ZA15-092 Page 3 t, t I t rt 1 V-, ....9. ._"' 1M.. n. wnr•��. Wiw..r•r-� I t J QUESTIONS / CONCERNS: • The property is elevated. Will it be built at current level? o We will work with existing elevations as much as possible. We like the existing retaining wall. • Not in favor of the drive onto Highland. o We feel the traffic will flow better. Don't feel traffic will increase on Highland. • The office will be much more active and generate more traffic than the Mesco property. • 1 object to driveway on Highland... was not built for commercial. Case No. Attachment D ZA15-092 Page 4 • What prevents them from turning right? o A curb would be built forcing left turn out only. • Still think connection is unnecessary. You are giving people a reason to use Highland. I don't see why you need to access Highland. Build a second drive onto Kimball. o That wouldn't work with elevation change or spacing requirements. We are looking closer at any possibilities. • 1 do not want the variance. o So the left turn only wouldn't help? o People will still turn right. • My son and many children walk down Highland; joggers, bikes, etc. All traffic will be off 114 and Kimball. They will use the first access they see which is off Highland which is a small residential street. We have a quality of life in Southlake. o Professionals like the simple access. Worse thing to happen is a development with no tenants. • Nobody's opposed to the buildings. We just don't want to see connection on Highland. We are concerned about the hill and traffic coming too fast. • 1 am in support of the project. Would be concerned about an exit drive between the buildings onto Kimball. You'd have two blind spots which would cause a dangerous situation. I feel the 175 feet along Highland and connection with left out isn't going to cause problems. This isn't a high traffic development. o Yes. Traffic trickles in and out during the day. Garden offices work that way. • My concern is these are meant to be a buffer to residential. These office complexes can serve as noise buffers. Your landscape plan looks well tree'd... is that what we're really going to get? o We plant 3 caliper inch trees. o Will that serve as a sound barrier? o We are using the City's recommended list. • Your drive on Kimball matches up with driveways across street. Does that create a false 4- way? Dangerous situations? Instead of having offset? o Median cuts are already in place. • Mesco didn't generate traffic. Access on Highland will cause dangerous situation... lots of kids. I've watched it for years. More and more traffic all the time. No longer a safe street and it will get worse. Meeting adjourned 7:01 PM SPIN Meeting Reports are general observations of SPIN Meetings by City staff and SPIN Representatives. The report is neither verbatim nor official meeting minutes; rather it serves to inform elected and appointed officials, City staff, and the public of the issues and questions raised by residents and the general responses made. Responses as summarized in this report should not be taken as guarantees by the applicant. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to follow the case through the Planning and Zoning Commission and final action by City Council. Case No. Attachment D ZA15-092 Page 5 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA15-092 Review No.: Four Date of Review: 11/23/15 Project Name: Site Plan — Kimball Highland APPLICANT: Prime Advantage Enterprises, Inc. ENGINEER: Stovall-James & Assoc., Inc. John K. Dancer Elliott Stovall, P.E. 2001 Dancer Dr. 6318 Merritt Way Ct. Arlington, TX 76013 Arlington, TX 76018 Phone: 817-992-5385 Phone: 817-879-1808 Email: advantageprime@gmail.com Email: estoval13@sbcglobal.net CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 11/18/15 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE STAFF MEMBER. Planning Review Lorrie Fletcher Planner I Phone: (817) 748-8069 Email:lfletcher ci.southlake.tx.us 1. TIA currently pending further third party review. 2. Include the name and address of owner on the site plan exhibit. 3. A commercial driveway is not permitted on a collector street unless the lot has no other public access (Driveway Ord. 634 § 5). East Highland Street is categorized as a collector. A variance has been requested. 4. Please make the following changes to the Site Data Summary Chart: a. Please provide the correct net acreage. The net acreage is the gross acreage minus any area dedicated for right of way. If no property is being dedicated for right of way, the net acreage will equal the gross acreage. b. Please provide the area and percentage of open space. The open space area when summed with the impervious area must equal the net acreage and the percent open space when added to the percent impervious coverage must total 100%. c. Add the number of loading spaces required and provided (None required and none provided). d. Correct the number of parking spaces provided. The submitted site plan indicates 132. 5. Where a non-residential use abuts a residentially zoned lot or tract or lot having an occupied residential dwelling, a solid fence meeting the material standards of Section 39.2(b) shall be erected to a height of eight (8) feet (Zoning Ord. 480 § 39.6(a)). The submitted site plan does not show the required fencing along the northern boundary. A variance has been requested. Case No. Attachment E ZA15-092 Page 1 • Provide a materials sample board. The board provided at SPIN was damaged during your presentation. • All development must comply with the underlying B-1 — Business Service Park zoning district regulations. Tree Conservation/Landscape Review E-mail: kmartin ci.southlake.tx.us Keith Martin Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 748-8229 TREE CONSERVATION COMMENTS: 1. The preservation of the existing tree cover complies with the Existing Tree Cover Preservation regulations of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. There is approximately 4.9% of existing tree cover on the site and 70% of that tree cover is required to be preserved. 30% of the tree cover is proposed to be removed and 70% is proposed to be preserved. The trees proposed to be preserved along the northwest corner of the property are volunteer trees that have grown along the fence line of the property. The most dominant tree is Eastern Red Cedar with a mix of an Oak, Elm, and a Pecan. Please be aware that all existing trees shown to be preserved on an approved Tree Conservation Plan must be preserved and protected during all phases and construction of the development. Alteration or removal of any of the existing trees shown to be preserved on the approved Tree Conservation Plan is a violation of the Tree Preservation Ordinance and the zoning as approved by the Southlake City Council. Please ensure that the layout of all structures, easements, utilities, structures grading, and any other structure proposed to be constructed do not conflict with existing trees intended to be preserved. LANDSCAPE AND BUFFERYARDS COMMENTS: 1. Existing tree credits are proposed to be taken for required canopy trees in the north and south bufferyards. Please ensure that all existing trees taken credits for are in healthy condition and no grading and/or utilities will alter them. Credits shall only be granted if the tree/s are in healthy condition and all requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance have been met as determined at the time of inspection for a Permanent Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Please make sure that all AC Units and mechanical equipment are not located on the N. Kimball sides of the buildings and are sufficiently screened from view from all right-of-ways. Canopy trees are normally required to be planted within the parking lot landscape islands the central portion of the parking lot is located within the 60' Power Easement and only accent trees may be planted within the easement. Canopy trees are proposed to be planted within the islands outside of the easement. Indicates informational comment. # Indicates required items comment. Case No. Attachment E ZA15-092 Page 2 Public Works/Engineering Review Steve Anderson, P.E. Civil Engineer Phone: (817) 748-8101 E-mail: sandersona-ci.southlake.tx.us GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. This review is preliminary. Additional requirements may be necessary with the review of civil construction plans. 2. New Requirement: Provide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan per TXR150000. The plan must include all required elements in Part III, Section F of the permit. The City of Southlake especially reviews Part III, Section F, (1) (g), Maps. The review is for completeness of a plan to prevent pollution (especially sediment) to the Separate Storm Sewer System. It is highly recommended the project manager provide a series of maps for complex projects, including one map showing controls during mass grading and infrastructure, one map showing controls during vertical construction, and one map showing final stabilization (may be but not always equitable to the landscape plan). Please include timelines in relation to the project activities for installation and removal of controls. SWPPP shall be submitted by second review of the civil construction plans. 3. NEW REQUIREMENT: Submit with Civil Construction Plans a Retaining Wall Layout sheet. 4. Retaining walls greater than 4-feet including the footing shall require structural plans prepared by a registered engineer in the State of Texas. Retaining walls shall require a permit from the Building Inspections Department prior to construction. 5. Trip generation rates should be based on the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. The TIA worksheet analysis submitted is pending further third party review. Street intersections shall comply with TDLR/ADA accessibility standards. Sight distances shall comply with AASHTO guidelines on adjacent collectors and arterials. Sidewalk widths shall conform to the Southlake Pathways Plan. Use the City of Southlake GPS monuments whenever possible. Monument locations can be found in the City of Southlake website: http://www.cityofsouthlake.com/index.aspx?NID=266 WATER COMMENTS: 1. Indicate meter sizes. The sub-meters will be private. The size of the water service tap must match the size of the meter. There are no reducers allowed before the meter on the public side. A one inch meter must have a one inch tap, etc. SANITARY SEWER COMMENTS: Case No. Attachment E ZA15-092 Page 3 2. An 8-in sanitary sewer line was recently constructed in the 10-ft utility easement along the east side of this site. Two deep service taps are existing for this site. Adding two additional deep service taps as needed may be easier and less costly. 3. If routing the sewer as shown, the line either needs to be 8-in and public in an easement, or the 6-in is private to be installed by a licensed plumber and will require a plumbing permit prior to installation. DRAINAGE COMMENTS: 1. Pre- and Post-Development Drainage Plans indicate the site is receiving runoff from the west. Please account for all runoff crossing this site. 2. Differences between pre- and post- development runoff shall be captured in detention pond(s). Proposed detention ponds shall control the discharge of the 2, 10 and 100- year storm events. Detention may be required with any new proposed building construction. Describe how increased runoff from site is being handled. Access easements are needed for maintenance of detention ponds. 3. Documentation supporting and certifying that detention is not necessary will be required prior to approval of construction plans. Discharge of post development runoff must have no adverse impact on downstream properties and meet the provisions of Ordinance No. 605. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS: Submit 22"x34" civil construction plans and a completed Construction Plan Checklist directly to the Public Works Administration Department for review. Please allow 15 business days for review. The plans shall conform to the most recent construction plan checklist, standard details and general notes which are located on the City's website: http://www.cityofsouthlake.com/PublicWorks/engineeringdesign.asp Submit with Civil Construction Plans a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan which outlines pre-construction, construction and post-construction erosion control measures. A right of way permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Operations Department (817) 748-8082 to connect to the City's sewer, water or storm sewer system. A Developer Agreement may be required for this development and may need to be approved by the City Council prior to any construction of public infrastructure. Construction plans for these improvements must be acceptable to Public Works prior to placing the Developer's Agreement on the City Council agenda for consideration. Fire Department Review Kelly Clements Fire Marshal Phone: (817) 748-8233 E-mail: kclementsa-ci.southlake.tx.us GENERAL COMMENTS: Case No. Attachment E ZA15-092 Page 4 * No comments based on submitted information. Informational Comments: * No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs. * All mechanical equipment must be screened of view right-of-ways and residential properties in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended. * All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended. * All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended. * Development must comply with all requirements in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43, Overlay Zones. * Masonry materials shall mean and include brick, stucco, plaster, cement, concrete tilt wall, stone, rock or other masonry material of equal characteristics. Stucco and plaster shall only be considered a masonry material when applied using a 3-step process over diamond metal lath mesh to a 7/8th inch thickness or by other processes producing comparable cement stucco finish with equal or greater strength and durability specifications. Synthetic products (e.g., EIFS —exterior insulation and finish systems, hardi plank, or other materials of similar characteristics) shall not be considered a masonry material. * Mechanical Equipment Screening: All buildings must be designed such that no mechanical equipment (HVAC, etc.) or satellite dishes shall be visible from any rights-of-way as defined in Section 43.19.d. This shall include equipment on the roof, on the ground or otherwise attached to the building or located on the site. * Development must comply with all requirements in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.21, Building Color Standards for Non-Residential Buildings. * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment E ZA15-092 Page 5 SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS MAP & RESPONSES Kimball Highland Rp W Ljl � v tsez � to zteo D 1 t 198t 2008 110.8 1f OB _ _. 1111 1 1100 t100 A15 13 Q 18 8 05 OB g 13 880 .1 E '1106 F. MAddress Acreage Response V ata � 8 a01 a05 ase a13 q n Q & J� 1. 7GRAHAM, GERALD C&GRAHAM, BARBARA SF1-A 1380 N KIMBALL AVE 0.42 NR GRAHAM,GERALD C&GRAHAM, 2. NR BARBARA SF1-A 0.44 GRAHAM,GERALD C&GRAHAM, 3. NR BARBARA SF1-A 0.44 GRAHAM,GERALD C&GRAHAM, 4. NR BARBARA SF1-A 0.42 GRAHAM,GERALD C&GRAHAM, 5. NR BARBARA SF1-A 0.15 GRAHAM,GERALD C&GRAHAM, 6. NR BARBARA SF1-A 0.16 7. PATTERSON,BURTON SF1-A 2160 E HIGHLAND ST 2.44 NR 8. HOLLIDAY, RICHARD B1 1360 N KIMBALL AVE 0.68 NR 9. MASSEY,JEFF B1 1200 N KIMBALL AVE 3.18 NR 10. HUNING,ERIC SF1-A 2145 E HIGHLAND ST 2.61 NR 11. PATTERSON,BURTON SF1-A 1.11 NR 12. PATTERSON,BURTON SF1-A 0.44 NR 13. 1 PATTERSON,BURTON AG 2149 E HIGHLAND ST 6.06 NR F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided NR: No Response Notices Sent: Thirteen (13) Responses Received: None (0) within 200 feet One (1) outside 200 feet— see attached Case No. Attachment F ZA15-092 Page 1 Monday,October 26, 2015 To: Mayor, City Council, &SPIN District 4 From: Tim &Christen O'Hare 606 Heatherglen Drive 5outhlake,TX 76092 We are building a home at 1961 E. Highland Street and are adamantly opposed to the variance request to allow a developer to place an entrance from Highland to his proposed office complex at Highland and Kimball. We appreciate the vigilance and standards you maintain for our city and thank you for your consideration of our request to keep Highland a residential street only.We believe this would change the character of the street, would create traffic issues both in the morning and evening, and would add additional cut through traffic to the street every weekday. Feel free to contact me at 214.724.7001 or tlm@oharelaufirm.com if you have any questions for us. Thank you, Tim& Christen O'Hare Case No. Attachment F ZA15-092 Page 2