Item 6B TIA Report Traffic Impact Analysis
Kimball Highland Development
Southlake, Texas
Prepared for:
Prime Advantage Enterprises, Inc.
November 2015
Texas Board of Professional Engineers,F-12534
r t:
/ �DR1N O. WRPNY /
8553"0" 11-18-15
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVESUMMARY................................................................................................................. ii
EXISTING AND PROPOSED LAND USE.......................................................................................2
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ........................................................................................................3
ThoroughfareSystem ......................................................................................................................3
2015 Existing Traffic Volumes........................................................................................................3
2016 Future Roadway Network......................................................................................................3
2016 Future Background Traffic Volumes....................................................................................3
SITE TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS............................................................................................4
Proposed Site Trip Generation.......................................................................................................4
TRAFFICANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................6
Levelof Service Criteria.................................................................................................................. 6
Intersection Analysis Methodology................................................................................................ 6
2015 Existing Traffic Analysis ........................................................................................................ 6
2016 Future Background Traffic Analysis..................................................................................... 6
2016 Future Background+ Site Traffic Analysis.......................................................................... 7
Site Access and Vehicle Queuing Analysis.....................................................................................7
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................9
List of Tables
Table 1. Analysis Scenario Summary...................................................................................... l
Table 2. Estimated Trip Generation Rates.............................................................................. 4
Table 3. Trip Generation Summary......................................................................................... 4
Table 4. Trip Distribution Assumptions.................................................................................. 5
Table S. Intersection Level of Service (LOS).......................................................................... 6
Table 6. Intersection Capacity Analysis Results, Level of Service (LOS).............................. 7
Table 7. Site Driveway Access Options, Level of Service (LOS)............................................ 8
Table 8. Site Driveway Access Options, Queue Length (ft).................................................... 8
Traffic Impact Analysis November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
This report documents a traffic impact analysis (TIA) performed for the proposed general and
medical offices development to be located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of N
Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street in Southlake, Texas. The proposed development is
planned to accommodate two general offices and two medical offices. Site access is being
proposed from one driveway along N Kimball Avenue and one driveway along E Highland
The traffic evaluation was comprised of three (3) scenarios for which the AM and PM peak
hour level of service analysis was performed. All intersection analyses were conducted using
PTV Vistro software. PTV Vistro is a traffic engineering tool developed specifically for
conducting traffic analysis by evaluating traffic operations and new development impacts to
nearby roadways and intersections.
The intersections analyzed and their existing traffic controls are presented below:
• N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street (stop control for minor approach)
• N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail (stop control for minor approach)
• N Kimball Avenue and proposed Site Driveway (stop control for minor approach)
• E Highland Street and proposed Site Driveway (stop control for minor approach)
The results of the traffic analysis indicate that the intersection of Kimball Avenue and E
Highland Street and the intersection of Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail currently
operate at an acceptable level of service and will continue with development of the proposed
site. All driveways providing site access to the proposed development will operate at an
acceptable level of service for the options considered.
Based on the results of the analysis, it is recommended to provide a full access driveway along
N Kimball Avenue and a full access driveway along E Highland Street to serve the needs of the
development. One driveway each along N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street will provide
for the safest and efficient vehicular movement and allow a better dispersion of traffic to and
from the site.
Traffic Impact Analysis ii November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
Leadership Traffic Services was retained by the developer to perform a traffic impact analysis
for the proposed Kimball Highland development located at the northwest quadrant of the
intersection of N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street in the City of Southlake, Texas.
The purpose of the traffic analysis is to address the traffic and transportation impacts of the
proposed development on surrounding streets and intersections based on probable driveway
access along N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street. Specifically, the traffic analysis was
conducted in support of a variance for driveway access along E Highland Street as a location
of secondary site access to better accommodate traffic flow to and from the proposed
The traffic evaluation was comprised of three (3) scenarios for which the AM and PM peak
hour level of service analysis was performed. All intersection analysis was conducted using
PTV Vistro software. Table 1 provides a summary of the assumptions used in each scenario.
Table 1. Analysis Scenario Summary
Scenario Roadway Development Traffic Volumes
Conditions Assumptions
Existing 2015 Existing Existing Existing
Future Background Existing+ 1 year
2016 Existing Existing Background Growth at
5% Increase
Existing+ Site Existing+ 1 year
Total 2016 Existing Build-Out Background Growth at
5%plus Project Traffic
The intersections analyzed and their existing traffic controls are presented below:
• N Kimball Avenue at E Highland Street(stop control for minor approach)
• N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail / existing driveway (stop control for minor
• Proposed driveway access along N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street(stop control
for minor approaches)
Traffic Impact Analysis 1 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
The proposed development is located north of E Highland Street and west of N Kimball Avenue
in the City of Southlake, Texas. A vicinity map is presented in Figure 1. The area of the
proposed development is currently vacant and zoned as BI — Business Service Park.
Immediately adjacent to the proposed development is a mixture of single-family residential and
agricultural uses.
Based on information provided by the developer,the development is anticipated to include two
(2) medical office buildings and two (2) general office buildings. Each building is
approximately 6,000 square feet. The development is anticipated to be completed in 2016.
The current site plan for the development is provided in the Appendix.
V .
Traffic Impact Analysis 2 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
Thoroughfare System
The following is a general description of the major thoroughfares within the study area as they
exist today, along with their planned cross-sections and alignments (based on the City of
Southlake Master Thoroughfare Plan).
N Kimball Avenue is currently a four-lane divided facility that runs in a north-south direction.
The speed limit along this section of N Kimball Avenue is 40 mph. The City of Southlake
Master Thoroughfare Plan identifies N Kimball Avenue as an Arterial (four-lane divided
thoroughfare in 88 feet of right-of-way). Based on available traffic data provided by the City
in the vicinity of the proposed site, N Kimball Avenue carries approximately 10,000 vehicles
per day.
E Highland Street is currently a two-lane undivided facility that runs in an east-west direction.
The speed limit along this section of E Highland Street is 30 mph. E Highland Street terminates
at its intersection with N Kimball Avenue. To the west E Highland Street provides alternate
access to SH 114. The City of Southlake Master Thoroughfare Plan identifies E Highland
Street as a Collector (two-lane undivided thoroughfare in 70 feet of right-of-way). Based on
available traffic data provided by the City, E Highland Street carries approximately 1,000
vehicles per day.
2015 Existing Traffic Volumes
Traffic counts were collected on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at the following intersection
• Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street
• Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail
Peak-hour turning movement counts collected in the study area have been included in the
2016 Future Roadway Network
There are no roadways within the study area planned or identified for future improvements.
The existing roadway network will serve as the basis for the future (2016)roadway network.
2016 Future Background Traffic Volumes
Based on available traffic data of roadways within the immediate vicinity of the proposed
development, a growth rate of 5% was used in calculating the 2016 future background traffic
volumes. The background traffic volumes have been included in the generated report output
from PTV Vistro software and have been included in the Appendix.
Traffic Impact Analysis 3 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
Proposed Site Trip Generation
The site trip generation characteristics were derived from OTISS, a cloud based software that
incorporates predicted trip generation rates and equations for several land uses as provided in
ITE Trip Generation Manual, 91 Edition. Table 2 provides the rates and equations included
in the manual along with the entering and exiting distribution splits. A summary of the total
number of trips that are projected to be generated by the proposed development during the AM
and PM peak periods is shown in Table 3. The number of trips generated represent the number
of vehicles entering and exiting the proposed development to and from the adjacent street
system. Since the size of each building was relatively small based on the data used to
determine the trip generation characteristics from the ITE Trip Generation Manual,the general
office buildings were combined to aggregate the trip generation data. In like manner, the
medical office buildings were combined to aggregate the trip generation data to obtain more
reasonable results.
Table 2. Estimated Trip Generation Rates
Land Use Variable D ily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Description Rate/Eq. Split Rate Split Rate Split
General Office 1000 SF Eq. 1 50%In Eq 2 88%In Eq 3 177%In
(ITE#710) 50%Out 12%Out 83%Out
Medical Dental 1,000 SF Eq.4 50%In 2.39 79%In Eq 5 28%In
Office(ITE#720) 50%Out 21%Out 72%Out
Eq. I (Ln(T) 0.76*Ln(X)+3.68) Eq. 4 (T40.89*(X)-214.97)
Eq. 2 (Ln(T) 0.8*Ln(A9+1.5 7) Eq. 5 (Ln(T) 0.9*Ln(X)+1.53)
Eq. 3 (T 1.12*(Ag+78.45)
Table 3. Trip Generation Summary
BuildinLand Use Code Unit Quantity Daily Hour Hour
Enter FExit Enter Exit Enter Exit
100& General 710 1000 11.891 130 130 31 4 16 76
102 Office SF
101& Medical 720 1000 11.945 137 137 23 6 12 31
103 Office SF
Totals 267 267 54 10 28 107
Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment
The distribution and assignment of the site-generated traffic to the study area roadway network
was performed for the proposed development based on examination of the existing traffic
Traffic Impact Analysis 4 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
volumes and travel patterns along the existing roadway network and the location of competing
land uses. The traffic distribution assumptions are presented below in Table 4:
Table 4. Trip Distribution Assumptions
Origin/Destination AM PM
from Highland St 10% 10%
development Trips the from Kimball Ave(N) 60% 30%
from Kimball Ave(S) 30% 60%
to Highland St 10% 10%
Trips from the
development to Kimball Ave(N) 30% 60%
to Kimball Ave(S) 60% 30%
Traffic Impact Analysis 5 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
Level of Service Criteria
For the intersection analysis, Level of Service (LOS)is defined by delay in seconds per vehicle
for each intersection, approach, or movement during the peak hour traffic conditions. Table 5
provides the LOS criteria for unsignalized intersections.
Table 5. Intersection Level of Service (LOS)
Level of Service, Unsignalized Intersection Average
LOS Delay per Vehicle, (seconds)
A < 10
B > 10 < 15
C > 15 < 25
D > 25 < 35
E > 35 < 50
F > 50
Source: Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, 2010
Intersection Analysis Methodology
The AM and PM peak hour analyses were performed for all study area intersections through
the use of PTV Vistro software. PTV Vistro is a traffic engineering tool developed specifically
for conducting traffic analysis by evaluating traffic operations and new development impacts
to nearby roadways and intersections.
2015 Existing Traffic Analysis
The intersection of N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street and the intersection of N Kimball
Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail were identified for the existing traffic analysis based on
discussion with City staff. The purpose of the analysis was to establish baseline traffic
operations and to determine if any deficiencies exist. A summary of the results can be found in
Table 6. Detailed analysis results for the existing traffic conditions can be found in the
Appendix. As indicated in Table 6, both existing intersections along N Kimball Avenue will
operate at an acceptable level of service based on existing traffic conditions for both the AM
and PM peak hours.
2016 Future Background Traffic Analysis
An analysis was conducted for the intersection of N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street
and for the intersection of N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail based on forecasted
growth for 2016. The purpose of the analysis was to establish future traffic operations and to
determine if any deficiencies would exist in 2016 without development of the site. A summary
of the results can be found in Table 6. Detailed analysis results for the 2016 background traffic
conditions can be found in the Appendix. As indicated in Table 6, both existing intersections
Traffic Impact Analysis 6 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
along N Kimball Avenue will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service based on
future background traffic conditions for both the AM and PM peak hours.
2016 Future Background + Site Traffic Analysis
An analysis was conducted for the intersection of N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street,N
Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail, and for all site driveways based on total traffic
conditions for 2016 that considered forecasted growth and new site traffic. The purpose of the
analysis was to establish future traffic operations and to determine if any deficiencies would
exist in 2016 with development of the site. A summary of the results can be found in Table 6.
Detailed analysis results for the 2016 background traffic conditions can be found in the
Appendix. As indicated in Table 6, all study area intersections will operate at an acceptable
level of service based on 2016 total traffic conditions for both the AM and PM peak hours.
Table 6. Intersection Capacity Analysis Results,Level of Service (LOS)
Intersection Traffic 2015 2016 2016
Location Control Existing Background Total
Kimball g Highland Two-way Stop C C C C C C
Kimball g Tumbleweed/Dw 1 Two-way Stop B C B C C D
Highland @ Dwy 2 Two-way Stop A A
Site Access and Vehicle Queuing Analysis
The proposed Kimball Highland site is desiring driveway access along N Kimball Avenue and
along E Highland Street. Driveway access along N Kimball Avenue will be provided at an
existing driveway at the N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail intersection. Driveway
access along E Highland is being considered at an existing driveway immediately west of the
N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street intersection. Due to the proposed location of this
driveway on a collector street and concerns of traffic safety due to an increase in traffic along
E Highland Street, several options were evaluated to accommodate site access for the proposed
site. The base option was evaluated as the initial 2016 total traffic conditions.
Base option: Assumes full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail
(driveway 91) and full driveway access along E Highland Street (driveway 92) with all
allowable movements permitted.
Option l: Assumes full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail
(driveway 91) and no driveway access along E Highland Street. Having only one driveway to
serve the site development may pose potential site circulation concerns especially during
emergency vehicle access operations.
Traffic Impact Analysis 7 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
Option 2: Assumes full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail
(driveway 91) and a limited right-in, right-out driveway along N Kimball Avenue (driveway
93). The location of the second driveway along N Kimball Avenue may create potential traffic
safety concerns at it would be located offset from an existing median opening that serves the
intersection of N Kimball Avenue and Cripple Creek Trail.
Option 3: Assumes full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail
(driveway 91) and a limited right-in, left-out driveway along E Highland Street(driveway 92).
The purpose of the alternative analysis was to determine the impacts that may be created due to
the possible site access under varying scenarios. A summary of the level of service results for
the varying driveway access options are presented in Table 7 with detailed analysis results
located in the Appendix. The corresponding vehicle queue lengths for the outbound
movements for the proposed site driveway options are shown in Table 8. As shown in Table
7 and Table 8, driveway access to the proposed site will have little to no impact to traffic
operations within the study area. Further, any vehicle queuing that occurs on-site for exiting
vehicles can easily be accommodated within the driveway throat depth.
Table 7. Site Driveway Access Options, Level of Service (LOS)'
2016 2016 2016 2016
Intersection Total Total Total Total
Location Base Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
N Kimball Ave g E Highland St C C C C C C C C
N Kimball Ave @ Tumbleweed Tr/ C D C D C D C D
Driveway 1
E Highland St g Driveway 2 A A A A
N Kimball Ave LDriveway 3 B I A
'All intersection locations are two-way stop control for the minor approaches.
Table 8. Site Driveway Access Options, Queue Length (ft)
2016 2016 2016 2016
Driveway Total Total Total Total
Location Outbound Base Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
N Kimball Ave @ Eastbound 1 15 2 28 1 21 1 19
Driveway 1
E Highland St @ Southbound 1 4 1 3
Driveway 2
N Kimball Ave @ Eastbound 1 4
Driveway 3
Traffic Impact Analysis 8 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
Based on the analyses performed during the traffic impact study, the following conclusions
have been offered:
2015 Existing Traffic Conditions—Intersection Capacity Analysis
■ N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street— Based on the existing traffic volumes, the
intersection currently operates at an acceptable level of service.
■ N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail— Based on the existing traffic volumes, the
intersection currently operates at an acceptable level of service.
2016 Future Background Traffic Conditions— Intersection Capacity Analysis
■ N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street — Based on the future background traffic
volumes, the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service.
■ N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail — Based on the future background traffic
volumes, the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service.
2016 Total Traffic Conditions—Intersection Capacity Analysis
Base — Full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail and full
driveway access along E Highland Street with all allowable movements permitted.
■ N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street — Based on the total traffic volumes, the
intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service.
■ N Kimball Avenue and Tumbleweed Trail /Driveway I — Based on the total traffic
volumes, the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service.
■ E Highland Street and Driveway 2—Based on the total traffic volumes, the intersection
will operate at an acceptable level of service.
Option 1 —Full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail and no
driveway access along E Highland Street.
■ N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street — Based on the total traffic volumes, the
intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service.
■ N Kimball Avenue and Site Driveway/Tumbleweed Trail— Based on the total traffic
volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service.
Option 2 — Full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail and
limited right-in,right-out driveway access at second driveway along N Kimball Avenue.
■ N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street — Based on the total traffic volumes (site +
2015 future background),the intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level
of service.
Traffic Impact Analysis 9 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas
■ N Kimball Avenue and Site Driveway/Tumbleweed Trail — Based on the total traffic
volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service.
■ N Kimball Avenue and Site Driveway #3 — Based on the total traffic volumes, the
intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service.
Option 3 — Full driveway access along N Kimball Avenue at Tumbleweed Trail and
limited right-in, left-out driveway access along E Highland Street.
■ N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street — Based on the total traffic volumes, the
intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service.
■ N Kimball Avenue and Site Driveway/Tumbleweed Trail — Based on the total traffic
volumes, the intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service.
■ E Highland Street and Site Driveway 2 — Based on the total traffic volumes, the
intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service.
The results of the analysis has demonstrated that the site circulation needs are best served when
driveway access is provided from both N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street. One
driveway each along N Kimball Avenue and E Highland Street will provide for the safest and
efficient vehicular movement and allow a better dispersion of traffic to and from the proposed
Traffic Impact Analysis 10 November 2015
Kimball Highland,City of Southlake,Texas