Item 4K CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MEMORANDUM November 25, 2015 To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Lori Payne, City Secretary Subject: Resolution No. 15-058, Amend a Library Board member appointment Action Requested: Amend a Library Board member appointment Background Information: The purpose of this item is to allow for City Council to amend a Library Board member appointment made on October 20, 2015. One of the appointments made at that meeting, Ms. Ayako Miyazaki, is not a registered voter. Voter registration is one of the eligibility requirements listed in the Board and Commission Training Manual. Approval of this resolution would correct that appointment. Financial Considerations: Non-applicable Strategic Link: C5: Promote opportunities for partnerships and volunteer involvement Citizen Input/ Board Review: Non-applicable Legal Review: Non-applicable Alternatives: None Supporting Documents: Resolution No. 15-058 Eligibility requirements as listed in the Board and Commission Training Manual Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 15-058, Amend a Library Board member appointment RESOLUTION NO. 15-058 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING A LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER APPOINTMENT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Whereas, the City Council appoints members of the public to various boards, commissions, and committees to serve a two-year term, unless indicated otherwise; and, Whereas, each appointee shall be a citizen of Southlake and be a registered voter; and, Whereas, on October 20, 2015, an appointment was made to the Library Board for an applicant who is not a registered voter; and, Whereas, Council desires to amend the action of that appointment; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1 . All the findings in the preamble are found to be true and correct and the City Council does hereby incorporate said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in its entirety. Section 2. The following appointment to the Library Board made on October 20, 2015 is amended as the applicant does not meet eligibility requirements: Ayako Miyazaki Place 4 Section 3. This resolution is hereby effective upon passage and approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1St DAY OF DECEMBER 2015. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Laura Hill Mayor ATTEST: Lori Payne, TRMC City Secretary GUIDELINES WELCOME Welcome to the City of Southlake!Your selection as an active member of a board or commission provides you with a valuable opportunity for public service and we thank you for your contribution.Although the specific duties of each board vary widely,there are certain responsibilities common to all board and commission members.To this end,the Southlake City Council has adopted this code of conduct and other policies contained within to encourage public confidence in the integrity of local government and its fair and effective operation. These guidelines will assist you in maximizing your contribution to our community. It isthe intention of the City Counci I thatthis document applyto all advisory or policy making groups(boards,commissions, committees, and other advisory groups) that are appointed by City Council. For simplicity in presenting these policies, the term "board"will represent all these groups unless otherwise specifically noted. ELIGIBILITY All Southlake residents who are registered voters in the City, except youth representatives who hold no publicly elected office,are eligible for appointment or reappointmentto a board.Any potential applicant who is in arrears on any amounts in the payment of taxes or other liability due the City, may be disqualified from consideration. A resident is eligible to vote if he or she is a United States citizen who is a resident of the State of Texas and who has resided in the City of Southlake for at least six(6) months, is at least eighteen (18)years of age(unless specifically noted otherwise in the board's enabling ordinance), is mentally competent and has not been convicted of a felony.All eligible candidates applying for an appointment must complete an application form and submit it to the City Secretary's Office prior to any advertised deadline. For purposes of this policy, a "liability due the City" shall include but not be limited to a utility payment that is go days overdue and a payment plan is not in place; a municipal court citation that has gone into warrant; or any other liability where the person has been provided notice that payment is due to the City and such payment has not been made within the prescribed timeframe. A resident that is party to any pending litigation or claim against the City, or having a criminal record considered to be serious by the City Council may be disqualified from appointment or reappointment. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make known on the appointment application whether or not he/she has any outstanding liabilities due the City or has any pending litigation or claim against the City. It is also the responsibility of current appointees to disclose to City Council any information or issue affecting their current eligibility status at any time during theirterm on a city board. City employees shall not be eligible to serve on a City board unless the ordinance or resolution creating the board or WWW.CITYOFSOUTHLAKE.COM 13 GUIDELINES commission specifically authorizes such service. REQUIREMENTS FOR BOARD MEMBERS Board members should have: • The expertise necessary to accomplish the board's objectives. • A reputation for integrity and community service. • An interest or experience in the board's area of service. • Sufficient time available to prepare for and attend meetings. • A willingness to serve in accordance with the City's articulated values. REPRESENTATION OF A BOARD The residents and businesses of the City of Southlake are entitled to have fair,ethical and accountable local government. Such a government requires that public officials: • Comply with both the letter and the spirit of the laws and policies affecting operations of the government. • Be independent, impartial and fair in theirjudgment and actions. • Use their public office for the public good, not for personal gain. • Conduct public deliberations and processes openly, unless legally confidential in an atmosphere of respect and civility. • Adhere strictly to the provisions of the City charter. As an individual member of a board,you must not publicly represent your own views or recommendations as those of the board or commission unless the majority of the body has officially voted to approve such action. Board members making recommendations or expressing views which have not been approved by a majority of the board should indicate they are expressing individual opinions and are not speaking on behalf of the board or the City. Public statements should contain no promises that may be construed to be binding on a board, staff, or the City Council. When making a public statement, members should remind listeners that board actions are recommendations (unless otherwise provided by law) and that final action will be taken by the City Council. Remember that your actions and statements as a board member assume special significance, and if not responsibly discharged, could result in a situation detrimental to the City's best interests. Although board members may be selected, in part, on the basis of representing specific interest groups, each member should represent the overall public good and not that of an exclusive group or interest. The Council selects people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to serve on boards. Moreover, the appointees 14 WWW.CITYOFSOUTHLAKE.COM