Item 4J CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MEMORANDUM November 25, 2015 To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Lori Payne, City Secretary Subject: Resolution No. 15-057, Cast vote for Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) Board of Directors Action Requested: Approve a resolution to officially cast vote for Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) Board of Directors. Background Information: The Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) Board of Directors serves a two—year term, beginning in January of even-numbered years. The Board is elected by the taxing entities located within Denton County. Each taxing entity is allotted a number of votes, which is based on the City's percentage of the total tax levy for Denton County. The five nominees who get the highest number of votes are elected to the Board of Directors. DCAD has solicited and received nominees for candidates to the Board of Directors. The following lists the nominees: 1 . Scott Brown 2. Rod Collver 3. Tina Curfman 4. Danny Everett 5. Kevin Falconer 6. Robert Gallagher 7. Matthew Haines 8. Mike Hassett 9. Brenda Latham 10. David Loerwald 11 . Phillip Marquez 12. Connie Smith 13. Charles Stafford 14. David Terre 15. Heath Winnett The City of Southlake has two votes that can be cast for one nominee or distributed among the nominees. Financial Considerations: Non-applicable Strategic Link: C5: promote opportunities for partnerships and volunteer involvement Citizen Input/ Board Review: Non-applicable Legal Review: Non-applicable Alternatives: None Supporting Documents: Letter and nominee listing from Denton Central Appraisal District Resolution No. 15-057 Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 15-057 RESOLUTION NO. 15-057 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, CASTING TWO VOTES FOR A CANDIDATE FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Whereas, every two years the Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) requests that each taxing entity submit names for possible appointment to the Appraisal District Board of Directors; and, Whereas, upon receipt of nominees, a listing is compiled and provided to each entity to cast their votes; and, Whereas, each taxing entity has a specified votes based on tax levies; and, Whereas, the City of Southlake, as a taxing entity of the Denton Central Appraisal District, has a total of two votes to cast for this year's nominees. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1 . All the findings in the preamble are found to be true and correct and the City Council does hereby incorporate said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in its entirety. Section 2. The City Council desires to cast two votes for for appointment to the Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District. Section 3. The City Secretary is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Denton Central Appraisal District. Section 4. This resolution is hereby effective upon passage and approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 1St DAY OF DECEMBER 2015. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BY: Laura Hill Mayor ATTEST: Lori Payne, TRMC City Secretary DENTON CENTRALAPPRAISALD,STRICT 3911 MORSE STREET,P O Box 2816 - DENTON,TEXAS 76202-2816 MEMO TO: All Taxing Jurisdictions FROM: Rudy Durham, Chief Appraiser DATE: October 23, 2015 SUBJECT: Candidates to Board of Directors of Denton Central Appraisal District Candidates to the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors are listed below. The list is in alphabetical order by last name. Each voting unit must cast its vote by written resolution and submit it to the Chief Appraiser before December 15th. The unit may cast all its votes for one candidate or may distribute the votes among any number of candidates. When a voting unit casts its votes, it must cast the votes for a person that was nominated and is named on the ballot. There is no provision for write-in candidates. The Tax Code does not permit the Chief Appraiser to count votes cast for someone not listed on the official ballot. The five nominees receiving the most votes will become the Board of Directors. The candidates nominated by the taxing jurisdictions are: (please note Asterisk below) Candidate Nominating Jurisdiction 1. Scott Brown Lewisville ISD 2. Rod Collver City of Lake Dallas 3. Tina Curfman City of Lake Dallas 4. Danny Everett City of Lake Dallas 5. Kevin Falconer City of Carrollton 6. Michelle French* City of Lewisville 7. Robert Gallagher Denton County S. Matthew Haines Town of Shady Shores 9. Mike Hassett Lewisville ISD 10. Brenda Latham Lewisville ISD, Town of Trophy Club, City of Lewisville 11. David Loerwald Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD 12. John Mahalik" Town of Trophy Club, Frisco ISD 13. Phillip Marquez City of Lake Dallas 14. Connie Smith Lewisville ISD, Town of Trophy Club, City of Lewisville 15. Charles Stafford Denton ISD, City of Denton, Town of Trophy Club, City of Lewisville 16. David Terre City of Denton, Lewisville ISD, City of The Colony, Town of Trophy Club, City of Lewisville 17. Heath Winnett City of Lake Dallas *John Mahalik has indicated that he does not want to be reappointed to the Board of Directors and Michelle French has indicated that she prefers to remain an ex-officio member. Since some of you may not be familiar with the process of selecting the Board, please do not hesitate to contact Kathy Williams at(940)349-3974 for clarification and/or information. PHONE: (940)349-3800 METRO: (972)434-2602 FAX: (940)349-3801 ___-_ DENT_ON_C_E_NTRALAPPRAISALDISTRICT_ 2015 DISTRIBUTION OF VOTES -` __ %OF_TOTAL NUMBER JURESDICTIONS 2014 LEVY LEVIES OF VOTES SCHOOL DISTRICTS: SOI ARGYLE ESD 18,801,309.57 1.3458% 67 S02 AUBREY ISD 9,920,938.33 0.7101% 36 _ _ S03 CARROLLTON-FB ISD 40,023,999.89 2.8649% 142 SO4 CELINA ISD - 325,442,36 0.0233% 1 S05 DENTON 1S5 183,021,464.42 13.1005% 554 S15 ERA ISD 2,643.48 0.0002% 1 _ S06 FRISCOISD 92,760,421.77 6,6397% 332---- S07 KRUM ISD 11,743,505.34 0.8406% 42 S08 LAKE DALLAS ISD 22,689,193.06 1.6241% 81 S09 LEWISVILLE ISD 401,041,125.00 28,7062% 1434 S10 LITTLE ELM ISD 36,337,787.05 2.6010% 130 Sll NORTHWEST ISD 82,343,878.92 5.8941% 294 S12 PILOT POINT ISD 6,386,745.62 0.4572% 23 SA PONDER ISD 10,548,307.15 0.7550% 38 S17 PROSPER ISD 1,453,625.32 0.1040% 5 S14 SANGER ISD 10,917,871.81 0.7815% �39 S16 SLIDELL ISD 830,706.78 0.0595% 3 SCHOOL DISTRICTS TOTALS $929,148,865.87 66.508% 3322 G01 DENTON COUNTY $174,365,271,44 12.48% 623 CITIES: C26 TOWN OF ARGYLE....... 1,815,454.19 0.1299% 7 COI CITY OF AUBREY....... 861,461.33 0.0617% 3 C31 TOWN OF BARTONVILLE.. 507,555.69 0.0363% 2 CO2 CITY OF CARROLLTON 31,836,174.01 2.2788% 113 C49 CITY OF CELINA......... 4,263.52 0.0003% 1 CO3 CITY OF THE COLONY... 17,817,583,31 1.2754% 64 C21 TOWN OF COPPELL 806,720.73 0.0577% 3 _C27 TOWN OF COPPER CANYON 560,758,23 0.0401% 2 C04 CITY OF CORINTH...... 9,159,001.96 0.6556% 33 C47�CITY OF CORRAL CITY 11,017.31 0.000_8% �1 C20 CITY OF DALLAS.... _ 8,691,816.17 0.6222% _ 31 _ C05 CITY OF DENTON....... 54,412,5_06.17 3.8948% 192 _ C42CITY OF DISH......... 77,697.61 m 0.0056% 1 C30 l _TOWN OF DOUBLE OAK... 829,829.97 0.0594% 3 _ C_07 TOWN OF FLOWER MOUND. 34,261,080.62 2.4524% 123 C36 CITY OF FORT WORTH.....,, 9,742,096.94 0.6973% 35 C32 CITY OF FRISCO........ 31,660,659.49 2.2662% 113 C39 CITY OF GRAPEVINE....... 280.09 0.0000% 1 C22 TOWN OF HACKBERRY.... 103,685.94 0.0074% 1 C38 CITY OF HASLET,,,,.... 9,951.38 0.0007% 1 C19 TOWN OF HICKORY CREEK.... 1,414,544.68 0.1013% 5 C08 CITY OF HIGHLAND VILLAGE...... 10,267,505.9$ 0.7349% 37 C09 CITY OF JUSTIN.....,. 1,578,203.21 0.1130% 6 CIS CITY OF KRUGERVILLE.. . 414,492.77 0.0297% 1 CIO CITY OF KRUM......... 1,619,817.82 0.1159% 6 C11 CITY OF LAKE DALLAS,, 2,485,244,95 0.1779% 9 C25 CITY OF LAKEWOOD VILLAGE..... 232,757.88 0.0167% 1 C12 CITY OF LEWISVILLE... __ _ 33,883,151.22 2.4253% 120 C13 TOWN OF LITTLE ELM... 13,601,601.88 0.9736% 49 C33 TOWN OFNORTHLAKE.... 751,604,76 0.0538% 3 C24 CITY OF OAK POINT.... 1,627,926.72 0.1165% 6 C14 CITY OF PILOT POINT.. 1,368,792.79 0.0980% 5 C29 CITY OF PLANO.......... 4,460,055.39 0.3192% 16 C15 TOWN OF PONDER.....,. 567,978.690.0407% 2 C48 CITY OF PROSPER 362,218.93 0.0259% 1 C17 CITY OF ROANOKE...... 5,253,028.87 0.3760% 19 C16 ICITY OF SANGER....... 2,965,119,05 0.2122% 11 C34 ITOWN OF SHADY SHORES 723,392.33 0.0518% 3 C37 ICITY OF SOUT14LAKE....... 575,949.97 0.0412% 2 _ C28 ICITY OF TROPHY CLUB.. 6_,216,540.78 0.4450% 22 C44 CITY OF WESTLAKE 1,367.08 0.0001%1 1 CITY TOTAL $293,540,890.41 21.01%1 1055 TOTAL ALL JURISDICTIONS $L397055027J21 100.000/1) 5000