Monday, November 3, 2014 at 5:45pm
In Attendance: Crystal Maddalena (Teen Court Coordinator), Kara Clubb (Southlake Board Appointee), Laura
Hill (Southlake City Council Liaison), Rich Hendler (Colleyville Board Appointee), Mike Taylor (Colleyville City
Council Liaison), Traci Hutton (Grapevine Board Appointee), Marjorie Lewis (Grapevine Board Appointee),
Debbie Bryan (Keller City Council Liason), Crystal Shafer (Keller Board Appointee)
Absent: Sandy Sobocinski (Southlake Board Appointee), Catherine Burton (Colleyville Board Appointee),
Darlene Freed (Grapevine City Council liaison), Chris Henz (Keller Board Appointee)
1. Call to order at 5:45 p.m. by Marjorie Lewis (Vice President)
2. Administrative Comments (Staff)
A. Introduction of New Board Members
B. Teen Court Update (End of Year Report)
CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of Minutes from September 8, 2014
3. Motion by Traci Hutton, Second by Marjorie Lewis — unanimous approval by board members
4. Consider: Election of Officer(President and Vice President)
President Nomination: Sandy Sobocinski — motion by Rich Hendler, second by Traci Hutton — unanimous
approval by board members
Vice President Nomincation: Marjorie Lewis — motion by Traci Hutton, second by Mike Taylor— unanimous
approval by board members
5. Consider: Meeting Dates for FY 2015
Colleyville City Council Liaison Mike Taylor asked that meeting dates be sent in the form of an electronic
invitation. Staff will send out by end of the week.
Crystal Shafer moved to approve proposed meeting dates, second by Traci Hutton — unanimous approval by
board members
6. Public Forum
There was no public present at this time.
7. Meeting Adjourned at 6:17 p.m.
Motion by Debbie Bryan, second by Traci Hutton
Next meeting was scheduled for 5:45pm on Monday, January 12, 2015 .
Respectfully Submitted by: Approved By: (:
(Methoport Then Court Coordinator MTC Advisor4y Boa)d Member
Metroport Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting Minutes—November 3,2014